Last one hit bump
Other urls found in this thread:
buyfag lobby now
>trading cards are all in japanese
Nice one, D3
buyfriends help me progress to misson 40+
I just switched over to Wing diver and can someone explain to me what my role is? I've played Ranger so far and its been braindead easy but now I've got this jetpack, no health and weird ass situational guns.
How do I avoid being that shitty wingdiver that dies off in the distance? Any tips for managing energy?
>Got full stars on my plasma big cannon
What even is the point of other artillery?
>How do I avoid being that shitty wingdiver that dies off in the distance
by becoming a fencer chad
best level for armor farming?
>just killed space god with a blasthole spear
good game 9/10
does hard have the same drops as normal?
Room: Yea ForumsDF
Mission 30
No, while the drop rate may or may not be higher, the weapon drops will be different.
If you've played through on normal you'll probably be hitting stage 40 before getting new weapons.
thanks that explains it.
You're missing
Pirate or Buyfag
>cave mission with jackhammer
holy fuck I literally can't see anything
Basically hit and run DPS.
Don't fly too far from your team, kite enemies, Have at least one Close range weapon on you that can damage multiple enemies at a time like a rapier and some sort of Mid range weapon like a Lance or Thunder crossbow
Alright, fire the funny guy who thought fighting a massive hp sponge that has the worlds most telegraphed attacks for 20 minutes and then it pisses off would be fun, several times in this game and 4.1.
You only want to burn energy on your thrusters to gain initial height, and maybe occasional taps. Dashes are what you want to use most of the time.
Guns that require charging to fire you want to have charged up before hand, or the ones that you'd need to use more than once in a fight typically use very little energy.
Just because you CAN fly doesn't mean you have to. A lot of times it's better to use your flight to sit yourself in an advantageous position to abuse your ridiculously bursty weapons.
Going off into the distance is not a bad thing if you're not putting yourself in unnecessary danger, especially if it's putting yourself in a good position to use your artillery weapons.
Learn to abuse buildings. Wing Diver is stronger than an upgraded Fencer on heavy urban maps, and are the uncontested frog/ayy remover on those maps.
If there's an Air Raider on your team, consider watching out for them. Wing Diver is the #1 Air Raider babysitter.
The good plasma cannons are the best non-Air raider artillery vs ground targets in the game, and better than a good chunk of what Air-Raider has too. Use them. Abuse them.
If you get a weapon called "Monster Zero", curb those expectations. It's one of the worst weapons in the game.
Just don't die on top of a building when nobody has explosives that can blow it up.
Buyfag is implicit unless stated otherwise.
Who has even unlocked higher difficulties yet?
You should know the password already.
Fencers would be better if they were called Lancers instead.
At least we can all agree the new lancer model is a downgrade.
I did a cave mission with a flame revolver, once. So many monster chunks.
Shouldn't these be moved to /vg/ now? Every day for the past week this thread has been on the first few pages. I'm pretty sure this is what /vg/ was made for.
Its even worse online with 4 players and at least one of them is doing some retarded shit because he got bored / think its time gated.
Cutting the fuckers limbs off with a future MG42 is dope
Go tell that to smashfags
Wing Diver with a big juicy Dragoon Lance
/vg/ was made to contain league of legends generals that were up 24/7 for well over a year.
Chill faggot.
password should be rage
>didn't get a wing diver card
it's not fair...
I'm pretty sure your mom was made for my dick, you fucking failure who couldn't even become a janny
>mods??? come here quickly they're talking about videogames instead of spamming pepes and wojaks!!! how do I get epic screencaps for /r/Yea Forums if nobody is greentexting????
>mission 37
>need to wait a few minutes before Erginus even wakes up
>then kite him around for a small eternity
>then deal with Mysterious Monster 2 for a few more minutes
Genuinely took me more tries than any other mission so far because I kept getting greedy out of desperation to end it sooner.
>Who has even unlocked higher difficulties yet?
A lot of people?
>Stardust Cannon
forgive me, my three dash three boost fencer for I have sinned
I can no longer be with you
What are the stereotypes for each class and how accurate are they?
The god of speed will curse you henceforth.
At least the one that comes after is 10/10.
Dash or jump boost extender for fencer? Both?
Basic bitch
Slow/Too busy jerking off over how fast he is to actually be useful.
>Air Raider
Bombs his teammates.
>Wing Diver
Dies on the other side of the map.
both user, at least until you get the one that boosts both.
Both yes. Multi and muzzle stability if you want to use cannons.
For buyfags
mission 16
normal because Yea Forums is full of casuals
Speed barely matters. Wing diver always consistently does better then a wannabe fencer.
Fencer belongs on the ground spamming bloodstorm missles
Boring people or people who enjoy the contrast between a normal character and the absurd game
>Wing Diver
Waifufags, people who like energy weapons or people who think they like to go fast
>Air Raider
Either the rulers of the battlefield or people who think they are much smarter than they actually are
People who like to go fast and who will never die or people who don't know what they're doing
>wing divers dying thousands of miles away from the group (they do)
>air raiders teamkilling due to bombing runs and explosions (they do)
>fencers charging right into a pack of ants thinking they're invincible and dying instantly (they do)
why can you sometimes type with keyboard with a controller being used and sometimes you cant?
You forgot Ranger.
You'll use a keyboard and mouse.
Read online the class is the best, proceeds to boost into a wall and die, or into a horde of enemies missing his spears and dies
>Wing Diver
Flies across the map and dies in the middle of 4 AYYYs and gets mad when no comes to rez instantly
Brings the wrong weapon for every map and gets overwhelmed and dies
>Air Raider
Misses every strike on foes but manages to nail friendlies constantly
Summons a vehicle into the middle of wasps and gets blown up before even getting in
What do people normally pair with the spear? I've been double-spearing up to the cave mission since I haven't needed the vertical evade but it's much too cramped to boost around safely in there.
Shotgun or dispersal mortar.
[{ Yes }]
Usually, just the gattling for some close to midrange coverage, but the shotgun if I know I'm definitely gonna focus on close combat.
Opening a room: bug spray
Just started as fencer
Does this game have open mic like 4.1?
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
>since I haven't needed the vertical evade
Then you haven't been going fast.
The fuck is going on with the difficulty?
I'm on mission 14 on normal and the game is harder than the dlc missions for 4.1.
Don't play online solo.
How do you go fast with the jump boost? I tried using both at the start of the game but dropped the jump since midair momentum with the dash didn't seem to work.
pirate lobby
Yea Forums
mission 41
pirate lobby open
Yea Forums welcome
mission 47
no pass
You jump as soon as you boost. You go flying off in that direction with even more speed.
