I guess nobody's going to talk about the fact that our lalafell overlord gave us very clear and specific instructions -...

I guess nobody's going to talk about the fact that our lalafell overlord gave us very clear and specific instructions - 'Find our friends, and bvring them home" - And yet we return to the source empty-handed?

Attached: FFXIV_Shadowbringers.png (1130x640, 280K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She will overlook it in exchange for a night of mashing press

Don't you guys get embarassed with your weeb names?
Looking at you Kirito CloudSan

Mods? Hurry up and kill this thread

We were sending letters back via Feo Ul. She understood that we had a calamity in need of stopping and a world in need of saving and that took all our attention.

She didnt know they couldnt be brought back

this but unironically. You fags are worse than smash at this point.

>in Ul Dah right now
>see some sprout Hyur doing the "put up posters around the coliseum" quest
damn bros, i remember that. also his character was ugly as fuck holy shit

how to spot a 12 year old, too bad you can't tell their gender

Don't worry bros, Jannie is still eating his hotpockets.

Attached: bro.jpg (235x250, 15K)

Does someone still have that that APM comparison between jobs that they can post?

Someone post the webm

You got it bro. I got warned for this, but I'll risk it.

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>I got warned for this

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Im sorry this thread bumped off your steve thread

Why is this allowed?

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>i got warned for this
Are you serious?

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what's wrong with cute cunnies

>implying gender matters

I don't get why it shouldn't matter

Any of y'all genuinely lowkey disappointed in the lack of FF8 references in the Eden raid...?

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I want a Lalafell wife.

I've never gone to a house owned by a lalafell player, I imagine it must be annoying since all the housing decorations are normal sized.

>I got warned for this
what was your transgression? i've been getting warning for retarded shit too lately

More like FAT

I want a Lalafell daughterwife

Last thread died before I got my answer. Decent FC on Light-odin?

Jannys don't like when you complain about them

I really like Khloe

No, we got the GF in the expert dungeon. There's still hope for the likes of Brothers, Pandemona and Doomtrain.

Which one of you incels is this?

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yeah but what was the reasoning in the warning?

People who think garleans did nothing wrong are fucking retards but there's nothing wrong with sympathizing with the antagonist's motivations.
>but the six million!
sympathize =/= condoning their actions

very cute

>you cant like a character if they are bad

Dunno, but I saw an "Uchiha Frieza" the other day.

That works for me too, but I am fine if she is older than me too.


We got a boss theme, a boss, a summon animation and the overworld music. Just for tier 1. I'd say that's pretty good

that's me, what're you gonna do faggot?

Don't meet people from Yea Forums

>male character
not me

at what point can i start doing those 24 man raids? i'm a lvl 26 lancer.


Even the fucking Scions outright say they understand why he's doing it and sympathize with him, but still need to save their own world.

I swear the DF just straight up breaks sometimes and loses you. I've been queued for e2 for 45 minutes now and the estimated time is still at 9 minutes

level 50

bet he's from dumb old Texas

Attached: my hate for thee is unrelenting, unending.gif (280x280, 1.18M)

It is I, Dio.

I dunno y'all Yea Forums was saying it was going to be an FF8 raid so I was lowkey expecting Squall or Griever or Balamb Garden... pretty lowkey disappointed...

>No more new phases/forms in savage
What's the fucking point then, why did they stop doing this

Should I continue torturing myself today with trying to pug Titania, or just say fuck it and do something else? I have no friends, my FC is casual as fuck, and I don't want to pay for a clear. I've seen enrage so many times, I want to die.

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More like Patrick Bovine

The very last thing you see is Emet and your WoL sharing a parting smile. You can even bring him up as a positive dialogue choice in Eden.

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What a humoungus fag.

Change servers

Straight people can't glamour for shit

Attached: 2019-05-23 13_18_40-FFXIV Online - Power BI Desktop.png (1844x862, 114K)

seriously though, who plays as a male in this game?

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Ask Yea Forums for help.

hey jeremy

People, japs mostly, thought it was stupid.

if it's stressful for you, you can always come back later. the fight will only get easier overtime as people get more geared up from eden and new tomes.

No. 90% of omega was bland as fuck because it was just an empty reference

They only mentioned that for the first Tier. Even then, it doesn't stop things like Winged Justice happening.

Honestly, Eden just felt rushed. Given that it's Nomura, that's likely the case.

Yeah but how many of those hyur males are bots

idk if i can shill my FC since i'm not the leader but don't listen to

You have to do the fight literally the first 3 or 4 days to get the best pug players. You waited too long and now all the shitters run the party finder.

>go to Lamia to avoid degenerates at the cost of low population
>degenerates flood in afterwards

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I was able to clear it as soon as i hit 430 2nd random party

one non shit dps and 7 retards can handle it

I do.

kirito, apparently

Can't wait for fat fucks like this to roast come the apocalypse.

Pat straight up said himself that he agreed with Emet and if the WoL had let him do his thing, everything would have turned out okay.

Unironically based

I avoid random name generators as well unless Xaela. Because maybe they actually gave a shit to pick a tribe. Though meme names are just as bad.

>power bi

Tableau is superior

zero because bots use random names
there's a lot of trash level 1-5 characters without a mount or a minion, though (about 8k).

Attached: 2019-05-23 13_21_36-FFXIV Online - Power BI Desktop.png (1839x857, 115K)

non trannies

Those are actual children.
You're old.

as a lalafell player I like my house because everything appears larger than normal. makes a small house feel like a medium house.

Emet 's argument may have been flawed, but that's the most you'll get. And as an antagonist, there tends to be a moral, logical, or ethical flaw to find. He was a great antagonist that has very legitimate points and honest, understandable goals. I feel for him, but that certainly doesn't mean I agree with him wholesale.

This is the point where you need to decide whether or not you want to actually raid in this game. If you do, you need a static or at least a group of people who can play with on some sort of regular basis so that y'all can learn the fights and grow together. This is the part where you gotta work a little harder to get things done or else just realize this is the part that'll be beyond you because every other casual like yourself just wants to be carried instead of putting in some extra work to git gud in this MMORPG.

Attached: Feo Fun.jpg (173x266, 17K)

Is that really active max level players? All i see on the end game zones are au ra and mito´te girls.

casuals whined about not getting to see the true forms
savage raiders whined about door bosses arbitrarily padding the fight

It'll be fine as long as Janny doesn't get a report from shitters spamming.

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>play this game obsessively for the past two months after resubbing for the first time since 3.0
>clear stormblood in a week, unlock every beast tribe, dungeon, and trial, get 6 jobs to cap, clear shadowbringers in 2 days spend dozens of hours getting the frog shit, clear Eden immediately after it came out
>start leveling every crafter today while waiting for the daily reset
>seriously consider paying the monthly fee for more retainers since the guide says it's a waste not to
>sudden realization of "what the fuck am I doing"
uh, I guess I'm done until the nier raid

Tableau was meh for what we were going for at work so we went for Power BI instead.
Also Tableau is way too expensive for what it does.

