>game adds a new character
>it's completely out of place and bankrupts/kills the series
Name 3
Game adds a new character
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Why is she the only one wearing pants
turtle vagina
Oh come on.
We don't know what they're doing with her. In all likelihood she gets a few arcs of her own then gets shoved to the background like Nobody and Alopex.
The turtles got a new teammate. And she's female. Used to be human until the turtles gave her blood transfusion. Said blood that was transfused was turtle blood that had the mutagen in it and turned her into a female turtle.
>her big transformation is sold out
>second priniting is almost sold out
Yeah big flop
What race was she when human?
White. Street orphan in New York.
wait this is real? this is not just some shitty sketch that user made to shitpost on Yea Forums??
>Literal deviantart OC
>not named after a renaissance artist
>has 3 weapons
>literal self insert
que the fuck
Wouldn't you die very quickly if a radioactive anthropomorphic turtle's blood was injected in you? Did they even have the same blood type?
Yuppers. Her name is Jennika.
did we really need a female turtle?
we still have the white fox chick to jerk off to.
White, the blacks already had their chance, they squandered it.
They pumped her full of mutagen too. Mutagen does whatever the plot needs it to.
>trans-human turtle kin
>identifies as female
holy yikes they might as well went wtih venus de milo again
>her name is Jennika
What the fuck?
Couldnt you give her a rennesaince-esque name or some shit?
It's by a trans dA artist who repurposed their old self-insert OC, not even joking
Well, she might change her name. She's been a turtle for all of ONE page so far.
this is duck tales all over again
why do they look like pic related
It’s mutagenic not radioactive, that’s Spider-Man and he gave all his girlfriends cancer with his radioactive jizz.
This garbage reminds of an edgy webcomic I read about a 5th Ninja Turtle, he was called Renoir and Raph took him to train him despite his own anger issues, Mike lost his sense of humor and was bitter, Donatello became a reclusive asshole who only cared about his science and Leonardo exiles himself to Japan. Splinter was fucking dead.
sounds too similar to that bad future series of tmnt comics
I remember that.
Artist was great, though. He made that famous 'Sonic Zombies' pic.
Spooky, what game
Par for the course for IDW don’t look up what they’re last faggot artist did to G.I. Joe or Transformers
you cannot make this shit up
western comics are fucking dead
is'nt that one where one of the turtles got married and was fucking a cat girl or something?
But did it really hurt sales to the point of bankruptcy?
>(formerly Chuck's)
Who is yellow lad?
Oh yeah the art was great but man was it edgy, I think the only reason I forgot about it was waiting for updates.
>first two prints of her bebut issue sold out
>presales for future issues are up
No, no I wouldn't say so.
TMNT games are fucking dead
They look cool to me, I'd play that game
>formerly his
did it become transsexual before or after it became a transturtle
No boobs, pink scarf or hair. How should i know its maam?
Only female turtle I remember is the light-blue one from that Power Rangers cross-over and I barely remember squat about her.
I don't remember any renaissance painters named "Jennika"..
the turtle tranny vagina
turtle dilation stations
name my band
It’s a cloaca
page of what? is there a big official tmnt comic? link?
>is there a big official tmnt comic
The current TMNT comic. The last issue came out July 3rd. She mutates on the last page, screams, and that's it.
We don't know how she'll react, what her new name will be, what she does next...nothing. Until August.
Is the show with April O'Nigger still airing?
Barely. Toy sales are in the toilet.
OG April O'Neil still the fucking best years later.
Why does she have a ghost bat
holy yikes why do they ruin every classic
>all named after renaissance artists
>and here we have....... Jennika
To beat of racist white ghosts who hate transwomxn and people of color for ANTIFA, duh
She's also a Green Lantern.
What went wrong? Is it bad or are we in a time in which kids no longer care about TMNT?
Why would she be named after a renaissance artist? She wasnt a baby when she joined them so she wasnt named by Master Splinter. She keeps her old name because why would she not? What, the turtles mutate her and are like "YOURE NAME IS LIKE, TITIAN NOW, DUDE. HAHA RIGHT ON"
Surprised none of you have posted any images of Jennika's human self. THIS is what she looks like:
This is Jennika's true self BEFORE the mutation. As you can see looks MORE like a man. And this man is dating Casey. Feminine females are illegal in Western C U C K E D simping beta loser countries like the USA.
