There's so much anger in the industry now.
So much hatred.
But what makes you angry?
There's so much anger in the industry now.
So much hatred.
But what makes you angry?
Reddit, SJWs, nu-males, normies, females
So you're not sure about why you're angry, you're just going along with the flow?
Cancerous AAA business practices and the bottom feeders that validate their existence.
The lack of nuance in discussion. Everyone just picks a marginal side and then proclaims that everyone else is the cancer killing the hobby/industry. I wish people would just quiet down and learn to have a thoughtful discussion even if it doesn't lead to any real change.
Though this really just makes me sad, not angry.
Gamers, people. I won't get more specific because it would be against my own interests, but they're disgusting.
I just don't like anyone.
if half your body isnt numb from being on the verge of a stroke 24/7 then you're not taking these internet problems serious enough and probably are a centrist too.
slowpokes, poorfags, underages.
Competitive PVP games, especially solo ones. Everyone who plays them feels so naturally mean spirited and egotistical, I hate playing with people like that. It's like they only reason they play is as a way of jerking themselves off even at the lowest level of skill where there's nothing to be proud of. It's all so tiresome.
I used to genuinely reply to bait posts on here every single time before realizing that people generally don't hold opinions based on truth.
Explain why jews are deserving of your hatred without a tinfoil hat.
i don't have the energy to be angry any more
reviewers do this thing where certain games are allowed to get away with flaws but other games are not.
The more video-game a game is, the less likely it'll get anything over a 7 or 8, but corridor crawling "Cinematic" games with bare bones gameplay walk away with 9-10s.
Nothing. Anything with ANY kind of politics or drama behind it I duck out, like, I just fucking hands up and leave it. This is not what I got into videogames for so will not even approach it, I dont think Ive missed out on any good games or discussions wherein this stuff was present. Currently enjoying EDF5 and Kenshi, waiting for the pilot light to come on under Bannerlord since the closed beta is starting.
That every single game has DLC and without it it feels like a incomplete mess, that every fucking company wants to make you pay for online, overpriced indie games that shouldn't cost more than 10 dollars, I guess that's it.
Every group of people is deserving of my hatred. Nobody gets special treatment.
based and schizo pilled
>But what makes you angry?
Weak men.
Non-whites and homos in video games as well as in my country.
I've learned that normalfags do not value good gameplay in the slightest. It just has to be passable but with a good set dressing.
Posts like yours, FUCK I'M SO ANGRY
Stupidity. We're so fucking smart but also completely retarded as a race of beings.
the world ended in 2012 and we are in the worst alternative timeline with female james bondes and neo nazi fags everywhere
There needs to be a term for this, something like "made for reviewer games" where the game frontloads itself with impressive stuff meant to make it look really good for the first hour, but with continued play it is not very good. These games are made specifically to appeal to reviewers who dont play it for hours and just need to get a review out.
Well replies like your piss me off too!
I finally blew my lid a few years ago and ended up hurting myself badly in a violent reaction. Haven't been angry since
Retarded consumers that pave way with their money to shitty products and awful anti-consumer business practice.
Because the people playing games are angry and disillusioned because they do nothing with their lives.
I have a college degree, a well-paying job that isn't in a cubicle, a girlfriend, and my own home. I'm 28. I play a fuckload of video games because it distracts me from the imminent destruction of Western Civilization at the hands of the unending brown hordes. Why would I want to watch my country get turned into a brown, leftist sludge pit when I could be executing demons on Mars?
Gotta tell ya friendo, this made me cringe more than anything.
FYI, only faggots say cringe unironically, my brown friend.
>behavioural economics being used in games to trick and manipulate peoples (You can thank those for the grindfests that's require you to invest time in them like they are part time jobs)
>politics being present where they dont belong, political agendas listed as features
>the fact that the gaming press still exists, and the retards who still act like its a big deal, those fags are literally bankrolled by AAA publishers, what do you expect and why do you give them attention ?
