Where the fuck is my remake thread fagets
Gameplay Overview:
Final Fantasy VII - E3 2015 Trailer
Final Fantasy VII Remake - PSX 2015 Trailer
FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Trailer for State of Play
Final Fantasy VII Remake - E3 2019 A Symphonic Reunion
Final Fantasy VII Remake - E3 2019 Trailer

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck tifa

Nu-Cloud is UGLY

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>still no thighs
This Tifa sucks too.

u gay nigga



>loving a corpse

*fixed now thx

>Aeris is almost as flat as Cloud
What was the thought process behind this?

You will stop loving your closed ones when they die?

we are trannies now

cloud already did

You can cherish the memories of people who died but you can't love them since they are dead, user

>someone got paid to do this
that pose it shit

kill Aerith
marry ______

you can't love a corpse, it's unhealthy



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Tifa and Yuffie than move to Mormon land

is she having a stroke?

Cloud's american VA is so damn bad.

the new one is 10 times better then the wigger before

Still bad. Sounds like a retarded teenager.

no just very lewd

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No but she is making me stroke muh dick

On the good side, Gideon Emery voices Biggs. He was great as Batlthier.

Tifas burger VA at least sounds really nice

stop posting lewd pics of my wife, you swine

Tifa is shit. Aerith a best. Cloud x Aerith is canon.

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>shittaste: the post

>Marry her right fucking now tier
>Excellent taste tier
>Not a bad choice tier
>You could do worse tier
>All the good ones were taken tier
>Oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing tier

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My initial opinions about the combat and PS4 exclusivity have changed. I can accept new combat and PS4s are cheap enough, I actually did have one for $75 before I resold it. But I can't get over the episodic shit, why can't a company as big as Squeenix not pull it off and a remake as demanded as FF7 not be a full game?

but Aeris is dead...

She's alright. Sounds like Yuna.


That's not how you spell TifaxAeris

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>pairing best girl up with some dead chestlet whore
gay AND bluepilled

Alright, let's talk minigames

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Tifa is ugly. Only spics like her.

Why is american fanart always so fucking disgusting?

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I played the shit out of this game, it was for some reason really fun

>Cloud and Tifa
I hate this meme

Daily reminder:
No tits.

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>we will get the bike chase scene already at the end of the first mission
dunno how I feel about that

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Censored garbage.


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Mog can get laid but I can't

tons of SOUL in that ss

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Part 2: Kalm-Junon

Part 3: Corel and Golden Saucer

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I gotta be honest. I love almost everything about FF7, but I thought every single minigame was shit.

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oh no

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I hope Cloud marries Aerith in the Remake.

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Part 6

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>we have to wait at least 10 years till we reach the Scarlet vs Tifa bitch fight scene

Imagine the developers being told they need to implement snowboarding, motorbike, submarine and chocobo racing minigames into a JRPG engine. Not surprising that they suck.

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I always lose this mini-game and I have no idea why.

My nigger with a hard R

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GBIKE and the Submarine were the only good minigames.

Because you are a weak girl.

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Part 3 will reach Northern Crater.

Why tommorrow

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Fuck this game. Only good way to get enough GP to get Omnislash on disc 2.

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submarine was way too easy and boring,
gbike was somewhat challenging though
but snowboarding was the best, got decent gp for it and you could play as cid sometimes

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>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>No marching or squatting minigames
>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No extremely time-consuming CPR minigame with an underage girl
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
>Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
>Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tank
>They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"

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C'mon, post the good shit already

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Or Tifa

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STOP user

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Childhood is picking Tifa for puerile/surface reasons.

Adolescence is picking Yuffie because she's around your age and seems "obtainable"

Adulthood involves having the ability to read and understand the text of the game properly, interpret the characters and evaluate them based on life experience, leaving Aeris as the only logical conclusion.

If you're still hung up on Tifa or Yuffie you're a child ;)

>marry Yuna
>Quistis that high
>Selphie or Fran that high
>Rinoa that low

Shit taste.

Adulthood is picking Aerith because I have a fetish for sticking my dick in rotting flesh.

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How is the episodic thing bad? They're expanding each part into a full game's worth of content, it's not like this is done out of laziness. In fact, it's the opposite.

Has the idiotic controversy over nu-Tifa being "censored" finally died down?

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Just getting the first part out went through development hell. I don't trust Squeenix at all to ever deliver the whole thing.

