"all reviewers are paid shills unless their opinion lines up with mine!"
"all reviewers are paid shills unless their opinion lines up with mine!"
who says this?
>Why yes, all reviewers are paid shills unless their opinion lines up with mine--how could you tell?
>if there's any discussion of a game before its release it must be shills!
>all reviewers are paid shills
>all reviewers are paid shills unless their opinion lines up with mine
Plenty of people lol
>If you make a thread about a current popular game you're a shill because the game is so big that they're obviously using all that money to hire shills to post on Yea Forums
>If you make a thread about an old dead game you're a shill because nobody is talking about this game so obviously the only one who is would be a shill
this but unironically
t. shill
You dont have to be paid to be a shill. Just have to write your thread like an ad.
Have you guys played Undertale? You should go buy it. Really is a one of a kind and you wont regret it!
Like that.
How do I write my thread if I just like the game and want to talk about it with other people?
make it a shitpost like everyone else
>Frogposter is retarded
>discussion of a game
>It's mostly just "Oh boy, fellow 4channelers, I cannot wait for Video Gameā¢ 6 to release on [specific date]! It looks like it is going to be so *checks notes* epic."
>They're not shills though
At last I truly see...
You are paranoid.
You are deluded or just plain stupid.
You are paranoid, dude.
>making this post with a frog instead onions wojak
please user get with the times.
Have you considered the possibility that a few people are actually looking forward to upcoming games and want to talk about them?
>"game journalists are corrupt and incompetent!"
meanwhile in reality
Nobody advertises on Yea Forums. The risk of review bribery is so unbelievably high that no release manager at any reputable games publisher would ever even consider doing it. At best you have things like Bethesda's content creator status thing where they basically stop contacting you if you say wrong things.
me, because it's objectively true
Some guy posts the same file many times.
Welcome to the website of liars and pretenders.
the problem is that almost every not negative or not shitposty discussion is shilling according to most shitposters. some people actually want to discuss videogames. feel free to spout this month's new hot insult though.
delusion tb.h
You are paranoid. I have posted same texts and images/webms here hundreds of times, and I'm just a neet.
This kinda, I don't renmae I literally just steal an image and re use it
Those are shitposters, user.
shills by a other name tb.h, just because you so it for free doesn't mean you aren't a shill
You seem... obsessed...
So we've gone from they don't exist to they're shitposters to "you're obsessed"
This all coming from the guy who spends his time "posting same texts and images/webms here hundreds of times"
Really makes me think.
What makes you think we're the same person?
The fact that the ip count hasn't changed.
>the OP's with rouge gifs asking if you're going to pre-order TSR
There are 17 IPs here user. Existing posters can post more than twice.
not all
just IGN
there were 16
your post and just added 2 more