I wish they would make a bioshock game that talked about the story of rapture before everything went wrong, the story kinda went downsouth since
I wish they would make a bioshock game that talked about the story of rapture before everything went wrong...
Same, just want more of Andrew Ryan or Cohen before he went insane
Burial as Sea Ep1 did that abit but its also Shitfinite so.
i only ever played the first game. i totally love it till this day. but even back as a kid i knew they couldnt top the original game so i never tried the other ones.
when i heard 2 had multiplayer i said fuck it. they took a good idea and just tried to cash in on multiplayer like all these games do today. and infinite wasnt even under water like fuck that
2 is great, definitely play it
Infinite was all the better for not being underwater. It made fantastic use of the setting.
Don't listen to this user, 2 is trash.
The book does that, it was pretty good
Don't listen to this user, 2 is just 1 with better combat and multiplayer. Its definitely worth a playthrough.
Atlease play Minerva's Den. Its what happens when 1 and 2 fuze to make kino.
No it wasn't you blind retard.
"cashing in on multiplayer" is a jim sterling meme that presumes the only worthwhile vidya experiences are had in single player
Don't listen to this user, 2 is just 1 with less originality and even more braindead, mind-numbing combat. A blatant, soulless cashgrab iconic of the worst excesses of the industry last generation.
Yes it was you delusional faggot.
Which is true and Jim Sterling is right about that.
>braindead, mind numbing combat
nigga what
1's combat system of having to switch between plasmids and weapons was awkward as fuck and many of the ammo types and weapon upgrades were uninspired, with late-stage enemies just being bullet sponges. 2 streamlines the system by letting you use plasmids and weapons at the same time and hack shit without pausing the game for that stupid hacking minigame, on top of making it so that late-stage combat encounters swarm you with a mix of weaker and stronger enemies rather than just a handful of splicers you have to dump an entire mag of shotgun ammo into to kill. Combat in 2 is objectively better than combat in 1.
It's not true at all unless for whatever reason you personally can't stand multiplayer, him complaining about it is just him bitching the industry doesn't cater specifically to him.
There's a novel called BioShock:Rapture that does just that. It's not great and soft retcons some stuff in fact I don't even know if it's canon, but it does give more backstory if you really want it.
While 2 IS worth a playthrough and does have better combat, saying it's "just 1 with better X" implies it's on-par in other respects, which is ridiculous. The things that 1 excelled shined in were the art/sound design, writing, story, and voice acting. 2 Drops the ball on those really hard. Wasn't even made by the same studio and is non-canon.
The guns are still boring, enemies are still one-note and way too easy. There just isn't a lot of variety to that game. I understand 1 did not have good combat either but 2's improvements just ain't gonna' cut it.
The game just isn't any good, is what I'm sayin'.
The problem with that though is Rapture’s existence was doomed from the beginning, which the game goes into great detail to explain. There was never a period when things were perfect, and the city wasn’t even that old before things started going to shit. It would be like asking for a game set in Raccoon City before the outbreak.
I just thought of the idea of a trading simulator like Recettar in Rapture that shows the player why libertarianism doesn't work and why societies need taxes.
>the guns are still boring
the standard unupgraded forms may be a little uninspired by the upgrades and ammo choices make them fairly unique and they're satisfying to wreck splicers with
>enemies are still one note
which is why they are stitched together in set-piece encounters based around story beats and little sister gathering sections, along with security placement and environmental changes to create new scenarios. There is exactly enough enemy variety as there needs to be. There are tons of different sections and lots of ways to dispatch enemies with six different weapons and a bunch of plasmids with different firing modes, if you can't figure out how to have fun running around with all of those then you must be playing the game too conservatively.
You wrote a lot of words but I didn't care to read any of 'em.
just fyi
it's referenced several times in Infinite: Burial At Sea and Dionysus Park from 2 is namedropped as well.
its typed for you, but for the benefits of the other anons in the thread who might pass over a Quality Gaming Experience™ because of some terrible misinformation posted in this thread
*not typed for you
level design:
setting, art design, etc:
1=infinite > 2
There was a time where everything worked well. The inciting incident of the downfall was when Ryan started hammering down on contact with the outside world and illegalizing things like Bibles because he got paranoid about spies and outside influence.
