What's your favourite Tekken game, Yea Forums?

What's your favourite Tekken game, Yea Forums?

For me, it's 2. I like how you can only unlock characters by completing the game with specific ones. And the OST is definitely the best of the series too imo

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I'd say 4 has the best ost (fucking Bit Crusher)
But overall I really like 7 and imo that's the best one

Revolution (because its the only one i played since it was free)

7 imo

3 is best ost

5 since has everything the series needs, those that say 7 is the best one needs to play 5 to reconsider.


2 has the best OST and a great atmossphere, unlike any Tekken post 5 DR. But the gameplay sucks hard.

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The atmosphere in Tekken 2 is best in the series. It feels like an 80s Jean Claude van damme goes to tournament movie. I wish the series would go back to that feel instead of the weeb anime feel of the last few games.

wtf why does Akuma have a gun?

Tie between Tekken 2, 3 and the first Tag Tournament.

It'd be nice if they brought back unlocks for characters. I remember thinking King was heaps cool then I had to fight armour king and I was like HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE

Tekken universe doesn't have hadokens so Akuma uses guns

I still say 7 is better overall but 5 Will always have a warm place in my heart because it's where i started playing and learning the game seriously. 3 is the super nostalgic one because of Summers at my cousin's place who had a PlayStation and Tekken 3. Good times. Been playing King ever since Tekken 3.

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He finally found something stronger than the satsui no hado


Kino desu

Maybe he can finally kill someone for once

Tekken 2 is objectively the best Tekken game.

Honorable mention to 3, Tag 2, and Revolution. 7 is okay too.


I wish they would reboot Tekken and set it in the 80s. Remove all the cringe animu weabo shit

Satsui no Hadonoughofyourshit

2 has the best hidden lore because it portrays the duality of Kazuya struggling with the Devil that controls him and Jun/Angel trying to help him.

The gameplay is awful. Objectively the best is either 5 or 7.

Why Tekken lost Soul after 4? 5 onwards are all soul less.

>game gets really popular over the last years
>suddenly everybody pretends like they played it before T7

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>no soul
fuck right off

Did the first 3 games have a different director or something? They felt a lot different from the later games in the series.

i've only played the first 5
fight me

You compare 5 to 2 and 3 and honestly tell me 5 has even close to as much soul as them?

yup. 5 was a big return to form

4, unironically. I love the atmosphere. The tone. The soundtrack. The story. Above all else, I really love the idea of stages with dynamic elevation and realistic environments. It really could've been something to set the series apart if Namco would've tweaked it instead of abandoned the concept all together.
Fuck boring, soulless circles.
Fuck boring, soulless circles with a balcony that leads to another boring and soulless circle.

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Tekken 2 was my first Tekken so I have a special appreciate for it. Remember playing it at my cousins house and thinking the Devil boss was really cool.

Same. I'll fight you if you've got a spare controller.

Anyone else really hate the excessively edgy aesthetic of the newer Tekken games?

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They should make a reboot incorporating the story of Tekken 1-3. Those are the only Tekken games I liked. 30 year old boomer who doesnt play fighting games anymore here.

yeah it's gone full retard with the sci-fi

I'm curious why so many people like Tekken 7 and consider it better than all the others overall, yes it has the best gameplay/competitive, online and a good roster, but it fails on all the rest which was not the case for the previous ones.

Because for once their game wasn't the kiddie table of button mashing and casual normalfaggotry (that honor goes to NRS shit and SFV this gen), so they're clinging to it for dear life when other players loved the earlier games just as much.

People falling for the esports meme and new people wanna play it to be da best or some dumb shit like that

It appeals to the cringe basement dwelling nerd people who enjoy modern fighting games. The old ones were better because they appealed to normies

It has the most perfect core, and single player content or story mode are so unimportant to fighting games that their inclusion or not doesn't weigh heavily on the score.


As a kid I used to love that part where King was lifting the weights for some reason

This track is perfect in how it captures Kazuya and his struggle for control against Devil.

Now this is soul. Fucking modern Tekken is all cringe dub step shit

Tekken 4 story mode fgor characters was perfection. Look at how shit tekken 7s mode is. HUGE step back

Doesn't it? There's a little bit of Kazuya's theme in there too but I never noticed when I was younger



I can't look at this cover and not mentally insert Andy Bogard in

You're objectively wrong idiot. Get better taste.

