>doesn't lick developer's ass
>doesn't have catchphrases to appeal to zoomers
>thinks boomer meme is retarded
>plays the games on hardest difficulty, doesn't use cheat codes to push review out
>does research on games he reviews and even checks who made each map
>plays originals when reviewing remasters for fair comparisons
>gets references in games because devs respect him
>doesn't pander to goo/v/ergate, calls Trump retarded
>makes dad jokes
Why is he so based and so much better than CCCuckmanlives?
Doesn't lick developer's ass
Other urls found in this thread:
He actually played Sigil.
GR2 zoom zoom
>plays the games on hardest difficulty
My ass. Imagine struggling playing Serious Sam games on Normal but being a-ok with the bullshit that Blood can pull. I like the dude and his content but civvie sucks for anything that deviates from the classic FPS formula.
Civvie's only problem is he condemned Nazism. What's that name of his stand for anyways, Civic Nationalist 11?
Who is this?
Fucking rodent from reactor 3
> not realizing the power of lying
wat game
Cancer mouse is just as annoying as the pol fags on here
Probably Doom
>I'm gonna put racist stuff in my videos but I'll make a character I don't like say it so I don't have any accountability
Smart lad
>plays doom on ultra violence, not nightmare
>doesnt play blood on max difficulty because its "for coop"
>no catchphrases
I do like him tho.
>everyone i dont like is /pol/
Nightmare is a joke.
It’s just a sprite sheet of Civvie in the style of Doom. It’s not in an actual game.
>doesnt pistol start
cringe yikes oof and have sex
He goes ballistic at a black character making casual jokes about Mexicans running.
CV11 4 lyfe
>doesn't lick developer's ass
He absolutely does with New Blood Entertainment. He is way too lenient on their games, even Gaygaymanshillman was more critical of Dusk and Amid Evil, Civvie just acted like those games were the second coming of christ. You can tell he is some kind of friendly relationship with them (via Twitter or mail) and is unable to be critical because of that. Don´t get me wrong, I liked both these games, but they were by no means as perfect as he made them seem to be.
That's an established meme, though. Catchphrase is shit like "LE RUBIN SANDWICH SONNY JIHM".
99% accurate statement for 99% of the world's population.
Get a life.
And insulting Randy Pitchford, but he deserves it, so I guess it passes.
>my favorite youtuber is being mentioned on Yea Forums.
It was only a matter of time, guess I'll have to watch someone else now.
blood is the worst build engine game
Everyone should shit on R*ndy.
big time shill
Nice fuckin’ model!
Civvie gets mentioned on Yea Forums quite often, who would have thought that by coming to a board where the general hobby is playing video games, that you would see someone from youtube that plays video games
Who here's hyped about the Duke Nukem DLC for Borderlands 3, I know it's something hardcore Duke fans will love.
>doesn't lick developer's ass
His latest video was literally him just shilling some low-effort le retro indie FPS that looks like a 6 year old drew it's assets
Randy, you mother fucker.
>Civvie thread on Yea Forums
Fuck, now he's too mainstream. I cant like him anymore
Lol this kinda lost some respect for him desu.
goddamn that game looks like shit
The game looks fine, however
>procedural generation
>person likes something more than I do
>clearly he’s being paid to like it
>doesn't lick developer's ass
He licks ass all the time. Just because your manchild hero didn't like Sigil (like every other remotely sane person on the fucking planet) and shat on Romero as he deserved doesn't mean he isn't a total fucking shill for developers ie see
where he implies fresh supply is fucking fine now after just one patch despite a laundry list 10 miles long of issues still left
>doesn't have catchphrases to appeal to zoomers
No he just relies on canned humor and acting angry over things in video while dubbing it in post. Also fucking TGWTG tier gimmickry bullshit. Hurr durr anoder sewer level better update my counter damn it. Hahaha I hope my mysterious jailers don't make me make these videos anymore teehee. Editor please fix the colors on this recording thank you. He is prime zoomer bait, you fucking zoomer.
