Splatoon 2 thread
Chaos or Order?
Splatoon 2 thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't play games aimed at children 12 and under.
Support mommy marina!
Order. Marina had a better reasoning for her side. She found comfort with her life as an Idol in Inkopolis alongside Pearl and now she isn't alone with Octolings being a part of society since Octo Expansion. She just wants to keep that stability she gained
Order. Don't destroy what we have built!
I think real squids and octos have a fuckhole in their head
Splatoon is shit, so i'm not surprised
Pearl values Chaos because she's a rich brat with the resources to fund any lifestyle change she desires. She wants to fuck over 99% of woomies to fund her shitty whims.
yes, I made the last thread and got a warning, because I started the thread with a "catchphrase"
my nigga
Order. A futuristic setting had more potential for level design
Cute woomy
Order, even if I want to fuck Pearl's brains out
Wish they'd do that to CTR threads.
Every thread isn't a direct question to you, retard. You're like an 80 year old using the internet for the first time.
So will they get rid of other template threads for once? Of course not. Chaos btw
On the unrelated note, I'd hope for the playerbase to not drop after the final splatfest.
I can't imagine myself waiting over 2 minutes per match in the lobby.
Nice pedophile game you got here
>I'd hope for the playerbase to not drop after the final splatfest.
I don't think that will happen, even Splatton 1 on the WiiU is alive and kicking
>Chaos wins
>Pearl drives around a burning inkopolis in an armored car
>Pulls up next to you and says she'll give you $50 to have sex with her
Of course not, that might scare off the normalfags who are only here to shitpost, and it would cut into Hiro's revenue.
>still really conflicted about what team to be on
Help a woomy out, help me pick a team.
I don't play games that don't contain children 12 and under.
Chaos is way more popular and will be full of kids
Really? I'm seeing more Order than Chaos in the lobby most of the time
my lobby is full of chaos fags with furry art
>tfw no neutral option
>Much prefer Marina
>but the Chaos aesthetic is so much better
y'all niggas better know
it's full of that anyway it's called the NA plaza
but I'am EU and it's the first time there is so much furry art here
Only trannies support order. Chaos 4 lyfe.
You can lump them both in with each other.
based hoy poster
How are the people in your lobby chosen? Immediate geographic area?
It is a mystery
Whoever gets the most likes
Order because Inklings are fucking smooth-brains that can't function without rules.
>shirt came on today
fucking rad also there was talk of an in game item with this shirt how do I get it
Based Jannies.
only applies to shirts bought and delivered in EU
at least you got a shirt
lame at least it looks good and is a decent fit wish it was a thicker fabric though
man I'm going to look like such a loser when I put up that splatoon poster in my room
I always keep any and all of my vidya merch subtle. The Final Fest shirt is pushing it.
What will happen when your team wins
>doing this shit during the final fucking Splatfest
Are you fucking kidding me Nogami
What region your game copy is. After that it's unknown. Obviously likes have something to do with it but if they are meant to decay over time or if it's supposed to be a natural thing of if something is continuing to get enough likes from new people then it can stay up longer is not known. The latter would be my guess. How many overall are in the pool at any given time, how many new ones are allowed to mingle with older upvoted ones is not known.
You get 3 more snails that you either won't use or will waste at the slot machines.
I'll probably be happy at first, and then filled with anxiety on what the fuck that victory will actually mean for Splatoon 3.
You ever play SMT?
Chaos because the shirt looks cooler.
i swear im the only one who ever uses this weapon
Because it’s bad
Huh so this is Splatoon's future... SMT.
Fuck the “the system isn’t perfect so let’s blow up the whole thing because I don’t know how bad things can really be out there” mentality. You fuckers are killing the West
Plenty of lazy fucks use it and they're either trash or the most annoying players in the lobby. Sit on my ass from a mile away and hold fire. Don't even really have to be that accurate because it shoots forever.
Fuck gamers that think they're political and games are political. You don't know anything and are just annoying.
What's the most WITNESS ME weapon/build and maybe outfit i can wear
>games aren't political
literally the entire backstory of splatoon is that humans wiped themselves out because of climate change and war
It’s a game about squids. I make my choice based on the side I agree with more and I’m more given to support Order because I got an iota of gratitude for just how much better my life is because Order and not Chaos rules the day
All y’all fuckers who choose because you wanna fuck the idol are small time
>Still no Splat Set Radio.
Is the line I'm clearly drawing.
*splats you*
Reposting the shifty schedule in US time if anyone wants it.
No one cares
I only started the game in April so I'm excited to try all of them out.
What time zone?
If all else fails, pick the one you would wife. Do it for her
I always follow hime anyway
T. C- shitter
Thanks. Can't wait to try the few I missed.
But I've already considered that. That's one of the reasons I'm so conflicted.
>Posts weebshit
the irony
I'm a chaosfag, so Order. Also I'm like 7 days into this game, will I be fine in the splatfest? I still haven't got any gear.
Brainwash me mommy
Then don't make idiotic replies.
Whatever you have to tell yourself. Try using a weapon that takes some brains and maybe you could come up with better retorts.
i hope you guys redeemed to get the equipment
Octos like you belong in the blender
What shirt and the shoes do I need to make me look like Daft Punk, Yea Forums?
>Order, even if I want to fuck Pearl's brains out
marina please dont you have to get ready for the splatfest
Order is the only correct choice.
Im not sure who to pick but Im thinking order because I dont want off the hook to break up. its not to late to still choose right
Nah, Marina would want Pearl to fuck her brains out
they take turns
Racist minds like yours belong in an Eye of Justice helmet~
I thought this was rule 63'd Marie and Callie from the thumbnail.
>Chaos wins
>Pearl's first act to cement her victory is to fuck Marina silly on stage in front of everyone
Chaos because the midget pearl would look amazing as evil in Splatoon 3.
Chaos full stop
>eternal reminder to ignore Orderfags that insist that Chaos only leads to a Mad Max/ Desert styled result in the next game, they lack imagination and should be rewarded with a Chaos Victory after the Splatfest ends
Sold American
Where are the fucking EU shirts, Nintendo?
anyone who goes straight to mad max for chaos is stupid or uncreative
>Winner fucks the loser
why is this so hot
You're fucked either way if the logical extreme of either pick comes to fruition.
