>Oh hey, I'm the first gun you'll stumble upon
Oh hey, I'm the first gun you'll stumble upon
Other urls found in this thread:
>glock does more damage per shot than mp5
What did they mean by this?
balancing to keep both weapons viable
realism is pointless
>grenade does more damage than puny 9mm
no shit
>Top 10 Photos Taken moments Before Tragedy Struck
Jackie Jr. was the fucking worst
Since when does Glock make fucking grenades, they only build pistols of varying sizes and calibers you tard
wot? glock is a well known grenade maker
fuck off, realism is GOD
They only make Handguns and Knifes you fucking tard
Never @ me again
They make polymer framed handgrenades with EXTREMELY short timers
>sniping with bino/glock combo
it was broken, but so much satysfying
That's a bad way to do balancing if a higher-tier weapon is shittier than the starting pistol while sharing the same ammo pool.
Imagine being a humorless autist like this guy. What suffering his existence must be.
>open link
>it's only grenades
Are you trying to be funny?
Because I don't get the joke, at all
My favorite brand of grenade is glock. You have no clue what you're talking about hippie
it's an old /k/ meme mocking glock's quality
One gun has a smaller mag and a much slower rate of fire. It's perfectly reasonable balancing to (depending on your game) bump up the DMG on the pistola vs. the SMG. SMG delivers a lot more lead on target.
It's okay, user. Autism gets more common every year.
okay im gonna explain the joke. The glock since it made from fragile plastic, have a high tendency to explode if you use non-standard ammunation. People lost fingers because the glock is a fucking safety hazard
>comically bad end scene for a comically bad character
I see
>go to some shitty fire-range in my decrepit shithole country
>they have a couple of shitty pistols lined up
>guy recommends glock
>I'm the first gun you get!
issue is shared pool. Make handguns use separate pool, and as long as they don't suck, they become your life insurance for when you're low on ammunition for bigger stuff
yeah, shared ammo pools kinda suck.
I'm looking at you, Deus Ex: Infinity War
It's not even Glock in general, it was specifically older .40 models, and IIRC most of them were running handloads that were way too hot.
Not quite right
Its a meme from retarded fudds firing nuclear hot loads from early gen .40 s&w glocks, a few of them exploded. This isn't really glocks fault so much as fudds are retarded. The issue has since been fixed but the glocknade meme still lives.
that's why you always check if gun is rated for P+ ammunition, before you load it. It's not just Glocks. Most 1911 frames is NOT rated for .45 Super, yet plenty of people think it's not an issue, because round fits.
though Glocks had issues even with normal power .40 ammunition, though that supposedly got fixed.
Still better than the .38 peashooter that's actually the first gun you get.
it worked very well in Hard Reset, but that's because ammo packs (energy, ballistic or combined) were common drops from killed enemies, so ammunition was never a problem
someone was mad
Best pistol usualy
>that gun you just love for some reason
What are some games with completely realistic damage models, but aren't full-on slow-paced sims? Something like the pace of csgo but the realistic weapons of Arma would be neat.
The only time I liked using a bizon was in COD ghosts. Every other game it feels like it has a ttk of ~20 minutes.
It's basically a completely different gun in ghosts though. Even with extended mags you don't reach the actual guns capacity with the helical magazine.
The issue with that is any game with realistic damage is going to be slow, because the risk of any mistake is so much higher.
You could compensate by allowing instant respawn, though. I remember playing an instant kill mode of Unreal Tournament, and that was certainly very fast-paced indeed.
"Completely realistic" is a stretch but Insurgency is probably the closest thing to a blend of realistic damage and CSGO pace. The original Rainbow Six trilogy also hit that nail on the head, at least with PvP multiplayer, but sadly they went much more arcadey with Vegas and never really went back.