You dash, and then jump boost with your increased momentum for fast long jumps. Doing the inverse won't get you far.
>The fog is getting thicker!
>Deroys dropping down
Holy fuck why
That's some easy access
That explains a lot, I've just been using the sliding effect on the spear attack to chain ground dashes infinitely.
>Take a break to play some Umineko after all that EDF
>This happens
What the FUCK
Without love it cannot be seen.
So I've got a dilemma;
Because of my lobby-hopping, I've not technically completed missions 5 through 15.
I've made a lobby in order to complete said missions, but I understand everyone's doing early shit.
So lemme sweeten the deal; Help me complete these, and we get to jump all the way to mission 46.
The difficulty is Hard
The lobby name is: bribery
the passcode is: accepted
>final boss is called silver man in the battle history
dude ayy lmao
So the game is denuvo free? It's safe to buy?
What about all the DLC though? Looks like there is a lot of it.
DLC's mostly joke shit and the actually quality mission packs ain't out yet.
Just get the base game for now, my dude.
Anyone else having connection issues after the steam update?
>pick wing diver
barely does any damage and dies to a fart
get overwhelmed by frogs and dies
>air raider
air strikes do nothing, enemies breaks through turrets and dies
win mission without any sweat
aliens don't exist
Anyone else crashing when loading/ending a mission?
that's me!! :DD:D im the one who built this satellite :) im the so called goddddddd
How are Wing Divers going to look like in EDF6? They keep getting slutier
Dude it's amazing how up to the end of the game the most dangerous monsters are still the basic ants and spiders
Hopefully they replace with them a big dude that just punches things
More like
>wing diver
Never worry about getting overwhelmed with flying while also having some of the most insane weapon sets
Pretty much iron man meets Japanese mecha, can carry on almost any map
>air raider
Rain hell every second while also having mechs with giga health
Since they did boobs in 4 and ass in 5, the next logical choice ismidriff.
>barely does any damage
Big Cannon does 7K damage
I want this back or have it as a choice as a costume.
With effort the costume route can please all.
>wing diver
>insane weapon sets
Or do both at once
This would only be goat if the skirt had actual physics for all the underskirt panty shots.
when do I get the outfit that shows the panties? I picked the chick but she was just wearing some kind of pink power ranger outfit.
>mfw got into a room with no level limits
Dug this up, more true than ever in 5.
Sure they are good at Air Raiding now to compensate but man.
Is this a pic for humans?
>all the underskirt panty shots.
>general wing diver skill level plummets as they keep aiming at the sky for some reason
Do they have modeled faces? In fact, does anyone have fully modeled face? They all use something to cover their face, from glasses to full masks
Ranger gets a bolter like gun in 5 too
>forgets about the mech with 100k health and great firepower
Any buyfag lobbies open?
Unnecessary. In EDF5 you can boost forward and that gives a fantastic ass shot.
Or just do squats when wing divers are following you.
>Too many flying types! All teams, retreat now!
He said this three times while I was running from this...
funny thing that wing diver also now shows panty...
Lord all mighty. I only wish they had hired Platinum / Yoko Taro to model these. They lack polygons and better texture work.
hello? anyone?
this is very important please
would be cool to get 1fps because of wing diver npcs having 3849348 poly booty
mission 12
>I picked the chick but she was just wearing some kind of pink power ranger outfit.
I actualy find it kinda hot too
>use to use shields
>now I'm duel wielding jackhammer/shotgun and heavy cannon/heavy mortar for max speed and dakka
Level 40 on easy.
Kill everything but leave one dropship.
Than get together all rangers and fencers, and camp directly under it for the next 12 hours.
Shields can be buffed now. The last one gives your shield 8x hp and more protection angles.
Isn't there a cap on how much armor/weapons you can get?
>still no air raider NPCs
Is it too much to ask to have one NPC somewhere at the start of a mission who goes "hey watch this lol" before the scripted air strikes happen? My boy's getting shafted.
wing diver probably has the highest base damage in the game, the catch is most of them are low range and she only has a few reliable long range options, but theyre still really good
WD lewd mod when?
Crossover when
2 spots open now pls join bros....
Use one of the Air Raider's mechs with revolver cannons, I was stuck on mission 89 (the one where you need to destroy the hive) for so damn long until I just brought a Nix with a pair of these and fucking shredded literally hundreds of wasps while they attacked my allies before they could kill all of them all the while nuking the shit out of the nest, queens and teleportation anchors with DE202's cannons with absolutely ridiculous burst damage. Ranger kills wasps too slow and Wing Diver is too reliant on energy and can't handle close encounters with hordes of flying enemies all around her at all while unupgraded Fencer is just sad.
Air Raider has a face. I know because in 4.1 you could see his PTSD eyes through the visor.
No clue. Also, there should be better levels for armor farming when the DLC lands.
Whats the point of fencer?
is it just to be a big mech man, cause ranger is just better...
Is that Gate?
The point of Fencer is to fist giant bugs to a pulp.
>tough as gaben with the speed of sanic
>lots of excellent weapons for both crowd control, single target, and long-range sniping
>controls like a boat
>uber recoil even with strong arm mechs
>seems like half the guns cant fire at the same time as eachother
>can't understand why 4 weapons, massive hp, and huge mobility are good
Just keep pointy the shooty side at the bugs pal
>Dicking about with CE
>Give fencer infinite dash/boost
>AI fencers immediately skyrocket to the moon
I love it
you can completely eliminate recoil and turn rate penalty
If that bitch who was taking about using a cheat engine to grab all boxes in here, dont think i fucking forgot about you. Show yourself
Clear to mission 30 on hard as ranger no problems with any random weapon i want to try
fucking every other level have to reset with fencer
>Air Raider in a cave mission.
>Just spam two sets ZE-Guns on my flame crawler.
>clear a tunnel in a matter of seconds.
Pure sex.
Have there been any attempts at modding? I can extract the 3d models and textures with ninja ripper, however the textures don't apply to the model since they don't seem to have a UV map/nodes (maybe the fact that they can be influenced by an RGB slider comes into play).
Starting a HARD lobby.
name: Yea Forums
password: rage
buyfag or piratefag
fencer is kinda bad without gear, most people here have their opinion formed from watching that crazy jap guy with dlc weapons but it takes a while for fencer to get there, and where we're at now (without dlc) you're nowhere near that level of ridiculous
Cheat Engine can be used to go to Inferno.