>thinks boomer meme is retarded
He sure relies on the boomer meme for his low brow humor a lot for someone who thinks it's retarded.
>plays the games on hardest difficulty, doesn't use cheat codes to push review out
hahaha verifiably false
>does research on games he reviews and even checks who made each map
The bare minimum research. Also hardly can be said that's research when you yourself could find this shit out with a couple google searches. But you are a lazy fucking zoomer who needs information spoonfed to you through cringey eceleb video essays.
>plays originals when reviewing remasters for fair comparisons
Wow he does something that everyone would expect someone to do!
>gets references in games because devs respect him
He get's references for gargling cocks and pandering to the easily impressed retro fps community who gargle his balls in return for talking about games they like when most ecelebs only talk about new games.
cancer mouse?
It plays fine, and it’s fun, so that’s all that matters.
>doesn't pander to goo/v/ergate, calls Trump retarded
He just whines about politics on twitter and then deletes it out of embarrassment. Only people who would know or care are the stains that actually follow ecelebs on twitter
>makes dad jokes
This also is stupid shit to appeal to zoomers and wear the boomer meme for recognition. This point goes against your other two points
faGGGman and Civvie are both turbocucks and faggot ecelebs and are just commodifying your ability to recognize stale humor patters and crusty memes. Fucking KYS you fucking cancerous drain brain faggot.
He made some good points about Serious Sam though. I played TSE and SS2 and SS2 was way more "push forward into the hordes of enemies and advance through the level," and not "hold S and M1"
SS2 also had a working shotgun, in all other SS games it was a super-low ROF piece of shit that could barely one-shot Kleer (sometimes) and was useless vs more than 2 of them at anything beyond sneezing range.
>Serious Sam hitscanners with obvious attack cues that don't even do that much damage BAD
>Blood hitscanners that chunk your health without warning and make you savescum your way through the game GOOD
..... you wanna talk about it user? This kind of pent-up agression is not healthy for a developing body
Show me his best video and I'll tell you if he's epic win or epic fail. I'm unbiased and will sub if you're, sorry, if "he's" cool.
Is this real?
I wonder what you enjoy, if you enjoy anything at all
civvie has become fucking AWFUL the last few months. i cant even finish a video any more
>procedural generation
I have no problem with those, and the gameplay looked okay, but having to play not mario to be able to upgrade your skills is just absolutely retarded, what the fuck were they thinking?
Gamifying leveling up, the ideas guy must be in-charge.
>..... you wanna talk about it user? This kind of pent-up agression is not healthy for a developing body
Yes I'm fucking tired of you goddamn reddit facebook youtube social media zaggers signal boosting your braindead eceleb faggotry on Yea Forums. Take it to Yea Forums if you want to suckle the balloon knots of your d-list internet celebrities - this board is for the discussion of video games not discussion of people who talk about video games online. Eat shit for life.
I enjoy video games and talking about video games.
Reminder he'll play Duke Nukem Forever once he gets to 100K
What's an A-List internet celebrity
You seem to enjoy buzzwords more.
Nogger, there´s a difference between "liking something a lot" and straight- up ass-kissing without any criticism whatsoever. I l ike Civvie, but his NBE-fanboyism is kinda off-putting, He even defended Dust's penultimate level, which is just a really lazily put-together endurance test
You really don't seem to enjoy talking about video games.
Pro Redneck Rampage when Civvie?
SS2 also has you using pretty much nothing but those shotguns since it has a loving habit of constantly taking away your arsenal and putting you back at square one to fight small groups of mooks. In all other SS games the shotguns are basically starting weapons or sidearms that get outclassed later on since the game actually ramps up in intensity and gives you better guns (and plenty of ammo for them) to deal with things.
both of these niggers are shit, can you motherfuckers fuck off with these worthless threads?
I don't know and don't care. But I sure know your fucking LE SO RETRO FPS hero isn't even one of those.