Furry ninjas aren't cool anymore, they don't have guns.
>inb4 the TMNT aren't furries because they have no fur
go fuck yourself you know what I mean
Damn egoraptor got a role in this movie?
Dunno. Haven't seen it myself. Maybe Nick's shitty scheduling is to blame. Maybe kids are sick of TMNT for now.
Damn shit Yea Forums website pile of garbage. There. That's Jennika's human self. Looks like a man and is dating Casey, Raphael's friend.
Did you all forget?
There used to be a female turtle, though. She had a bright blue headband.
Actually, April named them in IDW.
It's called Mutant Ninja Turtles Gaiden and it's actually good. I remember reading it during middle school and then while waiting for more chapters to release I just sorta forgot about it.
Venus was better. At least she wasn't a human pretending to be one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. Venus is a legit turtle who got mutated.
Well you see the character designs are awful, however they show has really well coordinated action but again because it’s so ugly no one will watch it
there's already a blue turtle, the fuck is this hoe doing
I would rather forget, 3D is pig disgusting. Gimme the New Addams Family from that same time period instead.
It's leo post op
why the fuck does this turtle incarnation have to have god tier animators
They made Casey Jones gay?
I saw that turtle before.
lmao a literal deviantart oc made it in
how and why
>tranny turtle
holy shit I was just memeing too
the guy who made the OC cut his dick off and got a job writing for TMNT so he put his OC in
Donatello is a complete nut job in that book. The guy is growing a test tube baby clone of Splinter. He is the mad scientist of the group.
it would be nice
why shouldn't she be named after a renaissance artist?
not gonna lie this is a pretty baller design
oh my god they added a new turtle,
grow up virgins
>Grow Up Virgins
What a fucking terrible name
Boy this sure is videogames, I sure am happy we talk about videogames here and not about whatever recent "outrage" has come from other mediums and people in that medium.
Remember Webby?
>(formerly his)
Not really, but they DID have Casey dump April after a burn out special mini-comic. Anyway he dumped her and eventually found himself talking too much with Splinter's new second in command which is this Man-Woman. They chatted and started going on a few dates.
It's just revolting because it makes Casey look like a closet homo that he's dating this MAN of a woman. Anyone remember what Casey said in the 2007 film to Raphael? Casey said:
"Raphael, you know how to show a girl a good time..."
And now he's dating this Man-Woman. Meaning, next time we see Casey he will be an open homosexual.
Wait he got a job after cutting of his dick?
So is it a diversity hire or is there more to the story of how he got the job?
She was the reason I stopped watching that pile of shit reboot. As usual Disney as their Mary Sues. It's why I stopped watching a lot of their garbage media since Kimpossible another show about a Mary Sue who can do anything without any struggle. Disney is for girls and s o y boy emasculated future beta loser boys.
It’s IDW
I really can't think of any video game examples.
He snipped his dick then got hired I think, so probably a diversity hire.
kim possible was fucking kino you niggermoneky
Kim Possible was great it was tongue and cheek her tag line was literally she can do anything that was the joke
I feel like this is more common. People who wouldn't be hired before getting a job because they add a lot to the diversity points in a company. I'm pretty sure this is why you see a continuing growing number of awful and bad quality in products nowadays.
Of a series that should have died a thousand years ago but keeps adding shitty new gimmicks and more terrible characters?
Hired then chop. Got started doing IDW's Jem comic.
>Shitting on Kim possible.
Ah, ok. So does that mean somebody inside the company pushed him to do it or is that a chemtrails-tier conspiracy theory
Well it sure as fuck flowed all over Marvel Comics at least DC although still shit hasn’t had the hiring people who are talentless from the beginning problem
Little known French painter who did most of their work in Sicily, she was best known for using her penis as a brush.
Boy i sure im glad my turtles nostalgia is exclusive to the late 80's and early 90's games.
>shitting on kim possible
kill yourself
Unfortunately no
>tfw found my little brother trying to crank it to venus as a small kid
As far as anyone knows it was entirely voluntary.