I hope so, but her outfit looks dumb regardless. Original outfit would too in the new style, they should have changed it more. Ditch the suspenders.

Do you genuinely think they would ever cancel an episode of FF7R? It's gonna make them an assload of money, why would they ever cancel it? Sure it probably won't be quick, but it's definitely gonna release.

Figuring how much minigames KH has, I expect the minigames to at least turn out well in FF7R. I just hope the motorcycle chase isn't like the BBS racing game at all

I'm actually hoping they take the opportunity to fix the pacing for the second half of the game. Everything up to the reunion at the north crater and losing Cloud feels well paced for the most part, but after that the game feels very truncated in story content. While disk 1 and that part of disk 2 felt like a good 60-70% of the game, it feels like the rest is just 30% they smashed in.

I can kind of agree. I don't hate the sports bra, but I think those kneesocks suck. I usually like them, but it just doesn't feel like Tifa.

Has Kingdom Hearts ever had a minigame that's actually fun? I can't remember any.

I'm just hoping for good chocobo racing.

No, every day there's something to talk about, posts like yours for example.

>All these screenshots
Man I love FF7. Should replay it.

in order
>tomboy tier
ffx rikku
>feisty and has a nice butt tier
>athletic and dominant probably lesbians but hopefully bisexuals tier
>dumb slut tier
x-2 rikku
>incredibly boring doormat tier
>titty monster tier
>pedobait tier
>furry tier
>rinoa tier

Playing it on my phone right now.

Tifa smells awful

this is the correct list

>dogshit tier
Tifa, Lightning

It's obvious padding to make Midgar as big as a full game.

Hype train is still going

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Incel logic.

Guys I think I have a huge crush on Aerith

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I have a feeling in the remake, they will just use some air pump on her.

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I don't blame you. Women are getting replaced by machines.

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>anywhere except bottom
Incel logic. Rinoa is an emotionally volatile, unpleasant woman of moderate attractiveness who possesses a lot of material wealth. She is literally the epitome of everything that incels both hate and desire, except that instead of being disgusted by them she instantly falls in love with them for no reason. Squall is the representation of the incel. He's socially awkward, facially disfigured and antisocial, and Rinoa, if written realistically, would be repulsed or creeped out by him. But she isn't. She loves him, and that's why incels love her.

I knew Aerith was objectively beautiful.

>She is literally the epitome of everything that incels both hate and desire

Yeah, she's a teenage girl.

Yeah. Square enix is at comic con
I expect a president Shinra reveal.

hype thread theme

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Will best boi be in the game? He was voted most popular character by nips after all...

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we know Cloud

Based. Cloud is my self insert.

We still haven't seen
>almost any gameplay/areas/cutscenes past Air Buster
>the fucking general menu screen

We still haven't seen the best girl ... Elena.

Elena doesn't appear until Mythril Mines in the original game.

Oof, so 5 more years then

>self inserting as fucking cloud

not surprising seeing as aerithfags are largely mentally ill

There's nothing wrong with milkers and Yuna is the best girl across Final Fantasy objectively. Other than that, it's a good list.

FFX2 Yuna is shit. Give me original any day over that thot.

Yuffie bros i can't take it anymore i need to see her...

We'll probably see her in about four years.

She spent 2 years living and adventuring with her literal whore cousin, she would be screwing the whole Luca stadium in normal circumstances yet instead, she becomes a free sphere hunter and mercenary. She's much more restrained than any woman would be after 2 bloody years next to Rikku.

And her second appearance isn't until the Turks bossfight at Gongaga village, which she doesn't even participate in. And then her next appearance isn't until the optional Wutai visit after you get Tiny Bronco. And then she isn't seen again until Icicle Inn. And I may be wrong but I think that's her last appearance before you fight her in the Midgar tunnels at the end of disc 2, after which she's never seen again.


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kingdom hearts 4


>Not getting it in the battlesquare
Stop being a scrub battle square is fucking easy

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Im playing the remaster on the switch and loving the x3 speed button

Yeah the game's just too slow in many respects, like your field run speed, battle loading speed, attack animation speeds, cutscene choreography speed... it's hell without fast forwarding.

Aerith > Yuffie > Shitfa

All of them inferior to Elena and Scarlet.

I'd say Aerith=Yuffie>>>>Shitfa.
You are also right.

who the fuck can like yuffie over tifa or aeris


stop yelling at literal children

everytime i come to this threads i have to jack off because of some random tifa pics

I don't care.

