God Tier Combat

Games with god-tier combat thread. What's the last game you played with god-tier combat? Which game do you think has the best combat mechanics overall?

Attached: Yakuza God Tier Combat.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Not fucking Yakuza, that’s for sure.

Git gud

the warriors

That's some dedicated autism my man.

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and they say shills don't exist on Yea Forums

Yakuza is the button-masher to end all button-mashers. There is no actual skill involved.

I wish I loved a game as much as OP loves Yakuza.

The Witcher 3

nobody says that

Whatever you say, zoomer. Stick to DMC and Soulshit.

why are the enemies not doing anything

Everyone and their mother is good at Yakuza since it's so easy. It's a waste of decent enough combat in a game

The game has a boppin' soundtrack, your punches and throws feel real meaty once you start breaking someone down, and the characters say faggot. What more could you need

Planetside 2

Infantry with multiple classes including support roles, tanks of various styles, aircraft with various styles, mech suits, transport ships, bombers, drop pods, static defense, stealth, long range, short range, jet packs, ambush tactics, resource management, building. Everything you could want in a game. except the players

it is odd how much the term faggot was just used loosely in the 70s
very based time

1.4k people playing right now, that's more than enough to fill a server. The hotspots always have huge battles going on.

you've clearly never played it, stop posting

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Valdis Story: Abyssal City.

>God-tier combat
Pick one.
Y0 has the best combat in the series sure, but it's not god-tier, it's just pretty good.

You mean to tell me the other games have even worse combat than 0? Jesus

Not fucking Yakuza thats for sure.
Holy shit, same idea.

>posts webm of you winning fights by pressing one button

Yakuza has satisfying combat visually, it's fun to watch your character beat the shit out of people with chairs or electric swords.

I prefer Sleeping Dogs' combat though to Yakuza, mainly because it is not interrupted by an introductory and conclusion screen that pauses the gameplay. Also the environmental kills in Sleeping Dogs are so great.

This. Yakuza is like watching a movie that makes you feel badass. It's less about gameplay and challenge and more about being cool.

Spoilers he's just mashing triangle.

His legend moves are pretty shit, that knifing and rolling does so few damage for all the stamina it needs

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Nigga what?
As much as I like Yakuza the combat is just discount Bamham mashing

is this a mod? the enemies are just waiting to be hit

The problem is that PS2 attracted nufags who expected it to be “just like Battlefield” where at worst teams aren’t skewed completely and you can sit on your ass and let the tickets run out. A lot of fucking whining caused some of the worst imbalances in the mechanics of the game and fucking devs didn’t know how to design a goddamn map.

Bayonetta by far

That's pretty normal. There really only a few actually aggressive enemy types in the open world.

This is what Yakuza games are like

Attached: 1559396003483.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

are there adults who actually like this garbage?

I played Yakuza 0 on Hard my first time through the game and I still was able to just button mash through the whole game. It's fucking braindead.

>playing video games
Pick one

"""adults""" in age only, yes

Anything you say, shitposter

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>guy is just standing there the whole time never fighting back
So deep, so engaging, so interesting

Is this bait? The combat is pretty shit and shallow.

Yakuza 0 coming to PC was a mistake, if only for the endless amounts of shitposting and false-flagging it gets.

why is it that whenever people talk about yakuza they make it sound like the best thing ever but literally every second of gameplay I have seen makes it look like pure trash

Because it IS pure trash. It was overhyped when it was niche because that made people feel like they had superior "underground" taste but the truth always was that the games don't sell great because they're not very good.

If Yakuza games were HALF as good as they were hyped up to be they would be the biggest sellers going. But the reality is they're cheap assetflip rehashes full of tedium, braindead combat and are nothing more than glorified VNs. (Which don't even have good writing)

It's the first time I see yakuza gameplay and honestly, I can't believe there are people like OP that actually exists. Looks like the worst action game.

it's a meme series but some idiots didn't get the joke and tell themselves it's actually good

>If Yakuza games were HALF as good as they were hyped up to be they would be the biggest sellers going. But the reality is they're cheap assetflip rehashes full of tedium, braindead combat and are nothing more than glorified VNs. (Which don't even have good writing)
Based and truthpilled
but seriously this is spot on

people love taking games that are somewhat unpopular and shilling them to orbit, while they sometimes might be right and have good taste, in other instances they just like a game due to their contrarian tendencies.
I think yakuza looks alright and fun, but all the movie shit, cutscenes and minigames look offputting. That doesn't mean it's a trash game, it means it's just not for me and you. And you're gonna have to deal with that. because their fanbase likes those games.

>uses same move 5 times in a row
>cutscene finisher

I hope you aren't implying that webm was god tier.