If you're gonna host a lobby, at least mention which type of version you're using.
Do missions scale up based on how many people are in the party?
What's up buddy. While you're rolling around for 5 minutes in awkward silence, hoping that the NPCs don't kill that last ant you tried to keep alive, us CHADS are already planning the next mission with the time we saved not being a dork. Feels good.
If it were a pirate lobby it'd be mentioned, surely the default assumption would be a normal lobby.
Some anons have reported shit performance on larger monitors and resolutions.
why not skip the bullshit and simply hack your armor to max you baby bitch, if you're gonna do something dont half ass it
Cheat engine/trainers are fun to dick around with. I have fond memories in 4.1 of putting hundreds of anti-air claymores (are those not a thing in 5? Don't tell me the fucking ranger stole them) on my Balam and walking into a hornet hive and seeing the FPS take a nosedive when they all go off at once.
>hot pants and a tacticool garter belt
Based nips in charge of military uniform
I seriously have problems clearing missions as Air Raider. All my Air Strikes feel like they do jackshit even 4.1 felt easier.
Too lazy to edit an image.
>wut i plaey
Air Raider
>wut muh allies expect
Gundum foights
>wut happens
I'm skipping a few minutes of tedium at most each mission. Why does that upset you?
Actually im part of an elite multiplayer team who maximizes our box collection strategies. I rocket blast myself across the map while my boy drifts in a grape. A new later of strategy that youve completely missed out on. Like i said before if i gain the position i need to change this country youre the first to go.
you can skip a few dozen hours of tedium by simply hacking your armor too then i dont see the problem
Now now, user, that's cheating. I wouldn't do that.
>i dont see the problem
So why are you acting like a bitch?
why don't you hack it so you kill everything in one hit from starter weapons? it'll save you hours, if not days
Youre already cheating you piece of shit. Instead of pressing a button to collect all boxes why dont you press one that launches them all up your ass
It feels good to see EDF threads often now, are you all playing on PC or PS4? Either way, its a fun game.
what's the weapon spreadsheet site again, I forgot to bookmark it.
Why not just don't play the game? Just saves you hours if not days.
the problem is this the hypocrisy is retarded to me, being a cheating bitch is fine but don't high ground and pretend you're not a bitch, own up to it
How do these stars work?
Not like old EDF games where you just drop it for the better model?
Is Crimson the best EDF map?
>Rangers stole some of the best AR defense support equipment
What the fuck man. Why should the grunts be in charge of placing heavy explosives and claymores?
Who Fencer w/ Fire Revolvers here? The endgame module that negates all recoil is fucking sweet.
ranger is more straight forward I'll give it that, but once you find a weapon combo you like on fencer, you can equip it forever and just change the 2nd set for mission specifics and always fall back to your main set you're comfortable with. Which should have dashes and boosts
>own up to it
How about you deal with it and quit getting mad at how others play videogames lmao *dabs*
claymores are not air raiding
Starting Yea ForumsDF room on INFERNO from the start. pass:rage
Minimum 1000 armor.
Give me my claymores and explosives back.
>ar doesnt have railgun anymore
This list is missing high cycle reverser zd and it is bugging me like all hell. Anyone know if there are other weapons missing on it?
Fucking rangers. I have never seen a ranger even drop a vehicle. All they do is run around with their rifles and shotguns. I know they wanted to make rangers a bit more versatile but they didn't have to gut air raider to do it. Just make a special ranger tank.
The stars work probably exactly how you think they work. You kill enemy, get a drop, and randomly you get a weapon. If you already have the weapon, you will get the better stats from the newly dropped, better version of that weapon.
So, a question about the fucking Tripods. They are really, really wreaking my shit HARD. Even on Normal.
I used to absolutely HATE them in 4.1 - they were one of the main reasons why I never finished the game. Here, they are far more fun to fight, but I don't know how to fucking survive this.
Do I focus on the body and ignore the legs, or should I wittle them down by taking out the cannons and gradually dissassembling them? Because I did not yet kill even a single one of them?
The hit feedback isn't entirely clear on this.
Looks like christmas.
I wish building chunks would interact with each other like that and not sink into the ground after 5 seconds while also not providing any cover but opening up sightlines for enemies. Just freeze them in place if they stop moving/move very little until they're interacted with again (not by monsters or soldiers but by weapons and explosions) so the game doesn't chug indefinitely after you leveling a block, the initial FPS loss is more than worth the dynamic aftermath. Someone should really make a mod like that.
Everyone is using the super speed sprint upgrade.
If you're an air raider, use a limpet sniper and take out the dangerous cannons. Use an autocannon to pin that sucker to the ground and then drop a spritefall on him. Single-barrel cannon also works well because it has a long range and reloads fast. If you're an air raider, use a limpet sniper anyway, it easily outclasses everything else. Hitscan at 1300, travels 1300/s, two or three per reload, and does like 900 damage per explosion.
Always focus body.
The worst rangers are those that are all blue and keeps rolling while screeching in mic, autism extreme.
Maybe in EDF 8 when the PS6 releases.
You still waiting for someone?
>set up a virtual audio cable
>press EXPLOSION.wav everytime I launch an air strike
>The worst rangers are those that are all blue
All blue?
Public pirate lobby, hard mode, mission 90 onward going up in 10 minutes, room is Yea Forumsideogames
Blue colors only.
I'm playing mostly ranger for now, but I guess I could switch.
OK. A bit of shame, really, I do enjoy wittling them down piece by piece, but this does make my odds of surviving bigger. Taking out the cannons is fun, but fucking time consuming, and the constant barrages and no health drops eventually just grind me down.
Be Fencer
Dexter+Twin Spear on main
Twin Gallic Chad Cannon on swap
Ultimate Bro at all ranges
But sometimes swap in NCSS Cannon Shot, or double Heavy Mortar, or double Dexter, or double Galleon
Always Jump Boost + Multi Boost
Always fast
Always kill
Never die
Feel like the ultimate shit fucker
Feels good man
Gang of 3 now but 1 slot's still open
Mission 14 now
Fuck me I just got it, nevermind.
If you think about it, air raiders are like casters.
>create defensive barriers
>points at enemy with strange implements and fireballs fall from the sky
If you have long range burst damage, take down the body. If you're greedy, you can use missiles or mirage blasts to get more items from the legs. If you manage to do that, then you can whittle down the body with dps without much danger. It will only die from body damage unlike aliens.
Jump boost + Multi boost?
But they don't stack?
The endgame jackhammers have no right feeling this good.