Webby is fine. She doesn't do any girl power feminist stuff. New DuckTales is great and is better than the original. The nephews are actual characters instead of having a hivemind.
the fuck is up with the ghost baseball bat?
Your brother seems based.
I'm so sorry, user.
Everything about this is unappealing as fuck. Why do modern artists make intentionally ugly work? I don't get it.
Alopex never had a personality. Still doesn't. Aside from being White Ninja Renamon there is nothing to her. Still.
Did you correct him and show him April instead?
the 3dcg turtles show before the April O'Nog cartoon was pretty good. Solid story, lots of references, call backs, and good stand alone episodes.
Where the fuck did she got a fucking Excalibat from RoTT?
Neck yourself
You may have put pants on the lady turtle, but she's still topless.
>The nephews are actual characters instead of having a hivemind.
that was the fucking point you absolute retard.
Not like it matters now. Unless TMNT Universe ever comes back she's doomed to crowd scenes forever more.
webby is designed to be superior to the nephews in everything
Guranteed replies
I’m just gonna keep reading manga.
>not just taking her to a hospital where there would be plenty of blood that wouldn't mutate her into a fucking turtle person
At least YJ Beast Boy had the excuse of being in the middle of Africa
He's right about Disney being for girls, though.
2nd movie was pretty good, well, better than expected
Remember that time Leonardo tried hitting on his long lost sister but spilled his spaghetti?
Yeah but they made Bart gay YJ can go fuck itself
They tried. Karai had the place surrounded by ninjas, so they'd get jumped if they went there.
None of the turtles are actually blood related, Daredevil just bought them all at a pet store and then they fell down the sewer after the accident
That is really fucking stupid. As bad or worse than Sonic OCs
You said Leo but all I could think was "Of course Donny would do that"
>we in a time in which kids no longer care about TMNT?
The show was designed and marketed for manchildren, not actual children. The 2K and 2012 revivals were far better received by adults and children. Nothing about new TMNT really appeals to children.
Leo could learn a thing or two from Donnie.
>Peter Laird constantly supervises the 4kids production and makes sure not to ever have them imply the Turtles having romantic relationships with humans
>Nick TMNT immediately makes a Don x April a thing
>smug ass Donatello in the middle
>Long-living and popular game series dies two games after this main character is introduced
can't really think of character actually destroying a franchise, closest thing I can think of is characters that have been so shit they were practically erased from the franchise, like Hsu Hao from Mortal Kombat
sorry, pete.
I hated what they did to Mikey and Donnie in the first Nick Reboot. Mikey was a party dude, but not to the point where he was a complete fucking obnoxious idiot. Donnie's obsession with April was a funny joke, but they kept poking at it that it became a defining characteristic in the show.
Yumi from Senran Kagura.
kill me pete
Games where the villain was right all along?
They rewritten her dna by blood transfusion
Pic related change to turtles
>What went wrong?
google the new series designs. calarts barf, like battletoads bad
Wait so whos the yellow one? Wheres Leo?
Don't mind me, just posting the best new TMNT character.
>they couldn't take her to another hospital
How did they even know their blood wouldn't kill her? Mutated turtles and humans should be biologically different enough to where blood transfusions are a no-no
Leo is there in the middle.
I like this dude.
He knows his priorities
She was given a blood transfusion using Leos blood. Rather than killing with radiated blood it morphed her.
Cuz they gave her some mutagen, too. In this universe raw mutagen can heal wounds and keep people alive, like a miracle cure. They were just going to use that, but Metalhead destroyed all the ooze they had, requiring Leo to donate some.
still hoping that rocksteady's super secret game is a ninja turtle's adaptation
Yumi is for diaperfags.
IDW really desperate to stay afloat, huh?
>tranny turtle
i did a smudge of research on the character and apparently it was a chick turned into a turtle but the images make the chick look like a dude.
the kicker is this turtle uses a variety of weapons. yeah do a self insert who is already godlike. nice.
It's worse than that. You know the recent Power Rangers movie that FLOPPED? IDW saw that movie fail and they're making a Power Rangers TMNT crossover comic very soon. They don't get that that Power Rangers is garbage no one cares about.
