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>My girl is dead, a faggy sith lizard is running around, I need the Valley of Jedi to give me a boost
>Kyle no, you have to get your force powers back naturally
>How about go fuck yourself Luke, Imma get those Force steroids, kill the lizard, and get revenge
Kyle was great.
Doesn't exist anymore. The Force is Female sweety :^)
>Start up JA MP
>Every server is nothing but bots
It hurts so bad
>and nothing bad came of it
>goes on to train another great jedi (and rosh)
I don't know if George or Disney were the worst things to happen to Star Wars.
>Leads sith to valley of jedi because dead waifu
>Gives no fucks, literally only looking to get the force back for revenge
>Can use both sith and jedi powers
Why is Kyle so fucking based bros
George directed bad movies but the stories and characters in the prequels led to some great shit.
I played on one of the few remaining servers (jenova) in college. Still buddies with some of the guys from there but server drama ended up nuking the whole thing LOL
That's true, but he's the one who sold out to Disney.
And now we have but except unironically.
Didney, definitely Didney was the worst thing to ever happen. Prequel movies acting may be bad but the material it created certainy was not, infact it was probably the best era besides the Old Republic.
Why yes I am with the Confederecy of Independent Systems which is from the best Era how could you tell?
>tfw you'll never play a comfy Siege match again.
By your absolute CHAD physique. Need to work on your lats, though.
George was based as fuck with his prequels. He had a vision which Abrams lacks.
>new jedi academy with Jaden as the main villain never
But we got Kyle and Jan in the new movies!
Every JA fan is playing MBII nowadays brahs.
Imagine being Didney right now wasting billions of dollars on a new theme park except it's only based on their two piece of shit movies and not the universe at large lmao.
Damn Kyle's FMV actor is such a chad.
But I don't want to play MB2, I want to play competitive baseJKA
>The Force is Female sweety :^)
Indeed honey :^)))
They fucked up the lightsaber combat in MB2 imo.
>pic related happens
>make Ariel a nigger
>Galaxy's Edge is a ghost town even after the Whales went and spent a couple thousands of dollars
Is this Didney's comeuppance?
No wonder Kyle Katarn exudes Chad vibes.
I can't believe how hard that place bombed.
People want something pretty like Naboo or something they know at least, not some literally who planet.
Even worse is the leaked original park design by Georges mate that has everything from Star Wars brought together in the shape of the Millenium Falcon. You had Coruscant, Naboo, Mustafar, Kashyyyk, Endor, the Death Star, Tatooine, Yavin 4 temple, Hoth, Geonosis and the shithole nu-trilogy places. And the craziest thing is Didney has the money to make that a reality but chose to focus on their shitty two movies instead.
The SJW infested DC Comics and Marvel Comics are also shutting down and having record low sales with major losses because nobody wants to waste money on comic placeholders for personal politics written by uneducated low IQ SJW turdbrains who have never gone through a political science book nor have the mental capacity to understand any content within.
Now SJW comic "artists" are whining en masse on Twitter about how they are going to become jobless and are unemployable. I'm laughing my ass off for the first time in my life at the prospect of someone being unemployed and unemployable, these human garbage deserve it.
drink bleach, shit stain
That sounds fun desu
JKO2 is better tha JKA
If companies only pander to politics to make money then how are they still pandering to SJWs considering 90% of that shit bombs hard?
>Fights patriarchy
>By submitting to men
Okay but why
Outcast is overall better, but I like the planet variety and being able to select which powers I want in Academy
((( )))
Just taking care of business
JusJust takJusJusJust taking care of busineJust taking care of business.