Oh now I realized it's people called kirito, Jesus Christ.

convince someone to let you join their farm party. make an agreement that if you die once then they can kick you.

I really fucking despise this game's casual playerbase.
>Coil is too hard! I deserve to see the story!
Okay so here's a story mode and a Savage mode with dyeable gear and weapons.
>What?! This Savage is way too hard! How am I supposed to get the weapons?!
Okay we made Savage easier but added a special harder final battle to the end.
>WTF!!!! Why do Savage raids get a special boss fight I deserve that!!!

It was just the same as the "generals belong in /vg/" message but the only post I did was the webm.

non-weeb non-incel heterosexuals I assume

Does this look fine for a Gunbreaker opener? My main goal here is to try to fit as much shit as I can into No Mercy.

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To what? What's even a good server anymore? I just want to find a decent FC to clear content.
Why would Yea Forums help me?
It's not stressful, so much as it's rage inducing, it's people dying to the same shit over and over again, or DPS doing the damage of tanks and healers while not being kicked/replaced.
I figured as much, I literally didn't get a day off work until a week after launch, I got royally fucked.
Somehow I keep getting either a NIN or DNC that pull less DPS than the tanks. Every group.

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>I got warned for this
These fucking tranny jannies are so asshurt over the truth, holy shit. Hiro seriously needs to neck these fucks.

How was his stream of 5.0? I'd imagine he'd play on a different world to avoid Yea Forumsermin looking for him on Ultros.

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>not making your perfect catgirl waifu
i tried switching to a male character but i've grown too attached to my cute wife ;_;

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Are you on primal?

all the bots are lalas

why don't you make a party and kick whoever fucks up?

The problem is, I want to find a good FC/Static, but I'm clueless on how to do that. Should I browse the official forums? Keep my eyes open in PF? Ask random people?

I'm willing to take the first step to try and clear shit, I'm sick of this pugging nightmare. Pugging in this game has legitimately made me hate humanity.

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if you're on primal i can help you get the clear with a group of friends

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this is the guy who shit on kenny from the walking dead over the course of like 50 videos because he was rude to you despite him saving your life multiple times, all under the pretense that he's an irredeemable murderer because he killed someone in order to save his family from cannibals, then got mad when people started "defending a murderer"

BLM rotation is like spinning plates.

dnc is one of the best dps classes in theory

if you're on aether im carrying some tards through tit ex today

Is xiv rotations updated with gunbreaker? I can show you what I made.
t. 80percentile gunbreaker without looking up shitty balance guides

Attached: faggot4.png (1228x218, 51K)

>can't even see femroe
My sweetheart is rare! Rare!

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Yeah it was.

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thats just characters named kirito in the graph you dumb guy

This guy thinks Y'shtola isn't boring, why do you care?

not enough games let me play as a cute catgirl
if a game lets me play as a cute catgirl you can bet your ass I'm gonna do just that

Swap edgy face paint for blue eye shadow, make the skin peachy, there. Fixed your abomination.
You disgrace us.

Chads, we beta males accept our place as female healers owo.

That’s not the point pat was making.
He isn’t saying you can’t like him be’s saying the moral oblegation of agreeing with him means that you agree with his methods of doing things ala genociding millions.

based lucidity poster

>Superbolide is unpronounceable

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>level up SMN to 80
>join random Innocence party for test run
Feels weird and chaotic after BLM and SB SMN. It's like you don't have focus and need to weave random ogcd non stop fast as possible.

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But shes a cute blind cat girl and she can do forbidden magic! Shes a good character

I would if we got Derplander's facial hair as an option

>"generals belong in /vg/"
but if its anything nintendo related then its fine

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feel free to make your own group and call out and kick underperformers. it helps if you make friends in this game so you can call upon them for help. doing everything solo is putting you at a disadvantage.

They probably will do true forms but not as a separate fucking fight anymore. The door bosses stopped being interesting and fun after eggdeath.

t. orange parser

dumb ogreposter

its been a couple years but powerbi was crazy limited last i used it, it’s probably way better now especially as a cheaper option. I can see tableau not being worth it especially if you don’t use their data source format, but you can do absolutely insane things with it

And e-celebs get stickies. Welcome to modern Yea Forums.

BLM rotation is easy as fuck and with 30s sharpcast is even easier than ever. What’s got you down user?

Heres what works for me, hope it helps

How long has this torture of yours being going for?
Asking because a lot of people seem to exagerate things after only trying for 1 hour

>fucking swirls along the eyes
It's cute you double retard. And no, the white skin is because she is an icy girl from the mountains. You disgrace yourself, and only yourself.

Yeah, I missed that, too. My bad.

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It worries me how many people confuse pleasing disposition with good writing.

Y'shtola is likable and hot, and her grammy is fun, but she's the most basic and bland scion. She's cardboard. You get sass and smarm or nagging, the end.

just dont say the s word or make fun of nintendo

I've cleared every Savage raid without a static, in the first month no less. And I've never spent more than a few hours to clear any Extreme trial, also exclusively with pugs.

If you are struggling this much, it's YOUR fault. A static is not the solution. Either you fucking suck at the game and are the problem in all your groups, or you're one of those pussies who just join groups, don't say anything and then just watch the party fail.

Step 1: Get ACT and start parsing yourself. You need to find out if you are the problem, and fix it if you are.

Step 2: Start taking charge of groups. Make your own, and kick failers. Or if you join someone else's and it's going badly, assume command and tell people what to do or where the problem is. If you keep enraging and it's not your fault, call out the ones doing bad DPS. Never insult anyone or mention numbers in chat, but name the problems.

There you go, no you can clear all content in PF.

he played on ultros but got through everything by his buddies carrying him except for titania where he had to deal with an AST who only used malefic and refused to heal

he really liked it and was shocked at amaurot and how the ascians were super cool but then at the very end when emet tells the WoL to remember them he said "fuck off" and got mad when the WoL nodded in agreement

Why do you people make such clown characters? I know the CC is limited, but going for natural colours and skin tones always makes a better character than whatever the fuck you just made. Looks like someone tossed cans of paint at your screen, you clown.

god that looks fucking awful

Please tell me SAM gets better. I'm 66 and I'm so bored I'm clicking the actions while watching a show.

Trying to maintain the Enochain.

Everyone suffers from the leveling clownsuit early-game.

That thing looks fucking hideous

How many lives has the WoL taken by now? Including beast tribes and just random wildlife to level up? If taking a life is what you consider a villain to be, then we must be Hitler tier by now.

anyone got a link to a NIN opener?

I think this guy might genuinely be autistic. Autists have a tough time pronouncing words.

I don't play male characters cause they're ugly as fuck.