I played the fuck outta 2 on PS1 and Tag 2 at arcades.

>my dick when spamming XO with Law and running up niggas chest and body slamming their shit
>mfw niggas used to say that Lei and Law were brothers just because they were both chinese and looked like Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan kung fu niggas
>mfw those same niggas used to say Sub Zero/Scorpion and Ken/Ryu were brothers

Three was the pinnacle

But keep Negan?

For me it was always Tekken 4.
The first time I ever fapped was to watching replays of Christie's defeat animation and death moan.

Obviously not. No guests.

I think it's because he's dying but would rather keep fighting because it's who he is

One thing I miss from 2 is that the sub bosses each had their own stages,
In 3 all the hidden characters except Heihachi and Ogre shared stages with the regular characters.

The tekken 2 intro is one of the most 90's things ever.


Why is music so terrible god awful horrific in modern Tekken? 6 and 7 are terrible.

I still have the physical platinum edition of tekken 2 it's the only tekken that I ever played extensively even though I wanted tekken 3 back then

Seriously. Tekken 4 has so much identity. What the fuck happened?

>mfw niggas used to say that Lei and Law were brothers just because they were both chinese and looked like Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan kung fu niggas
Kek. This was popular around here, too.

Not 80s?

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terminal illness?

>2 best total package
>5 DR best game play
>4 best OST. Fuck it's aesthetic as hell. I fuck to Touch and Go

To be honest, no Tekken game is below 8.5/10. 1 or 6 might be the weakest out of the bunch, but they're pretty damn good regardless.

Tekken 2 and 4 are the best games in the series. Only smelly neckbeards who take fighting games too seriously don't like 4.

Deathmatching a legit good Eddy is still the most fun I have had with Tekken 7.
Good Eddies that know how to make the character work against people who know Eddy are very rare, but they're great when you find them.

Why did they move away from this tone into wacky weeb anime tone?

Step aside plebs.

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>Not even Dark Resurrection: Online
No. No, YOU'RE the pleb.

I'd reforest her land if you know what I mean


King and Armor King always have the most kino endings

3, 4 and Tag had the best OST in the series

I just want to say that while I liked the Tekken series. I absolutely abhor Tekken 6.
Screw that garbage.

My favorites are 1, 2 and 5.

Nope. Though to the zoomer ears, 80s and 90s music sounds the same

Yeah sure, it has a bit of both

I thought Lei was from Hong Kong and Law was American?

Probably 2 for me as well.

I really hate what they did with Brian after 4, it seemed in 4th's ending he really wanted to change.

It's the most balanced Tekken in existence, given they had 4 years to tweak it.

Why are old games better than new games? Born in 1990

They're not always, just sometimes. Tekken is one of those cases.

Today the only thing everyone knows is how to fuck things up Tag 2 was the last good Tekken

7 but i also liked tag2. unironically.
6 adn tag2
4,5 and parts of tag 2
tekken 1,2 music

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quiet you fraud.
jst bcs i didnt fell for the shitty ps3 meme doesnt mean i didnt play tekken on ps1/2

Guys, i re-played this: youtube.com/watch?v=pSVMAn5_xzU

i thought Yea Forums hated tekken.

5(DR) = 6 = Tag 2 > 3 = Tag 1 > 2 > 4 > 1 = Advance
Haven't played 7, Revolution, or 3D Prime.

No, it's just the Bloody Roar user that hates the overall series.

where the fuck does tekken even go from here, tekken 7 seems like the dead end gameplay wise and it still has life in it competitive wise.

A Tekken 8 with the competitive of 7, the content of 5 [with fixing the damage 6 and 7 stories did] and the soul/characters directions of 2 to 4, it would make the perfect Tekken game though i heavily doubt that from Harada.

I liked tekken force and I wish more games had it, there I said it.


7 is the first i'm learning seriously to compete so i'll go with that, but 5 had some fun content for casuals, 3, ttt and many others have amazing ost too

It appeared in only two games 3 and 4, 6 had Campaign but it was kind of not the same.