Degenerates like you belong on a cross
Absolutely this, and the ironic things is the only argument I ever see for Order is they would prefer a "futuristic" setting for 3 instead and they'll give up everyone's free will to get it. The glasses are literally for a hivemind.
Orderfags have no creativity and will destroy all of Inkopolis if we let them.
Plus Pearl doesn’t want to see the world burn
Just constant change
Some good some bad but always something new
I hope not.
>The glasses are literally for a hivemind.
Yeah and your Mohawk helmet is reminiscent of a Mad Max style hellhole so you can get out of here with your
>they’ll destroy the city!
It's not exactly hard to see why they're coming to that conclusion considering the aesthetic of Team Chaos.
>shitty, boring, desert wasteland cucks
more like team ODOR am I right?
>4 assists
>less than 600p inked
Yup, its bad.
It's still used in high rank matches, but it's incredibly situational- only used on a few maps.
Please, Chaos probably smells like a waste dump
How long till the splatfest?
I think it depends on where you live, but about 14.5 hours.
14.5 hours
>less than a day away
>Chaos probably smells like a waste dump
Probably smells like? user, they ARE a waste dump
what do you need to do?
smelly squid gf
So are the tshirts just not for sale in the UK? I thought there was news that they would be, but can't find anything online.
They haven't released in any of the EU countries yet.
And Brexit won't speed that up, so don't even hope.
That just sucks, was hoping to commemorate the last splatfest and get me a tshirt, damn
The website still says "available soon", but no words on a release date yet.
Sucks that they probably aren't even launching here before Finalfest begins,
What part of the website says that? Besides the blog post I can't find a single thing
Order, because I want it to be taken way too far so we can have a plot where we otherthrow the oppressive regime that Marina has established
Not be working, which I’m gonna be for the majority of the splatfest
Git ready fagget. It lasts for four(4) days. see you on the battlefield.
I checked the German my Nintendo store on their website.
If I’m lucky I’ll be able to be on for only the last day at best
>final splatfest begins tomorrow morning
>left joycon has started to drift
I feel your pain user. I ordered some electrical contact cleaner and it hasn’t arrived yet. My drift is fucking horrible
>He doesn't have a pro controller
It's worth the 60 burgers imo. Best controller Ninty ever made for me.
I'm considering buying another pair but this would be my third fucking pair and I want to wait until the purple and orange ones drop anyway. I should probably just buy a pro controller but I'm so used to using the joycon for Splatoon 2.
you mean
>messes your shot/throw
This is the world that Chaosfags want to live in!
But seriously, that sucks user. Maybe you can pull off some sort of “buy joycons for the splatfest and then return them after it’s over while you sent yours off for repairs” scheme
Because the loser wants it
I mean I do live right by walmart and they'll take back anything without even checking inside the box. I know because the first time I tried buying a pair of neon pink/green joycon I opened the box and it was a pair of non-functional blue and red joycon inside lol
Order. I was actually on the fence on which side to choose till I saw the conversation between Pearl and Marina.
Don’t know if it was just localization shenanigans or what but Pearl’s reasoning for the chaos side sounds like something from a 13-year old anarchist wannabe.
Somebody translated the japanese text but I can't remember what thread was that.
Tough it out user, if I can beat the entire Octo Expansion in a day with 2 broken joycons, you can survive too. Improve. Adapt. Overcome. (But seriously get a pro controller and don’t end up like me, unable to use chargers because of this)
It'll be weird tilting the entire controller to gyro aim though, I'm used to playing with separated joycon.
I blame Dragon Quest Builders 2 for putting my joycon over the edge. Never should have bought it.
>tfw my joycon's drift is vertical but Splatoon disables the y-axis with motion controls so it doesn't matter
Although my Switch is now effectively just a Splatoon machine since playing any other game makes me want to die.
>But seriously get a pro controller and don’t end up like me, unable to use chargers because of this
The joycons really just need better analog sticks, Nintendo should get their shit together.
But they will never admit to it, because by now they probably shipped far too many joycons to risk a massive recall forced by government agencies.
But they should offer dirt cheap repairs, like 5 dollars a joycon as a gesture of good will.
Split joycons is the only way to play as far as I'm concerned. Feels so damn good.
I really hope they fixed the sticks with the Switch Lite, otherwise they're gonna have a lot of pissed off people on their hands soon.
The d-pad's kind of fucked too. And the repair should be fucking free considering it's an issue on the manufacturer's side, not ours.
I don't think I'll even bother with the Splatfest, got better things to do than play Turf War for 5 hours and not even enjoy it.
>It'll be weird tilting the entire controller to gyro aim though
Understandable, the only idea I have for you to temporarily fix this problem is to recalibrate your joycons over and over until you feel comfortable or/and buy a can of air to spray (or straw if you’re that desperate) within the joycons flaps in order to remove any dirt/dust inside them. This is based off of experience and can have various results though.
Left joycon drifts left, right joycon drifts right. Even with gyro support my aim gets ruined by the constantly moving camera, character or BOTH. I still managed to stay in X tier with other weapons.
It's not like you have to play it for the whole time. It'll be worth it to hop in for at least a few matches considering the cool shit they're going to do with the final Shifty Station.
>And the repair should be fucking free considering it's an issue on the manufacturer's side, not ours.
true, and if you still have warranty is probably is.
But that would be an admission of guilt, something no company will ever do voluntarily unless forced by a court.
>A little Chaos leads to freedom, creativity etc.
>Too much Chaos leads to massive power imbalances, hate, pain, strife, Mad Max-esque worlds of horror
>A little Order leads to peace, safety etc.
>Too much Order leads to massive power imbalances, stifling dystopic behaviour, removal of individuality etc.
>Can probably trust both reps not to go too far down their respective rabbit holes
>But would still be forced to pick one
Do you play Charger in Splatfests? I know they aren’t that useful for turf war but damn if I ain’t garbage with every other weapon and I’m not really inking turf if I’m dead all the time. I’m not exactly flawless with my aim but I can usually hit someone once before they kill me
>Can probably trust both reps not to go too far down their respective rabbit holes
No no, the whole plot of Splatoon 3 will be based around going way too far down their respective rabbit holes and having to restore things to normal.