Artemisia would have been a better name, they should have gone with the actual OC.
>Bruce Jennika
>look on Yea Forums to see how this happened
>turns out IDW hired a tranny that's been making self-insert OCs for the TMNT comic for years
I thought this type of donut steel shit stopped in the 90s.
Actually, that's all BOOM Studios. IDW is not involved, they just shrugged and cashed the royalty check.
Fuck you, man, making me want something that won't ever happen, what's wrong with you?
so venus isn't canon?
Man, I can't believe DC allowed a cross-over character beat their favorite
that movie was pretty wild, people dying left and right.
Only to that one show.
>that was the fucking point you absolute retard.
nigga what
I can never play this game again as I risk having to see this in-game
why is this deleted? and why is april a nigger?
>reading comics at all
That fight was awesome though.
Is Donnie okay?
I'd rather have Mush-mouth from Fat Albert than that incomprehensible bitch on the left.
Still dumb. The movie came out two years ago so they do have time and a general idea of how popular a property is. They fail at business as no sane company would bother wasting cash to make something of the sort when they know the property in question is no longer a success.
Here's one.
Yeah he's just a little thinner than Mike or Leo.
>introduce tranny turtle into an already established iconic team
>they are already OP as fuck and can use multiple weapons
I hope they don't make another turtles game now. childhood is fucking dead.
If you mean BOOM, their PR comic is actually doing quite well.
>mfw Ra's broke Donnie's arm
>mfw Leo, under the effects of fear gas hallucinates, seeing his brothers getting reduced to soulless husks right in front of him
How is this movie PG-13?
It NEVER ends
This movie was such ass
How so?
Nothing sexual or swearing
>Tranny mutant ninja turtles
if only the poison ivy mutant wasn't used for gag.
It's a cartoon, so violent imagery is A-OK. Worked for the 4kids TMNT.
first they came for the Toads...
>the property in question is no longer a success.
Having a movie doesn't automatically mean the franchise is hot or not. With that logic, the Ratchet and Clank PS4 remake should have flopped, Pokemon Detective Pikachu should have made millions more than it did, DC Comics should just close up shop and no one would have gotten excited for the X-Men content coming to Ultimate Alliance 3. Power Rangers failed because the adaption looked like shit. Fans did not turn up because it didn't appeal to them and new audiences didn't turn up because it looked like shit and didn't pull on any nostalgia strings.
I hate when threads go off-topic. This shit needs to be in Yea Forums. At least Usagi Yojimbo is getting a cartoon after all these years, instead of being with the Turtles in a few episodes.
Now as a CIVILIZED individual, I could name Sin Episodes... But there's no Episode 2, since that sucked so bad.
Another could be Sonic after Adventures 2, since most of the one-off characters are just bland & forgettable.
Yo what. Usage is getting a cartoon. Deets user.
after they went after megaman...
Cheap animation for starters and don't even get me started on the crappy animation of the new Scooby Doo Zombie Island sequel. It's this crap animation what sucks for starters.
The other problem is the story itself. Even in the comic the story was not good. It felt like a very random amount of filler plots of random things to see what sticks. Especially mutating Batman's villains into furries and scalies.
It was honestly a very dry uninteresting story in general. And I didn't care for that plot element about "Oh no we're in another world! So we're turning back into normal turtles! We need to hurry!" That was dumb and added a sense of constant rushing through everything and when you're doing filler of all things it just feels contrived because why even waste time with filler subplots that amount to nothing then?
Overall Batman/TMNT was a corporate soul-less crossover and the second one with Batman TAS by Bruce Timm was not much better either. You know what would be a better organic crossover? TMNT and Kung Fu Panda.
I don't know why the fuck they thought they needed to change the designs of the robot masters. There was nothing wrong with the original designs. The worst part is that the original designs would have been MORE beneficial in toy production as they could recycle molds like crazy since a majority of the masters share the same basic body template. Add in a collectible part swapping gimmick and you got a cheap and easy toy line to sell.
When you think about it, the 2003 series got away with a lot of shit when it aired.
