What's your excuse for not staying /fit/, Yea Forums?

What's your excuse for not staying /fit/, Yea Forums?

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Not video games

don't have an excuse I just don't care

I’m already fit and I don’t need to waste time exercising every day. Stay mad genelets

i work out consistently though

I was but then started getting constant sex

As in I literally have sex more than 14 times a week min

Then I got lazy and gained alot of weight I stilll have the same mount of sex. It's hard to care when the only reason i worked out is given to me on a silver platter every single day.

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Literally no point. I have a girlfriend and I don't care about prolonging my lifespan and those seem like the only two reasons people work out beyond feeling superior to people that don't.

>he only has sex 14 times a week

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i have zits everywhere and i feel like my body isn't worthy of being fit

Damaged lungs

Physical looks are not fitness. I've got a belly and I guarantee I would defeat you in just about any sport based on years of diligence, cardio, tren and macronutrients, zoomer.

how much water do you drink faggot

I can't even leave the house.

Don't want to have sex.

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Because im a pathetic loser but the first step to recovery is understanding what a piece of shit you are so you can make positive changes

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>I’m already fit and I don’t need to waste time exercising every day.
Sure, bud.

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a lot
every day

>have friends that work out constantly
>they almost never have time to hang out because they always feel sore so they use their days off from work just resting

i feel like i have more of a social life compared to them and im fat and lazy most of the time.

I'm not gay.

*ahem* based

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I used to be /fit/, but after I started working I just didn´t have the energy to keep going to the gym. I miss it, but at the end of the day I just want to go home and play some videogames

post pics or don't post at all

Don't care about my health, life is shit.

Recently had a pulmonary embolism and I felt angry that I was forced to go to the hospital instead of just letting me die.

You probably have a bad diet, or you’re just going through puberty it happens

Pretty sure this thread is off-topic garbage.

go discuss your gacha on one of the other hundred threads then, you fat fuck

Every gym near me has closed or turned into a women's-only place. I've ballooned back up to 170 pounds, with a lot of that being fat. I've never been fond of aerobics, so losing weightlifting really killed off all motivation to try to get /fit/.

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>started working out less then a week ago
>only a few days of sore muscles
>I already feel like I have more energy
>suddenly I just have motivation to do things I need to get done
>when I'm finished with everything its somehow not even that late in the day
>naturally am stand up straighter because of working my muscles
>am more assertive already
>endorphins feel amazing when I'm done exercising
>other good things blah blah blah
Why did nobody tell me this happens? Shit didn't even take long. I'm doing a full body strength training and walking an hour a day from now on.

>for not staying fit
That would imply we were fit at some point, lol.
But seriously now, in my case... I really don't care about my looks. I do lift sometimes, but only to "make my hands stronger", don't really care about the looks. I like to drink coffee, alcohol and eat bread and potato (which, apparently, are bad). Plus, I am 190 cm tall (that's 6'2 for you Burgers, I assume) so I don't have that mentality.

Basically, it's not like I can't be fit. I just don't want to be.