Then why even pick the team you like honestly
Pussy or butt?
Gah, fuck, that is actually a possibility, now that I think about it. They backtracked on Callie, but still.
The true answer is allowing everything to return to nothing.
That's why as a true blue chaosfag in my heart, I'm picking Team Order. I need to overthrow Marina's dystopian future setting.
Reminder to boot up the game using the News post after you select a team to get the Chaos Mohawk Helmetcor the Order Helmet
True Neutral - Randomly choosing a team to grind for sea snails, dabbles in salmon run
Lawful Neutral - Only sticking to salmon run
Chaotic Neutral - Like True Neutral except they will try to create squid parties and doing anything but the actual objective to have fun
SMT White Neutral - Not playing the game until splatfest is over
This question is the main reason I think everyone is assuming the opposite of what they will end up doing.
I think the loser is going to be the one that goes off the deep end and threaten to drag Inkopolis into their side’s extreme
Order, even if Chaos Pearl is cute.
I will fight for my muffinsquid.
I used to be somewhat good with the bamboozeler when it came to turfing and shutting the other team down before my joycons went full retard. After? I couldn’t hit let alone kill one person. I still remember a match where the other team’s E-Liter bullied me by trying to chase around the map in order to kill me up close after realizing that I sucked so badly. It’s was hilarious but despair inducing once I realized how bad I gotten.
I'm sticking to the idea that it'll be a Grizzco takeover with the losing side representing what it looks like, devolving into chaos or oppressed with order, and the winning side will be the one to set them free either by restoring order or rebelling against it. As for Pearl and Marina, the losing one appears to have pulled a betrayal, but has just been threatened by Grizz and is trying to protect the other, which comes to a head in the final boss fight where they give him a big fuck you instead of fighting with him.
>"joke" ending makes so much more sense than the others that the devs have to retcon it in the sequel
>mfw watching things unfold
>loose mulch and debris
>water system has no chlorine and is infested with algae
>fucking rusty nails laying around
nigger, clean your garden up.
ear cunnies
I haven’t played since NSO went online and I refuse to pay for a shit service. I’m planning to use the 7-day Free Trial for the final splatfest (since trying to redeem Twitch Prime’s offer won’t work with my account for some reason) but after that I will play no more.
I kind of want one of those plushies But I live with my parents and they already gave me shit about my anime figures
>finally looks into splatoon doujinshi
Why are they so shit!?
I have a fetish for sharp teeth and long tongues and it's one of the reasons I like squids and octos so much.
Because degenerate, subhuman freak NEETbux is the only form of currency disposable enough to dish out to artists. The rest of us are paying rent or some shit, so there's no wiggle room in our wallets to pay for anything that caters to anyone with a full human consciousness. The subhumans are the only ones who pay up, so their tastes are the only ones expressed. That's why 99.9% of splat doujins are rape/turture/guro/snuff/etc.
Okay, Chaos vs Order arguing aside, what are the chances we get new solo songs for Off the Hook like we got for Splatoon 1's final Fest? I could dig Pearl's facemelting squidmetal and Marina's groovy Daft Punk knockoff.
How do I not be bad at this game and wish for death as I get a losing streak?
spotted the orderfag.
Squidkids really turn me on and I hate that I have these thoughts while playing because I just wanna play a cute game and not think about that
I know, right? There's like one vanilla one, and that's fucking it. The rest of them are horrible. And even the vanilla one doesn't satisfy me much.
If we don't have them at this point, we're not ever getting them.
I guess I am understanding now. The selection is pretty small too, consisting of bad quality art or good ones but of questionable content.
Just slap in the good shit.
>playing portably
Order all day everyday
Please, if you want the best order theme;
> orderfags
imagine being delusional and thinking gods are real.
if god was real, there would be no jews, but look where we are.
in a word of chaos, we can fix that
It’s for her own good
You're talking about the "in your colors" one right?
It's super cute, but it's literally the only straight story that isn't full of rotten shit.
I pretend to squid party to lure the enemy into my ink mines.
Reminder to vote for the opposite of what you want the setting to be. If Chaos wins, Splat3's campaign will be about bringing chaos back to a too-orderly Inkopolis, and vice-versa.
marinas was I dont want anything to upset my life in any way ever because the worst possible outcome will happen
Do you have any sort of fact to back that up?
marina died and went to heaven
They better not seperate Off the Hook or I'm gonna be pissed.
dont worry itl be agent 5's job to reunite them in splat 3
I don't play CoD either.
I unironically don't think I want to play in the Splatfest because I'm ass at the game but at the same time I have nothing to do.
I don't play splatoon but this is the cutest picture I've ever seen
Play your best who cares. Practice beforehand if you have time.
I hate tryhards so much.
Can't git gud if you don't play. And don't take it so seriously.
You know you're not playing for rank or anything, right? Nobody's gonna give a shit if you're bottom of the team. Don't play it because you want to pad your win ratio, play it because it's a fun game and this is its last hurrah. I can't believe I have to tell you this.
>making light of the splatfest that will determine the future of the inklings' society
I have that retarded thing where I know I shouldn't play a game seriously and I still end up doing it and hating the game because of it.
Does this weapon with 3.9 Main Power Up trigger you?
Server maintenance in an hour.
Oh fuck.
why are you playing multiplayer games if you aren't trying?
There are likely to be many shitters on both sides. You probably aren’t going to move the needle in any noticeable way
Just have fun with it
Not him, but a little. I miss when people ran it with other stats and subs and it felt more supportive.
As we don't know what side he'll choose, the chance of him dragging my team down are exactly the same as the chance of him dragging the enemy team down. Since it can't be influenced, it's a variable unworthy of consideration. My only concern is to fight my hardest to bring victory to my side. Whether I win or lose is up to the heavens.