>double Heavy Mortar
My man. That's pretty much how I run the Fencer. One weapon set for mobility, and another for heavy ordnance.
I don't get it
>jump boost + multi booster
is there some meme tactic i don't know about going on here? saw another fencer doing this yesterday
Two 30mm rotate too damn slow.
>CC Piercers are fantastic, the most fun weapons to use in the game
>CC Strikers are slow, do shit damage (except for vulcan hammer) and have horrible attack animations
>rookies OK
>mood: friendly
>"you have been removed from room" after a few successful missions
>see the same room still running
I didn't even die.
best alt set up desu, 2 gallics, while i love it, have abysmal recoil, the heavy mortars just dont so it's way better for not bringing any muzzle breaks
You use your main weapons to aim then swap, fire and swap back.
>tfw was a Striker chad in 4.1
>come into 5.1 and they're all shit
D3 why
how is this game on a regular ps4
is it worth buying for that if I don't have a pc and don't pay for online
they said the mood was friendly, WHY WERE YOU NOT FRIENDLY
>Dexter+Twin Spear on main
I can never decide between an autocannon or shotgun. Sometimes a minigun so I don't get mouse drag when zooming around. As far as the spear goes, high impact hammers can fucking explode frogs in one go with a well placed shot, it feels way too satisfying to not use.
>twin Gallic Cannon
Does it improve ROF? It looks like you're locked into the recoil animation after firing so I wouldn't think dual wielding them would make a difference.
Dual-wielding Fencer weapons with recoil always slightly lowers the recoil if you're chain firing them
It's not always very noticeable but you'll fire slightly faster by alternating with two cannons than with one cannon and a shotgun for example
>Does it improve ROF
Not him but it does. It's somewhat annoying to use without rotational inertia buffs though.
Do i need to have inferno unlocked to join?
If you're asking it's most likely you won't even be able to handle it.
>skip a mission without realizing it
Wew, now I have to redo the last 15 missions.
Its a nice stress reliever and it works well enough on regular ps4, but the most fun is online.
Okay, I'm pretty new to EDF, only played 4.1 before, but I'm trying to understand: does this series actually have continuity? So far 5 looks like a remake of 4.1 to me, to the point that I encountered at least one absolutely identical mission between them where you kill a bunch of ants in the downtown district, then the same space godzilla from the previous game appears and proceeds to smash up the buildings until you're called for retreat, and all the characters consider the whole invasion to be something unique happening for the first time.
You should be able to clear the mission you skipped and have credit for finishing the levels you did play.
Did you die user?
Can't find your room.
Learn how to kite.
You shouldn't play Inferno in lobbies without trying it in singleplayer first, the difficulty jump is quite severe even without the double damage and health for online play
I mean shit, just the fact that the grey ants permanently sprint in Hardest and above is a pretty big change from Hard
It doesn't really have continuity
4.1 aka 2025 was a sequel to 2017, 5 is a reboot
2017 was also a reboot
Sandlot seems to prefer 'we're learning about the aliens and what their capabilities are' to 'okay we all know giant insects can fly by now right?'
Use the exoskelet you dummy. The highest one reduces the inertia by 100%
5 is a soft reboot. 4.1/2025 is actually the sequel to the story of EDF 2017.
5 is a reboot universe where they replaced the big dumb robots from 4.1 with frogs and ayyylmaos
is anyone else unable to buff vehicles like mechs with guard assist guns? the towers work but not the guns
still got room for 1
name: Yea Forums
password: rage
bought version
>Drive around for 15 minutes scooping up a ton of boxes
>Weave between giant monsters and do sick drifts in my Grape
>Don't do anything to help the fight
>41 Weapon crates and 73 armor across the four classes
Don't underestimate the power of Grape
The hitboxes on some vehicles re: buffs are a bit weird; it's why you can't make Balam/Barga only take 50% damage from everything by plonking a guard post on his foot, because his actual hitbox is somewhere inside his chest
You shouldn't be having that difficulty with smaller mechs if you're hitting them in the chest though?
But then I don't have boosts...
You don't
>just started the game
>doing a mission in Europe
>suddenly the comms start talking about aliens that look like humans
>colossal bipedal green frogs drop on the city
>characters keep talking about humanoid aliens, even saying things like "they look exactly like us"
>turns out they actually means those frogs
I spent the whole mission thinking somewhere an entire different situation happening with properly human-like aliens encountering some people and we're hearing their conversation, but no, they actually were calling those frogs 'humanoid'. What the fuck?
20 hours in
They look just like us, user. They've got two arms, two legs, two eyes...completely humanoid.
>teammate's grape starts sliding down the mountain
>stop his fall as a fencer and help push him back up
What was wrong with robots? Sure, they were a bitch to fight, especially as a wing diver, and they bent weirdly when attacked but other than that they were fine.
Later on a more traditional Gray-like humanoid alien shows up and they say 'THESE ones look NOTHING like humans!' and to be honest with you I think they just swapped when the two appeared at some point in development and forgot to change the dialogue
Either that or they thought it was funny, which seems to be a more common reason for Sandlot's devs doing something than you'd think
That's just how the French look in EDF-verse.
how does voice chat work i've seen people with active mics but I haven't heard anyone use them yet
>multi-charger 2-2
>only level 20
I know what I'm gonna grind today
How do I play online with a pirated copy?
any buyfag lobby up?
It's push to talk and nobody knows that's the button.
it's v
Default key is "v", but there really isn't much to say to a random if everyone is on their game.
>fighting Archelus
>he sonics spins over my ranger buddy killing him
>somehow he got caught on one of his spikes
>his dead corpse is now riding Archelus like a horse
Godspeed ranger-kun
god i love the support equipment that lets you use a multilock missile launcher to lock onto the same target multiple times
also the prominence missile launcher is a good pick against frogs/ayy's on urban maps as the missile flys over the buildings and can hit them from long range behind cover
Pc, because edf5 just released on it.
But then I don't have recoil reduction...
you need the updated steamworks crack. If no lobbies are showing up at all that means you don't have it, someone posted the updated crack a few threads ago
I need some hard boiled edf elites to do the last missions 106+
name:Yea ForumsDF pass:rage
I don't get this recoil reduction meme. Do some of you people play with a controller? Did you not spend years manually controlling recoil in Day of Defeat in competitive?
Main benefit of Gallic is pierce, bigger clip, way faster reload. Mortar is the better all rounder.
What map?
Pillbugs are fucking cancer. They got from 0 to 60 instantly and can pretty much fucking fly.
those are shorts not fucking panties
Is there a difference between hardest and inferno, besides the obvious higher life, damage and drops?
