I am that retard still waiting for HL3

I am that retard still waiting for HL3

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okay, retard

Who isn't

You're a retard for other reasons, don't worry

I am too, user.

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played 1 and was blown away. Loved every minute of it and explored for hours. Kinda slowed down when I was hopping around some sort of blown up building post canyon but it was worth it.
never played 2 and have no plans to

it's in development for VR of course
they might scrap it to develop for brain-computer interfacing though

we're not gonna make it brah

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you retard, me too

Anyone not retarded, which I'm guessing doesn't include you.

What makes me a retard?

That you had to even ask that.

I refuse to die without playing it

I'll force myself into existing

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Didn't one of the head people make some long ass lore type post basically putting the last nail in the coffin a year or so back?

ok, retard

Every few months i put on triage at dawn and read Laidlaw's epitaph for the series
It doesn't help, but i like to think it does

>uurrgghh no u

Portal 3.

The fact that the plot for HL3 was leaked by the writer 2 years ago after his 10 year NDA came to an end?

>nobody makes E3 predictions anymore

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no u

Yeah, you pretty much said that already. I'll take it to mean that this is the limit of your mental faculties and cut things off here. Stay retarded, as I'm sure you will.

ok, retard

Fuck that fat piece of shit



It was different time, back then people still had faith in volvo

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