I literally don't care.

I will still buy this game and any other parts that SE releases gladly.

I've already pre-ordered the game.

SE could release a literal pile of shit and squelch the FF7 name on it and I'd lap it up like the whore I am.

you forget this one

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no ragrets

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>Yuna is the best girl across Final Fantasy objectively

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next time you play through it check out the New Threat mod

obviously you stupid faggot, the one at the top is the best unless otherwise specified, how in god's name is this confusing to you?

i love the remake so far but you guys are retarded for preordering at all. Like, you need to see whole nformation pre-release first, maybe something will change, mayebe you won't like something.
Pre-ordering also relieves some pressure from the developers.

who the fuck think tomboy is better than anything at all? that's why im asking
literally neck yourself and kys yourself your self


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>fuck tifa

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Gameplay is fucking atrocious and you Tifa deflecting incels can't hide that.

Yeah this is gona get a based from me.

>Gameplay is fucking atrocious

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you don't understand. There's a zero percent chance I won't buy this game. Doesn't matter how shit it is or the reviews are.

gameplay looks fucking incredible and you are a turnbased boomer retard
Me? no, im not an action zoomer retard either, im a games lover. I've played action and turn based games all around and i dont go judging games because they are turn based or actions, neither i prefer one over the other because both have their cons and pros.

Now go choke on a nigger's cock.

Aerith is corpse tier, which makes her automatically worst girl

gameplay looks fun as fuck fag

You boys know they are gona add more than Vincent and Yuffie for part 2 right?

Predict the other additions to the party.

>who the fuck think tomboy is better than anything at all
discerning individuals, men with taste, those of strong character, heterosexuals

Post personal fears that will tell you the remake will be bad
>aeris doesn't have the same personality
>game is not long enough
>materia system will be dumbed down too much (already deconfirmed)
>too much sephiroth (a couple of cloud hallucinations are fine, but since the game is gonna be shinra, save him for the second part)

I have yet to see aeris personality and how long the game will be. People could say that it has 2 blueray disks, and i really don't know how cutscenes and disk space actually works, but i seriously hope the 2 blueray disks isn't filled with cutscenes. So far we've seen in-game cutscenes instead of "Muh 4k HD scenes", so thats good i guess, right? they can't take too much space.

Gameplay is fine, character designs are fine (i never cared for tifa anyway, and due to the backlash autism in Yea Forums and some japanese twitter they might change her anyway), story changes are fine as long as they are understandable and music is fine.

Part 2 trailer
>quick glimpses of caith sith, yuffie and vincent
>black screen
>"SHIT! you kids are crazy!"
>sounds of someone lighting up a cigarrete
>"But to the hell with it, im in!"
>cid shows up
>tiny bronco exploration scene
>parkour in Mt nibel
>Buhenhagen speech
>I can hear...the cries of the planet...
>Suddenly, a scene of aeris getting to the forgotten capital
>Aeris smile as we see her walk to it

>aeris' personality is different
I expected this. If it had stayed intact I'd say the remake was guaranteed to be good. It hasn't, though, so it could go either wya.
>not long enough
not worried, they've said it's gonna be long and it's part of a series
>materia system
let's hope it's good, but the original ff7's actually wasn't as in depth as it could have been so I doubt they'll simplify it from there
>too much sephiroth
guaranteed, any amount of sephiroth in Midgar is too much and we've already seen him. Not necessarily game-ruining but they've definitely thrown the original's buildup to Kalm out the window.
I'm most worried about this whole "watchmen of fate" thing, though. Adding shit which was completely absent from the original plot and does not simply draw from or flesh out parts of the original is very worrying.

Watchmen of fate are going to be the spirits of the cetra who are stalking aeris for not doing her job as an ancient. Theres going to be a sub-argument where Aeris will be rejecting her purpose in life and doesn't want to be an ancient. At the end of the game, aeris accepts her destiny and joins cloud to learn more about her heritage.
>but the spirits were in the sephiroth artwork
It could easily be misleading. Jenova is trapped and sephiroth is in the northren cave. It has to be ancient related since only aeris could see it, and if it was jenova/sephiroth related, cloud should see it.
No reason for sephiroth to pursue aeris yet, he doesn't even know her.

we haven't seen anything of aeris yet to see if she kept her personality.