Fly higher. Only Ranger unironically can't cope.
They can't deal with you hiding in buildings or other terrain; hide in a multi-level parking lot and they're just free boxes
The balance between classes and between weapons seems pretty fucked up, ranger falls in the dust compared to wd's, fencers and air raiders so far. The weapons also seem really unbalanced with 2/3 weapon categories being way better compared to all the other weapons, like shotguns on ranger for example. EDF4.1 seemed to handle this way better or is this just me?
More special gold/silver/etc enemies and bugs move and attack even faster. The rolling pillbugs are insane on inferno.
Did you ever try dual wielding HC Handcannons or flamethrowers?
Nah. 4.1 was even worse. In 5 almost all weapons are at least viable. 4.1 has a lot of 100% useless weapons.
BAR was my raifu in DoD. It's annoying in EDF since your aim doesn't instantly snapback and you have to wait for the camera to "catch up".
Underground. Dozens of then flying from the darkness.
>Stardust Cannnon
>shooting swarms in a cave
>charge up and fire right as a spider lands on my face
>lose all 400hp instantly
It works either way, mouse or controller.
It's okay to admit you've never played fencer.
Ranger's strength is in his flexibility, he's able to adjust to easily deal with more situations than the other classes who are more specialized
So no, he's not really as good as any of the other classes but he's also not as bad as any of them either; he doesn't have to bother giving a shit about energy management like Wing Diver, he doesn't shit the bed if a handful of drones start following him like Air Raider, and he doesn't have to manage his positioning/movement abilities as much as Fencer
He puts out consistently the same amount of damage pretty much regardless of the situation and without needing complex game knowledge to function, which is his purpose
oh man, the first time I used double flamers was hilarious
It's okay to admit you're an abominable shitter if you can't cope with minigun or Gallic recoil and sluggish aim adjustment
>blocks your path
>getting some weps on inferno 86
>jump around in the air while waiting for the AI to die
>bunch of pillbugs zip upwards and slam dunk me from space with pinpoint accuracy
Why aren't you hiding in the rock part that gammas can't fit into near the waterfall?
Fencer is my second most played behind Air Raider.
With an Exoskeleton reducing most of that sluggish turning, managing recoil of even the most absurd cannons manually is effortless.
fucking dumb cunt let me call my spritefall waifu in peace
i was over there, i just forgot to murder the npcs on the bridge real quick beforehand
>he can't pound 4 gallic cannon rounds into a dodge-rolling frog from long distance and no recoil reduction without missing a shot
Boosters don't stack?
wing divers need more art bros
>remove railgun from air raider
>give him a tank that pretty much does the same ???? i dont get it
I can do this, but the real question here is: why do you need more than one shot to the head?
>What was wrong with robots?
They were REMARKABLY boring to fight, and it becomes especially noticeable once you start fighting 5's more humanoid enemies. Seriously, getting rid of Hectors and replacing them with frogs/lmaos may be one of the by far biggest improvements the game has done over the previous one.
They are so, so, so much more fun to fight. They are far more mobile, less bullet spongy, and have actual A.I. other than "magically home down on player". You can actually outsmart them, flank them, they can retreat if shit gets hairy, use cover intelligently etc.. Plus the locational damage. The fucking locational damage is fucking glorious, and adds an entire new level of strategy and skill to the slaughter.
One is a vehicle that costs money, moves like shit, can die early and can't reload
Am I really the only one that really liked Hectors
I hope you are. They were among the absolute worst enemies in 4.1. The froggers/lmaos can do everything they would do, but are just plain more fun to fight.
You're not alone. I fucking miss Argo too.
Hectors were neat, but frogs and ayys are way better. Additionally, if you need a noodly robot fix, we still got deroys
Hello PC modding friends please for make mod so different icons on minimap instaed of all green and also replace all wing divers annoying dodge noises with quake guy huh thanks
Not him but I just tried NC cannons with the V2 Exoskeleton(highest I have) and it was absolutely horrible. The upwards recoil I can manage but it'll also bounce side to side, basically missing half of my shots. Tried mission 16 beginning rooftop firing at the frogs.
I liked how they flip out when shot
Meant to quote
How can I fight these motherfucking giant frogs as a fencer?
They fucking lock up on me and fuck up my shit!
But everything you listed, they could apply to the hectors as well.
shoot their legs then shove a spear up their ass
Spears, shotguns or cannons.
snipe em from range with gallic cannons or get up close and destroy their legs with CC and shotguns
Not really, no. Plus, shooting living things is more fun.
Nothing is more satisfying than blowing an Ayyy's leg off with a shotgun, watching him desperately crawl to cover with a leg suprting blood all over the scenery, and eventually executing him by literally blowing his brain into vicera with a point blank anti-material sniper rifle to the temple.
what's a good missile launcher on ranger
>spear arm off
>spear head off
>what's a good missile launcher
Blood Storm
>on ranger
Play fencer instead
>play that shit mission in a field with like 8 drop ships and frogs everywhere to help my friend with it
>two randos join
>one is an Air Raider
>instead of me having to dash to them and drop them, he pelts them across the map with the Limpet Sniper, taking out their legs one by one and then striking them with air support once they're down
Not going to lie, I was impressed
does fencer blood storm lock on time get faster? currently at 2 senconds but still feels like ages
Yes, it goes down to around .16s
Yes. Mine upgraded is like .3 or .4 seconds, I forget which. The problem is you will use them FOREVER because all other missles suck cock. I still haven't swapped them deep in hard.
like this
I wish I could play EDF with my friend who actually speak Japanese so I could get some translations off of him
>In the Spider Sniper mission, the troops talk about Napoleon and it feels really strange
>In Japanese they talk about Nobunaga
>In English they keep calling you Newbie
>In Japanese they call you Rookie, in English.
The one mission where the commander guy says "Super, Newbie" he actually says Super Rookie in English, which makes loads more sense
Now do it with gear less than level 20
Yes, you should take some end game weapons into normal
Is it me or are some Wing Diver weapons' damage scales with the amount of energy left in its clip? I didn't notice anything like that with rapier, but I swear there's this beam weapon that just turns into a laser pointer when it's close to running out of ammo.
just learn japanese
it literally says that in the description, and yes that is how it works
They do and they tell you when that's the case in the description
man I barely know English
Retarius webs have more HObthan a fucking boss. That is some anti AR bullshit.
why are rangers either scum sucking retards who die instantly or hard carries rivalling fencers? i never see inbetween.
