Finally picked up a Vita for cheap to play pic related

>finally picked up a Vita for cheap to play pic related
>they didn't have any memory cards
>figured it was fine because I was gonna play physical
>find out the fucking thing can't even save without a memory card

What a fucking blunder of a console

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>for cheap
It wouldn't be cheap if it was perfect

>using an unhacked vita

Hey bud, you stupid or something?

>find out the fucking thing can't even save without a memory card
zoom zoom zoom

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fucking gameboy games didnt have this issue

shut the fuck up my pokemon's life battery died bitch.

replace the battery like a man and save your pokemons

Yep. You may not be surprised to also hear the quality of the memory cards are absolute shit anyways. There are a lot of real reasons the vita died.

Is there an adapter so you can just used microSD cards?

I've had the same 32gb memory card for 6 years now though

If he figured that the physical game would come with a memory card (like the era of N64, GameCube, PS2, etc.), wouldn't that imply he isn't a zoomer?

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>Physical game come with a memory card (like the era of N64, GameCube, PS2, etc.)
say what

Yes, but the console must be hacked.

wait why did I say N64

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>not just hacking your Vita
It's fine if you want to buy games, but at least hack it so you can use microSD cards

I never got free memory cards from games. I've seen em bundled with the console, that's it.

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Im actually about to shit

It's the comfiest game on the vita. Played for a few hundred hour. Second comfiest game was freedom wars which sucked up a few thousand hours.

Do I need a specific adapter to use a micro SD on a hacked Vita?

Because if I need to order something online I might as well get the actual memory card.

pretty sure any would be fine you can get an adapter for like 3-9 bucks. Its definitely worth it since the Vita memcards are like double the price of a micro SD at the sizes worth having

Yes, but it's like $5 tops.

If you have a 3g Vita you can replace the 3g modem with an SD card reader (vitasd). Otherwise you can get an adapter that goes in your game card slot (sd2vita). Either way you need to install some patches for it to work.

my bad I think the 3g one is called psvsd

Hack the vita and get an SD2Vita - wtf?

Should have gotten a Slim Vita which has 1gb internal storage.

I highly recommend the Ys games and Akiba's trip

both are very comfy.

Welcome to the new generations of portables. Saves are saved on a memory card. 3DS games started doing this too with later games.
Its shit.

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