Attached: 5W0aBmy.jpg (1680x1050, 128K)

My name is just a typical gender-appropriate name that doesn't sound too modern, combined with a fantasy surname that just fuses two things together, like Steelheart or Mosspebble.

>playing a healer
>not a big dick MNK or BLM that puts damage before their own safety and forcing healers to adjust

Attached: crawling chaos.gif (360x263, 623K)

source: my ass

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this might (probably not) change in 2 weeks

>Titania EX
>It's not Feoh Ul
Missed opportunity.

>non-human race having white-shade skin is """""""clown""""""" or """""""paint"""""""
Go back to sleep Kirito Uchiha, hyur male with brown hair.

A lot of coasties appropriated y'all

just cast Fire after three Fire IVs (or four if you're in Ley Lines)

Its a fucking disgrace the amount of facial hair options available. Sea wolf roes get a neckbeard and hitler stache option and thats it. Its retarded and I hate weeaboos for it.

nice cherrypicking

>I’ve cleared every savage raid without a static
Unless you did it just once I have my doubts.

Hrothgar chads

>catgirls that low
>more catboys than catgirls
>Hyur males that high
There's no way this can be a genuine cross-section of any chunk of the playerbase
>finally see name filter

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not wrong about gnashing fang buttons or superbolide penalty desu, its penalty is not pug friendly and this game’s all about appealing to the lcd

And most of the Garleans we kill are conscripts being forced to fight for Garlemald. And they can't simply flee because that's punishable by death.

I know that, but doing that while trying to pay attention to boss mechanics makes it hard.

the best player I know in this game that has cleared all the ultimates and savages is a hrothgar player

Yeah, open up your gearset list and play another job.

That's the easiest part, user. Used to be you could only refresh enochian with blizz IV. It's three fire IVs, one fire, three fire IVs, despair. You can even sharpcast the fire to get a free firestarter proc for more breathing space to cast despair.

>make fun of nintendo
lets not forget all the mean words that trigger the """spam filter""", like nin-toddlers and pc-fats without the dash of course

>"don't hurt these eulmore citizens! they're being mind controlled! just knock them out!"
>WoL: *fell cleaves a peasant woman 4 times in a row*

>wall to wall pull as tank and use cooldowns accordingly, work my ass off on healer, position melee DPS shit range AoE's just right
>0 comms
>play BLM
>get comms literally every time

Attached: 1559833048642.jpg (348x342, 23K)

play NIN if you want to see what an actual hard job plays like

More or less, you can't take your experience as the absolute truth. Happened to me more than once to be wiping for weeks non-stop with a static, drop the group and in the same week join another and get a easy clear (not a carry).
If you keep jumping from group to group and it always sucks, then maybe yes, you're the problem, but saying someone sucks because other players are dying or not doing mechanics its unfair.

I'm Male Raen so nope.

samefag bait, good try. She's gorgeous. Certainly better than any other character in the game, NPC or player-made. Try harder like the others if you want a (You).

I wanted to go for an old man wizard-philosopher archetype so I made anime Aristotle.

Attached: Tell me, king of Ascians, do you have enough masks in stock.png (1297x855, 1.6M)

>my first character was on lamia but i deleted it while trying to get into aether and ended up making one on exodus instead
looks like i dodged a bullet

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What's not being able to sympathize or understand someones pov a sign of?

They just assume you do damage.
reverse for me though, I get commends on every other job except BLM.

post your character, comm slut

Your character looks like shit no matter what kind of shitty insults you fabricate and throw, clown monster.

Attached: 1551176005056.jpg (727x868, 237K)

>play SAM exclusively
>have a funny meme username
>3 comms every time
feels good to be an epic memer

Tataru is from the 13th.

Attached: 1563218865060.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

soó ›¡yboy
nintó ›¡odó ›¡dler
pcó ›¡faó ›¡t
sonyó ›¡gger
xó ›¡bot

i mean the face. it was one of those very ugly male characters

hello fellow Royal coat user

Attached: ffxiv_07172019_104220_184.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

Take your clown futa loving faggoty ass away.


Attached: 9e6e5f5b7ee88d1609b5b3fafb623173382fd771_hq.jpg (1024x1024, 250K)

No she doesn't, she looks amazing. see . No (You)s for bad bait.

/vg/ wont take you because you're not a cat or lizard.Your femroe is ugly because you have no sense of style and you're acting like a faggot.


Attached: Absolutely.jpg (1044x770, 239K)

I pugged all EX. Will try to pug savages just to decide if it worth it or not. The problem with pugs are tryharders, crybabies or people who leave. And "recommended IL" for EX is big trap. With low level pug you will have hard time. You have little room for error

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cute bun

I wanna give her my 13cm cock

It hurts me too, but better to rip the bandaid off now than try to suffer through Savage with it

/vg/ has invaded

>you have no sense of style and you're acting like a faggot.
Sounds like projecting. She's literally better than anything you could even start to imagine. Go back to >>>/reddit/.

because they know if they started deleting/autosaging the nintendo threads then people would spam the board with more janny shitposting

Thanks for the summary. I can only take Pat in small doses like E3 because he's a fucking gremlin and I don't find his bouts of rudeness to viewers charming.

>not wearing AF4

Shame it's got such awful resolution up close.

This nigger ain't afraid of showing his power level

Attached: zenos2.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

>healing during boss fight
>aoe damage, time to do aoe heals!
>3/4 members get healed
>BLM in the party took literally one step forward from boss room entrance

i fucking hate healing blms

pugging the first 2-3 savages of the patch is easy, the last one is almost fucking impossible unless you hit the pug jackpot

>doing the eden raid to get my drops
>parse trannys already telling people to watch guide videos
>immediate pulls and no explanations to the clearly new players
Why are these people in such a rush to farm?

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I really wanted to play this game but there is no world pvp :(

imagine the smell

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They made it really easy now honestly. Here’s the thing, your rotation is very static. When you enter Fire mode you have enough for six Fire IVs and one Fire classic, then despair. An easy way to maintain it on single target is to sharpcast after the Fire III you entered fire with, then cast a Fire first (or after the first 3 Fire IVs). Now you guaranteed a Fire 3 so that you have a free way to keep fire up before Despair or if you have to move. When you’re done fucking around in ice phase, sharpcast will be up again.

>Wasting time on explanations instead of letting them experience the fight

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yeah, maybe someone will make an HD res mod or something some day for armors like that.

thanks dude

Attached: ffxiv_07082019_135226_836.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

There's still a whole whack of content patches to do that.

Every queer I have had in my party came from Exodus.

Jannies hate him!

Glamours exist, user.
I'm a WHM and none of them look very good on men. Especially not Highlanders. ShB's was alright, certainly better than SB's dress-with-a-corset-tied-off-with-a-bow.