What's a good armor for air raider on hardest? And ranger for inferno?
whats the best anti-air for fencers? been using the light cannons
its all about weapon choiuce
>ufo mission
>twin garlic
Your fists.
Missiles for small drones and bees, cannon for big drones. You can also fly around and spear/shotgun whatever get in your reach.
First missiles launcher are pretty shit though.
they’re either complete newbies or they’ve spent years mastering the fundamentals of bug-shooting with the most basic of tools
buyfag lobby
starting at mission 11 hard
name: getbug
password: vdf
So I just unlocked the Stardust Cannon for the wing diver and jesus christ, that thing is fun as fuck.
>mission 87 inferno farm as fencer
>get 11 weapon boxes
>10 of them are for other classes
>last one is a support equipment I already had
Dumb engrish is part of EDF.
>farming a mission that only drops 11 boxes
Super newbie is the highest compliment according the ragnarok online.
They call you 新入り, though.
>it's a "wing diver thinks they're inviciible, runs off to get a tower, and is 2-shotted by an ant a mile away" episode
As a rookie I kind of wished it would just tell you what enemies to anticipate in the mission briefings as long as you've encountered that kind already, it's saddening to join a mission and be stuck using gear that's a bad fit for the fight.
RNG being RNG and kept giving me healthpacks
>look at the picture
>read the text
>pick a loadout
>if you get surprised, made do
>if you die, that's edf baby
Retreating and re-thinking your approach is a part of the experience
That's why 99% of the time, I play Ranger with an AR and rocket launcher.
I do that, it's very satisfying. If you're with an air raider and you see those guys, make sure you blow their kneecaps out. ARs are always waiting for a chance to drop artillery on a crippled ayy.
>mission complete, now return to base
>suddenly red ants everywhere
>Mission 51 [I think]
>Fighting a bunch of Ayys
>Trying out a new shotgun
>De-leg one
Executing Ayys is the shit
>see new guy playing first mission on hard
>clearly a newbie, but don't mind
>join and run through it with him
>he keeps dying and I just keep reviving him
>right when we are at the last room before the ramp to finish the mission he just disconnects
Please don't do this
what if there were Giant Wing Divers as enemies?
That would be cool. Imagine a giant Rapier firing down on the city like a laser light show
Near mission 90 there's a plot element that is word-for-word straight from an episode of Ancient Aliens about how aliens secretly landed here thousands of years ago as depicted by the golden spaceships in Indian mythology.
>Dart between buildings
>Pop out directly in front of a frog bastard and nail him to the wall with sustained AR fire
It's a Ranger's life for me, boys
This game is so fucking good
Drones are annoying for this, simply because it takes 3 times longer to mop them all up if you don't have a weapon that can snipe things.
Anyone hosting?
>get E9 Eros
>aw yeah sweet, time for death from above
>drop that shit into the battle
>take almost a minute to lift off the ground
>swings around like the guy driving it is high on about 12 different painkillers
>slow as shit
>explodes the second an enemy looks at it funny
I love this game, but jesus fuck. Do the later helicopters get better or do they all control like complete fucking shit?
they gave the good chopper to the ranger
Yeah everything gets better in every way as the levels go up, increased mobility included.
I haven't unlocked them yet so I dunno, but in 4.1 late-game helicopters could drift circles around everything in the game while laying precise gunfire.
Jesus, this looks brutal as fuck
Here's hoping. Have the N9 Eros maxed out and it still feels like complete shit. Guess I'll just try other choppers when I get them then. Now back to bashing my head against Mission 25 over and over until I beat it. The massive swarm of red ants completely stomps my NPC allies so I'm basically alone for half the mission.
Probably going to shift it down to normal if I don't get through it in a few more tries.
I laughed at that reference
Vegaltas were severely underrated in 4.1. They were fragile due to their huge hitboxes and slow movement, but if you got a good emplacement or some competent babysitting going on, you could just absolutely nuke waves with the ridiculous weaponry you had going on. Those things could pump out damage numbers equivalent to a full room of non-Air Raiders.
Meanwhile in EDF5, the Nyxes still have the same insane weaponry but more than five times the health because of course they do. Those things are fucking nuts.
I wouldn't have used bombardments if I knew you were playing on a potato user.
>Stands on your gun
Do not weep for me
An i5-3570k, damaged from heat since 2012, is a pain I am to burden alone.
Your airstrikes are merely a reminder of my inadequacy, not an insult, nor an attack.
You are a quality person, user
and I
am not.
Seeing Fencers using a Vulcan Hammer and dash jumping into a frog only to see a big explosion and the Fencer going through the god damn frog as its limbs fly off in multiple directions is quite the sight to behold.
Not him but I think Replay defaults to 30 FPS while encoding. That coupled with his bitrate-starved webm probably makes it look worse than it is. I'm on an i5 2500k and it runs butter smooth.
Try the shotguns. they are way better than ARs and they also pass through several enemies.
What are some good weapon combos for the wing diver? Mission 42, hard mode. I've been using the Spark Whip ((37*12)dmg) and Cannon M2 (~600dmg) since I got them lord knows how many missions ago. They're so good and easy to use but I can feel the damage falling off a bit against some enemies. The limited energy of just ~160 sucks hard. Destroying those turrents in mission 41 took for fucking ever. Want to try something else.
Room open;
83. City of Giant Pylons
There is just something really cathartic about dual wielding two fencer Gatling guns against a horde of bugs. Or even just a frog or two.
Well the bits where it really chugs are accurate, but yeah my thing caps at 30 FPS
Also I had to crank that bitrate down to fuggin' 800 or some shit to get it small enough to post here, shit did NOT want to compress.
Yeah but then I don't get the sound effect of an AR on full auto and it's just not the same
>everyone says Limpet sniper is the best limpet gun for AR
>my best LS has B- accuracy
>have yet to find a better one
I'm dying
pirated this shit game. it's so boring and awful
720p is a bit too big for that length. Especially with so much shit going on on screen.
that one semi-auto ar destroys frogs while simultaneously destroying your finger
This pic is what sold me on EDF back then. I never really cared for sanic fencing, I just wanted to dual wield big guns and unleash the dakka.
Use a turbo
It's absolutely the best but the RNG shit makes the stats a complete toss-up. My lvl 12 sniper is pinpoint accurate, faster, and has a longer ranger than my lvl 33 one. I'm forced to use the 33 one because it does 800 damage per shot. Just grab boxes and hope you get an upgrade.