I don’t know how anyone expected it to be good when it came from the fucking awful The Batman universe
That episode didn't air actually, but it still got away with a lot. It was a damn good show. The only reason why I didn't completely hate 4kidz.
holy shit I do not remember that scene
just makes 2003 TMNT that much better
I miss it.
Funny enough, it aired years later on Nicktoons Network.
Forgot this was even a thing, no one ever talks about it. Is it still airing?
yeah i dont know why. they were simple. same shit they did with the power rangers reboot, just overdesigned shit.
you think simple would be easier to model and animate.
That episode fucked me up as a kid.
1987 TMNT is shit
Second season ended, no word on a third, toys are out and no one really cares.
The first 4 seasons are great but it goes to shit at season 5.
Muh Mirage purist spotted
Enjoy your worm Shredder
What the fuck are you talking about?
Only the first season is good. After that the show becomes this wacky slice of life comedy.
Is Season 5 Fast Forward? I hated that shit. It was still shit even when they went Back to The Sewer.
*blocks your path*
>Not using some literally whos name like Titian
There is just so much wrong with this from the ground up, what the fuck is IDW doing? Do they just hire anyone now?
>only first season
>not kino season 7,8 and 10
Whatever you say
Fuck bigots
>Is Season 5 Fast Forward?
Nah. It's the Mystic Ninja Tribunal arc.
For some reason every TMNT goes to shit whenever they start putting more focus on magic.
>yfw it was April who blew her the fuck away with a bazooka
That episode was creepy and depressing
>All those flashbacks
>I love you momma!
The movie takes place in this shit nugget universe
>they could've just brought back Venus from the show for the female turtle
>instead we get a literal dA snowflake
But Robin in the movie is Damian. Robin The Batman is Dick who styled his hair after Jason and sorta acts like Jason.
Who fucking cares. Shredder return as TMNT mentor when
Lots of shows go to shit when they focus more on magic. It's because magic itself is an ambiguous plot device that leads to characters getting boring powerups or getting bailed out of conflict due to a bullshit deus ex machina.
>Huge gallery of characters, who despite being simple bosses with little to no personality, are loved by fans
>End up using less than 14 of said characters in the span of 52 (Fifty two) episodes
About a quarter of pic related are OCs, to make it worse.
Well duh, how else would the artist self-insert?
>80's April
I sure hope you're not talking about the Red Sky episodes. Those were crap. The Turtles were constantly mutating and they had this random black kid with them who could mutate at will to fight alongside them.
You know what ginger is backwards
It must suck being a redhead.
Anyone ever play this? It came out like 2 years ago.
This actually looked decent, but you know there's fuckall arcades around anymore
>red sky
>were crap
>Shredder blowing Chanel 6 building
>Rat King in action
>entire Turtle Trek
>Power of Three
>Dregg loosing his shit with every episode
You said everything about 9 season. 8 and 10 are pretty good
>Japanese level
at least transformers are safe...r-right?
>You know what ginger is backwards
>Blasto Woman
I don't hate it but she seems like a better fit for MMZ , not regular MM.
It was only a matter of time before (((they))) came for the Turtles. Being at IDW was already a mark of shame. These are terrible times.
>4 levels
I wouldn't be surprised if nobody played it due to how short it is.
That doesn’t really matter because it was awful, 80% of the WB Animation movies involving DC characters are just offensive bad overall so them ruining The Batman on top of making a shit movie is par for the course.
Why does Leonardo and Mikey look more like girls than the new member? And what's with those fucking pants?
>he doesn't know
Leave it like that
Nope. Ask Yea Forums since I don't read them, but from what I've heard they most-definitely snowflake'd it. And G.I. Joe IIRC too. Not sure if smallhorse had the same treatment.
Sanic is almost definitely next with the TanglexWhisper miniseries.
Why is it the Ninja Turtles only get worse the more you try to differentiate their designs? It’s this retarded calarts philosophy that cartoon character design has to have a completely unique silhouette defining their single character trait. I feel like kids who watch this shit won’t grow up to understand character subtlety. They’re growing up thinking that looking a certain way always means a character will act a certain way. This Calarts silhouette philosophy has pretty much ruined the Battletoads as well. It’s also how you get Sonic Boom.