>black hooded ghost things
>not related to Sephiroth

Everything we saw from her till now is as boring as it's gets. Let's not kid ourselves she will have her cancerous kh personality and there is nothing we can do about it

we haven't literally, literally seen anything related to aeris personality so far but cloud and barret have kept their personality. If anything, there are reasons to think aeris will keep her personality.

>new scene of her
>she literally goes kyaaaaa and cries for help
Yeah, I'm sure she will be fine.

Squeenix censored Aerith also

Instead of figure hugging dress with open slit in the front like in the original game, you get the shit in the remake

Boycott this crap and don't buy it

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just like the original then, or did you forget the entire church scene, inside corneo's mansion

She probably will have her kh personality for 90% of the time while getting little moments where she gets some kind of call back to her old self

Nah. It's confirmed to be shit. No use getting excited anymore.

she was playfull and pretty confident in herself in the original, the problem with NuAeris is that she acts literally like any other jrpg chick with a staff. She lost the one thing that made her unique and memorable


Not that guy, but we haven't seen much of Aerith at all. Not that you can't be right but you're jumping the gun. Her going "kyaa", doesn't mean she can't be playful or confident.

you see one "help me" scene and you go full monkey thinking it will be like that.
Imagine if you only saw those scenes in the original, you would be thinking she's some damsell in distress too.

that's true we didn't see much of her till now but what SE choose to show us is pretty worrying. They kinda wanna show us what to expect from the characters after all. I mean we saw Tifa and the first thing that was shown of her is for one; worrying about shit, two talking about the promise and thirdly her fighting. Kinda sums her up pretty well. So I'm inclined to think the same is supposed to go for Aeris

this was such bullshit

these trailers are there to show us what the characters are supossed to be. It was the same for KH. To be honest I think Aeris will be a lot worst from what we have seen so far

enlight us with your superior taste and opinion

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based and trannypilled

You can think it, but you sound like an sjw with the whole she's not suppose to be a damsel in distress.

t. jawlet

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imagine how big "her" schlong must be

>muh sjw
I just want OG Aeris back, retard. She was one of a kind waifu and is now so much watered down that she feels literally SOULLESS

> hyped for XV with a VII skin
no real fan would want this Naughty Dog interpretation of VII , you're not even a fan you're just a consumer. FFVIIR could've been a battle royale and you people would've ate it up and called it better than the original.


>"Press X to jump!"
>Will miss treasure you cannot get at any other point in the game if you do so

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>muh soulless
>watered down
Jesus fucking Christ dude.

Fan are consumers you retard. It's fans that want the same exact shit served to them without changed.

>comparing a simple action-turn based hybrid battle system to a battle royale
Jesus christ, just fuck off nigger

>literally having no argument

Its funny i was just told by a sjw that Aeri"th" is just a women waiting to be fridged and the chocobo had more character then her.

You never had one to begin with. Just conjecture.

They're all on sale in Junon later.

this kills the shitposter

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>a women waiting to be fridged
Not a native english speaker, what's that supposed to mean?

that tranny seems to be (dare I say it?) based AND redpilled

we've seen aeris get attacked by spooky ghosts and immediately grab onto cloud's arm and go "aaaaa, help me". that's enough to know.

Some stupid bullshit that says women character die to stimulate heroes into action.

I'm sure that's it user

It's a Yea Forums thing that comes from some female character dying in a Green Lantern comic book.

the other day i saw some cutscene where a girl called aeris was calling for help during a...church? attack in a game called "final fantasy 7"
what is this shit? so soulless, basically damsel in distress

who cares about some dead hooker?

the irony being if she had just left her alone she would have found out aeris was faking being a weakling to find out what type of person you are.

if you can't tell the difference between aeris asking cloud for help in the sector 7 church and aeris asking cloud for help in the remake trailer then I don't know what you were watching.
>turks show up
>aeris: remains calm, asks cloud if he'd be willing to work as a bodyguard and then tells him to take her home now.
>ghost things show up
>aeris: drops her flower basket, screams, grabs onto cloud's arm like a small child

Yes, because Team Ninja did it right

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>human enemies
>probably the 29857295 time she has seen them

>paranormal enemies
>prboably the first time she had seen them

>in the sector 7 church
*sector 5

fucking secondary

the problem is that the only thing we saw from her till now is her looking sad her going kyaah and than her giving Cloud the flower. There was literally nothing shown that might suggest that she will have her old personality

it will be the same as nu-claire
People will hate her, then the game is released and people will be fond of her because now they saw the full game and the charm she actually has.