>buyfag lobby
>starting at mission 11 hard
>name: getbug
>password: vdf
lmao just grind for 50 hours to get a decent one
So this question is not apparent in the thread yet, but is there any good ant porn out there?
I use that 8 shot sniper for that mission but usually I take BEEG plasma and Stardust
Not knowing the pool of weapons per mission makes it an even bigger chore to upgrade them.
>t. zoomer that played mission 1 on easy
your loss
I couldn't tell you, its too small for me.
If there isn't someone should make some.
ants gang banging the queen
red ants cucking regular ants, chad/virgin style
Missed opportunity to Carlos.
Fuck the limpets and go for the gunship rocket cannons. they can reload in the background and are literally fire and forget.
I get a similar feeling with a tower shield and a cannon, 30mm or nc102 as aliens run at me firing their guns and getting their limbs blown off
I need to farm a stage that is extremely likely to drop Level 75 weapons
I have the chart up but my question is, do I want to aim for a 70~80 stage or a stage that exactly starts or ends on 75?
if I get this game how long does it take before I can start going sanic fast with fencer?
haha so random
I still cant figure out how to do that
In general, if you play on a mission with a level limit the same as the weapon you want, then you can get the weapon on it
There's a range but I don't know what it is and its probably fucked in Hardest and Inferno like in 4.1
So if I want to upgrade a level 15 weapon I should play a mission where the limit is level 15?
Ability to move: level 5 or so
Ability to feel moderate speed: hard level 20
Ability to feel actually fast (leaving wing divers behind): hard 35 to 50
Gets better and better from there
Real ultimate power: DLC pack 2
If you play on hard you'll probably get enough boost and jumps by mission 30~40 to be fast enough, RNG permitting you get both boost and dash cell 2. It's a grind in the beginning.
How do I stop being shit?
hope I don't get banned for this
Dropships do exist, no matter how much Air Raiders don't want to admit it
they're fast, but you're not leaving a diver with a core with dash speed behind, my boy
Play a mission that can drop a level 15 weapon and hope it's the one you're using. So missions 24-46 on hard.
are the dlc packs on PS4 already?
user what the fuck
That's what the Fencer is for
>*tosses you in an underground mission*
heh nothin personnel
eat my dust faggot
Prioritize your survival over your DPS. If you aren't sure you have enough energy to charge in, deal your damage, and escape, wait until you do have enough. Charge up your charge weapons you intend to use before you need to use them to not waste energy. Every second you spend at full energy is a second you aren't regenerating new energy to use -- so use it. Relatedly, your emergency cooldown always charges faster than your base charge -- if you spam the flight button, you can continuously drain energy without gaining altitude to trigger the emergency CD if appropriate. If you're in a bad situation and low on energy, land on the edge of a cliff or building and exhaust your energy to put yourself into emergency cooldown and just protect yourself until you're juiced back up. If enemies threaten you in this situation, jumping off the side of that cliff/building will buy you time. Unless you're absolutely certain in your abilities, always take a weapon with its own magazine. One of the best weapon lines for this backup purpose is the Spark line. The upgraded lv 10 Spark Whip can carry through half the campaign. In terms of keeping your altitude, boosting forward is the most efficient method. Unless there are a gorillion health packs, only ever take enough to keep yourself above critical HP. There are many attacks you can defeat simply by circle-strafing with your boost ability; once you master this, you can draw a magnificent amount of aggro while staying perfectly safe. Phalanx weapons are some of the strongest in the game; when fighting transport ships, charge your phalanx, wait for full energy, fly up into the hatch, and let 'er rip. If you manage your energy right, the hatch will close with you inside it, allowing you to regain energy in relative safety and charge your phalanx again. Lance weapons are another option for this purpose. Always be on the lookout for rogue crates to pick up, especially if you only have ARs/Rangers as teammates.
t. 4.1 WD Vet
Anyone hosting for buyfags?
How do you know lvl47 doesn't drop level 15 weapons?
Two slots open
that's why you have the fucking roombas to-
who am i kidding, AR inside caves are useless.
Minimum drop from that mission is 16.
you sound like a bitter ranger that walked into an air strike.
>mission with wing divers
>they circle you
>*starts dance*
good game japs. Bought it after this. Got me laughing for solid 10 minutes.
>M5 raven in tadpole mission
I feel like a walking CIWS
>crosses the map faster by literally two seconds by using goofy spear
>can't boost up while doing it
oh no, running across an entire map 2 seconds faster while not changing altitude!
Like I said, you're not leaving anyone "in the dust" except for Ranger
Plus, you're probably like the other retards I see on Inferno right now who boost into hordes and die instantly lmao
What's the best Wing Diver weapon for dealing with fliers and/or large amounts of drones?
I dont see a difference
]Change to a ranger and use the shotgun.
Considering they like recycling up the ass don't see why they didn't add them as well anyway.
I'm on mission 51, will I be a burden?
Manual recoil adjustment works fine for Gallics, but good fucking luck trying that shit with handcannons; at max RoF those things buck like a bronco on crack and you WILL miss half your shots past point blank range.
thats inferno lol
Or flame revolvers. You fire for 2 seconds and you're staring at the sky.
>Wanting to be a slow ground boi
No thanks.
enjoy being a dead WD then.
is anyone else having trouble launching the game? it crashes before getting to the title screen
you literally are jumping the whole time
get smoked, no pants wearing faggot
On hard/multiplayer the heavy mortar can one shot them or at least knock them down and delimb them and all the adjacent frogs. I imagine if you're playing single player it would be even easier since there are seems to be less enemies who take less damage.
no more than me
This proves my point
Stages drop weapons of the lvl limit -9
So in a lvl limit 20 level you can get lvl 11 weapons
Cept on Inferno where the range is 27
Wing Diver's upset
>take dual canister cannons
>triple jump into the sky so I'm level with the wasps
>unload and kill like 20 before I touch the ground
Public pirate lobby, hard, 91, Yea Forumsideogames
anyone have a ahk macro for semi-auto weapons
My Ranger is now a one-man army with the latest rewards, fuck is he fast, can almost outrun a colony of ants.
Make it yourself nigga.
I wanna see how sanic ranger can get, do you have a webm?
>11k armor
I'll make one, hold on.
>implying I don't play Fencer
you're just like the retards online huffing your own farts and dying lmao
why ahk marcro.
wow i got maxed dlc weapons why am i so powerful
not even using the blazer lmao
boosting forward is a different action than boosting up. You can't climb a building by boosting sideways or forwards in a dash
Do you even play Fencer?
because trying to use a semi-ar weapon normally for long periods of time will destroy your finger
you don't see a difference between panties and hotpants? Come on user
Jump boost + Multi Boost is just straight up worse than Jump Boost + Dash Cell. Multi Boost is for bringing something else like recoil reduction
when is this game going on sale on ps4 again
Been playing since release.