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good, we don't want faggot secondaries like you in the fanbase shitting it up anyway. fuck off.

unironically seething. I'll pirate faguza just to spite you.

Shilling what exactly?

Purposefully playing with minimal thought or creativity
technically you can play any fucking game by putting in any effort

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Sleeping dogs

Finish God Hand without even trying, user

>it's another thread full of Y0 posters
at this point I really feel bad for yakuzafags

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PC release was a mistake.

Rare example

don't give this faggot any more (you)s retards

>Mashes buttons to attack one dude while all the rest stand and watch

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>Purposefully playing with minimal thought or creativity
Because the game does not inspire creativity with its braindead mechanics.
>technically you can play any fucking game by putting in any effort
I disagree, some games require more effort than others. In actual good games, mashing your way through mindlessly won't work (or it will at least be terribly ineffective), which motivates the player to be more thoughtful and creative. In Yakuza, you are never given any reason to do anything but mash your way to victory because it's a perfectly effective and viable strategy, which is what makes it a bad game.

so when you said you can play any fucking game without putting effort, you were wrong?
it was such a retarded thing to say it was hardly worth proving wrong but I'm glad we can all agree you're a retard now, even you can agree

I just enjoy how silly it is, it's fun just not complex or compelling, specially the combat, it's piss poor.

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This. If you see someone criticizing Yakuza, just ignore them. Especially if you don't have a counterargument. Yakuza is based af and if trannies don't like that they can just stay mad.

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name ONE game that isn't like that

They entire genre is like that. Mmayybe the first AC

>oh no people are going to find out how shit yakuza games are now that our circlejerk is compromised

Fuck off already retard

What I mean is that you can play through most games without experimenting with different stances or any sort of variation and still make your way through it

No, fuck you. Yea Forums is a Yakuza board and always will be. Your complaints about """bad""" combat and a lack of challenge are meaningless.

Actually in most games it's hard to just bull your way through without ever switching styles, tactics, weapons, whatever. Yakuza is a rare case where you can just mash your way to the end without breaking a sweat.

>actual good games
It's a shitty example you can play any of the souls games without any experimentation and just caveman through

Kill yourself shit taste autist

This is the hardest boss in Yakuza. Still think the combat is bad, shitposters?

Attached: God tier gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

meme all you want but we all know for a fact you can't "button mash your way through" dark souls

lol this series is a fucking joke

Been playing through Bayonetta, Dragon’s Dogma for the first time and replaying TWEWY and loving them. QTE’s are a bit of a pain in Bayo and the UI in DD is kind of clunky but I’ve been having so much fun that I don’t care. As for TWEWY, I’m surprised at how well it’s aged, especially gameplay wise. Some of the shit you can pull office is straight up cuhrazee tier.

Attached: twewy god hand edit.png (744x594, 590K)

Needs a remaster

A shame a game as good and unique as TWEWY only gets one game while a game as shit as Yakuza gets infinite sequels. I guess when you have fans that don't mind playing the exact same thing for 100 hours every few months it becomes tempting to assetflip and churn out another turd with no improvements. Maybe in the long run it's better to just be one great game instead of an infinite amount of shit ones cashing in on mediocrity.

So what if the gameplay in Yakuza is shit, I play for the waifus

>tfw uppercutting foes into the air and keeping them there with chains while raining down boulders on them, all the while Joshua Jesus Beams them on the top screen

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why not just play a waifu game with good gameplay, like bayo?

Fucking zoomers. Not everything is made for you, you know.
Yakuza is for older thinking men.

You're retarded, he is ironically shitting on yakuza

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How is making a bunch of threads about how good Yakuza's combat is shitting on Yakuza?

You aren't mature, you're just autistic

top tier meme

Attached: sekiro.webm (670x348, 2.96M)

Should I go for the DS version or the Switch port?


When the fuck are mods going to make sarcasm a bannable offence

Sekiro, dark souls and bloodborne

Uhh, you can. A lot of dark souls can be made up to spamming dodge and then spamming light attack and leaving a bit of meter left to get away. I agree that souls can also be played in interesting ways, and I generally like to play around with full parry only builds or other interesting shit, but souls can be played brain dead if you autopilot on the safest moves (wait for attack, roll to safety, whittle down). Bosses are faster and have tighter timing windows, but if you commit to a boring game of whittling them down, you can play brain dead

Are you braindead or something? He knows his webm shows the combat is just button mashing flashy shit but pretend ls its not and expects people to shit on it

Its like if I go DUDE LOOK HOW GREAT BOTW COMBAT IS and then I post this

Attached: bad.webm (853x480, 2.84M)

Yakuza combat is a fun time with heat moves, but I wouldn’t call the combat itself “god tier.” I’d say dmc, godhand, sf3 third strike, ninja gaiden 1, and a subset of the souls games are a few with good real time, short range combat.