What are they too hard for your rat brain to parse?
You sure as shit aren't talking about them so how could you see me enjoying talking about vidya in a thread that is not and never will be vidya related. Fucking double nigger cumskin faggot.
You think these people dont help the gaming community right? In a way people discussing these content creators make them discover new games which they might enjoy. I'm not saying its ideal for having a bilion threads about them, but a e-celeb general (not vg) could be benefical for the people around here. These people rely on either really famouse games, or niche never heard ones. The later can be useful for finding gems
Fuck randy bo-bandy
Have you ever liked any game nignogs?
>this board is for the discussion of video games
user I think you're in the wrong place. Yea Forums is mainly bait and porn threads, with ocasional discussions about video games
It's kinda hard to talk about video games when there's a buzzword spouting faggot shitting everything up
He did like Sigil though
>>doesn't have catchphrases to appeal to zoomers
>"Nice fucking model"
>"It's fooking raw!"
He's entertaining but his whole "prisoner" gimmick is very ChannelAwesome (ironic since he made fun of those guys in his Terminator video)
I literally said
>I liked both these games
In one these posts you´re quoting, you absolute retard.
okay i fucking hate civvie now
Nobody plays on nightmare and you know this and are just trying to stir shit
I cannot wait for his eventual Duke Nukem Forever review.
For me, it's decino.
>You think these people dont help the gaming community right?
I couldn't give less of a shit about the gaming community
>I'm not saying its ideal for having a bilion threads about them, but a e-celeb general (not vg) could be benefical for the people around here. These people rely on either really famouse games, or niche never heard ones. The later can be useful for finding gems
It's only useful for people who need to be spoonfed video game recommendations. Normally people TALK about VIDEO GAMES and usually find new VIDEO GAMES they would like to play that way. I don't care if they made a quarantine board or a quarantine thread on /vg/ I just know this does not belong here.
Yes I like a lot of games that I'd wish I had more opportunities to talk about on this board if it weren't filled with trash like this.
>user I think you're in the wrong place. Yea Forums is mainly bait and porn threads, with ocasional discussions about video games
Haha glib remarks sure do justify this board being shit. Feel free to continue perpetuating the memes and let the board get worse. I'm fucking tired of this shit.
Like you were talking about video games before. You were circlejerking your eceleb just like every single goddamned eceleb ever made.
Oh yeah you are right my bad. I get these cancers mixed up all the time. But then didn't he advocate that he "understood" what romero was doing and that the way to play was not UV? That goes against what OP was saying before about difficulty. Anyway sigil was dogshit and him liking should put the quality of his tastes into question.
Better subscribe, because just about every video has a comment about him doing it once he gets 100k subs.
S tier: Ross from Accursedfarms
A tier: Civvie and Gman (fuck off)
B tier: Reycevik and Gvmers
bottom of the barrel tier: Gaming pastime
Jesus Christ dude, chill, it's just videogames.
>doesn't pander to goo/v/ergate
How long before he gets outed as a pedo?
>He just whines about politics on twitter and then deletes it out of embarrassment.
Proof? I know a guy that got close to Civvie and the guy says he doesn't care about politics and that the character of Civvie just criticises the US government because he's implied to be a criminal who was trapped for doing some espionage shit or something like that. I am genuinely curious about the proof because if so I will unsubscribe to him immediately for being such a faggot,
Yes we've established that you KnowYourMeme transplant faggot
You're so mad
So just go to another thread that is about videogames
I'm surprised by how many videos he releases considering it's all edited shit.
He’s already a prisoner.
fuck off with that ign tier garbage
this game and prodeus both looked kinda weak, but they're both straight up civvie's alley so I don't mind because i can recognize when my personal tastes differ from anothers you dweeb fuckheads
>believes Trump colluded with Russia to "hack the election"
Oh no. Oh no no no we've got a Retard!
Am I the only one who can't stand his voice?