Not so much. I hate shit Iike bunny hopping. I hate people who go flying away the moment they don't have any inked turf to dance around in. I hate it when the entire team goes after me at once, or when there's a splatling who absolutely refuses to give up his precious high ground. I hate it when I'm constantly getting fucked into the ground so hard I can barely play the game.
Stop pushing forward on your own because you clearly don't have the skills to do so. Either push together or act as a rear guard to catch that lone sneeki breeki that's trying to ambush your mates.
>I hate when people play the game correctly
I know that feel though. I got so fucking mad at krakens, krak-on rollers, .96 gals, e-liters, and luna blasters in Splat 1.
I'm so afraid that the result of this Splatfest is going to fuck up everything.
>luna blasters
Chaos is going to lose, I have no faith in this shit.
I want to play for Chaos but I worry that the Order story would be more interesting.
I feel like Chaos will win popularity, I hope Order wins the battle categories.
you sound like some retarded space marine
Lads, rest up tonight, for tomorrow we go to WAR!
>I hate when people play the game correctly
Yeah, I know. It's just that that back in the day I was able to win fairly consistently, and now I feel like I need to train for the fucking Olympics to do anything. I'm exaggerating of course, but I am losing and lot more often and lot harder than I used to.
>most of my ideals and values are on Order
>but I don't want Callie and Pearl to lose
>but I don't want Order to lose either, and sympathize greatly with Marie's and Marina's reasons for going Order
>and I have other reasons for going Chaos too, and want change from the status quo
>and I hate the extremes of Order more than the extremes of Chaos
What the fuck do I do? I feel like no matter what I pick, I lose.
Don't do anything and sleep through the event
Those posters are European exclusive, so if you live in the U.S then that’s probably why they don’t show up on your My Nintendo page
Because adding a "winner" and a "loser" to something makes it more intimate, makes the "loser" more vulnerable, and adds to the psychological domination.
There's always at least one every thread. I'm starting to think Pedophile pedoshamer are almost mandatory for splatoon threads.
Thank you user, you convinced me to go for chaos, octolings need to go back.
Flip a coin.
That's the cowards' choice.
I'm considering it.
You just convinced me to go Order
And then wear the headgear of the opposite side.
Enemy team is chosen at random. your team is chosen from a pool of players who lost the last 5 games
And you convinced me that chaos is the superior option.
im honestly not into splatoon porn in general but i honestly havent seen any degenerate shit beyond rape doujins, thats probably for the best though
Flipped a coin, and got Order.
Sorry, Callieposter. Good luck on Team Chaos.
I love Callie!
I know that but they're still not fucking there. The only thing the My Nintendo Store page is those shitty NES controllers for the Switch.
Friendship broken.
> people who go flying away the moment they don't have any inked turf to dance around in
my dude super jumps have like three seconds of windup
if they're out of turf to swim around in, that means you have their turf to close in on them with
you have no excuse to not get the kill
Is flipping a coin chaotic because you leave it up to chance, or orderly because you have a set rule for the outcome?
Don't do it, Nintendo. Don't split them up. Please.
Do it, Nintendo. Split them apart!
Don't listen to this madman.
Order it is
By fly away I mean swim away. They still have ink behind them to escape, they just don't have ink on the sides to dodge in.
Good luck to you too fren
Who will the final boss of Splatoon 3 be? Someone we know, or someone new?
Good luck to you. Here's a Callie
betting five bucks that it is Octavio again.
If it's Octavio again I will personally go up to Nogami and take his spleen.
It'll depend on what path you take in the story. Do you decide to support the team that won? Or do you decide to go against them, and instate order in a chaotic world/bring chaos to an orderly world?
It's Octavio, but he's been sanitized.
>we fight Tartar piloting Octavio's corpse
What if in 3 one of the characters on the winning team ends up hating what became of their choice and rebels against it?
>with CQ helping him as well.
Why are they dressing so indecently?
They are comfortable in those clothes.
I didn't know puritans posted on Yea Forums.
I'm a Lawfag in general, so I would usually pick Order. But Pearl is my favourite, and I don't have it in my heart to fight against her in the very last Splatfest, so I'm forced to fight for Chaos.
I would fight for Pearl's sake too,but I can't betray Marie, or Eight for that matter. It's a shame, but I'd never betray them. May the best side win.
May the best side win, and hopefully, may the side that wins not be screwed over by its own victory.
I don't like the idea of the winning side really being the losers of the whole thing
I love her too.
>implying she's not sexually abusing those poor immigrants
Let's be real here, Marina doesn't have a single dominant bone in her body
poor girl's a sub through and through.
>ywn make sweet, gentle love to her, cradling her and whispering "i love you" into her ear to a symphony of her ecstatic, blissful cries
Damn it, I wish I could draw
Is the is calm before the storm
I imagine she's not a complete sub. She'll take the first move plenty of times. It's just that, well, she never lasts long after that and just completely melts for you.
Is maintenance over yet
>All grizzco weapon rotation during splatfest
Is this splatfest going to list all the top players of the splatfest like the last one did in one? Because I want in on me grizz's wild ride
This is the most autistic thing ever, but does anybody else think the Octoling octopus is beautifully animated? When you watch the crawl in slow motion, you'll see that tentacles contract just like a slug does in real life, right down to the way the tips curl like a slug's tail. Fuckin' quality work.
Nintendo's always had some of the best animators in the industry.
Sensitive, sensitive octopus.
>Last splatfest for years to come
>Last time I'll probably ever play the shifty stations
>Very liable to miss some since they all only appear once
>Further spla2n support only continues until December
I'm sad bros
>no pantsu
Wow wa wee waa
I think this game is well animated in general and it enhances the gamefeel. Mostly it goes so fast that you don't notice it (but your brain does). Watching gameplay is different from playing because when you're playing you're not even looking at your character. P.S. I want to see Callie turn into a squid and swim and hop around.
Splatoon Megami Tensei
Show us their actual squid forms ingame, Nintendo. Stop teasing us!
That’s a wonderful Callie
Mario maker showed it to us, albeit pixelated
All you'll get is Mario maker
I want Marin to be happy about her new life in inkopolis
That's not good enough. I want to see their squid forms in the game itself. They don't even give us official art of their actual squid forms, just hints.
