Luigi’s Mansion 3 release date confirmed October 31

So what do you think?
Do you like that they picked a fitting date, or are you mad that they are making us wait longer just to have le epic spooky date?

Attached: 428E50B4-B490-43FC-8133-4C97B72DB6A7.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

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That's the same day Persona 5 Royal comes out in Japan. This game will perform poorly

It's soulless compared to the first one, that was more spooky and had a better atmosphere

Remember when it looked like Luigi hung himself? Or when you had to play the Super Mario Bros theme with instruments?

Pure soul

I think it's too late. After the 31st, the Halloween vibe is gone. One or two weeks before Halloween would have been better.

Sucks for Persona I guess

Luigi's mansion 2 sold over 5 million copies.

How? It's terrible

>Remember when it looked like Luigi hung himself?
Outed yourself as a retard

99% of people by games based off the brand and to watch flashing lights quality has little to do with sales


Attached: Luigi-Hanged-720x360.jpg (720x360, 35K)

why is luigi in tartarus?

> 99% of people buy games based off the brand
Is that why the majority of the new Nintendo IP's from the 2010's all flopped?

Seriously, only like 4 of them actually did well

That got proven to be a glitch a long time ago dude. I mean think about it logically, do you REALLY think Nintendo would allude to suicide in a Mario game?

Luigi Mansion 3 is being sold Worldwide. It's will sell better.

do does legs look like dangling legs to you? its a lighting glitch

They already did in Wrecking Crew 98

Why would they release it on the very day of Halloween? Do they think people are going to want to visit their FUCKING GAMESTOP on that day and not be doing something else?

Kids will be trick or treating and adults will be out with friends if they aren’t total losers. It’s also a Thursday



Halloween is the day where all the trannies come out of their hellholes while convincing everyone else that they're wearing a costume or just cosplaying.

Attached: lol.png (779x474, 304K)

Good date
Means I get a month to play Astral Chain and catch up on Iceborne
Means Halloween itself will be extra comfy while I watch old halloween specials with Yea Forums and play LM3 with Yea Forums

Based diaperfag

Looking forward to it. My only regret is that I already powered through 1 and 2 pretty quickly a couple weeks ago, had I known they were going to release the game on Halloween, I would have waited until October to play them all back to back

Luigi's Mansion is unironically bigger than Persona

>Personafags actually think this.

Retarded bing bing zoomers

this is what too much Yea Forums looks like

You undetestimate ninteno fanboys.

I'm going to buy it for my mom

>If I use epic buzzword I auto win arguments.

Luigi's Mansion is a subset of Mario, you know, the fucking face of video games. You seriously think a Japan only rerelease of game from two years ago is going to outsell it?

user, P5R is only released in Japan on that day, LM3 is a Worldwide release....