>you can complete yakuza by mashing square and pushing triangle now and then
>you can complete dark souls by mashing dodge (at the right time) and mashing light attack (at the right time) (and leave some energy left so you can retreat safely) also be careful because bosses require tighter timing

Yep, clearly the same thing. You can play both these games totally braindead, you don't have to think or try when fighting in either of them. Your post is very good and clever.


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Do you even know what that word means you fucking retard?

Stopped reading here, juggling punching bags is not good combat

But the difference is people can prove that webm wrong by showing a huge number of clips that show good gameplay in BotW. However nobody ever shows good Yakuza gameplay, they just insist that it exists and tell everyone to ignore the "misrepresentation" in the webms

How about games full of punchingbags you can't even juggle?

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Ninja Gaiden Black, it kicked my ass for 10 years but I finally beat it last week.

Also I’m pretty sure this should be obvious from the shitposting but Yakuza combat is neither absolutely the best nor trash. It’s an adventure game themed by crime drama. Its direct inspiration in combat is like streets of rage and other beat em ups, and the focus is on spectacle fighting because the franchise is about the misadventures is kiryu as a tough yet wacky dude. The combat is fun because it’s in this spirit. It’s not trying to be DMC. The game is way more focused on the world building than anything else

Also the games weren’t popular here before because GTA had a big hold on “crime drama” as a genre. Kind of similar to how JoJo only got popular in recent years due to a combination of licensing release internationally and markets opening up.

Definitely the DS version. The gameplay was meant for dual screens and the ports don’t really capture the intensity and fast-paced action of the original.

Attached: twewy combat.jpg (256x384, 54K)

What’s your game with good combat user? These games are all good for different reasons. DMC on DMD is both knowing hard patterns and going ham on combo inputs

Wait you do know that combo vids aren’t representative of in campaign gameplay right?

>people can prove that webm wrong by showing a huge number of clips that show good gameplay in BotW.

Attached: botw01.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

Ins is pretty great.

Attached: Capping Point.webm (960x540, 2.93M)


Okay, can you post a clip of good Yakuza combat?

Every time. And the irony is every single one of these webms were posted originally to show how cool Yakuza was. It was only when others saw them and mocked them for how bad they really are that Yakuza fans had to face the truth. But most of them are in denial.

Both shit

They are. One has trivially 1-2 more input considerations, but you can put both on autopilot. I love dark souls but it’s not hard to figure out a winning strat that takes little to no energy to perform
Yes, I do.

Are you saying there is literally no evidence of good BotW gameplay on the internet, just like with the Yakuza series?

posting the one other shit botw example while choosing to ignore the hundreds of videos of people using creative and fun approaches

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>enemies not attacking the player and just waiting to be killed
Holy shit, as a Yakuza fan I gotta say, this looks fucking amazing. Why didn't anyone tell me BOTW was this awesome?

Post it then

>inb4 dude i froze rock in mid air and hit it and it launched at hit stupid AI in the head lol

Yakuza looks good, but really the only satisfying encounters were the boss fights. Everything else felt like a button mashing slog like in Ass Creed.

Okay, it's true that I can't find a single webm that makes Yakuza look like it hasn't got shit gameplay, but I DO have a handful of Breath of the Wild webms that make it look bad, so I win somehow - even though nobody was talking about it.

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Yakuza’s non combat gameplay is the reason why it’s on the map. The gameplay is fun because it’s flashy and fun to go through
My buddies and I had a blast going through the series with a couple of drinks over a few weekends

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

You clearly fucking don't. Yakuza combat is spamming because you can spam buttons mindlessly all you want and you will rarely get punished for it. If you spam attacks or dodges mindlessly during a DaS fight you will get punished and killed the majority of the time.

>so much proof BotW has shit gameplay you gotta use the same webm twice

How about posting some good yakuza webms instead?

Both have shit combat kiddo, seethe more

Creative approach is fun for a while but not efficient. BotW combat simple sucks ass and is even worse than Skyim's

is someone seriously trying to defend yakuza's garbage combat by saying breath of the wild is shit?

Again, look at the brain dead strat I provided. There are no special considerations. The reasons I consider both playstyles (that is, mashing a single button and playing a single 3-4 line loop without thinking) the same is because there isn’t really an argument to be made about creativity here
I will concede that souls has more timing challenges attached to the bosses, but even those are mitigated by minimal contact and swinging in small iterations

My argument is that most games can be made trivial and easy if we find the stupid, non fun strat to just brute force our way through combat. Yakuza isn’t particularly deep, but dark souls (especially the first one) has its easy spam cheese that’s just as brainless

I wouldn't call 2 a handful

why does it look like shite though?

