What's that? you'd like another 3D arena fighter anime game?

what's that? you'd like another 3D arena fighter anime game?

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>mfw Yea Forums is hyping the shit out of the kill la kill game

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seethe harder, FGCucks

Just give me Code Vein already you fucks

I really fucking wish they didn't have a near monopoly on all anime game licenses.
It's not by Bamco so it has a chance of being decent. The demo alone feels better to play than most of their output barring Gundam and Naruto Storm.

Both GVS and KLK are getting side tournaments at Evo, so they don't care.


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name ONE (1) good anime game that isn't FighterZ. i'll wait

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Raging blast 2 remake would be cool

Gundam Breakers 3

Where’s my new Pac-Man game you hacks

oddly enough the kill la kill game is being called the evolution of arena fighters cause everyone is vastly different. of course this means the roster is tiny.

Most Dragon ball games.

Please just give me a Pac-Man World rerelease and stop with the non-stop Jump shit
I'm so tired of it all
I'd also like localized iM@S but I gave up on that dream years ago

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is this a joke? DBZ games haven't been good since pic related. if you actually think the new games are good then you have some shit taste dude

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I agree, but most wasn't made after Budokai 3 either. There are tons of Dragon Ball games.
And somehow, most of them are fun.

If dbfz had the roster of that it'd be better then that game 300x over


you mean you dont enjoy having a game that's 50% Goku?

If you use the actually-engaging-and-competitive Gundam VS formula rather than the shitty fucking Naruto Storm formula then sure.

Every time a new anime arena fighter is announced and I see that fucking Naruto camera and combat style I instantly write it off as absolute kusoge.
>Jump Force
>that upcoming One Punch Man game
>MHA One's Justice
>One Piece Burning Blood
>Saint Seiya

Attached: https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Folliebarder%2Ffiles%2F2017%2F05%2Fgundam_versus_beta-1200x67 (960x540, 91K)

Since remakes are the new cool thing can we get a remake of the Pac-Man World Trilogy?

He's right though. the fucked it up in New Gundam Breaker.

Jump Super Stars
Jump Ultimate Stars
Naruto GNT4
Narutimate series
Several Super Robot Wars games
Gundam Battle Assault 2
Pirate Warriors 3
Gunsou RPG on the DS was pretty good
Tenkaichi series
Gundam Vs Extreme FB
I though Macross 30 was okay
Bleach DS fighter was solid

>Hating Breaker 3
Youre super trash

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I really do not get the appeal of these games. They're just bad action games that for some reason mostly force 1v1. If you just want to make a mashy scrubfest with a million characters there are way better ways to go about it than this. Make a beat'em up or some shit. Nothing about these games benefit from the 3D fighter set up.

If you are going to make a 1v1 fighter, make an actually good competitive game. Gundam VS isn't any less fun cause it can be played seriously. Making a game complex and well thought out enough for competitive play doesn't make it worse for casuals. Just think about games like SC2 or T5, games argued to be the pinnacle of their series competitively yet adored by casuals.

We Love Katamari Rerolled please

In addition to the Gundam Vs/Dissdia formula being a competitive arena fighter format, The sort of Arena Fighter/Traditional 2d fighter hybrid formula Pokken uses is also a thing.

Though i'd also argue that Pokken is really just a 2d fighter and the 3d stuff is just a specific mechanic, since basically all the combat systems are the designed around the 2d phase and are mostly the same as other traditional, competitively designed FGC titles; with the 3d one basically just acting as a forced return to neutral/anti-infinite system that also encourages adaption by forcing you to think about what moves to use andchange up your combo compition to maximize or minimize the amount of time in a given phase/to switch faster based on the state of the match

In general Pokken is really well designed but it got screwed over by being marketed as arena casualshit, so nobody cared about it, and then when it turned out it was competitive, casual pokemon fans also hated it, because they actually had to git gud and learn characters and it didn't just have 60+ copy pasted clone characters

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Its the same shit they did in the ps2 era only with a new coat of paint and released in the west. This isnt new.

learn 2 read

Yeah, just realized I meant to quote this guy

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 1, 2, and 3.

Are you living under a rock? It's releasing in three months