Why is there no amiibo support in MM2 Nintendo, i want to use the SS amiibo I got recently
Trannies are going all in on chaos dude it's bashing the fash
Because with Nintendo, for every step forward they take another step backwards.
At least it's not gamefreak. They always go 3 steps backwards
Game Freak never took steps forward in the first place.
Cuuuuuuuuute I wanna hug her. Or both if I had the chance
Best part of this Splatfest.
No, you know what the best part is? They were done by a drawfag here.
Physical-special split.
Okay, they take teeny tiny steps forward that really should've been done years ago, while everyone else is leaping forwards with progress. They've barely left the starting line.
They have. They just remove them later so it like they never made a step forward to begin with
I wish I had a brainwashed Octo.
God FUCK I'll never not be mad about this. I need your angriest cephs to illustrate my anger.
man tomorrow it's gonna be the biggest baby seal clubbing of the century
Not anger but it has the same feel for many Pokemon fans
So adorable, one of my favorites in my folder
God I hate gamefreak
>in splatoon world it's the citizens that rape the immigrants
What a world to live in.
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Just do what I do and use the inkbrush. I only play this game during Splatfests and every few months at that, but I'm always 1st or 2nd in ink coverage on my teams while simultaneously being able to flatten anybody who thinks they're smarter than I am because they have the ability to hit me from a distance.
Just use Clash Blaster bro.
it's either that or mindlessly supporting a nigger
What if winners decide who is the antagonists in Splatoon 3 but the rebels are actually still the baddies
who would do that though
Greetings, son of man. I seriously hope you weren't silly enough to pick chaos right?
Order, of course. My baby's new life needs defending.
They did take steps genuine attempts to push the series forward at one point, with Black and White adding in actual attempts at story, lots of new features, and skipping a third version in favor of direct sequels that further improved the base game with a continued story and even more features.
But people lost their shit over ice cream and not being able to immediately use older pokemon, so they stopped trying.
BW2 was the last time they tried, and even the Japanese felt the massive drop in quality from BW2 to XY. Also, here's a better version of this image.
I see you're ready for the fight tomorrow. Good luck dude.
>it starts in less than 12 hours
My heart can't take this, man. This is going to be brutal.
hopefully in splatoon 3 there's not region exclusive gear anymore, shit pisses me off
But yeah I'm going chaos for Pearl too.
There won't be region exclusive gear anymore.
A finger on the monkey paw curls. Instead, Japan gets region exclusive weapon reskins and region exclusive stuff for the new customizable room feature.
you are going down!
>marie order
>pearl chaos
Both teams have a best girl so I'm torn. I'm feeling team chaos tho.
>prefer the concept of Chaos
>but Order has better ink color
>but i prefer Pearl over Marina
>but i'm a huge Mariefag and she's in Order's backline
Help a squigga out, what do i do?
>weapon skins
could give less of a fuck about that
but being put into matches with people wearing clothes you can't get is just bullshit
Deny both.
Chaos you beta bitch
Do a toincoss. I was in the same situation.
Side with the Logos. Choose team order.
I imagine Agent 3 and 8 would fight against Order if it went to its extreme. Same with Callie on Chaos.
cointosses are inherently chaotic
I’m not ready, especially since I’ll be at work for a majority of it
>going through archives to look for art
>see and remember just how bad these threads and /ink/ used to be in the past
Goddamn, I'm so glad we're past most of that.
>mfw I'm going camping this weekend so I won't be able to participate in the final splatfest that much
I wholeheartedly agree. They were... something in the past. They’re much better now here. Not sure about /ink/ though, haven’t touched that in ages
We evolve beyond the person we were a minute before
do we know what the update added yet
Most of the bullshit of /ink/ is gone except for that one obsessed guy, but I don't think anything getting rid of him except maybe divine intervention. It's actually a pretty alright general now, especially compared to places like /ssbg/.
All it did was prepare the game for the Splatfest and fixed a bug with dodge rolling into water.
We'll have to wait for the datamines, probably.
I will tear your asshole to pieces.
>all ??? weapons on smokeyard
>all grizzco weapons on the ark
Why would they do this to me? They know I love salmon run.
By the time it's over, I still won't be ready. I hope you'll at least be able to get to King during your non-work hours.
>Grizzco charger
Yeah there are still a couple of regular shitheads bouncing around during the shitpostery time of day. I would expect ssbg to be shit because it's a newer nintendo game where all the all the memetards flock to. I wonder how bad animal crossing general can get when that comes out. I was never big on AC but maybe I'll get it.
Is /ssbg/ as bad as the rosterfag threads on here? Because those are damn warzones
Part of me on my off hours really wants to do SR is the problem
Marina is alright
I'd can't imagine being that bad, then again I don't visit vg anymore
It's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Remember bullshit like MIGA?
Of course, sometimes I come across some of my own posts and wonder what I was thinking back then. Probably came across posts like yours that are like that too, but everyone improves over time. At least, I hope.
But going back even further, as far as /ink/ during the first game, and around the final Splatfest...holy fucking shit. Sometimes I wish I could strangle people through a computer screen, and I'm glad I wasn't around for then.
As for /ssbg/, I don't browse there but everytime I come across something about it in the archives it's always drama, and sometimes I check it out and it's usually pretty bad.
Some of you guys are alright. Don't show up to the square wearing an order shirt tomorrow.
I get what you mean, the internet brings out the worst in people. Sometimes you question if what you are seeing is honestly real.
We've got the same problem, then. At least the splatfest is 3 days long.
>have been on the internet since I was a kid
>never wanted to be anything more than just myself strolling around in this digital frontier
Anonymity can be a terrible thing.
I wish there was somewhere else to discuss this game properly. But there really isn't. We're stuck with this place. And reading Yea Forums just gets mentally exhausting after a while. You can't really keep sane regularly browsing here if you don't have another place you can go to that's actually moderated and filled with actually good people.
I'm going to pick order but wear chaos gear.
That way I will actually be neutral.
That's pretty much anywhere else, be it a forum or the "dreaded" reddit that this place likes to shit on.