Transformers comics were ground fucking zero for SJW corruption
For the reverse of this Jynx in Teen Titans isn’t supposed to look like she does in the cartoon she’s a bald black lady in the comics
>IDW's Jem comic
As in Jem and the Holograms? Is the comic good? My heart can't tolerate something as bad as that live action movie again.
>series tries to reboot itself doing something different
>it fails
>female transformers
Alright, I'll give it a rewatch since I don't really remember the series all to well.
Sonic has a fuckton if restrictions they’re pretty safe
>tfw no dmc style tmnt game
How come that when Yea Forums discusses vidya, everyone resorts to name-calling, reaction images, greentexting, wojaks and stale memes? But when Yea Forums discusses non-vidya, everyone exchanges ideas, information and opinions like civilized adults?
Not for the past 9 years.
Sonic was literally used as a gay icon for (((Pride Month))) by the official Sega twitter
Well you see individuality is about how you decorate yourself not about how you act /s
Transformers had females from the beginning, what was the big deal?
what the fuck?
like, a slang for butts
>Platinum Games gets the TMNT license
>They somehow managed to find a way to not make it fun after two good tired ins in a row
>Not an open world in NYC with the sewer system being it's own world with caves, and secrets.
Which is exactly why they made a miniseries for their stronk dark female OC's. They're free to pull anything in there.
Reminder they were going to do the same thing with Sally and Nicole back in the softboot.
No he wasn’t
I can't tell if this gay or straight
because the golden rule of Yea Forums is that every board has better discussion about whatever topic that isn't their designated board name
which is why offtopic threads on Yea Forums are GOAT
why. fucking why.
>SJW transformers
aaaaaaaaand forever dropped
absolutely disgusting
It gets worse, I wish I had it on hand to post especially the G.I. Joe stuff
Not him, but they directly allowed some mobileshit dev to do so.
why is onslaught kissing another boy robot?
i dont remember any kissing, nonetheless gay robot shit
Never played it although was hyped at first like Platinum making tmnt game based on IDW version.
Is it bad?
Doubt it SEGA is really iffy with Sonic
they tried. they fucked it up.
Man I fucking wish, but it would be way too ambitious of any dev to design an open world Manhattan much less what lies beneath.
Wait until you see them bud a protoform
they took it off the store. it was some pseudo brawler akin to the old tmnt games, with very shallow combat. i'm talking xenoverse skill buttons and the music fucking blew on top of it.
pic related was good though
>tfw no TMNT game that takes place in a dark alternate future timeline
10 years of people laughing at me and I'm proven right about Sonic being in better hands with Penders.
it was also EXTREMELY glitched out the ass
Transformers Devastation was a hidden masterpiece and it won't ever get a fucking sequel because apparently Platinum needed the TMNT game to make profit to fund it.
IDW has a bad habit of letting people throw in their fanfic characters. One of the Transformers books was totally just making the creator's 90s fanfic and characters as an official book. And then of course all his OCs survive the Armageddon.
Please get professional help
>4 player beat-em-up by platinum
>Doesn't have local co-op
Really missed the point there.
Holy shit, whenever I heard that sound effect in a movie or a game, I always subconsciously associated it with Shredder. And I thought I was the only one...
I thought that was gays trying their hardest to push DK as a pride icon?
Today I will stand for the opposite of ginger.
Krystal from Starfox Adventures and onward. Dinosaur Planet and Starfox had no business merging together if Miyamoto was going to handle it the way he did. Krystal went from being a main character from her own IP, into a character that you play her 10 mins at max in a tutorial, never to be played again until Assault's multiplayer. She became the love interest to Fox, even though romance in a game like Starfox was unnecessary unless you have better writers for that type of shit. Krystal's powers are useless in a universe where Slippy, the lead mechanic of the team can build a device that does what she can but without limitations.
With that said Krystal didn't kill the series herself, but she sure as hell didn't make it better. Also fuck Krystal.