>She's literally better than anything you could even start to imagine
You have to be 18+ to use Yea Forums.

I swear to fucking god one of the friends I play with makes it his job to stand 1 step out of heal range at all times

going in blind once is fun, but if they keep doing it after wipes, they're garbage people

world pvp is gay anyways, it just ends up with high levels ganking low levels with no challenge or people only playing the most OP class of the patch because it's the most bursty/resilient.

When can I raid Selphie's panties?

Attached: selphie 343443342234.jpg (418x440, 59K)

I'm new to BLM and tried it on Innocence EX at 4 AM, it was the most stressful thing.

Its stupid and wasteful to lock secret bosses behind content like 5% of the population will attempt or even clear.

Monk and Warrior AF4 looks fantastic on male bodies, especially highlanders.

That way you know it when you see a good BLM AM into the group once it's time for unavoidable aoe.

healers adjust

Attached: ECA6D191-F76C-475F-8DEE-2742713BC805.png (174x187, 6K)

>hideous clown character
>ridiculous rabbit ears
>silly looking scifi bits and bobs
>gross skin cancer on face

friendly reminder xiv threads aren't for avatar posting

Convention halls have very cold air conditioning and max setting filtering. You wouldn't smell it unless it's a low budget con.

t. has been to Anime Expo

>guys how come de story mode raid is so easy? nyuk nyuk nyuk is this all we have for 3 months?

Attached: retard4.png (1244x261, 36K)

What a fucking traitor.

Best JRPG on the 3DS. Not including DQ11

Not him but I sharpcast mostly for thunder after Despair+Xeno and in triplecast. Don't know if I should stack xeno or not.

>glamouring over AF4 for the final battle

That's right, which makes me wonder why you are here.

I've given every race and gender combo a single month of playtime save for Hrothgar, and all I can say is that Male au'ra, fem roes,and both genders of elezen have terrible awkward animations.

Then one thing you need to do is get on Discord and make yourself available to the resources in FFXIV discord groups including recruiting groups. You should also pug with groups hoping to find some people who you would like to raid with. Talk to them during or after the pug and try to see if they're looking for a static or are already in a group and recruiting. I think this way is preferable because you can make direct contact with players after seeing how they performed/acted. Do this while checking PF for recruiting groups.

This is the beginning of what you need to do to start finding people and then you can start trying to find good people. Because chances are you're not good, so it's unlikely you'll find good people who'll want to take you/group with you. This could be a long and challenging process in the best of circumstances and you'll wanna keep that in mind as you progress through it. Learn that it's not about success so much as learning how people, groups, and raiding operate at a social level in this game.

But aside from all of that, here are some concrete steps:
1. Specialize in your job by learning how to perform it as optimally as possible so look up guides, videos, and practice.
2. Create a reliable schedule you'll be able to raid with because most groups don't start off good and need time to grow. And know this before joining a group which may have raid times that aren't comfortable with your schedule.
3. Don't be a jerk with your static but draw some redlines so that if their crossed you'll be prepared to discuss the issue and leave if it doesn't get remedied.

You want to clear content and git gud, but never forget that it should be fun. Finding good, fun people can be tough, but remember everyone else is looking for that in you as well.

Attached: Alisaie Spirit.jpg (284x376, 32K)

Parse trannies should hang, but so should people who explain mechanics in casual content or any new content at all.

I don't even want to imagine Titan Off Road Racing as a BLM

>savage raiders whined
Gonna have to stop you there since most people I've played with loved it. In fact, M/F are a much better fight than Final Omega.

Okay, so I've leveled up every job that I have any interest in playing, cleared all the content except some of the older EX and Savage raids that I can't find groups for, did every sidequest with story in them. Is there anything else I should do before just settling down and waiting for the next content patch? I haven't touched crafting but I honestly don't want to dive into that rabbit hole.

How do mods work for this game? Will they break every patch?

Does anyone have text about the Voeburtite King? I think I skipped over a bit of it accidentally.

He's clearly a wowfugee

Attached: child.png (1861x1368, 2.34M)

I joined the forums to tell these idiots how wrong they are and pray I don't get banned when they run to a mod. Again.

Brainlet here, I can only receive 1 piece of gear per one of the 4 raids, yes?

depends on the mod

wowfugees actually surprise me every day with how much dumber they get


Lakeland Healing is the coolest set for healslut males.

Every single static I've found has been through PF, don't feel forced to bother with Discord.

why isn't loot priority based on performance


M/F is better as a final form as well. it fits as a culmination of everything Omega has learned from us.

Not my fault the DRG af4 looks like a halloween costume on females. I'm not boutta kill best boy looking like a fucking gyrados cosplayer.

Does BLM even have any use for semi-casual players who aren't looking to speedrun or optimize? I can't see them outperforming even a SAM unless they memorize every attack pattern's safe spots and rotation. Is their DPS high enough that it doesn't matter?

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based on how fucky FATE rankings are, I don't trust Square with that shit

>joined Sep 2013
>Main Class Pugilist Lv 60
I thin this image may be having a giggle, but either way that's a homegrown retard.

1 piece from each one per week. Completing all 4 gets you a weapon piece.

because then it would be easy for premades to manipulate loot drops in df which screws over random players

Most savage raiders loved it, but some e-celeb raiders didn't and Yoshi-P listens to them unfortunately.

It honestly wasn't too bad, but make good use of triplecast and swiftcast as often as you can

Yes. Each floor/boss you get to roll on one item.

I don't do Extremes or Savage, how do I BLM to just get by? I didn't expect BLM to have so many buttons after buying it.

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I had to glamour into the dwarf set so I could have my BLM eyes back. This set might as well be AF to me.
At least there was another BLM to cover for me.

Attached: classicBLMshb.jpg (296x548, 31K)

Post your bets on 5.05 Job Changes.
>TBN duration increased
>some potency buffs for NIN and AST

>GL4 has lightning effects
When is monk getting spiky blonde hair and a golden aura to go along with it?

Attached: ss2.webm (1004x1222, 1.45M)

>ridiculous midget popato man
>le edge gear
fucking horrible, kill yourself

How do I name my character so it's neither weeb like Sakur-sama Nippondaisuki nor retarded like ser Bradford McIronheart?
Do I just call myself George or Emma or what?

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thats too bad, it looked like Titan might have a 2nd form for savage, but I guess not

I let them go in blind once, but then after a wipe I ask if anyone wants help understanding mechanics. So far I've been very lucky, and most people see how a few of my fc react and follow us fairly well, so I can't complain yet

This fight is cancer for casters... and in general. But caster is fucking suffering in here.

>fell cleave is now an OGCD with 2x potency and 8 stacks of usage that refills 1 every 5 seconds

Shoha potency buff for SAM
Slight potency nerfs for DRG
Reverted back to the old Gunbreaker sound effects

Use the name generator or look up the naming conventions.