Oh also nobody has posted about wonderful 101
That game is so much fun

holy fuck this is actual autism.

>zoomer namefag
Of course


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inb4 1000 "reddit" responses.


Now post proof of good yakuza gameplay

my eternal nig

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Yakuza combat is better than whatever garbage you like. Let me guess, I bet you think something like Nu God of War is better, right?

So Yea Forums is full of kids that never played beat'em ups? Yakuza is just a 3D beat'em up, complex combat was never the point of this genre.

>Creative is not as efficient
Well that is true in virtually every single game
>BoTW combat is simple
>Its even worse than Skyrim
It is at this point I knew for certain you were just delusional or hate a specific and illogical hateboner for BoTW.

Correct that is better, now keep seething

I can't. No one can.

Attached: no one.jpg (640x480, 42K)

The difference is you have to go out of your way to find the spam cheese strats in DaS that actually work. And by spam cheese, I mean you can run up to a boss, spam inputs with little to no regard for timing or positioning and still easily win. Yakuza's combat is so easy you have to put in effort to have the combat NOT be spam cheese. And this isn't even mentioning how drastically different the two games are when just comparing how they handle their healing. DaS healing makes the game so much more tense because a mistake is so much more meaningful. You have a very limited amount of healing resources compared to most games, and you have to take time to stand still whenever you heal. In Yakuza, you can pause the game at any time and spam healing items. You can practically carry an infinite amount of them as well.

NuGoW starts with an hour long intro with no gameplay. You wouldn't get shit like that in Yakuza.

This. It's MEANT to be shit.
Yea Forums is full of fucking zoomers who just don't get it. Leave the real games to us older thinking men, I say. They can play whatever pewpew action shit they gobble up.

NuGoW actually does have much better combat, yeah.

>ask for good combat
>click on one of his links
>link just whistles and a enemy comes near and gets hit by a trap

I ask for good combat, not more terrible AI

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Do you have no shame?

now post a lynel fight

why won't anyone post good yakuza combat

There is none. It's a VN with shit combat. Always has been and always will be.

>"there's no creativity in the combat"
>be proven wrong
>well one of those involved luring a robot into a trap, which isn't really combat, so you're wrong
>truly a high iq individual

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Why do you keep aaking when multiple people told you it doesnt exist?

u wot, GoW's intro has plenty of gameplay. Unless you think the intro is just carrying a log.

God hand

i will respond to retards, no matter the cost

but it has to exist. the alternative would be that anyone calling the webms in this thread bait are wrong.

have you any idea how embarrassing you sound

I'd like to see anyone shit on Yakuza combat now

Attached: 1562762756552.webm (720x406, 2.4M)

Not a single enemy attempts an attack at the player. Absolutely laughable

>shadow of rome

I see you're a man of fucking taste, friend.

wow great job user you beat up a whole gang of enemies by pushing triangle a single time. you're really good at videogames.

its dynasty warriors in a modern city

Holy shit I never really saw how Yakuza played before this thread and I'm actually stunned by how much it sucks.

everyone finds out eventually. at least you found out before buying it. I know retards who bought all the times before playing even one of them because they heard how awesome they were. they learned the hard way, but that's what you get for being an idiot.

there literally isn't any. it's either shit combat or just reading. that's yakuza.

This fucking killed BOTW for me. I could deal with the fragile weapons as long as I was getting supplied with new ones that were on par with the rest but eventually the game has monsters that eat my best weapons without even taking half of their health off. Combat became an absolute chore and exploration became something I dreaded doing because I knew if I found an enemy I'd either have to run away or throw away weapons I had been holding onto.

But user my favourite youtuber said these games were cuuuhrrraaaayyyyyyyzzzzeeee!!!

the eternal debate

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if you want cuhrazee play the game that started that shit, god hand

alternately, DMC5

I feel bad for everyone memed into playing this shit

There’s a debate?

literally no one plays yakuza for the combat. either they're there for the dramatic main story or le wacky substories

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Okay? I keep seeing posts like this which seem to be a defense, but all they do are confirm the combat is shit. And it's weird to think someone would play through so much shit gameplay just for a storyline when the games are so badly written.

>which seems to be a defense
its not. the combat is shit.

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>Yakuza bad cuz cool moves get cool camera angles instead of just unlimited iframes
Powerful arguments I see. I absolutely believe that heat moves should just be like all other 3rd person games in which the enemies just awkwardly shuffle around while you're clearly shown clipping through them in the middle while you do your moves.
Is this what you want to hear OP?