He's kinda like Dunkey, where he sounds sarcastic 100% of the time, only difference being you're actually supposed to take him seriously.
>thinks jokes are serious
>all them retarded zoomers seething
my personal tastes say that it looks like shit
Why do you continue the shitposting circle. Even if ironically.
literally who
pic related
Are you so blind you need to exclaim something obvious to actually see it? Like a child do you go around saying what something is as it enters your view? HUR THATS A BALOON. Dumb frogposter. We've already established this.
I have multiple tabs open.
Zoomers lap up Civvies boomer memes. In fact most boomer posters who think that shit is funny still are zoomers themselves.
bro, that's why it's B tier.
It's something to watch when either stoned or about to sleep
That he is also an easter egg in by the way.
Purely coincidental of course.
So mad
>Le shills shitty indie game if they give him a free key man
Nightmare Reaper has some of the worst Sprite art I've ever seen and he acted like its the best thing since sliced bread. He's just a slightly better GGManLives.
literal child
I really liked his crow review it was very comfy like the dudes content as well kinda got me into the old fps games and I have a mad respect for him them now
>t. zoomer
SS tier: Kim Justice
I loved Sigil
I'm not the one who's getting mad about someone I've never met that plays video games on youtube for a living
You should learn to take a joke for once.
Kys autist
>le angery anonn xD
I can do that too faggot
Learn to read. I'm getting mad that you faggots spam the board with eceleb bullshit rather than talk about video games. Reading comprehension of a literal child too.
No. You should learn to make video game threads.
KYS spoonfed vegatable
You really think I take the time to read the bullshit you actually sat down and thought about to type? fuck no nigger I'm just constantly replying to you to make you look even dumber
Im glad hes kinda given up on the whole "skit" or he doesnt focus the enitre videos on some dumb skit
Sure thing, kid.
secound this dude, you really look pathetic the way you are presenting yourself
wtf i hate civvie now
>literal no u
Holy shit. You’re actually butt blasted about this.
>he actually used kid as an insult
While I do appreciate him show casing some good indie games, he needs to go back to the dungeon and torture himself with some shitty games.
Gib is short for gibblets
He is an achievement in Blood remaster yet he shat on that remaster.
Randy deserves every ounce of hatred and scorn directed at him, and about 1000% times more.
All gaming YouTube channels are shit besides MandalorGaming and Ross. Don't bother arguing because I'm right and will always be right about this.
Now this is just sad.
>wanting more sniveling retards shitting up this board
neck yourself
false I'm right and civvie is good as well. Dont listen to this user he is a big fat lier
I like the dude who roleplaying as some nigger afrikan and reviews old might and magic games.
He said it was wonky and then made a video praising it when it got patched and now it's his primary method of how he plays the game despite it still not fixing most of the bugs.
They patched it like twice and then called it a day.
Joseph Anderson is good.
If you are so fucking mad go to another thread you retard instead of crying here
nice 'bait'
Like I give a shit how I look talking to a bunch of redditors on 4channel.
We've already been over this
Yeah because he can't read, he lacks object permanence, and he gets all his opinions from ecelebs like all the other children ITT:
>Thanks civvie I like blood now hehe #freecivvie le mutant rat face xDDDD
>Oh wow postal 2 is soo cool I'm glad I watched civvie and learned about it and got to see him play through it
>OH CIVVIE IS PLAYING DOOM! Oh my god ROMERO and CARMACK and SANDY PETERSON and AMERICAN MCGEE. I know so much about le retro fps and gaymen history now xDDD I better go post about it on twitter and shill for Sigil™
>RETRO INDIE PIXEL SHIT GAME what's that? Oh A CIVVIE VIDEO!!! I LOVE RETRO INDIE PIXEL SHIT better go start a thread on Yea Forums about it and talk about it now that I have a list of points to parrot of my eceleb.