worst timeline

fuck off nuClaire is a travesty don't compare Tifa to that goblin ever again

The way she insists on getting in cloud's way its pretty aeris's way.

nu-Claire will never not make me laugh

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Square should be nuked it's an international emergency at this point

>literally reaching at everything
there was nothing in the way she was acting that wasn't generic shit that could be from any other jrpg waifu

It was a typo, I've actually played through the first 3 hours of FF7 50+ times because my PS1 didn't have a memory card for the first 3 months after I got it. fun fact: did you know that the only sector you never visit during the game is 2? Even though you spend almost the entirety of your time in Midgar in 5, 6 and 7, with a prominent visit to the number 1 reactor, you can find individual screens which are listed as being part of sectors 3, 4 and 8. The place you get off the train to sector 5 reactor is, as I recall, actually called "Sector 4".

Aside of being an action RPG this game is nothing like FFXV

fuck off ree its action therefore its like XV

This is what a shill looks like


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i laughed

New info?

God why is she so cute. Even her voice actress is cute.

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Cloud aeris jessie and barret

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Whenever they do ff7 in various final fantasy anniversary and concert crap it’s always about Cloud, her, and sephiroth. Since they are the most important characters. They take their time with those 3.

>>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>>More focus on the Turks
Literally nothing wrong with this.

Red XIII will be enemy skill: the character
cait sith is gonna summon minions in fights
Yuffie will be in-and-out kinda chracter that uses the enviorment to do jumps
Vincent will be similar to barret but more of a quick character rather than tanky
Cid is gonna be jumping around to do bonus damage and charged jump attacks (jump mechanic introduced in part 2)

Also, hediegger and scarlet will act as main antagonists since they will act like pseudo DR willy/Robotnik, sending you robots from the shinra weapon department

We'll find out about all of this when part 2 rolls around.

Well at least this suggests they played the game, since past junon Aerith feels overwhelmed by the idea she’s the last ancient. In the original game she tries to hide her ancientness, and in CC she does have a line about how “being normal is best”

Speaking of CC this may be how they explain her not knowing Zack is dead, she’s cut herself off from the planet.

That’s kinda true but not entirely. Really it’s Cloud who helps her out in the end. And the motivation she gives him begins as bitter and vengeful but ends up being hopeful when Holy is revealed by Bugenhagem

considering we will see a lot of mountains and open enviorment, i wouldn't be surprised if they add a jump mechanic not only in fights but as exploration.

not only that, in fact it would make sense since we see during the flashbacks that aeris says all the time that "she's not an ancient" and "leave me alone", specially when being a child. That trauma could have stayed until now, and she just doesn't want to have anything to do with ancients so shinra can leave her alone.

Why didn't Tifa just knock her ass out

she probably just wanted to humilliate her the same way, its not funny to just punch her out and kill her

Sailing in 3. That’s about it.

Jessie THICC

>>Fewer wacky enemies.
This gets more disproven with every trailer.

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someone really needs to do a enemies compilation

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>thats kinda true
Except if you read the developer interviews you know thats absolutely not true.

Red XIII will be youtube.com/watch?v=6RlSgnpLbro

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Idk, Nomura had a fairly recent interview where he said Aerith and Tifa are fun because their personalities are a little more than you’d expect. And he’s not writing like he did KH, Nojima is. We’ll see.

If they do mess it up that will be a big reason for me to not continue buying these. She’s kind of important as far as characters go so getting that wrong bodes ill for the project.

I wouldn't rly call that a minigame but it is fun

It’s massively subverted. I am familiar with the comic and the problem feminists have with it is no doubt:

1) reaffirms the TOXIC idea that rage and vengeance are masculine motivations

2) reduces a woman to a morbid prop in all of this.

Neither are true for Aerith. She gives Cloud and everyone a reason to hope because Holy can actually stop meteor which they have no idea how to do.

And she’s actually the one who saves the day, Cloud and the party help her out by essentially clearing the way for her to act.

>one of a kind

get a grip

Will Red’s weapons be visible on his model this time?

Hopefully square learns some lessons from this and ff15 and are able to put out jayrpgs in reasonable time frames again and not next FF in 2035.

ITT: People pre-emptively shitting on FF7R because the thought of it not being good is so terrifying, they want to ruin their expectations so they don't get hurt.

