Why do video game remakes tend to have better results than other mediums?

Why do video game remakes tend to have better results than other mediums?

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>Scar whitewashed

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I feel like people are really trying their hardest to make this bland movie into "WORST THING EVAHHH"

But Scar's already jewish.

Jesus christ it looks so shit
>hurrr let's animate lions to look as real as possible while also trying to make them show emotion

How else would people know he's a bad guy?

>this is the media was calling photo realistic and that it was so good it was hard to differentiate from real life
jesus christ this looks like absolute fucking shit

The film industry is completely insulated from the market's actual tastes, so they have to scream and be as hyperbolic and reactionary as possible.

With video games, people just act that way for no good reason.

I think it's just a byproduct of making them photorealistic lions.
Maybe normies snapped and realized Disney remakes are just cash grabs for the summer.

Because videogames usually improve on the original in some capacity.

Ok, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have photorealistic lions?

The fuck is this?
A real life Lion King movie with talking animals?

Kimba the White Lion

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>I think it's just a byproduct of making them photorealistic lions.
joking aside I think he would look pretty cool with a black mane

hakuna matata, user.


Looks like stiff puppetry


Literally who asked for this

Good. Fuck Disney.

Real lion will eat genitals of the defeated alpa male

Have you been living under a rock for the past 3 years?


Because unless a movie was made in the silent era, the technology made to create it is pretty independent from actual film quality. Movies made in the 30s and 40s (as long as they had sound) are generally just as good at being a movie as movies made in 2019. Their special effects may be worse, but as far as an actual viewer experience they are the same.

With video games we've had advances in technology that make games play better, or lessons can be learned from previous entries and be used to make the gameplay better. Gameplay is something that almost always can be defined or improved. For example: A remake of Banjo Kazooie that makes the game run at above 15 FPS would make the game a lot better. It would control better, play better, and look better. You can remove bugs and other problems as well. Graphics can be improved ("Improved" depending upon who remakes it), music quality can be improved. Video games are a lot more complicated to design than a movie because of the player agency and control. Its a whole other factor that movies don't have to deal with.

Lmao, what trash.
All the expressivity in that scene is just gone.

Simba looks like that one sad cat image

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What am I supposed to see and be angry about

Where have you been? There's been Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Dumbo, and they are releasing Mulan and Little Mermaid soon.


These Disney remakes have had it coming for a long time, so I don't mind if it's a little overblown

because movies barely aged since the 70s
for movies with special effects even 90s movies hold up well

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God I wish that were me.

Old movies can often look way better than modern movies because they were shot on actual film and sets were more elaborate with way more extras. Just compare any Marvel movie to something like Ben-Hur or Spartacus.

Disney decided to reboot all their movies to cash in on nostalgia and to introduce a new generation to the stories the previous generations grew up with
Problem is they can't just make it all just CG shit so decided to use live action trash thinking it's a good enough excuse

Unironically a case of soul vs soulless

They certainly can look better and can also look worse. It is a film by film basis.

It looks so dumb with real animals

Dark scar BAD,
White scar GOOD!

>digital is still worse than film
fuck off with this meme

I don't understand why Disney bothers making these and I don't understand why anyone cares enough to have 300+ post replies about it.

The problem is trying to reproduce an upbeat and joyful scene with a single shot of a camera in a slow moving camera while the characters barely move.

I feel sorry for any kids who end up watching this garbage before the original.

I think the real problem is trying to give human facial expressions to realistic looking animals

weird since they had the regular 90's lion king in theatres a few years ago
I just hope Emperor's New Groove goes under the radar until disney stops regurgitating their properties

>introduce a new generation to the stories the previous generations grew up with
Then just show them the old movies that you could easily get on digital or Blu-ray, or sometimes give on TV. Movies that popular and recent don't magically disappear from existence after a few years. They even rereleased it in theaters during the 3D fad.

They do great in the box office, that's why.

>an almost shot for shot copy
Well at least we will get some delicious chocolate Ariel

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>remake of a rip off of a Osamu Tezuka anime

unrealistic, niggers can't swim

That's weird, but whatever. If the general crowd loves it, then so be it. Just looks really bland to me.

no its cause lions dont have black hair you racist shit

It's uncanny valley shit AND

despite some uncanny valley shots the movie is honestly fucking impressive as hell in terms of creating realistic looking animals with computers.
the problem is the original lion king was so expressive and colorful and realistic animals can't recreate that by definition so the whole thing just looks so soulless.
i think it worked in the jungle book because mogli was still human and the animals were never that emotive like in the lion king.

>trying to give human facial expressions to realistic looking animals
But they didn't even do that. They made the animals look completely realistic. One issue I keep seeing about the movie is that since they are so realistic its hard to tell which voice is coming from which character because their mouth movements when talking aren't characterized to be like a humans.

Lions cannot show "emotions" because lack of critical muscles in his faces. And they the laziest animals of Africa

>It turns out that “I’m a lion, hear me roar!” should probably be changed to “I’m a lion, hear me snore!” The king of the jungle racks up enough sleep to make the average house cat look extremely active by comparison. Take a look at just how much time the big cats spend snoozing below.

>How Many Hours Do Most Lions Spend Sleeping?

>Male lions spend 18 to 20 hours a day snoozing, while females get 15 to 18 hours of shuteye. The lionesses spend more time hunting and taking care of cubs, which is why they get slightly less sleep. And following a large meal, lions may even sleep up to 24 hours—talk about a catnap!

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>turn a holyshit monent in a classic into into "lol he bopped him on the head".