Nobody cares outside of Extremes or Savage so just do whatever the fuck feels right to you.

Make it lore appropriate for your race perhaps?

I, for one, think your edgy potato is cute as a button.

George Ironheart

Nigga what?

I try to aether manip close to the healer whenever I can when I see I'm far away. If a BLM doesn't do that, use rescue to get your point across.

Attached: BLMWHM.gif (540x206, 66K)

Normies and poltards

each of the 4 raids drop any token

max 1 token per raid per character per week

different pieces of equipment take different numbers of tokens

>TBN duration increased
>mfw recast increased

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What do you mean by stacking it? Xeno in ice user. The rotation is pretty much exactly 30 seconds so the extra stack of Xeno is for mechanics or when you whoopsie.

I want some cool electric attacks

Master Blaster

From his perspective he killed nobody, moral relativism and all that.

I'd rather gl4 have a different aura glow

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>Why yes, I play WAR. How could you tell?

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Every class has about the same amount of buttons my guy.

I just got to the Crystal Tower raid duty thing, the first 24 man. Anything I should know going in? Do people still run it?

>since the guide says it's a waste not to

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Fuck WoWfugees and fuck every single new player.
I told you this game was good 3 years ago, and you wouldn't believe me, now you think you hold the right to shit up my game? Think again.

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If you need to ask, you're already fucked. If you think you need anyone else's approval of your character's look or name, you lose. ESPECIALLY on Yea Forums. Notice that literally any character posted here gets shit about being "ugly", "boring", or "clown". Yea Forums is shitpost central and never has good advice to give.

Based DRG getting everything but aoe combo nerfed. Will be a sad day and if it's bad enough I may main MCH instead.

>try and use name generator to have a lore appropriate name for my alts
>almost all of them are already taken
>there are only a few dozen at most

Blood Weapon to 11s.
Overall MP restoring increased, especially Delirium Bloodspillers.

Savage ilevel will be what, 460?

Why do fucks always excuse this behavior if it's a "doma" name?

dbz or music album (JoJo) names are okay. (Last name = joestar isn't though)

i put step stools all over my house to make it look like a lalafell actually lives there

>What do you mean by stacking it?
Don't use Xeno until raidbuffs or TA window

Hey, I was that one WoWfugee that listened to Yea Forums back when patch 2.5 came out.

ironic 2000s gamertag names are the best

got carried by a godlike player once named Epicweed Pwnxxx

Dont die. Everyone runs alliance raid duty roulette so you should have people joining you.

he can't handle the bantz

I'm dropping AST like a rock if it doesn't become padding king. It's twice the work to get half the utility WHM can pull of all by itself.

Just follow everyone else. Honestly you don't even have to throw a single attack if you want.

10 ilvl above NM

It's super easy, just don't stand in the glow.

>but going for natural colours and skin tones always makes a better character

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I get like 10fps on eden 1 normal am I fucked if I wanna do savage?

Have you ever been in a group with a player so bad that, even if they were the only person left to give your commendation to, you wouldn't?

Where do I find more text talking about the Voeburtite's and their King? Is it just doing Fae sidequests?

470, tomestones will be 460.

>5 years later
>parties still wipe multiple times at cerberus

>leveling in early dungeons
>every person is a sprout
>literally every single tank in 5 different runs doesn't use tank stance, even after being told to

Attached: 1562241328368.jpg (773x659, 47K)

>Where do I find more text talking about the Voeburtite's and their King? Is it just doing Fae sidequests?

not any token, E1 doesn't drop gloves, E3 doesn't drop belt or boots, and E4 doesn't drop hats or belt

I never commend anyone unless I'm trying to get the log bonus while leveling

My character is named after a character in the Neptunia series, based or cringe?

Name yourself after something you like. Like Binah Lanveldear or Lloyd Tethe'alla.

Attached: the hot or cold.jpg (845x1036, 392K)

>massive WAR buffs
>massive SCH buffs
>massive SMN buffs
because god forbid they're not the absolute best for a single savage raid tier

Crystal Tower, unfortunately, is so old that it gets utterly stomped. Nobody does (or knows) mechanics any more, they just burn and win.


G-guess I'll sit in these leylines.

based border patrol potato
gas all wowniggers

Ok cool. I did find some text in Urianger's book but I double clicked through that one accidentally, I'm assuming there's no way to recover it unless someone else screencapped it.

Extremely cringe you disgusting AGP tranny

t. heterochromatic catgirl with neon pink butterfly tattoos

Attached: file.png (2048x1102, 3.82M)

Go back to WoW, stupid ADHD jump potion shitter.

I have it all screencapped, I'll put it all together for you.

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To be fair, Colette could have known if the coffee was hot or cold by checking it if it was steaming but she was too retarded to do that.

Suppose. Guess the clear/attempt rate must have been horrifically low.

So long as they make up for it with 3 Ultimates per Expansion.

Nope, bluish male Au-ra. Fuck your boring as all hell WoW tier designs you fucking snore of a man. Enjoy playing a fantasy game to be generic human #98765432.

Extremely based

I learned a lot from Fae sidequest. From what I remember, the Voeburite people is a result of Drahn and Galhent making peace with each other. I think a Drahn can become king, but there are major galjent houses that decide who becomes king or whatever. This is for the sake of balance.Somewhere during the Shadowkeeper's time, mages there were turning people into Wargs and sewing chaos. One of the princess turned into one

Oh shit seriously? Awesome - thanks a lot, I'll greatly appreciate it.

>nobody goes into stomach because retards still thinks Adds Belly Chains is a viable strat rather than letting all DPS get vored
>clown holding chains thinks he's pulling a pro gamer move by waiting until the last second to tether, but his carrying object timer runs out
>tail swipe still catches melee by surprise

I've been playing WHM for 5 years you bitch.

I'm not fucked because I'm waiting for game to download right now, friends finally got me to try it out after two years of attempts. At least Yea Forums told me about naming conventions right now


Yeah, for him, it is more like killing mice or ants that got into his house.

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>why should dedicated and good players that want more content and challenge get slightly more content than those that don't!? OH NOOOOOO

There's literally nothing wrong with AGP. In fact it's the most based fetish.

funfact: you can use the /splash emote inside cerberus stomach to splash vomit on other people.

Got back on my lvl55 DRK that I haven't touched in years. I'm currently feeling very squishy in dungeons due to only having one mitigation skill (shadow wall) aside from shared role skills. Dark Mind is often useless in dungeon trash pulls.
Is DRK just not meant to pull big in dungeons or something? I haven't wiped yet but living dead has been necessary more often than I feel comfortable with.

>expecting someone who can't remember her own spells to check for that

I'd like to be a pure black hrothgar, but the texture on the chest and abs are terrible.

Going for canon names is laughably boring and incredibly generic. I feel bad for anyone who fell into that trap.