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red 13 weapons arent real weapons anyway, just some hairclips to hold materias.

was there any doubt? they just are trying hard to not care so they dont get their ass hurt IF it happens.

my prediction is that Tifa and Clouds relationship will be a lot more developed from the get go and that they will literally split the role of the main girl between her and Aerith. So we won't have the pacing from the original where Aerith was the main girl on disc one ( or rather towards the second half of disc one) and Tifa got the main spott in disc 2.


>Yuffie will be in-and-out kinda chracter
I'm gonna be in-and-out of her if you know what I mean

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Tifa and Cloud fucked like rabbits until they cuddled to sleep and then they're wearing red ribbons of fate in AC

Why does Marlene look so bad compared to the others?

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Cloud is just a rebound from Zack

It probably will be but it was set up in the original game too. If they develop it too early they have to justify it not progressing until the disc 2 twist hits.

Everyone wears those ribbons. It’s about Aerith or something iirc

I was cynical too at first, but I've liked everything I've seen so far.

Because the game's STILL not finished; the State of Play trailer (May 2019) had "Development footage: Subject to change at the beginning"

I think her and Tifa are still in their alpha version

>caring about ac

Attached: TrailervsScreenshot.jpg (3840x1080, 1.67M)

Yeah, compare the detail in Aerith's model to Tifa's and the difference is huge in the faces especially.

>Tifa will be ugly

damn, materia is THAT big. I always thought they'd be the size of marbles, and the they equipped them in little slots on gauntlets and swords and stuff.

I literally don't see the difference senpai

they're both

Attached: magic.jpg (720x479, 80K)

I dont hate remake tifa outfit but honestly looking at , i can see why people are complaining

Seriously, people just should tweet nomura with that pic and show him how it should be

they probably just adjust to the size they need to be

hair and arms

some materias might be bigger than others.

>damn, materia is THAT big

Attached: black materia.png (1280x960, 1.8M)


made me smile

NT Tifa was too perfect it wouldn't have been fair towards the other girls if she really looked like that

Are you gonna HOT GLUE her figure anons?

Attached: D_t9gVMUcAABuXx.jpg (768x1024, 116K)


>too perfect
more like too plastic

>dat Tifa
She looks so beautiful



Attached: D_t-TsRVUAASsYG.jpg (768x1024, 92K)

>Aeris is a chestlet while Tifas got 10/10 tits

Look at those fucking twig legs, Jesus Christ what the fuck

La goblina

Aeris was always the pretty one while tifa was the hottest

>those tits
absolutely based

Chubby cheeks!

aeris hair looks like a helmet

she does her best with what shes got

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they changed her suspenders, anyway she looks really cute

Tifa looks so perfect, and her tits look fan-fucking-tasting

>That Tifa

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Moot you nigger

Why is Barret's figure skinnier than in-game?

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i dont see the difference in her suspenders

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Tifa looks more beautiful to be absolute honest here

They didn't change it, it's just that the suspenders are a separate part and Play Arts decided to mold it in hard plastic for some insane reason/.

her suspenders go over her breast now, probably to accentuate her bust more

Aerith looks kinda old here

Well she's an Ancient after all

I get the feeling that face looks more like her NT version

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They are literally parachute holsters. You must be blind.

There’s a picture of the Cloud one where light actually shines on her face and she looks good there. But yea I agree that heavily shadowed shot looks old

dat neck

Welcome to EB Games

updated for anyone who cares

Attached: tifaovertheyears.jpg (5020x3172, 3.55M)

>already updated the chart

>Nu Mou are going to summon alternate Sophia because they love equilibrium

Where’s red?

he'll be revealed next trailer

Does your uncle work for SE?

probably next trailer we will see a quick glimpse of him captured.

Yes. He is Nomura's right hand man.

FFVII remake thread? Okay, here we go.

I hope you are ready to apologize. Final Fantasy VII Remake looks absolutely incredible. I am impressed. THIS is Tetsuya Nomura at his fucking finest. I feel like there was too much corporate meddling with Kingdom Hearts 3.

With how godly FF 7 Remake is shaping up, makes me even more sad we will NEVER get Nomura's Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Attached: 1560226931934.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

>see ff7remake e3 trailer through youtube
>people on chat asking for avengers and "who the fuck cares for this shit" during ff7:remake presentation
I raged
i wish i could kill some capeshit normies and scream at their faces that squeenix only reason to be in e3 was FF7:remake and that your stupid capeshit game will be shit.