And before that it was GGGcuck, matthewmagaysis, Josheph faggerton, GVMERS, crowbcat, and all other sorts of degenerate video essayists. It's obvious you are fucking children because you lack a single original thought about video games in your fucking head.
We've already had one eceleb make the world a better place and off themselves and he gets a fucking sticky. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. People who seriously defend this circlejerking faggotry belong on reddit.
What is there to be sad about?
>They patched it like twice and then called it a day
Are they actually thinking they're done?
It still does this shit in the latest version.
He did just eat the ass of that horrrible-looking roguelike FPS.
He's definitely better then faggots DWTerminator and Razorfist
Why do you do things that you hate you fucking retard
I havent had a problem with it so far I've noticed some texture fuck ups now but apart from that I think its worked very well for me
Every time he says his name I laugh, what a stupid name and he talks all retarded
Examined life of gaming > Mandalore
He's got only 15k subs, nobody cares about him
paranoia, delusions and victim complex. The doc says you shouldnt waste your life with virtual talking buddies here anymore, its not good for your mental health.
Holy shit have we just discovered a man more autistic then the legend Lee himself? This is reaching pony-spam levels of impotent autistic rage.
Stop fucking wasting your life in bad threads and fucking do something that you enjoy instead
Also somecallmeJohnny is good, you faggots
When has he referenced the boomer meme?
>been on the platform longer then Razorfist yet has not made it anywhere with the channel
He says it's cause People cant handle his opinions when really it's because his videos are dogshit, only thing he ever did was make Yea Forums seethe and apparently befriend gman
this is just the build engine with its fuckery, you can't really patch this as is some trick with the layering of rooms ontop of eachother
You even have the same cringey TGWTG as your hero good god.
>hurr dur imagine there's this doctor in the room and he's giving you a diagnoses
Nice channel awsome tier hypothetical roast. You sure got me.
Screencap it and post it on KnowYourMeme. I'm sure you feel fulfilled contributing to the site that spoonfed you. Or better yet find an eceleb to make a video essay about me.
I enjoy this. It's a good way to vent and plus it might actually work someday. Plus I get to piss off all the children by insulting their internet idol.
Only bad opinion was Metroid prime 2
No more Capstone.
Thats a quirk of the original game. They were more concerned with the fixing new bugs they introduced than the preexisting ones. Purists would complain if they fixed those.
That’s incredibly sad. You have my pity.
lmao Blood purists are pathetic
He always had that "cuck" vibe to me. I don't know, just the way he masturbates over games like Blood while ignoring any of the giant flaws it has rubs me the wrong way.
He seems like the kind of person who goes to Yea Forums to base their opinion of which old FPS games to like. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a video coming up where he complains about how much he hates Half Life 2 and loves Half Life 1.
Works fine in GDX. I understand Fresh Supply is a different engine though. Oh well.
At this point I'm not sure if your act is genuine or not, but its very clear something is wrong with you. You are here for over an hour talking to people you hate about an e-celeb you never want to see and despise and badmouth anyone who have any other opinion than you. I would really reconsider my life choices if I were you, I know you just going to reply in a childish fashion, but please think about your situation man
You need to put your life back into track
>liked other m
opinion discarded forever for me.
Ohhh, i didnt watch long enough to see they didnt even react to gunfire. That is pretty lame.
other m sucks, shit heel
Yeah he's still a cuck in that regard. I still liked that joke he made about nu-wolfenstein's overcompensating attitude though
>Plays "We're not gonna take it" by Twisted Sister
>"Get fucked Hitler you're not my real dad"
>You are here for over an hour talking to people you hate about an e-celeb you never want to see and despise and badmouth anyone who have any other opinion than you.
It is not video games, it is off topic, and therefore it is against the rules. If the mods aren't going to do shit then why shouldn't I speak up against this circlejerk bullshit? Eceleb bullshit doesn't belong on the board. Sorry I said mean things about you and your idol but you don't belong here full stop. There is no differing opinions this is objective fact. Ecelebs != video games.