>focus groups keeping every AAA titles in the same blob of mediocrity that was stale 10 years ago
>corporate cocksuckers bragging about games being taken hostages to a platform
To name a few
Yea Forums pretending like it knows how games are made and calling almost all developers lazy, entitled, saying they don't deserve to be paid for working overtime etc.
I've noticed this too. Many games have received unfair/low scores that actually ended up being good.
I no longer take multiplayer games seriously, so if my team is unpleasant or the match looks hopeless I just abandon. If I get banned then so be it, there's tons of other games to play.
I distanced myself from politics entirely and I no longer give a single shit about SJWs or whatever other conglomerate of idiots rules twitter now. If the game has these elements but is otherwise good I play it, if it takes away from the game I simply delete the game and move forward because my Steam backlog alone is like 200 games.
Game journos don't bother me either. Their opinion is irrelevant and I'd rather pirate the game to see if I like it than read a review.
DLC and other stuff doesn't really irritate me because I tend to play games long after the initial release date so most likely I buy a complete edition and I'm not even aware about the existence of the DLCs until someone points it out.
It's hard to get mad once you realize that this medium of entertainment offers enough content for dozens of lifetimes and the only problem is finding something you like.
Something like this
Basically fuck everything and self navigate in isolation
what the hell was his problem?
oh shit it's him
Harold is going to go postal
>has an actual life
>still "we live in an society"
I know you're shitposting but people who are like this are the lowest form of pathetic
He reminded them
He is right you know.
That my health is so poor I cant play videogames. Fucking carpal tunnel syndrome.
Mobile games are just gambling.
Everyine keeps chasing hyperrealism.
No cock bulge physics.
Retarded SJWs.
Paying for online.
The videogame equivalent of Oscar bait?
They ruin everything they touch.
The fact that no matter how much unfair shit happens in the world, it will never be vindicated because it ultimately doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things
When an inhuman tragedy happens, the world keeps turning like nothing happened, I know it's childish to think like this but it makes my blood boil
Go back.
hehe lets blame capitalism even though socialist run the world!! XD
>socialists run the world
Name 1 socialist world superpower.
iirc it's some french commercial for something
United States
Elves. Elves make me angry.
Quite hilarious that your post got ignored
These are two of the most capitalistic you morons.
It drives me up the wall. People say to me that it's "only small stuff so it shouldn't bother you" but it's all constant shit that's happening that could be prevented with a single second of common sense ,and/or consideration of their surroundings, from the culprit.
People tried that underage
I got a stomach ulcer going right now and I can't play Switch comfy on bed without feeling continuous gut punches
white people
my mom
My inability to stop procrastinating on everything vidya-related.
If vindication was the way of the universe then the universe would need to have its own morality. Basically you're asking for IRL jannies kys.
>normalfags make me angry
>lol go back to rebbit
Go back where? I'd love it if you were implying to "go back" to a place that hates normalfags but I know you're not..
That's gonna be a huge yikes from me, champ.
Casuals, especially when devs pander to them.
This sums it up pretty well. Though i'd add that they havent actually innovated in such a long time. Or innovated well maybe is more accurate. Kinect seemed neat and new, but it wasnt all that great apparently.
VR is pretty cool, but the games for it are pretty shallow and way overpriced for what you get out of it.
They just seemed to have more attention to detail in games before, interesting mechanics at the time, effort put into them.
Now its obviously all about how far they can get with all the shitty ways they can get your money. All the creativity just goes to how they can get another dollar or twenty out of some one.
Elitists, especially when devs pander to them.
When people bully me for my favorite MMO.
People who think they're masters of comedy for saying an edgy response to this thread
The New York Yankees. I just hate them so god damn much
Mostly micro transactions being shoved into everything and games being chopped apart to sell pieces back to you later. Also the fact that online multiplayer has completely replaced local multiplayer (except on Nintendo games) when you could easily just have both. Sometimes I like playing games with people in the same room as me. Finally it makes me angry that they don’t make Japanese horror games like Silent Hill and Fatal Frame anymore. There is probably more but those are the ones that spring to mind.