>makes me even more sad we will NEVER get Nomura's Final Fantasy Versus XIII
wasnt there a rumour or some trailers that showed that ff versus 13 was coming?

no, but I'm a janitor at SquareEnix hq, Nanaki is now the canon love interest of Aeris the slum drunk




can't say buddy, im pretty sure i read it somewhere but i dont know, maybe i screwed up

Aeris looks unironically like a granny tranny...


>Someone sad about Versus XIII
>One user replying to that sad person by stating that Verum Rex is Versus XIII and it's still coming

Looks like it's my time to shine. Hello again, Yea Forums.

Anyway, here are some reasons why Versus XIII and Verum Rex are separate projects--a claim Nomura makes in (pic related):

Taken from boards.fireden.net/v/thread/462809835/#q462810750
What they said:

>Versus was the most realistic Final Fantasy installment in terms of its setting and world design, which lean toward a more modern aesthetic than fantasy or science fiction. ...
>It's literally the opposite of that now. Versus had more focus on the political and "ugly realities of the world" and there was a dark almost tragic tone that was really subtle but very present which was nice.

>Nomura literally created it as a counterpoint to the direction of XIII (hence the title Versus XIII) and all of the trailers and layered with personal statements, his final trailer is literally an obscured goodbye message and statement that got him in trouble with SE's management.

>There's no way something like this would be possible under Disney--Nomura would either have to create an entirely new IP just to address these themes (which, in themselves, are incompatible with FFVIIR), or revive the Versus project.

>For this reason, Verum Rex can never be Versus XIII. VR isn't informed by the issues that drive vXIII's narrative and only serves as a fun encapsulation of /what Nomura wants/ in /his/ games.

>With discussion surrounding what could have been even reaching Akio Oofuji (the current brand FFXV director) on the ATR a year and a few months back, Nomura has no other option but to bring back Versus--that is, if he wants to.

Attached: Proof that Versus and XV are fundamentally different.png (1000x368, 74K)

Can't see any huge difference. Just shitty Youtube's Vp9 encoding on the left

How are you responding to all these threads just as someone even mentions Versus XIII? At this rate, Stellafag, you're shaping up to be the next Barry.

never thought they would manage to make me appreciate remake Tifa, but this actually works for me

how about now

Attached: TrailervsScreenshot2.jpg (3840x1080, 2.23M)

Google alert probably

i lol'd a that cloud look in the trailer shot

its like a madman look

her left hair isn't behind her ears yet ;_;

Look at it again. She looks like a goblin. I’m afraid you are coping, sir.

Why the fuck a toy better than CGI model

Wherever there's a Square Enix logo, Final Fantasy character, a picture of Nomura, or most especially an FFVIIR/KH3 thread (where HE will most likely be lurking), I'm there, dude.

Yes, it's another slooooooooow day at work, but at least I'm wasting my time out here and not at the Discord from which I got kicked out simply because I exposed Zeal in an earlier thread.

What is wrong with all of you people? Do the words /zettai ryouiki/ mean NOTHING to you!? You people make me only slightly frustrated.

>is a retard

probably because her CGI model isn't finished yet

This remake is dead to me.

Pretty sure they tweaked her new CGI model after her NT version, since it is so popular

Same with how Aeris’ skin tone changed in the state of play trailer. A lot of these shots were made for these trailers from rough sources

Completely switch tier 2 with tier 3 and you are right on the money for me.

>at least (pic related) can identify his enemies now so that he doesn't have to keep calling names into ~*The Void™*~ pretending that they're falseflagging/samefagging/whatever bullshit verb he uses

Speaking of battles, are any of you desperately hoping that KH2:FM/FFvXIII battle planner-turned-FFXV enemy programmer Yuuichi Kanemori is working on this game? The Tokyo Team was TRULY wasted under SE corporate (and thus Tabata's) mismanagement.

Attached: SHAKING!.png (401x458, 277K)

in the state of play trailer the initial shot was still the same aeris we see in the later trailers, we just didn't see the full scene

Attached: final-fantasy-vii-remake-cinematic-trailer-e3-2019_uc2q.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

>suspenders on TOP of her chest rather than to the side
>suspenders themselves look like a hiking backpack rather than actual clothing
>hair is not swept fully behind her ear making her look like a slob
>other random strands of hair sticking out
>boots have lost the metal plates that would deal extra damage
>added pointless asymmetry with the giant red armor robo-gauntlet
>legs are even thinner even though her shoulders are now stout, making her look boxy and masculine

The suspenders are the only thing I have a gripe with, personally, but rare is the company that can do soft goods well so I let it slide.

