Streets of Rage 4 will have Yuzo Koshiro, Yoko Shimomura and Hideki Nagamura as the music composers
Where were you when SOR4 was confirmed to have the greatest OST in the world?

Attached: StreetsOfRage4.jpg (890x608, 685K)

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Yuzo Koshiro is a genius.

Attached: image.jpg (1024x768, 427K)

this game looks fun as fuck, and now that based Yuzo, Yoko and Hideki are making the music i'm even more excited.

this is great news
I really hope the game is great

>SOR4 was confirmed to have the greatest OST in the world
Still won't be better than Kid Icarus Uprising, which also had Koshiro.

No one ever acknowledges Motohiro Kawashima even though he composed songs for SoR along with Yuzo.

I'm looking forward to this but I'm upset that Blaze does not wear pantyhose in this.

Just as shitty as the nu-make of Wondersoi

Yoko Shimomura is the only one who performed to my expectations in KH3 so I'm excited.

i wasn't sure because of the games artstyle but now i'm definitely buying it on a cheap key site

Wonderboy's remake (and Monster Boy) were both great, eat shit

>Hideki Naganuma
>Fucking Keiji Yamagishi, who I didn't even know beforehand but worked on retro Tecmo games

Great list of composers, but I'm honestly more excited to hear that Brave Wave Productions is a thing. We'll probably get teams like this in more videogames if that studio takes off.

You're probably doing that already Francois

>just hire one label for music and you get an all star jap lineup to churn out chiptunes

sounds great ngl

Then change the cartoon graphics to the 8-bits, retard.

I'm not surprised for Yuzo confirmation, anyone who doubt it is quite stupid.

Why would anyone buy a remake if you can play it already on the console it was for?
>muh convenience
enjoy paying for roms

Post your favorite SoR music lads

Sorry user, I fit the 3 names I figured people would care about the most into the title.

How will Yuzo make good songs for SoR now that he can't get away with plagiarizing 99% of the soundtrack like you could easily get away with back in the day? It won't fly today.

>Koshiro and Naganuma working on the same OST
holy fucking shit, even if the game is ass this soundtrack will be godlike

Attached: 482.gif (450x253, 1.49M) Does SoRR music count?

It is legit worth buying just for the music alone.

Why isn't Capcom making a new Final Fight-oh wait, that's because of that edgy Fight Club rip-off from the mid 2000s everyone hated.