You get more content in the form of harder versions of bosses. You don't deserve entirely new and different encounters.

Thanks to you both for this, I'll keep records of future text recorded from now on for archival reasons.

I just hate 50 lvl raids. It's absolute pure unfun slog when your skills are locked. As BLM I just hit bosses in melee or RP ice mage

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>tfw Healer main
>tfw go to level other jobs
>feels kind of defeating since I'm going to be healing 99% of content
This is an abstract kind of feel. Even among my friends none of them want to heal either so I'm not sure when I'd even get the chance to play something else.

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Naming your character after any existing fictional character automatically makes you an uninspired drone with zero creativity.


tfw considered switching to Viera, but I'm too attached to my almost default midlander male.
Not to mention how if I wanted to change my character to female I would want to change my character's name.

>have to beat Orbonne Monastery with Duty Finder
>thunder god

Gonna touch your butt

Whenever you want, user. As a Healer, you hold all of the power in ShB.

> duration is 4 seconds
> recast is 8 seconds
I’m ok with this

From a dev perspective making an entire fight that the majority of the playerbase will never even attempt may not be the best use of dev time. Which is why they'll stick to the usual make the fight hard first and remove mechanics for story mode.

This guy used to be fun. Now you never get to do the platform jumping anymore.

Wonder if Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume 3 will have a different name since it'll likely cover The First


Thunder God is what made me decide to stop taking post-StB raids so lightly while doing them blind.

don't forget
>pulls ONE (1) mob
i hate this more than anything else honestly.


so is runar fucking Yshtola or what

I left because we hit the enrage on the add phase which means that people aren't trying and want to get carried silently which is rude to others that are trying.

That's not how that works.

>shitting on Biblical names

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Viera are really shitty and half assed, wouldn't bother. They look fucking ugly and the cardboard ears completely ruin it

I like being able to do side content like these to find out more about the the 1st's history. I thought they were going to give us a history lesson in the msq, but that wasn't the case. It makes sense its its been 100 years and not relevant anymore. I still want to know more about Ahm Araeng though and whether or not that fought against the elves of lakeland too.


>same boss but slightly different moves is okay
>same boss but slightly different moves and with different look that can be fucking googled day one is not
And I say this as someone who hasn't gotten to try the savage omega stuff.

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No, she's only interested in you and Urianger.

How so? If you want to do something as a Healer, it's much easier for you to find other roles than for other people to find Healers.

Shits out top damage you just have to not suck. Titan honestly is pretty easy, with AM/triple/swift you should almost never have to really stop dpsing.

they take like 15 minutes. I much prefer a short unfun slog to the 45 minute unfun slogs that is Ivalice.

I'm only interested in Urianger, so she's shit out of luck

I'm saying if I want to play something other than Healer there's never any Healers around.
I think you misread my post.

There's too many viera anyways, you'll just be an dime a dozen in a crowd.

The savage exclusive bosses as well as Ultimate were the main drivers of interest and hype around FF14 during Stormblood, retards. Only 5% may do it, but the remaining 95% still watches it on twitch and youtube and talks about it on social media, driving PR for the game. No one cared about savage until they started adding new stuff to it.

I hope they go into everything involved with the Shadowkeeper in later patches, because it was apparently the event that made Ardbert's group into heroes. It sounds a lot like the Shadow Lord from FFXI too.

Absolutely, and he makes the Y'shtolafags seethe.
She's getting BARBED

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Wait so was Emet actually Hades the entire time? Or is Emet hades' clownsuit? The triple triad card seems to ask the same question, but I can't find clarification anywhere.

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Attached: Urianger Ageless Sorcerer.jpg (545x635, 114K)

>ears completely ruin it
the ears are pretty bad. its like wearing ear accessories. most of the faces look the same too. the lack of hairstyle doesn't help either

Yo onions Miguelito y tengo cinco jannies

Nah, Jap version make it clear he thinks of her like a sister.

WERE YOU EXPECTING A MODICUM OF RUST!? exact same thing happened to me last week. numerous times too, it was painful. i wanna fight him again though cause its kino

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Hades was his true birth name, Emet-Selch was his title of office.

>that look WoL/D gives him in the car
I want to sit in a library and read with Urianger.

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Ultimate != Unique Savage Bosses.
If they keep raid bosses the same but give more Ultimate fights that'd be a better overall experience in my opinion.

>raid tier is 4 bosses
>they're all rehashed ARR bosses

I really wish they would somehow update all the old content to be relevant in difficulty again. Just make the algorithm for synching gear and levels more potent. You should ALWAYS have to do mechanics for raids of any sort. Make it all min-item level if you have to.

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I've been trying to level alts in dungeons and it feels like some bizarro world, where tanks lose aggro on 3 mobs or the RDM is doing less DPS than the WHM. It really is night and day compared to 1-2 weeks ago.
I have to wonder where everyone went, are those fuckers literally all AFKing in Eulmore?

It's a little bit more iffy in lower level dungeons since you don't have TBN yet, and now you don't have the blind from dark passenger to fall back on, but it can still do large pulls just fine. Don't forget that arm's length is a defensive cooldown too, since it slows mob's attack speed by 20%, effectively giving you another rampart

It's not about being "okay" or not, frankly if they kept raids as Savage difficulty only I'd be fine with that, but all the visual effects and other shit on Phase 2 of Exdeath/Kefka/Omega were a lot of extra work that only a tiny portion of players experienced. It wasn't something like Super Brute Justice where it's just some wings popping out and then a longass burn phase.

I wish, just to make waifufags mad.

>Decide it'd be fun to re-fight Hades
>Queue pops
>3 1st timers
>A DPS instantly quit
>Then another
>Then a Tank
>Then the other Tank

Before the newbies even got out of the cutscene, it was just me and them left. Dying Gasp isn't as much of a Shitter blocker like Shinryu was. Don't know why people noped out.

voidwalker is a rehashed HW boss (nidhogg) tho

Emet-Selch was his title on the council and his real name was Hades

she'll never show that much emotion in front of anybody again

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The savage omega stuff is practically different encounters entirely.

My daily roulettes would literally take all day then.
You drastically overestimate the average competency of MMO players.

Then they should make Savage content something people want to do. It's not their fault the playerbase is so fuckign casual.

I was going to write out a serious response, but instead I'll just call you a retard.

When are they going to make SSS a requirement to enter into EX primals and Savage? If you can't beat the target dummy then you can't beat the enrage.

I see, makes sense. A better question I guess is is Hades his true form, or just a power up transformation?

I'm fucking Runar.

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its fun to run around and kill people

After looking up canon naming conventions, you're right. Only Elezen and Hyur have reasonable names. Too bad one have strange looking necks and other are just humans.
Might as well be a lallfell and name myself after food.

