>turns out you were the villain all along
Turns out you were the villain all along
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I love Xana
>tfw no succubus waifu
I'll bump any DMMOM thread I see OP, here you go
Xana was awesome and her concept made it hard not to choose her. But fuck, the demon form sucked. Not being able to block and losing health overtime was terrible
demon fusion is GOAT
best succubus(wife)
I would still be playing this in MP if they didn't kill the fucking master server. Mages were so disgustingly OP though.
this game really looks like shit when its set outside but in caves it's pretty kino
earthfire sword + electricity shield was GOAT, didn't even use the demon form to free dad
Agreed, but I wanted to be a badass demon
You should use the spoiler function user, it is mean to spoil the story of a game like that.
it's been 13 years user
First frame looks like >virgin walk
That doesn't mean everyone played it on release.
magic bullshit+demon works well
fucking charge attack is OP as shit
literally the virgin succubus
every hero is the villain is someone else's story...
that is some intense bullying
she won't be a virgin much longer with Sareth around...
Well deserved, dumb bitch tried to get me to kill best girl Xana..
>stepping on her after shrinking her
>not putting her down the front of your pants
>letting Leanna touch your dick before Xana
a bit mean...
>implying Xana wouldn't be laughing like a maniac and cheering you on if you did something like that
Beautiful display.
Dagger stealth is fun, I hate fighting those super speed vampire dudes. Ice rink is also super OP against ghouls
Everyone who cares about videogames did
Fun (but extremely repetitive) combat
Story and characters are all shit though
Solid 7.5/10
how did they make every fucking weapon and skill fun to use while still being viable
Funfact: you can kill Leanna instead of saving her from spider pit
It's fucking amazing how Sareth just starts fucking REEEing at her when you attack her at that point.
Xana sounds so horny if you kill her in the spider pit...
But then she still comes back as a lich, right?
Best ending is when you kill the thots and rule the world with daddy.
>not ruling the world with daddy while having a succubus succing on your demon cock whenever you want
good game
I got WAY too much enjoyment out of making people slip on ice patches and watching them ragdoll from the kick.
funny how the most powerful weapon of the game is your fucking foot