>Fuck, now he's too mainstream. I cant like him anymore
I am unironically afraid he changes as he gets more and more popular. On one hand i am glad he gets more Patreon support on the other hand a certain amount of attention always changes comfy youtube channels for the worse.
V has been a containment board with b all along
How can one man be this god dang holy mother of based
Literally who?
it does suck, i'm saying johnny sucks for liking other m.
why would I idolise someone who is across the ocean making videos about computer games? That sounds like a low bar to reach, but you are so adamant that I'm a fanboy its cloud your perspektion. Every comment you make is bumping this thread, making one more eceleb thread to survive while games one got lost. You best bet should have been never even check this place and leave it alone, let the people in here get tired of talking 1 person in half an hour and got 404'. But you just stirred the shit for drama because you enjoy it I guess. You give no shit about ecelebs on Yea Forums, you just want to hear yourself talking against everyone.
>V has been a containment board with b all along
>Haha glib remarks sure do justify this board being shit. Feel free to continue perpetuating the memes and let the board get worse. I'm fucking tired of this shit.
i honestly don't know what's worse. e-celeb posting or you replying to every post that replies to you kvetching about e-celeb posting.
just hide the thread and move on with your life, jesus.
>implying Sseth isn’t going to take over mandalore’s channel entirely now that his spine is snapped
>He made some good points about Serious Sam though
He really fucking didn't. S+M1 doesn't work once you play on difficulties that actually require you to dodge, learn enemy movement, prioritization, and weapon skills. Its like me playing Doom on Not Too Rough and thinking I experienced the game in a meaningful way enough to be able to start telling people what to think about the game. At the very LEAST it should be played on Hard, and Serious difficulty is where the enemy spawns change enough to let the game truly shine and test your skills.
>now that his spine is snapped
Excuse me
>why would I idolise someone who is across the ocean making videos about computer games?
I don't know why anyone in there right mind would do that but here you are.
>That sounds like a low bar to reach, but you are so adamant that I'm a fanboy its cloud your perspektion.
What? Why would you be in this thread if you weren't either a fanboy or antieceleb? The OP image and post are entirely about the eceleb. They aren't even trying to mask it by making it about a game in his video they are literally making a thread ABOUT HIM.
>Every comment you make is bumping this thread, making one more eceleb thread to survive while games one got lost.
Learn how sage works dude.
>You best bet should have been never even check this place and leave it alone, let the people in here get tired of talking 1 person in half an hour and got 404'.
Ignoring it has done nothing to curb this bullshit. This shit just increased over the years. This is also an answer to >You give no shit about ecelebs on Yea Forums, you just want to hear yourself talking against everyone.
I literally just want the rules enforced and for Yea Forums to be about video games not the people who talk about them. If you aren't a fanboy honestly then you shouldn't be an apologist for them.
His spine is fucked and he’s leaking spinal fluid. Even Sseth came out of character on twitter to tell him to take a break because he’s STILL trying to edit stuff.
kys autist
>Ignoring it has done nothing to curb this bullshit.
and look at where all your posts are getting you fag
just a higher blood pressure and more wasted time you could be spending playing video games.
Also while this tweet is recent, he's been having back issues for awhile now.
>reading all the replies
>other people who had the same condition needed surgery or took months to walk again
Jesus Christ this doesn’t look good
>implying that it was not Sseth his fault that Mandalore fucked up his spine when he tried to carry that couch to the third floor for that "buddy".
Hey, Stevemre1989 is mentioned on every board yet people still love him. Maybe stop trying to force a contrarian mindset to "impress" some NEETerinos on the internet and genuinely enjoy things for once. Fag.
Live and let them live man. If you want video games, every single 'chan iteration have a version of Yea Forums. If you dont want to bitch about this and actually help the place, you should apply for becoming a janitor/mod around here and work with iron fist against it. You could change Yea Forums in around 2 weeks, if you are working on it hard.