>When are they adding Faust back


>bar in front of his legs

Attached: Uh.jpg (242x486, 37K)

I hate the feeling of being rushed but I'd be damned if I didn't do everything asap. It's the only time people are willing to learn because no guides. Now people want you to parrot their favorite LPer on top of learning entire jobs from 70 because whales want their quick fap or something.

I understand both quite well, I just don't care. Call me Emet-Selch, because I only care about my own personal experience and wanting to relive the old days where I had fun.

it's pretty long, they were probably roulette'ing hoping for a quick primal

If you mean the big spooky demon appearance, that was just what his soul looked like after over 12,000 years of being tempered by Zodiark and carrying his heavy burden. He showed you the purest form of himself.

We do find out more about the Shadowkeeper if you do all the role quests. But yeah, Shadowkeeper was the big bad that was manipulating the Elves of lakeland and probably Norvandt

What of it's not just a name and you actively play as the character. I don't think there's anything wrong with creating a tribute for a character you like.

>I have no way to defend this garbage
I accept your concession

well 2/4 anyways

and just in name

>Get to thundergod
>Our alliance is doing the most damage
>Braindead healer keeps dying to mechanics
>Other healer doesn't know their fucking toolkit and heals everyone manually with cure 2 during the doom phase while we're shouting at him to cure 3.
>Mechanics dead viera healer wouldn't shut up because they early pull. Like we got to the last boss 20mins later, and THEY STILL WOULDNT SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SHE KEPT DYING TO MECHANICS.

Gilgamesh was a mistake. Why are so many fucking shit players from there now?

based retard.

>the way shtola braces herself in surprise

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The SSS are over tuned specifically because there are no mechanics to dodge. If everyone pulls 1-2k less than their dummy there's a good chance you still clear pretty easily.

any hrothgar will do. what a whore

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I can't comprehend how you could not dps as a healer. It must be so mind-bogglingly boring.

there's nothing to defend, your statement is outright false, and you're just a baiting retard

Someone post Japanese clear rates. US/EU people just scared to even try them because such content is magnet for Dota tier mlg pros and loud shitters

What are some server sterotypes?

Attached: AlexanderFFXIV.jpg (320x320, 18K)

Amaurotines don't really have a true form because they have unlimited creation magic. I'm guessing the boring robed one they adopted was by consensus so they all have the same dimensions and capabilities while staying in a city

when it's not high levels ganking low levels then sure but it ends up being NEETs ganking new/returning players.

t. played on nostalrius and northdale

>1 is a rehashed HW boss
>the other is just a warframe boss put into the game

If you think 95% of ffxiv players are watching shit on twitch then you're fucking retarded

3v3 is a mistake. Feast isn't enough. I'd like an instance like Eureka but no mounts allowed. Little story attached, some glams and furniture locked behind a long grind people will try to do in a day.

Maybe if every single boss didn't fucking loop at 50% then it wouldn't be so bad. Just make it one entire fight and have them transform midway.

These are the people that go on the forums and complain that X is too simple.

>running labyrinth in alliance roulette
>final boss starts casting ancient flare at 5% left
>half the DPS run to the markers while the other half try to burn him down
>wipe at 0.1%
why does this keep happening

Gilgamesh is full of autists

everyone playing on crystal is gay

The JP players were the ones most complaining about it.

Attached: Miner Bollocks.jpg (119x174, 9K)

Crystal: ERP, trannies, ERP, ERP
Aether: Actually what people think Crystal is, full of retards
Primal: Memes, reddit, Yea Forums
Mana: The only good place

Balmung and Mateus are ERP fanatics

Maybe you should try not poopsocking/skipping cutscenes and you'll enjoy the game more

>still no way to defend literal rehash
>still no way to defend an entire raid tier that is literally FOUR BOSSES
no, of course you can't, it's garbage, it's lazy and you know it

Omega = French
Light = Germs

I died, once. To the yellow guy's AOE, I didn't get to the glowing platform in time. Other than that it was mostly painless, I even knew what to do at behemoth thanks to MHW.
Not that I knew half of what was going on most of the time, things were dying so quickly and there were so many effects I just tried to pick enemies with big health and did my rotation while following other people.

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>and they somehow have clears
What the fuck?

>the guide
What guide?

Y'shtola isn't even a good waifu.

>Light DC: nazis
>Chaos DC: frog-eating fucks

I wonder what did the other cities look like? and its people? Amaurot was just one nation after all, surely they could not have been the same?

Is leveling up Recruits worth it? Can they go up to lvl 80?

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Do they even listen to US playerbase? Feel like the community manager is non existant

Back in the day, they all had real mechanics and would wipe entire raids consistently. It was fun. But no more....

I think they had a different reasoning for it. Like they disliked how they had to prepare and adjust for multiple encounters back to back and too much time in between.

Fuck off faggot

I was on Ultros waiting for Formidable and there was a massive argument between like 20 people about Trump in shout chat, is this normal?

honestly there should be a worse penalty for leaving a roulette. special snowflakes who run roulettes and expect not to come across a new player that wants to clear the fight for the first time.

The other nations also had the same powers, but they were probably extremely different. Lahabrea loved collecting foreign creations because he wanted to see what different people came up with. That's also why he was so obsessed with his primal projects on the Source.

Maybe we'll find out

Attached: ssqwIxQ.png (1377x742, 1.64M)

you really want them to listen to the fanbase where people bitch about no bunnyguys?

nah let the japs do the speaking

I'm on crystal and nobody tries ERPing with me not even when I emote with other catgirls in dungeons. What gives? I thought this was the degenerate datacenter

I wanna go to Light because the French suck at the game

>but no more
>implying that still isn't the case
Why else would people lower their ilvl to get into Labyrinth and Sycrus, the easiest alliances raids now due to ilvl bloat?

brynhildr: we're bad

Capped at 60. You can use them to get personal level 3 FC buffs that last for 2 hours and run leveling dungeons to dodge queues.

What race/job should I roll?

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Everyone I met on Crystal is either:

but what they all share in common is that they are all bad at the game.

Especially the end boss of a 2 week old expansion

Stop posting this faggot ass shit, can't you people keep your fetishes private?

I play on Light, there's maybe 1 Frenchman for every 10 people. Unless they queue in a party. Lots and lots of krauts tho, which mercifully do speak english, unlike the frogs.

I remember people just fucking exploding from the zombie dragon ads back in 2.1. And actually having to do the tower mechanic in the behemoth fight

the exdeath transition was one of the coolest things visually in the game and it's kind of disappointing there won't be anything else like it, but at the same time the people complaining about door bosses are right, they're not hard fights, just tedious and arbitrarily pad time onto progression

the jp playerbase has the highest clear rates on savage/ultimate
because they actually play the game

I don't know why people dodge that shit. It's so easy plus you get some awesome music.

>mfw reading all the threads about nerfing shinryu.

I missed that.