>Transformers Devastation was a hidden masterpiece
Was it like low budget Bayonetta?
if only they gave us a new power ranger game of that style...wait. fuck
This reboot came rather soon after the 2012 series concluded. So all the kids who were fans of that are not likely to jump onto this because it's o drastically different, and to be honest, the character designs are all rather ugly and unappealing. Toys themselves are not very good either
So...is that gay now? I mean they are robots? Yes there are with mroe feminine design, but in the end still robots right? Why the fuck was this necessary and does this even make sense to beginn with? I know the answer to both of my questions, don't mind me
Live action PR with Dan and Johnny when
This is what every single comic writer does, the only difference is that they used to not post them on the internet, prior to gaining power over the title.
lolno. Everybody drinking the kool-aid doesn't mean Penders' ""quality"" is suddenly better.
trannies and gays literally think any character they like is a gay / trans icon on their side
Hot. Clang clang is the best fetish.
Here's your Shredder bro
I thought Nieli design for mutant Shredder was shit but Rise took the cake.
It's 2D though, which immediately makes it superior to shitty 3D.
more like low budget KINO full of soul
It looks hell of a lot more intimidating that most of the previous ones.
a bit. it was still great and a lot of the shortcomings are overlooked because of the banging soundtrack.
problems with it are the rpg like mechanics with its stats and randomize item drops+the shit that comes with it. can easily break it though but still fun.
not sure how legend of kora was but like mutants in manhattan, it had some talisman system to it as well.
Shadow the Hedgehog
She should have been KIRBY the fifth turtle.
Pitch to me your dream TMNT game and let's wash away the bad taste of IDW.
The really fucked up thing is Artemisa the original OC (bottom right) doesn't even look half bad.
So is Mutants in Manhattan just not good? Should I not bother even if I'm a huge fan of the turtles?
Power Stone but with TMNT characters
Leatherhead, Slash, Casey, Baxter, etc etc
Looks horrible to me.
Please, don't mind me. Just being the best TMNT game ever.
The word you're looking for here is anagram user, not backwards
It's hard because the Turtles are different in so many incarnations and people expect different stuff.
I would want something with the early Mirage and 1990 movie aesthetic, with some kind of stealth elements, different playstyles, tools and gadgets, combat close to something like Sekiro but not as ball busting, being able to switch to all four turtles on the fly with the AI partners being GOOD but not too good that the game becomes a cakewalk, there's so much shit to consider with the Turtles I'm not surprised everyone has given up or fucks it up.
>regular turtle with extra wraps that uses a unique weapon
Compared to the fully clothed uses a bunch of weapons and looking more masculine than the original 4, it doesn't look half bad.
If you can get your hands on it somehow it's worth a go. Don't expect to want to get a lot of replay value out of it since it's one of those ONLINE IS DEAD games.
Mikey doesn't seem awfully excited about his new job...
I sincerely don’t get the point of these characters.
Shadow is pretty much existing for no reason. He should’ve been a one off and stayed dead, his continued existence has hurt the series.
Krystal is just Fox’s cock sleeve. She’s a fucking forced ass love interest and I hope she’s retired for good. Her only value is in the porn, which can still exist without her touching the franchise again.
And Donte doesn’t even need explaining.
Reminder that Utrom Shredder is best Shredder.
Not saying 3 on NES is bad, but best game ever?
he's had his hands full since he bought the ole farm from Chuck
Turtles in Time will always be better to me.
Bar the Arcade version because playing that with friends and family applies an x10 Nostalgia Bonus and makes it the 'best', but the music in Turtles in Time speaks to my soul in stupid ways. Makes me remember nights down to the temperature on my nose and the feeling on my tongue.
Making a new character too similar to old ones just guarantees people will forget about them. It's better to give them a wider array of things to do, that way when you depower them a little later, people will remember that character more fondly. Tempirary heroic sacrifice is also an excellent method.
A game with these turtles.
>Utrom Shredder
>best Shredder
Fucking Krang in shitty Shredder armor meh
im not even a fan of TMNT (never saw) but damn, you'd have to have real shit taste to talk smack about turtles in time OST
Spider-Man JUST came out and has opem world New York. What are you talking abou
shadow the hedgehog is cool fuck you
i said INCLUDING an entire underground sewer, subway and deep down forgotten lost world shit too
>Sewer Surfin'
Even though vol.3 by Image had a shitty start but Raph as Shredder leading the Foot branch in NY was kino.
I can't believe Oroku Saki is fucking dead