That led to the creation of the black market (which wouldn't even be possible in a completely free market) and gave Fontaine the foothold he needed to gain money/power/influence. Then Fontaine funded Tenenbaum's research into ADAM, which led to plasmids, which led to the addictive insanity which toppled the city combined with Fontaine whipping the lower class into an uproar.
Macdonagh has an audio diary in Hephaestus that said the final straw was when Ryan nationalized Fontaine Futuristics in the most blatant violation of his capitalistic principles.
The message isn't that Ryan was wrong in principle. It's that ANY sort of utopian ideal, even a Libertarian one will be brought down when flawed people attempt to attain it. Levine said something similar in an interview at some point. He made all the villains post-WWII Jews (except Suchong) to reiterate the point that even former victims can be the villains when given power and no one is safe from that temptation.
In that sense, I guess I'd agree with your statement that it was doomed from the beginning, if that's how you meant it.
Personally I put Infinite in the lead in every category. It's really fantastic how much that game improved the original in every aspect, and how well it holds up even today.
Is it? My mistake then. Aside from Dionysus Park. what is referenced in BaS? I only played it once and don't recall any of that.
Agree completely. Spot-on.
Yeah, Infinite is peak KINO for sure
I can see a reasonable argument for why infinite deserves the lead in every category except combat
I disagree with the level design one, Infinite is worse. 2's level design wasn't great but at least it wasn't the corridor fest of Infinite.
Macdonagh was based
>responses exactly minute apart
Well for one I think it's story is actually relevant to everyone (racist societies, religious fanaticism and their effects on people and actual issues people in the real world deal with today, as opposed to societies without taxation which never even existed), not to mention how the actual plot and characters make for one of the greatest sci-fi fables ever told; level design is linear so it can make use of a lot of scripted sequences and also for better combat design with regards to enemy placement and such (no point making an open world if you aren't going to make a half-assed RPG like the first two); and while I understand that a lot of people love Rapture, to me it always felt like a neverending subway station. I understand it was intended to craft a horror atmosphere but Bioshock just didn't work as a horror game. Columbia mwanwhile is one of the most enchanting video game worlds ever made. Beautiful in every regard, and makes for a great setting for zipping around skylines during combat, really thrilling stuff. Columbia is the only video game world I ever wanted to dream about.
>makes for a great setting zipping around skylines during combat
skyline setpieces are fairly rare and most of the game is just a corridor shooter that limits you to two generic guns and plasmids that are limited versions of the ones in 1 and especially 2. Enemy placement also doesn't really matter when they've made the game more of a cover-based shooter than anything else. Cool, you put a couple guys behind chest high walls. Very fun design.
I also think you're giving too much credit to the setting, saying the story is relevant to everyone loses its bite when you consider that its really only a showcase of what society was like back in the late 1800's and does not say anything really new or exciting about racism to the point where it has relevance to current issues. Its an exploration of a dystopian diesel/steampunk setting in the exact same way that 1 and 2 were, you can't put it on a pedestal just because it includes racism and religious fanaticism in a very flat manner.
I also don't see what you mean by "greatest sci-fi fables", its just a story about time travel with some dumb twist at the end.
Also, it was done to craft a horror atmosphere? It was done because people lived at the bottom of the fucking ocean so things might feel a little cramped.
The weapon limit made you fight in a tactical manner and also forced you to change up your playstile from seque ce to sequence, which was a neat idea. I still say that linear design is better for an action game than open-world design. And of course, Tears are one of the greatest ideas ever in a game, up there with the Gravity gun. And, as everyone will tell you' vigors > plasmids.
As for your other points, 5he only one I'll address is the story: first of all, the game takes place in 1912. Secondly: goddamn right it is relevant to today! Playing BioShock Infinite let's you see how little progress America made in over a hundred years: Jim Crow societies back then, mass deportations of brown people and concentration camps for immigrants today. A racist religious cult leader prophet in the game, a racist semi-religious cult leader president today. People talking the worst shit about minorities proudly, out in the open. Racial tensions at a high. The Vox Populi revolution in the game, Nazis marching in Charlottesville. It's extremely uncanny and sometimes frightening.
