Why do Western devs like having ugly female characters in their games?
Why do Western devs like having ugly female characters in their games?
Why does it matter if a female character is attractive?
porque te tocas en la noche jajajaja
This is edited picture, right? It's low res so it's hard to tell.
It looks WAY too similar to mutt meme.
Because i most likely have to look at it for a large part of the game.
Easy to self insert themselves.
Virgen de los Remedios......ayudame....esta aqui.....
where do you think the mutt meme came from?
Hue thread
People prefer to look at attractive characters. It's human nature. What kind of stupid question is that?
ay dios mio santisimo el ogro de las americas
>Why does it matter if the game you play looks good
Beautiful women enhance the gaming experience
They mostly don't like it, they just have to pay lipservice to current political and ideological climate. The western society is profoundly insecure in many ways, especially when it comes to handling sexuality and feminity.
La creatura....
Have you seen the women who play games?
You could say the same for male gamers, but vydia is still full of Chads
>/pol/ memed goblina into existence
El ogro de las Hyrulas?
Much larger sample size my dude.
Hey now, that just not cool.
If I don't make ugly characters how else will I be able to feel an inflated sense of self importance and brag about my big social accomplishment without actually performing any kind of public service to better the world?
Do you know how hard it is to build a school in an impoverished nation?! I thought not, because you only think about yourself!
Stop being so fucking entitled and think about others for a minute!
Cultural marxism and the want to destroy white race by undermining the values of western world.
La luz extinguido....
Too bad the Amerimutt meme is an /int/ creation.
Because if its fiction aka escapism they might as well be good looking.
If I wanted to see an ugly tranny I would visit your home instead of playing vidya.