>VR is pretty cool, but the games for it are pretty shallow and way overpriced for what you get out of it.
Keep in mind with VR there's a heap of problems they have to overcome coupled with lack of userbase unless you're PSVR. Someone is going to have to eat the cost for a lot of fully fledged games and Sony doesn't even seem to think that it's worth that despite funding tons of VR projects. From what I remember reading they even encouraged others to port their VR games to other platforms simply because there's not enough money in sticking to just one platform.
When people labeled someone as a nazi, sexist, homophobe, ect. for saying anything that might not be in total support of their "cause." The notion of disagreement or even purely neutral, objective comments does not exist for them, and their willingness to utterly rape all meaning from these words infuriates me.
Funny, you are a bottom feeder yourself. It’s funny how people always think highly of themselves when in reality they are lesser than shit.
>tell someone that bush was worse than Trump
>get called a nazi sympathizer despite being full-blown Arab
Then again, I'm in Commiefornia
Oh no, the hivemind has arrived to cope!
lmao, pathetic worms can't even process that you still insulted the republican party in the end.
When I go on Yea Forums and see people more interested in witch hunting about political ideals that may or may not even be in a game instead of whether or not the game is good.
Found the user who pays for microtransactions
What's with you absolute retards and posting without actually saying anything or making any point? I don't understand why you won't kill yourselves.
Niggers, jews and faggots.
cringe as fuck
the industry
To actually BE on topic, rage quitters...and rednecks. Especially rednecks.
>ignores blatant political propoganda in entertainment
>thinks this is a good thing
Some of us aren't low IQ enough to overlook the insertion of political trash into video games and the long-term ramifications of this. But by all means, continue to be a mindless, paypig NPC.
user has found peace.
The fact that most videogames related communities on the net have become shitposting centrals and shitflinging over who you're voting for rather than actually talking about games we like. The only places free of this bullshit are forums where trying to bring SJW, incel, /pol/ or otherwise any politically charged garbage to the table is an instaban and even then, you can see that the only reason conversations don't devolve into this shit is because of the enforced prohibition, because, for instance, on a Castlevania group I am part of, you can see often that some retards are trying very fucking hard to get around the cockblock by finding some dumbass ways to shitpost.
When they changed Isaac's race in the Castlevania animation, we had a shitfling contest that looked exactly like /vpol/ on a good day.
Funniest thing is that, on facebook, you can see who they are and that the vast fucking majority of them are underaged.
Like in a recent poll, we found out 80% of thr userbase is between 25 and 30, but it's the, like, 5% underage bracket that shitposts. To the point that I legit used to think that 80% of the group was likely underaged.
Gynecomastia: The Post
Shitty overrated open world games that get called "revolutionnary" whenever a new one comes
not him but you're actually retarded. he want you to go back for saying normies
>But what makes you angry?
>be black
>get pandered to non-stop by industry
>every single black character is a super ugly ape nigger
>get told by white liberals that this is somehow a favor to me
imagine a world without niggers and their enabling white liberals.
I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. Vidya as a medium has the potential to be top tier, but the industry is full of talentless/complacent hacks and the buyers are mostly
SJW Feminism and the modern Political Correctness culture.
Review bait
takes a hivemind of cunts to know one, cunt
the massive amount of trash being pushed out
and mobile games too, you would think they would be AT LEAST as good as online flash games from fucking 2002 but they're almost completely irredeemable trash
>being concerned about state-sponsored demographic replacement and its consequences = we live in a society
That I can sleep 12 hours a night and still be tired cause of a severe iron deficiency. After my morning shit I stand in the door way to my room contemplating going back to sleep or playing videogames. Sleep always wins
Lack of competition. The big three being buddy buddies with each other is causing a drop in overall quality of games and discussion of games.
The United States (of America) unironically
One day you're gonna grow up and realize that the government being too big is responsible for like, 90% of your non-personal problems.