Also sage doesnt work for 4 years now and its only placebo.
That sounds bad, how does that happen? Gamer chair probably
Well fuck, I hope he gets better. If he's dealing with that type of pain he should take a brake. People have been watching him for years, so their shouldn't be any worries over it.
Fucking hell these doctors fucked him up real good.
He needs a better hospital asap or the incompetence of these people will actually kill him.
He got it from moving furniture up stairs. If you stumble/fuck up carrying something big a disc can crack in your spine and you’re fucked for a few months.
This happened
>and look at where all your posts are getting you fag
>just a higher blood pressure and more wasted time you could be spending playing video games.
Your projecting or imagining things. My blood pressure is perfectly fine. People can be angry without popping a vein and this certainly isn't physically or mentally taxing.
no u
It literally works. I've seen it working just fine on multiple boards and in multiple threads using it not bumping the thread to page 1.
As for live and let live about taking your own advice? Just ignore me if you don't care what I say about ecelebs. Anyway just leaving to a different website is a shit answer especially considering most of them are even more cancerous than Yea Forums/nel. We live in the age of the reddit/twitch mindset spreading into every other part of the internet. Fuck that.
This thread is pathetic
i liked how he incorporated it into the ad-break in his last video
You take minutes out of your life trying to reply to everyone, you are clearly mentally ill somehow, just stop dude.
literally kill yourself faggot
>implying you aren't wasting your life defending some youtuber on some internet forum
Oh wow what will I do wasting whole MINUTES shittalking faggots like you oh no! Whole MINUTES of my life are gone!
no u
I watch elog's vids but he's still a fucking sperg. he reminds me of a spaz professor I once had in the way he states an audacious claim he clearly actually believes but then follows it up with some half-joking bit about how he's always right. he's constantly trying to pre-empt any criticism of him. also that vid of him shooting a box of mountain dew b/c his dentist told him to stop drinking it was what cemented him as a retard, too bad he deleted it with all his other Dew Reviews. his replies in the comments of that hl2 vid didn't do him any favors
stop posting fuckhead
>civvie's channel is only two years old and he gets his second reference now in a video game after being featured in Blood
>no developer gives a shit about Shillmanlives despite him being around for 6 years now
You first, fuckhead.
while he is quite an unlikable person, saying something like that just encaurage him to stay here further, and I think he really should quit Yea Forums for a while
absolutely based
>Implying you actually give a shit a shit about people on Yea Forums and aren't just doing it so you can pretend to sit on some moral highground
Still can't follow your own advice huh? Can't just ignore me can you?
Because he's right? That's how it's pronounced.
Sadly I'm a hypocrit and even though I rationally can tell that I should just leave you, I feel morally I have a responsibility to try to get people to get better.
>shills some early access trash
>I won't call you a pussy if you don't like it, it's not Blood
CV-11 is still aight.
>it's another 'Faggot OP tries to rally Yea Forums against something he doesn't like but pretends to be a fan of said thing' episode
And I have a moral responsibility to speak out against threads whose op image is eceleb, whose op content is eceleb, and whose majority posts are regarding that eceleb. Don't you see how the topic of the thread is Civvie and not video games? None of you have done anything to even argue that this thread is on topic because you all know it isn't. Just inflammatory and reactionary insults because that's all you got. Feel free to stay and play your imaginary caring routine of you want but just admit that this thread isnt even pretending to be on topic.
get a job
Case and point. Can't even pretend that this thread is about video games. No argument. Just whinging about me insulting their childish addiction to youtube.
he's definitely kissing ass lately
that roguelike had a reference to him which is why he gave it a positive review
how do you do something that blatantly and think it's ok?
I'm serious user. I'm new to this thread. Don't let this dumb shit ruin the miracle of you existing. It's dumb.
What makes you think I am? And sure you are.
>He sure relies on the boomer meme
GMan does in pretty every single retro related vidya bring up boomer once or twice
Yes they both are fucking cancerous trash.