It's literally the only thing I know how to use.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Reddit's terrible for actual discussion. I use an actual forum. I won't tell what it is though, because I don't want it getting invaded by the usual suspects. It sucks, because you wanna tell people good places to go to, but you really can't without drawing in some of the bad as well.
N-Zap '85 is a superior weapon with a better kit. Use it instead of the '89.
Those actions are chaos motivated user. May I recommend
i know ive definitely improved, as i used to be one of the "I LOVE CALLIE" posters who would say it constantly, but the people here helped me realize what i was doing and i at least i think have changed my ways for the better
i mean i feel like the people who are usually in these threads are pretty good people. at least from how i know you on here, of course i don't know how you guys really are, but i like you guys on here, thats for sure. I don't really have anywhere else to go anyways if im being honest
I really wish they would make shifty station permanent. I shouldn't have to have friends to be able to use any of the really special maps. This is the last time I'll ever get to play all these wacky ones again.
Speak for yourself, this place is still a respite for me from the rest of the internet. Even with how much it's gone down the tubes since around 2012, this is still the one pure place where I can just kick back and relax with vidya games. No matter how shtposty it gets, I still don't have to worry about people being afraid to be who they are. They don't have to defend their online honor with their forum name or their reputation. I don't have to worry about twitter or facebook drama most of the time. It's just pure game. And octo daughter, can't forget her.
These threads are some of the better ones on Yea Forums. And I'll be honest, the only reason I even come here anymore is for the Splatoon threads. The rest of the place is too much of a dump to even consider.
Also, don't be afraid to post your love. Just don't go overboard.
I agree it isn't great at long term discussions. I'd still go there since people are generally friendly and it is a good place to find fanart.
Because I have to protect my daughter.
Reddit's basically like Youtube. It's a content aggregration service. You go there to save pictures and videos. That's about all it's good for. Even the format for comments there is pretty much the exact same as Youtube, and we all know how useful Youtube comments are. It's useless for discussion, and the community there isn't really great either. Its very format also encourages circlejerking and the hiding of dissenting opinions.
It's just another social media website that I don't understand the popularity of. I really don't get any of them.
Only thru Order can we flourish
>don't be afraid to post your love. Just don't go overboard.
yeah that's how things changed, ive become a lot more calm about it, and instead of just talking about her, i actually contribute to the thread and talk about the game for the most part
my problem with the site is the voting system, as it can lead to hivemind situations where any post that a lot of people in the subreddit disagree with gets downvoted to oblivion and hidden.
Excuse you?
Going by SJ rules, chaos and law choices cancel each other out.
Techno-knight armor is the best shit.
Order for 8 or chaos for 4
How do I decide
The Something Awful discord is the most decent place I've seen. You need an account to join though, which costs money. They turf daily. I play with them occasionally.
There's nothing wrong with posting I love Callie! sometimes. I thought it was funny when that one shitposter searched it on fireden as if they're proving some nefarious deed and not devotion. I was inspired by Reisenposter.
You have good taste user. Futuristic Knight armor is definitely some great aesthetic.
This just screams order user. Only with Order can both be saved and cherished.
I behave online how I would normally behave around others in front of me, like a normal decent human being.
I know that. I just stay on media specific places like Splatoon, or whatever show or cartoon I like. There can be a hivemind opinion but it's less annoying.
That looks fresh as hell.
Baby veemo is the only real option. Love must prevail.
>I behave online how I would normally behave around others in front of me, like a normal decent human being.
oh good, pretty much the same for me, i try to keep it real on this site, especially in these threads since im in them so frequently
ill say it every once in a while but not like i used to all the time
Hmm. Discord's not the best for discussion, but it's not too bad, though I stopped using it two years ago. I go to another forum, one that I guess you could call a descendent of Something Awful. Speaking of that forum, how is it nowadays? I've heard conflicting reports about it, from it being good to terrible.
>I was inspired by Reisenposter
I thought that was obvious. That does remind me though, I should post Marie more often. The average post of her in these threads tends to be less than ideal.
>i try to keep it real on this site,
See, I wish more people had that mindset. the anonymous format of the futaba imageboard was made so that people could be real with each other without fear of reproach or reputation, but now everyone uses it to be as fake and obnoxious as possible.
>finally get free from underground life and brainwashing
>get to live on the surface after all that hard work
>some television idols immediately start a race war between your kind and the native people in your new home
>somehow survive the cleansing
>at least now you can have some peace
>same idols initiate the literal apocalypse because one is too clingy and the other is too non-committal
Neo Octoling armor work best with the Eye of Justice, I think
If I started a /c/ thread about the Squid Sisters, not just for the intent of posting images, but also discussing them on a deeper level, would anyone join? I know some people feel like they don't wanna be obnoxious and take over the threads with waifuposting or whatever, but there it's pretty much the rule to waifupost. If nothing else, we can discuss some things more comfortably there than here and share our views on the idols we like.
“These failed prototypes, endlessly warring for turf…”
>failed prototypes
What does he mean Yea Forums?
I think octolings empathize with marina waaay more than pearl given they were all child solders for most of their lives.
I think it's more the material used on the model itself works better for it. Had the knight armor used the same metal material for itI think the Knight would have been the best fight overall.
I'm pretty sure you can say it whenever you want, man. I have zero problem with it, and I say my thing all the time and I'm pretty sure only 2-3 people hate my guts. It was more the thing that used to accompany it that got on people's nerves. Hell, even I piped up about it when that one guy exploded in a fit of autism.
And yet I still can't bear to leave. I'm perpetually stuck.
He wants to put squids in the thang
>sexualizing squidkids: the game
Nintendo is fucked in the head.
The Octolings probably feel the same as Marina as they finally have a world where they can be themselves and have made many new friends. As it stands Octolings do have a more serious nature due to being more mechanically inclined than their inkling cousins. In the end both Octos and Inklings are just having fun and will live thru the result together.
You mean the fans
Who what team do people expect to win? I'm order by I expect chaos to win if I'm being honest.
>And yet I still can't bear to leave. I'm perpetually stuck.
