New Vegas thread

Name a more fucked up mission than this

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legion > ncr

This game sucks. Boring world that feels like an on rails game until you get to the strip. Very few interesting, out of the way sites like fallout 3 had. All the factions have basically the same quests with the boomers, brotherhood and omertas.

gr8 b8 m8

>[Explosives 20/25]

>obsoydian defence force

this, tbqh

my only complaint is not nearly enough closed buildings with enemies to explore, stuff like vaults etc.

Remind me what quest this was

The Legion is retarded.
Their avoidance of high-tech puts them at a significant disadvantage.

Without the NCR, the BoS Mojave chapter would've raped the Legion.

>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.

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The human traffickers in Westside/that refugee camp

Why do you even give a shit about someone calling you names lmao

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have sex

zoom zoom

Unironically have sex

I never played New Vegas because I can't make a somewhat normal looking character.

It's not that hard.

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This game is more zoom zoom than 3

>walk down the road
>kill Gangers at Jean Skydiving
>have dynamite

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Ba peasure is ah mah. Goobye

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Get a metacognitive understanding of why your insecure about your virginity.
Human being are a social animal that crave admiration of others, dosn't matter if you believe that or not.
And you being a male (presumably) virginity is seen as effeminate so the social conditioning of that fact makes you feel bad.
Accept it and move on. Feeling bad without any effort to improve is pointless.

Do anything else. Seriously, if you obsess over this you're gonna turn into that worthless beta orbiter who killed that psycho thot before failing to kill himself.

The BoS and NCR lack the will of the warrior. The victory of the Legion is inevitable.

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take control > Mr. House > Legion = NCR

>that worthless beta orbiter who killed that psycho thot before failing to kill himself

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>The BoS and NCR lack the will of the warrior
A lot of the time, Legion members run and cower when their health's low enough.
They're just pussies in crimson dresses.

Glad Mean Sonuvabitch is on our side

Gameplay =/= story

I've already forgotten the names. It was only a couple days ago, some druggie camwhore with a discord full of orbiters was murdered by one of them, or he was an IRL orbiter or something like that. Bianca was her name, IIRC.

*teleports behind you*
*kicks your knees out*
*knock you to the ground*
*step over you*
*pull my pants down*
*spread my butt cheeks*
*put my asshole directly on your mouth*
*shart like I'm in a mart*

The mission is called: The Coyotes

But sometimes it does.

Also, it doesn't matter how determined you are if your enemy is technologically superior.

I hate to say it but the Legion is the war machine that is willing to put every tooth and nail into their warpath.
Recruits are literally trained in their formative years to master surviving the wasteland.
Their soldiers are not scared of dying for Caesar while the NCR recruits are getting more restless and agitated.

The (You)s you get from this pasta never ceases to amaze me.

*pulls out dagger*
Guess if you want things done you gotta do it yourself...
*slices your stomach open*
*pulls out your intestines and chokes you to death with them*
*decapitates you for good measure because you're an annoying faggot who won't fuck off*
*throws your body in the sewer*
A fitting end to your shit life.

Is there a Ventidius-like character in the Legion?

>loses anyway

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>It doesn't bother you, enslaving people?
>Why would it bother me to enslave these wretches? They have no purpose, no creed, no honor. They live in pitiful squalor, undisciplined, intemperate. To enslave them is to save them - to give them purpose, and virtue. Honestas, Industria, Prudentia - even the the virtue of slaves are beyond the Dissolute in this side of the river.

Holy kino, batman.

if this were true in real life then the US shouldn't have lost vietnam

>playing 3d fallout games
zoom zoom zoom

Falling for the zoomer and boomer meme gross.

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Close the thread. Seriously; you'll have forgotten about the whole thing in less than a minute

Pasta or not, the amount of people willing to try to help is heartwarming.

>me and the boys getting ready for a night at Popeye's.

>hear how the Legion is so scary and how super mega awesome their troops are
>see six Legion guys attack a trading caravan with four people in it
>every single Legion guy is killed and not a single caravan member dies, probably because the Legion troops were using fucking machetes and throwing spears against people with guns
>these are the guys who are somehow the biggest threat in the game
How are these literal spear chucking retards a threat to anyone exactly? Even the Fiends, who are drugged out psychos, are better armed than the Legion.

They're also all fucking gay.

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that's the part about the Legion that's retarded, I know it's more a FO2 esque weird thing than 'real', but it's still dumb
it's one of those 'writing' quirks where you're supposed to accept them saying their strong as proof, despite the fact that taking Romun larping that far is suicidal