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holy shit youre mad

Fucking hell more worried about balance stuff though. Guess I need to learn moonspeak and post on jp forums

Just looked at the PF for Odin, most of it is KILL FOR FRIEND THEN FARM for Janny EX.

The ultimate NPCs. Having your IRL name would be better.

Correct, now kill yourself before your AID's does, faggot.

not really



My thoughts exactly. I'm of the theory it would be a super society, where most of the planet was covered in cityscapes and humble villages weren't common. If these people lived for eons, then a small village wouldn't just stagnate.

Or perhaps everyone lived in your typical RPG planet where there's city, humble village, desert, forest, ice world, royal/religious neutral ground.

keep crying bitch nigger

Attached: 1563042808915.jpg (908x763, 408K)

please stop doing this

>this furfag is back
just report

>That shirt
I see you're a lala of taste as well

Attached: ffxiv_05282019_152438_384.png (625x822, 864K)

On weekends and in mass gatherings, yes.

Post a screenshot next time I need proof of how awful Ultros is.

I wish the minimal ilevel was forced on anything 2.0-5.0.

This isn't /vg/ you dumb nigger

This fucking guy again.

Should have seen the official forum posts about people asking to nerf Vault back in Heavensward. Shit was hilarious. You could tell who was the Netflix healer or not.

well, the thing is we saw them at the end of their civilization, and a few townsfolk say how they think everything has been thought already, so each city could well have looked the same. At least everything feasible. The death of the Amaurotines wasn't just physical it was emotional and cultural as things became stifled and stagnant. As people just stayed in their common forms all the times. grew less caring about the person next t them, assuming they were all the same. This undoubtedly hurried their ruin as they lost their creativity. The final blow was the mass hysteria undoing the laws of reality until it was supplanted by the forfeiture of their wills to Zodiark. So one way or another, they died there, in a sense

For duty finder? Sure, I'd accept that. It'd make people stop forcing queues for the Crystal Tower series.

>guy join FC
>he says he skips story and only plays for the raids and music
And by the way he has 0 clears of savage or ex trials, is he wowfag?


What are some good discord groups for finding savage parties?

>do leveling roulette
What the fuck?

Are germans better at the game?

probably mistook you for someone else

Will do, you fucking degenerate

Depends if you're EU or NA.

You don't even need to be good at the game, because it's easy as fuck and only gets easier with each expansion.

Yes. They just have to scream really, really loud and at the same time. I'm sure GNB will get another audio rework because suddenly players who've never used the forums signed up just to beg for it to be changed back.

The problem is that whoever's translating has to go through 40 threads of shit flinging, passive aggressive arguing and 5 that cover the same thing because westerners think that if they make more threads it'll get attention and can't keep it in 1.

Then when you call them out they throw an absolute hissy fit.

Attached: Balmung player tries to do content.gif (400x225, 3.18M)

PVP, Eureka, old relics, glam, FSH

funny you say that because pre-Xande resurrection Allagan society was kinda similar. The people discovered and invented all they could think of and they lost the will to create and eventually many killed themselves. they became stagnant. This is the main reason why Amon ressurected Xande. He wanted to give the people inspiration to do things again

He is a faggot for sure


Patiently waiting until I can dye my AF gear, specifically the GNB coat and DRK's batman costume. Surely YoshiP won't lock it behind something as awful as Eureka again, right?

Attached: Gilgamesh.png (660x574, 378K)

Yes but it's not saying much, the average Frenchman is generally on an ERP/degenerate's level.

Attached: 1532016763655.webm (960x544, 2.76M)

Not much.
Japs don't really care much about non JP issues.

Reminder that Capcom didn't think Monster Hunter needed online play over local network because Japs all used LAN to co-op.
Japs really don't care about what anyone outside of Japan has to say.

>Surely YoshiP won't lock it behind something as awful as Eureka again, right?

Attached: 1460700153161.gif (210x230, 1K)

nah she still is married to that black futa cat

fuk u

Attached: 1478325694741.gif (300x225, 2.81M)

>Lalafell player waddles in

>Retard DYEL doesn't recognize a deadlift

I'm happy that the GNB coat already is my favorite color, but I want it to be dyeable so everyone else using it dye it red or black

I wonder if we'll ever get to actually see Allagan civilization.
Probably not, since that's so far behind us now.

Its always the French parties that job lock simple farm content.

which is why we're getting eureka2. it was successful in japan

The balance discord seems to have alot of postings in their recruitment channels for NA. Avoid all the obvious red flags, or maybe give the party finder in game a shot first.

I'm gonna dye my SCH decorated general's uniform BLACKKKKKK.


I prefer the 76 chestpiece over the dwarf one until we can remove the beard. I like the beard but it clips hella with the level Augmented Sorcerer's robe.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-07-17_13-12-04.png (1103x820, 1.46M)

Post tube.

Yeah they are not antagonistic or they do stuff to anger NA/EU community.
They just don't give a fuck.
And i hope one day it bite them in the ass.

Where are you pot lala...

haha that's true, and when they get the 'meta' comp, everyone there does 7k dps lol

I fucking love Allagan civilization. Probably my favorite entry in the lore book. I'd have loved to see a city in full splendor. I'd imagine it would look similar to the Crystarium but with the original gold metal work and a lot more nodes. Maybe a bit of Eulmore mixed in as well.

Leviathan is full of memers

try being melee

>Mouse clicker
This man is a messiah.

did you name yourself husky, there's a furry swede looking dude that does "rock covers" of songs

>The dunesfolk lalafell waddles in to assert their dominance to the pack. With determined eyes and darker nose than the rest of the pack, the pack recognizes the dunesfolk as the alpha leader and submit to dunesfolk by passing their loot and giving buffs to them in high priority.

kys potatojew

Allag seems like it would look more like Cocoon in FF13

Well, the internet already crucified him.

My character is named Jonathan Joung, apparently there's some guy named Jonathan Young that does metal covers of video game music or some shit.

>And i hope one day it bite them in the ass.
Isn't that what's happening to Pokemon and how people can't carry their Pokemon over?

Though I do agree. I want to see a major developer face something company breaking because of their apathy and JP Onry mentality.


This is also probably why Emet decided to follow us around. It was probably a combination of him being reminded, but only reminded, of someone he once knew, as well as the WoL's fixing of his calamity. It was probably the first time he had seen something different but familiar in so long. As well as someone who did something very different to most anyone who came before

>E4N run goes so badly that healer lb3 is used twice
>but goes so well that we don't actually wipe once
And I lost the lot on Eden Minor, so I've gotta go again anyway.

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Shouldnt the CM enforce a rule and open a sticky for each class and delete ban whoever post outside of the thread?
Fuck Id do that and make my job easier

>helmet has visor
>you can't toggle visor
How much effort would it be to put that in

>some idiot parsed and uploaded a Titan run I did on day one
Why even bother?

Did you have a stroke?