Really antman? I worked for it, so i'll savour it like I want.
Maybe you should buy a mouse with a lighter actuation on switches for your dainty little fingers?
B-but the blazer is more powerful than an EMC!
>tfw Fencers think they're fast without the DLC items
>mfw when they're pretty good after the DLC, but still not the Queen
Why is the double lance so good on WD? Is there an upgrade for it? It’s already capped as level 11 but I use it so much.
Why not use autoclicker then.
That or the idiot who kites Erginus away from the NPC tanks and infantry...because fuck ever finishing the mission, right!
>There's a DLC exosuit that fast
What the fuck
>giant fucking open field
>ai still stand in front of my cannons
Bind it to scroll wheel
>ranger took autoaim helicopters and all bikes from air raider
what the fuck sandlot what's wrong with letting them have both
heard they do this on purpose. For exmaple wing divers juping in front of you is literally coded in the game as a joke.
>zoom in to hit """humans""" with airstrike beacons
>some dumbass ai runs in front and gets stuck
>everyone in a 15m radius goes flying
that's why it's funny when all the fencers jack each other off without having played the game before. I played it on PS4 and played a fencer for the most part.
Everyone is fast except for ranger, but he CAN use a motorcycle if he has to.
It's kind of why he's the worst at inferno solo farming and DLC farming despite having good weapons, but it's still 100% doable.
AR has a few options for going fast enough to outrun foes, only to pop out for a second to drop a strike. He's pretty good at solo now when you get the tools later game.
Just yet another reason to massacre the real pests as soon as a mission starts
webm done
>mission 100
>trying to outrun green ants
How are the high-altitude missiles for fencer?
>doing mission 31 with a pub
>not going well
>host kicks me
>just make my own lobby and easily solo it
So who was at fault here?
Seriously, when will people learn NOT to just run ahead into the wide open cavern and use choke points to form a wall of guns?
the high level ones are good, the early ones suck dick compared to level 2 Blood Storms
Was doing this mission of frogs with 4 pubies. One retard literally ran into 6 frogs and instantly died. This happend 10 more times until i left myself. IQ 200 players right up this game.
Green Ants are best girls
is field of conflict the best ti grind armor/lower level weapons? ass loads of enemies the AI usually kills for you and you can just sit back and snipe
one slot open still
After they suplex you will they dominate you gently?
best place to farm armor?
literally watch this video from the same guy and get raped, dumb faggot
You were saying?
The most low effort farming is nearly clearing Brutal Battlefield and then going afk under a ship. If you want to play an active role then there's more time efficient ways however.
I recommend mission 100, 2 players. One on kill duty and other on collecting. If not 2 players, then just mission 100 and sink time into it.
to be fair, the life of the enemies doubles or triples when there is more than one person playing
If I make a low level room, will you guys play with me?
alright thanks
I will if I can, is it pc or ps4?
how low level? I'm on 39 but I don't mind doing some lower.
Depends. Are you pirate?
Then I'm sorry, can't join unless there's cross-play.
what weapon is good to try with Wing Divers? I loved their mobility but so far everything I tried takes forever to charge, causes too little damage on distance or I have to go face first against everything and fry them with the very first weapon.
No, buyfag
EDF is video game: the video game so not enjoying is is almost certainty a confirmation of shit taste
sorry mate
My favourite WD equipment is XL Chance from BD
Everything in the close range category, stardust cannon, non-zero monsters. Destroyer blasters are ok.
no, they'll just keep doing it
Small green ants are just red ants, the AI is exactly the same, the only difference is that they are too small to keep hold of you and end up dropping you or throwing you across the stage
>one second faster is "leaving them in the dust" like this retard said
The absolute retardedness of people who have never (and probably will never) played the DLC on inferno is comedy
The point was everyone but ranger is fast. You're not leaving anyone "behind" when everyone is getting DLC gear, and good on you if you want to use that particular dual spear every single stage
Protip: There's better Jackhammers and regular spears
but you don't know that because you looked up "strongest EDF 5 class" and are now shitting up every online game, pissing off actual Fencer players
air raider has spoilt me and i cant get into any other class
send help
So they are playful little sluts then, giggling as they throw you around.
just finished it
are there any models to unlock?
>humanity risk going extinct because alien invasion
>'shiiiieeeet muh employment'
play cave missions and destroy dropship missions for a while, you'll feel like changing soon.
Why should you? Be the Bringer of Boom God intended you to be
>20% of humanity killed
>Frogs first appear
>They look just like humans!
>Greys first appear
>These things don't look like humans!
Yep but be careful
Because of their diet they are actually really heavy, be sure not to mention it unless you really like being thrown through the ground
>20% of humanity killed
>That's not TOO bad....
>5 seconds later
>Sir the entire negotiation team has been killed
>moving the goalposts
Melee weapons in general are a fucking joke compared to Fencer's other weapons, you only pick one up to get access to a side booster. The fact that Twin Spear not only has a side booster but makes you go even faster when attacking is just icing on the cake.
>anime reaction face
>can't read
>that's why it's funny when all the fencers jack each other off without having played the game before. I played it on PS4 and played a fencer for the most part.
>Everyone is fast except for ranger, but he CAN use a motorcycle if he has to.
Lobby up
From mission 69 - Hard
Where's the drawfag when you need him? I need something like this in my EDF.
>moves the goalposts
>claims they didn't
>gets assmad and changes their argument entirely
Fencer is faster. Stop pretending they're not faster, stop pretending we were talking about anything except Fencer being faster.
the normal spear or M2 is actually super good. That one sucks dicks to clear hordes with and isn't so great at taking on AYYYs like a Jackhammer or M2
It's great for moving around and it's not like it's BAD (far from it), but you SHOULD be using your melee
You can Jackhammer and fire a shotgun at the same time
>You can Jackhammer and fire a shotgun at the same time
Thank you user, you have convinced me in a single sentence.
>They're robots! Wait, they're not robots...
>disgusting! They don't look like humans at all!
>seething slowfag is redditor tourist who can't even greentext
No, the original guy said "hurr hurr eat my dust" and I replied everyone is pretty fast so they're not really lagging behind so much.
Stop watching anime and pick up a fucking book and learn to read. Great; good for you. You're a touch faster if you lock yourself to a dual spear; good job. You did it.