Basically, BioShock Infinite is a game that gets more relevant the older it gets. That's both incredible and insane.
Either you copypasted that from Reddit or you're the sort of person who prefers DmC for it's "relevant" and "compelling" story.
>the weapon limit made you fight in a tactical manner
you could use your weapons in a tactical manner in the old games too and change up your playstyle how you saw fit by choosing to use different plasmids and weapons, not by having the choice forced upon you by artificially limited weapon capacities and loss of special ammo. That's not even considering how much more generic the weapons of infinite are. Loss of choice is not a good thing no matter how "tactical" you think it makes it. I don't know why you bring up open world because no bioshock game has ever been open world, the good levels used to be fairly open ended but they were still able to plan setpieces as well as in infinite. Tears are alright but they come down to getting cover, a machinegun or ammo and shit most of the time and are not enough to hold the game up on its own. Nobody will say vigors > plasmids because they are literally cut down versions of the plasmids from 2.
Your second point is extremely memey, and if you choose to see trump as a comstock then I guess that's up to you and I won't argue about it since this is (allegedly) a videogame board. But i don't know how you can say messages about the free market and socialism are any less relevant to today than racism when all three of these are major political issues to this day.
Furthermore, I posit that you speak in a manner not unlike that of the common redditor, and that you should probably return from whence you came.
this was funnier to read than it should have been
The story in infinite shits the fucking bed by the end. 1 > 2 > infinite in terms of story. I'm not saying 2 has a great amazing story but infinite is just ADVANCED dumb.
I wish 2 had a new game plus like 1 did. I just want to use drill expert from the beginning and telekinesis 3
fucking this. The first thing I thought when I picked up drill expert was "why the fuck was this not in the first level"
>I wish 2 had a new game plus like 1 did.
What version of 1 had a NG+ mode?
I've played 360, PC, and PC remaster, didn't see it in any of them.
The version I played was the 360 complete edition triple pack. Apparently ng plus was a ps3 exclusive before that.
user did you also have trouble selecting weapons that were in diagonal positions on the weapon wheel on 360? I played it recently and I thought there was something wrong with my controller but 2's wheel worked just fine.
Another problem with the 360 version is that sonic boom 2 won't appear after download. I just wanted to blow fools away and now I can't.
I think it's been over a decade since I played the 360 version. I don't recall for certain, but I remember quite liking the weapon wheel as a means of inventory selection without a mouse/keyboard, so I doubt it. It was the true original version, so maybe that had issues during re-releases.
Interesting. Shame that wasn't a feature in other releases; I have to impose my own restrictions on myself when I do runs these days to keep it difficult. If the difficulty was upped substantially for it that would have been great.
Why it would just a be a Communist brainwashing media piece about how Libertarians are all racist toxic alpha males
Level Design
Art design, etc.
I implore you to
A. Kill yourself
B. Go back to whatever shithole you came from
The NG+ doesn't change difficulty or anything. Would be neat is it did. It's just a basic fuck around mode. It blocks most achievements as well because of sequence break potential.
Literally who cares about MP on this franchise? Bioshock 2 is shit, only made as a cash grab without Irrational being involved.
>literally who cares about multiplayer
lots of people, MP bioshock was fucking legit
>its shit
its 1 with a more mediocre story and level design but better combat, its bretty gud.jpg
That's a shame. What sort of sequence breaks?
You can bypass almost all of medical with inferno since you keep all your plasmids. There's more but I can't quite remember. It's been awhile.
That's silly because you can go grab Inferno right away upon entering the pavilion. The game lets you tackle the level in a lot of different orders. Even if you have Telekinesis upon your first site of Steinman you can destroy the barricade and run right after him instantly instead of being re-routed.
What should the next shock incarnation be called? Soulshock?
Prey 2017 was effectively the last "Shock" game and it dropped the naming convention.
I'd say the name has to come with the theming.
I can't believe that I forgot about prey.
Infinite isn't nearly as good as the other two, but Yea Forums greatly exaggerates how bad it is
How about system shock? Want a remake.
Yeah, that was pretty shit