It's because every other site is full of fake people, and for frighteningly similar People will say things they don't really believe or alter their opinion or soften it to ensure they don't get those dreaded red arrows. Everyone's got a mask on, and it's made of ballistic material to avoid getting something fast and nasty in their face should they step out of line.
Here, it's practically no different, except instead of downvotes, it's flaming. Fuck's sake, the whole advantage to this site's format is so that you could talk freely with an anonymous alter ego so no one butthurt by your thoughts can hunt you down, shame you, or heap calumny on you for your dissidence. yet here we are and everyone's still wearing their stupid fucking masks in fear of being ridiculed by a hivemind of unthinking retards with no hopes, aspirations, interests, or investments except to mock everyone else for having any. Fuck everyone who came here post 2011. Fuck all election tourists. Fuck all of it, holy shit.
Best weapon and takes patience, anyone complaining is either the guy that runs into it or even worse he's in your team
Perhaps all of the species we see in the game were of his creation
I feel you should just stay here. Moving part of the discussion to another board doesn't give the best result from what I have seen
>frighteningly similar
Fuck, i need sleep.
I expect Chaos to win because it's more popular, but who knows.
>it's actually upon us
I'm not as ready as I thought I would be bros
>Speaking of that forum, how is it nowadays?
I don't know since I don't use it aside from the general weather thread and I skim the splatoon thread but it's not nearly as active as the splatoon channel in the nintendo discord. They're alright. I think they put too much stock in my playing ability, which puts pressure on me to be a tryhard whenever I play with them. They don't have any of those things you get with pretty much every splatoon community. You know like porn, lewdposting, shitposting, shipping etc. Consequently they don't really talk about the characters in a serious way either. They just play mostly and share current news on the game and maybe some general nintendo news from time to time.
I appreciate the opportunity to post cute cephs, but is right. Segmenting discussion and engendering segregation can lead to disaster. in this particular case, I can see pic related coming back full force with "hurr take your idolshit to /c/" when someone in the last 20 posts puts up a picture of Callie or something.
Just another remnant of the old days forever gone and never to return. I'm a sad papa now.
The sentiment is nice but I'd rather stay on Yea Forums.
I fucking TOLD you, man. We're all fucked.
I wouldn't bother with it. Lore discussion only goes so far. Like the Souls games, there's plenty of lore about while not shoving it all in your face, but unlike them, Splatoon doesn't put much of an emphasis on the lore. And most of what's there is spelled out as clear as day, which doesn't leave much room for discussion.
I suppose you can do some gameplay discussion, but I can't imagine many would come to this site over and over just to discuss tactics. You'll end up with some regulars who will get tired of newfags shitting up the threads with waifuposting or whatnot, and will eventually move towards discord or something. Everyone else will laugh and mock the group for being a bunch of elitist, no-fun-having faggots.
I don't think so, I remember reading in an interview that apparently the squids and octos we see ingame evolved naturally without any outside interference. Don't take my word for it though, I don't remember what interview it's from.
It's mainly an excuse to post pictures and discuss the Squid Sisters without anyone getting mad about it or taking over a pre-existing thread. Also because one poster I'm thinking of seems afraid to post too much here, which I found odd because he has an outlet where he can post as much as he likes on /c/.
Well, that's to be expected. That's what I meant by being stuck here.
I don't know, it'd just be a one off thing, probably. I wouldn't invite anybody more than once, this would be the only invitation. Most wouldn't even be aware of it except those who are dedicated. And shitters will be shitters anyway, and if they end up on /c/ they'll probably get punished for it and not last long.
Also, I remember that guy. Hope he's not around anymore.
/c/ is mainly an image sharing board, you can bring up some discussion but its not the main purpose of the board
I know that, but as long as you post images related to the topic I doubt you'll get struck down for discussing things. If everyone just wants to discuss here, fine, but I just wanted to see if anyone would be interested. I will be starting some threads on /c/ anyway to dump some of my images. Not now perhaps, but later in the future.
Maybe it would be good for posting new stuff we find, but who knows. I usually just drop my new stuff here.
I'm not entirely optimistic, but I'll still give it a shot if you ever do it.
>it's only been a month since this
Son of a bitch, it feels like half a year.
I'm gonna play the shit out of it, but man. It's the end of an era.
We've had good times since then
How many hours until it starts?
Another reason I wanted to start the /c/ thing is because honestly, discussion of the idols here isn't that deep. A weird thing for me to say perhaps, but oftentimes it just goes like this:
>she's pretty/cute
>...i wanna fuck her
>wow dude me too no way
There's usually not a lot of discussion about their actual characters or anything beyond the surface-level. A /c/ thread would be nice for that, without taking over another thread.
Though I need to head to bed soon, I have a feeling I'm not conveying stuff as well as I could be.
Get some sleep, user
We'll see you on the next shifty station
7 hours. Get some sleep and rest up, because the war for our future is about to begin.
Hey squidbros I just wanna say I'm proud of you for being able to have such civil and frequent threads on such a shithole of a website.
I'm not gonna stop playing, but it's going to leave a hell of a mark on the game. I'm not sure what's going to happen once the winner is announced.
The best times.
7 hours.
We'll see you on the battlefield, friend.
>Get some sleep, user
But I don't wanna! At least while everyone's around, I'd like to discuss some shit till the thread hits bump limit.
Shhh, sleepy sleepy
Come on dude, you can't fight if you're not well-rested.
if pearl can fuck marina every night and still pick chaos so can you
Jevil, go away.
Go back to being the most annoying character in the franchise that isn't so sorry.
Alright, fine. Good night. Hopefully there's a thread up tomorrow.
>I hope there'll be a thread up
>on the dawn of the biggest event of the game's whole lifespan
We'll be fine, and there's only 30 posts left anyway. Sleep tight.
I mean, that's when the big day occurs
Pretty sure they are adding them into normal rotation
its only been a month? it feels like it was both yesterday and ages ago
i really dont regret the first time i stepped into these threads, they've been the best part of my days in a long while as sad as that is
>fuck everyone who came here post 2011
it hurts knowing i came in at 2011, i missed out on the old times that the oldfags got to enjoy, and i pretty much joined at the beginning of the end
we try to keep it calm and collected in here, most of the regulars are smart enough to just ignore shitposting that comes our way
goodnight fren
That veemo is gonna get a big ol' hugging.