4 and 5 for me, but 2 has the best OST

>not the same
No, even though I didn't enjoy that mode as much as force I'm glad they were trying new things. I guess deep down I just really miss beat-em-up games.

Devil Within and Campaign were fun, i had good times with them and i'm aware of their issues.


Reminder that every new character after tekken 5 has been shit, seriously what the fuck is harada doing

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>Geese and Claudio is bad
Nigga please.

Geese doesn't count, but Claudio is probably the most acceptable although he seems more like a Soul Calibur character

I like the remixes that theme got in Tag 2, especially this one but it wasn't used anywhere

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Obviously there's no reason to play any other Tekken than 7 right now, but I always liked Tekken 4. The music and stages were really something else (also give heihachi twin pistons back)

3. Everything else is unremarkable.

>7 is the first i'm learning seriously
Cringe, nerds that treat vidya like work will never not make me cringe.
Real chads have never heard what labbing is and just hop on ranked

good luck getting past light blue without kbd

Tag 2, Tag 1, 5, 3, 1 > The Rest


Zafina, Leo, Miguel, Bob, Lili and Dragunov are cool.

Post BR (T6 console release) is where it all comes tumbling down

Yeah, no big deal but i'm a veteran player. I played the Tekken 3 demo disc

7 babby but i really want to play tag to see how it's like since it's blatantly different but i threw my ps3 out ages ago and play on pc, port when?

God, I used to fap to Nina in Tekken 3. Her voice and costume were fucking hot. Current gen Nina doesn't even give me a boner.

Let me see 6 and 7
Leo: The interesting stuff about him/her is the gender debate, the character has ties with Steve because his/her mother took care of him during the Tekken 2 period when Kazuya was taken over Devil.
Bob: He's a funny silly character, he and his slim version shows the duality of the two.
Zafina: Interesting moveset, however canonically is not much as her prediction was in part false and her fate is seemingly tied to Azazel temple which crumbled.
Miguel: His backstory is comprehensible, he lost everything he cares and wants to have revenge on Jin.
Eliza: Introduced in Revolution, she has ties with Lili and Claudio but she cannot engage in conversations since she tends to sleep.
Kazumi: Technically not new since she was thing due to 2 and the non-canon motion pictures, her introduction brought the Hajicho clan [which we don't even have the story about them] and that Kaz. inherited the Devil from her.
Master Raven: Basically Raven, but genderswapped though i like Raven more
Katarina and Luckly Chloe: Comic relief characters like most of the char. now
Katarina and Gigas: They are connected, but there is not noticeworthy stuff about them.
Shaheen: Has a grudge with Kazuya and that's it.
Claudio: The most interesting since show up in the actual story, but he just gets beaten and used by Heihachi. He's set up to do something as he plans to use his powers [very similar to that of the Kazama clan] to purify Jin while using Xiaoyu as a bait, but will it work?

>literally the most succesfull fighting game franchise in copies sold
>tekken 7 is where its popular now
Because you're not a teen anymore

That's what current gen Anna is for

good arguement

*first Katarina is Josie

Tekken 2&3 will always be the true Tekken. Later installments aren't bad or anything but they don't have that same feeling.

That's because they are two eras:
Old School Era
Tekken 1, 2, 3 and Tag 1
Later/Modern Era
4, 5, 6, Tag 2 and 7

But current Ivy still gives me a boner.
Fuck a season pass


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I love them all. And i love all the soundtracks.

Italian post

Shaheen's story is similar to Rashid of SF5 ironically. Both want revenge for a friend and search for the truth of the conflict.

Rashid took his part against Shadoloo in the story while Shaheen... he might join Jin and the others against Kazuya but we don't know yet.

but only one has a scouter

Rashid was one of the MVP in the story. Also the best character introduced in SF5. I hope they keep Shaheen as well and made him do something much like Claudio, for me they are the most interesting addition.

He was only good because of this

Leo and Dragunov are awesome, you tool

Oh right, and Miguel is pretty fucking cool too.

I also liked the themed environments.

As an oldfag, I have only played the first four. Tekken 3 was my favourite due to all the extra game modes

>posting the incomplete box art

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never not funny


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Tekken 3, I didn't have many Arcade memories but Tekken 3 was always there

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3 is the best. I hate the newer ones. Starting with every character is cringe.

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>Balances your game

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