No I mean when she’s prancing around Cloud. I can’t upload images to show what I mean

you are trying too hard

why is her face so long?

>KH2:FM/FFvXIII battle planner-turned-FFXV enemy programmer

Holy shit, that demotion. That's a fall from grace if I've ever seen one.

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>being perceptive
>trying to hard

Sorry I think critically by default unlike drooling retards such as yourself

what a fag

>hair is not swept fully behind her ear making her look like a slob


yeah i know what scene you mean
but as i said, that scene you mean and the scene i said were in the same trailer, so they didn't "fix" anything, its just the same face in another angle.

Attached: final-fantasy-vii-remake-teaser-trailer-ps4-0-32-screenshot_nuht.png (1920x1080, 1.54M)


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we are reaching CWC levels of autism here

>boots have lost the metal plates that would deal extra damage

get real homie. you are not discerning and almost certainly unbearable to be around.

Attached: FaceApp_1563151191946.jpg (960x540, 220K)

This tifa is the proper amount of curvy and you just gay.
she's way better than the one we're most likely going to get in the remake.

Attached: Tifa ass.png (532x440, 244K)

how is it possible to fuck Aeris that badly up?

Her hair is like a helmet so the face is shadowed. The other pics I’ve seen she looks fine because actual light hits her but it’s a real problem

Here is a better shot. Her on her own and with Cloud


I got to the forest after golden saucer to grind to find Yuffie. I spent hours being stuck in frog song loops until i finally found her. I picked the wrong one for the last dialogue option and lost her.

I'm thinking of throwing this game in the trash. Should I reset my save and push through?

post them nigga, I can't find anything at Twitter. This shit is kinda depressing

She's still got twig legs, she's just sticking her hip to the side there. And she just looks fucking stupid, it's a dumb outfit.

You don't have to reset the save, you'll just find her again.


wait a damn minute, her dress still has buttons

Attached: aerisu231.png (615x845, 1.14M)

>literally SEETHING over the fact that Tifa looks perfect

They’ve shown another party member every trailer.

Some faggot news site said that she's gone forever for some reason.

Her cheeks bother me. But I don’t expect perfection from models like this.

absolutely awful, how the fuck is this possible

That looks way better. Very cute.

two types of people

it can really look like pic 2 on PC

nu-tifa has twig legs yes. but dissidia tifa is curvy like a woman should be.
it's not her pose. her hips are just wider than her waist like they're supposed to be.

the steam punk aesthetic isnt as much there. I get it's because of the art style change but i dunno man.

I think the problem is that her dress is to lightly coloured which makes er look somewhat sickly

they should have put more detail into her antennas

the way her suspenders go now is a really good idea by Nomura. Can't wait to see her in her full body render

Holy shit. Even this shitty fish is IN? How the fuck would this even work?

Dragon Quest is better. FF games have garbage writing and rely entirely on graphics, music, and cool LOOKING settings over anything of more substance

It'll be like a bouncing ball

You mean specifically covering her nipples? Lol

Who cares?

Dairy Queen is the better DQ desu

it's magic nigga, it's just works

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who is that on the right

who cares, let based fish be in

fucking kek



Tifa was always rail thin but somehow looked curvy and fertile. Not anymore.

You know what? I actually DO want them to work in dilly dally shilly shally

I want to BE Tifa. I want to wake up and feel my lewd body!

the fuck is dilly dally shilly shally
i just google it and it came from advent children but i can't understand the context

Post the webm that looked like a DBZ fight

It will either bounce or just float like fish enemies usually do.

It was a localization/translation of Japanese onomatopoeia which doesn’t even exist in English.

Translators tried to translate a Japanese phonetic which has absolutely zero corollary in English. So it's become famous for how retarded and out of nowhere it comes.

>Did they?

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Tifa is Yuffie's sub

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What a cute chubby face

>I M A G I N E

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if there is no dick, what's even the point?

And then there's this guy.....

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With Cloud, at the same time

FF7: Jesse
FF8: Fujin
Chrono Cross: Harle
Never played 9 or 10.

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Aerith is cute CUTE
