No more yugi posting Yea Forums
No more yugi posting Yea Forums
/pol/ btfo
Pretty based.
shut the fuck up frog
Thank god. If anything Yugi posting is now based as fuck
>B-b-but I thought that every japaneses were based and redpilled
So how does the japanese voting system works and why people want abe out?
abe is a scumbag though
Today, I'll remind them
They just want a minister president that wants them to work harder rather than a president forcing the people of Japan to procreate.
The jew.... is.... the samurai
I thought Abe was the based guy forcing anime to tell people to fuck? Is he not based? Give me the QRD on why he is bad? Is he like TRump where he never fulfilled his promises and ended up being a generic neocon boomer or whatever the Japanese equivalent is?
>without races or borders
I don't follow Japanese politics. What's this all about?
Since Yea Forums became mainstream it got filled with niggers, no wonder this place is soulless now, like everywhere niggers go.
Based and BBCpilled. Where can I find some of these?
I've always had a feeling that Takahashi was secretly super based.
Early on Yugioh there was a lot of whitewashing of ancient Egpyt where the flashbacks would give everyone fair skin. And there's the part where Arkana's Dark Magician is evil, and you know his is evil cause it has DARK SKIN (SPOOKY!).
I've felt there was an admission of wrong doing with that last part specifically when they retrained Dark Magician Girl into Apprentice Illusion Magician (same stats, basically same effect as the original but better) and she has the same skin and hair colour as the "evil" Dark Magician. But she's clearly not evil.
Good on him. :)
A lot of nips don't like Abe.
Atlus doesn't; they've taken several potshots at him in their game.
Yu gi oh mangaka is a lefty who hate ethnonationalist like shinzo abe
>without races or borders
now you know why (((they))) want Abe out. to sully yet another developed country without interference.
jufd660, jufd846, jufd887
juy769, cesd599, dasd504
Why tho?
Sounds like a typical artist to me. No surprises a guy as famous as him is sheltered.
Abe is a nationalist who supports the US in order to counter China. Takahashi is a literal traitor and a willing slave to the PRC.
He's actually bluepilled as fuck, see
>Without borders
he probably haves some korean ancestry
Because Japan is the country that consumes the biggest amount of American media, they are like a little chink America, second country would be Korea and third would be Germany, in the end they want a country of retarded wage slave niggers like Brazil.
What does Abe even do, literally all I know about him is the baby making memes
>using the language of 2 trans women to disparage anti-bigotry
I think it's you who has taken the bluepill.
>Abe works with sony to begin to remove manchildren of of reality
>NO! They need to buy souless eechi games on switch and my newest cards! Manchildren are funding my new house!
Get 'em Abe and Sony.
president stuff.
Why doesn't Atlus, a company that panders to otaku and incels, like Abe, Japan's Prime Minister that's advocating procreation? Gee, I wonder.
Some brain-addled faggot deciding to go nuts after making the movie doesn't render the metaphor invalid. The whole red/bluepill thing has transcended those two freaks and their overrated trilogy
See also: Pepe and his faggot creator
has anyone translated it?
Cope white boy.
Kinda a failure when everyone in japan is busy throwing away their money on mobile gachas to get their waifus.
what are dmg and dm sayin?
>anti war
>that last part
Big cringe
>t. Couldn’t become an artist
I respect him for opposing the main political party and not just submit to it like most nips
Sucky sucky long time
me rikey diversity
I'm burning all my yu-gi-oh cards that I've been collecting for years, maybe even record it.
Someone give me the quick rundown on shinzo abe
Sounds based to me
>Sony is Trump
>Nintendo is hillary
Who are they in 2020?
all you need to know
If you are can i have your mokey mokey cards?
Nationalist leader who is unsuccessfully trying to restore Japan to its former imperialist glory by having his constituents breed the next generation of Japanese. He's failing miserably because 90% of Japs don't care about politics and are too busy playing mobile gacha games and watching anime to care.
orange jap bad now check my 5
and don't forget not having kids
Of course Kaz is a well know liberal, if you read Yu-Gi-Ih manga you can see he believe cultural exchange and shot
Japanese prime minister, really wants the young people to fuck without protection.
lol society is in free fall on a global scale
brainless consumptive niggers will inherit the earth and rape every animal to extinction
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race indeed
Someone's projecting.
This guy unironically wants Japan to become a hapa country.
Imagine actually being like this, fucking incel kek.