Time makes fools of us all. And hey, don't be sad. Everyone has to start somewhere. You should be so lucky to have arrived before the dreaded year of 2012.
>zoomers unironically think the DS Pokemon games were good
i guess thats a good way of looking at it
Do you have any source on that because everything I heard says that they will be private battle only
No use in lamenting when you still got to experience a lot of goodness that happened before the great wojak/pepe takeover. Now that's when it became truly unforgivable.
>people who still think they can hide from smallfry on the wall
The fools.
Guys I've been here since 2007 and still get called a newfag, don't worry about it.
It was a test to see how high they could jump.
yeah instead i was here for the great >implying debacle
i dont worry about being called a newfag, its the personal experience
Greetings, fellow newfag. Did you hear about those trolls on Yea Forums?
That makes way more sense.
>implying it didn't become a vital part of the board
>implying most people even use it anymore
they just say cringe or dilate now. i'd take >implying over the awful shitposting we get now any day
I hear they're filled with hackers on steroids, a dangerous lot that.
This is adorable.
It was slightly annoying at the time, but it still became a rather standard part of the board. I use it occasionally, myself. I just hate all the new stuff. It really does feel like a bunch of shithead twitter users jerking off.
Did you see that van they blew up? It's scary.
>cringe or dilate now
alongside shit like soi or tranny.
that really is what it looks like. ive used it myself as well but the new stuff really does just seem like it started as a situation of "haha are we part of the club yet?" and it spiraled out of control to what shit we have now.
oh goodness we can't forget that, i'd say even console war faggotry has gotten worse since its filled with nothing but soi, but it's always been pretty bad. at least /ctt/ has their own niche corner of the board
Did I miss the splatfest?
Nope, it starts in a few hours
before this thread is over:
are the rotations just Shifty Station? no actual stages?
Now we to wait until custom stages are a thing. Then someone could make stage with an inkable wall that stretches all the way, and port it into Salmon Run. Then the real test begins.
I'm actually nervous about this Splatfest and I don't know why. Maybe it's because Order and Chaos resonate so much with what is going on in the real world at the moment.
Possibly the absolute worst of the bunch. Onions posting hasn't ceased in the least and it's the absolute worst. It doesn't matter what thread you're in or what the subject is, morons will parrot that shit like there's no tomorrow. Every time I see shit like snoy or shitch, I die a little on the inside.
I don't know how to word it but the old stuff feels more friendly in a way. The new stuff feels like it's designed to be the equivalent of poking a beehive with a stick
Wait, are you actually being serious or are you fucking around about it effecting splatoon 3, cause my autism is going off the charts from this post
It's going to be three stages like normal, but the Shifty Station will rotate with them.
it's all so tiring
i guess thats true. just look at rosterfagging threads on here now. they are some of the worst threads you'll see on here lately, and thats tough to accomplish. they've somehow gotten worse than just banjo vs steve and its nothing but us vs them dog eat dog mentality. they're straight up warzones
Still believe that GR15 was a mistake.
Welp, goodnight everyone.
Remember guys, it’s just a splatfest. Pearl and Marina will have a happy ending in the end. And if you’re worried about Callie and Marie, it’s just another splatfest for them.
It's so very tiring, but I keep trudging on because the alternative is leaving the place I've loved so long and letting off-site turds take over. I'll fight the good fight until hiroshimoot decides to end it all.
I still have some of those reactions saved in my reaction folder. It sucks I can't use them because of one autist. No one cares anymore.
Good night. I look forward to slaughtering you in the morning.
But I'm on your side...
have a good one frens, ill see you in the next thread once i wake up. hope you orderposters are ready to get bamboozlerd bamboozled? close enough tomorrow
goodnight fren
this, i just cant leave this place no matter how tiring it is
Sorry bro, your image gave me the wrong impression.
Now you, I'll happily murder. Good night.
ill at least ride this thread to its end
i wont enjoy killing you, but the battle should be fun.
Come now, life's no fun without a little assassination or two.
Chaos has good art. I can't ignore that.
good point i dont have much of callie and beebo so this is the best i got
Can't disagree there.
I have precisely the one and usually you post it before I can. There just isn't much of the octos interacting with the Squid Sisters, people are too busy drawing them with Off the Hook.
Here's a token of appreciation for staying till the end.
For reals, though, I just found this dude on twitter and it's mostly squids but there's a whole month of veemos during the launch of OE and they all make my heart melt.
Agent 3 wasn't talking about the cat
yeah theres a severe lack which is kinda disappointing. the one you're talking about is one of my go to's usually, its too cute
why thank you user, ill cherish it forever and always
thats adorable
For any twitter image, I recommend using this since the site likes compressing images into jpg
I understand why, but there should be more of it. They're the reason she got to escape in the first place.
Good point, I mostly use that site for making ant images bigger.
yeah i get it, but theres not even much for them even meeting the SS as the new agent besides the one people use when shitposting about callie being OCTO'd where she sees the weyyo
That one's legit cute, though.
god i almost forgot to post it this thread too. please look at this beautiful man
no no it definitely is, just sucks what it's used for half the time
Nice save.
I actually haven't seen it at all used in that context. I've only found it off this site from time to time.
Tall lady
thank you for blessing this thread
what are this cephs running from? they're not! they're running to the world's most inkstreme eelimination challenge!
its been thrown around in splatoon threads once or twice with that context, usually in the shitposting ones
Octo daughter best daughter.
Suppose I missed them.
not even mad i didnt get callie inb4 image limit, i got my nogami and MXC in the nick of time
man i forgot how slow Yea Forums gets when us burgers nod off to sleep. we've been going at bump limit for a bit now
I stole it and I have no regrets. My baby girl gets everything. See all you faggots in the morning.
see ya fockin cunt
Burger signing out
see you later fellow burger
>can never find an artist to commish some Dualies Octoling art
>can never commish anything since i dont have the money to
i just want more callie and wholesome lewds. doesn't need to be both at once could be though
She's the best
>posts persona