Oh, Disney. So toothless now.

But than they can't cash in with the nostalgia points

Well when you're trying to supersede a landmark in Western animation in children films, maybe your meh copy will catch a lot of flank.

I still know women and men in their 30s that watch Lion King as one of their favorite films

That's why she's mermaid tardo

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Wtf how do they survive sleeping for so long? Weird

mermaid come form black history inbred

>And following a large meal, lions may even sleep up to 24 hours

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Some silent era films were pretty good, specially the later ones

Dumbo, Aladdin, Jungle Book failed at the box office but Disney isn't concerned yet.

God, i wish i could ignored these last three shitty years as you.

>expecting this down syndrome looking bitch to look good

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That's undisturbed. They're not heavy sleepers and have very sharp senses, anyone interrupting their snooze is in for a bad time as the entire pack would leap to their feet in the blink of an eye.

unironically the definition of soulless

You wanna try and fuck with a pack of sleeping lions?
Fuck no, just go on about your business and get your hunting done while they're out being lazy.





Incredibly easy to do by just not watching trash movies.

Its budget was 250m

Somebody post it w/ sound.

Failed as in just didn't hit #1 fail or didn't surpass it's budget fail?

normal men do not follow children's movies.
normal men have ublock to remove advertising for them.
normal men have hobbies that replace souless vapid hollywood shit.
thats why he doesn know or care.
im the same

She's already pretty hot. Fix the heavy make up on the eyebrows and give her a hair style that isn't those weird braids and she's a 10/10

They eat diets that require long digestion periods. They aren't eating stuff with fucking sugar and instant energy. It takes very long for enzymes to break shit down and release energy for them. Most predators sleep for a long ass time.

Why her eyes are so far apart

I guess normal men don't read the news either.

>Be King
>Sleep all day
>Wake up
>Eat gazelle wife caught
>Go back to sleep cuddling wife, soft from eating so much gazelle
>Get 3-5 hours of solo sleep for alone time
>Other animals and humans fear and revere me, make centuries of tales, books, movies, TV, etc. about how cool, strong, and brave I am
Good life.

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as a groid, i've always wondered why they can't use an attractive black, or half black woman when they do this. i hate characters having their race changed, but if you have to, can you at least hire an attractive person?

Scar is honestly a pretty good design. Nu Lion King might be the biggest example of soul/soulless I've ever seen.

$250m budget+$250m marketing=500 million to break even.

You're mostly focusing on the bad movie remakes.

There are a lot of good remakes that turned out good. For example: The Fast and the Furious, Ben Hur (The third remake, not the abomination that came out recently), The Ten Commandments, Titanic (actually a remake).

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>normal men are retarded and don't pay attention to things going on around them
Guess Im happy to be autistic then.

They do it as bait user, as soon as people inevitably complain they can use it as a political tool

Get educated pleb.

>Real animals
What amaze me is how they managed in 2019 to worse talking cg lions than a talking cg lion from from a 2005 movie.

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>some fat American shoots you while sleeping and poses for a picture with your dead body to post on Facebook
What a way to go.

you crackers dont care that a white prince is gonna be there you love that you inbred crackers

You'll watch it anyway.
Same with Little Mermaid.

>Thinks any worthwhile news would talk about a children's film

Grow up chump.

Shit taste, but that's okay I can respect a delusional user even if he's blind

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Kek true, Aslam looks much better than those in the new Lion King

Thats because they didn't give the Lion King animals moving lips. Literally the first step in "Making Animals Talk 101".

based and jasmine pilled

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>ignoring news because it doesn't fit your agenda
You are literally a baby boomer. Not an ironic boomer, your ass is fucking old.

>middle east

Forgot the part where another lion comes, kills you and the cubs then proceeds to fuck your wife

Disney here. Thought we’d share a work in progress to ease your racist prejudices. She’s going to look fine!

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How come The Jungle Book did well but this one didn't?

a bland remake is always gona be more hated than a bland movie

>that face structure
>that brown skin
>that hair
Nigger she's objectively more ugly than a pretty white woman

Because this combined with The Little Mermaid has made people realize that it was all a cheap cash grab.
Which is dumb, people should have realized it when Dumbo was announced.

Thread is sinking.


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You never go full realistic.

>not wanting to see inane shit about yet another disney flick, a remake on top of that, means you have a political agenda
The fuck

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It's no meme m8y.
The pyramids are only impressive because fuck knows how they were built.
With digital you know they can make anything, so people pick up on the cues and are far less impressed.

I haven't watched a movie since the first Disney Star Wars.

i remeber when i saw lion king as a wee lad i always thought mufasa just got knocked out cause i couldn't cope with the fact that they just killed the nigga

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Where did I say "political"?

Disney tips given to mods on top of their pay.

Mods did a Scar

Literally looks like a crackhead.

Where's her nose? And why is she pink aren't Ariel's scales teal?

>fat white incel is mad that half black women are hot



And she still looks better than Halle Bailey, amazing isn't it

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Because the only reason they changed the race in the first place is because of nepotism. Someone wanted her in a new movie, and that was the new movie they picked for her.
The excuses about "Race doesn't matter you shitlord!" and "Have sex!" come after the shady backroom deals with friends and friends of friends who make casting decisions for movies in the first place.

Mowgli still looks like Mowgli. They got an actor that looks like him and gave him the right outfit. Simba's transition to realism is just a generic lion. There's not much to work with, Simba was a very simple looking character but Lion King's style is what made the movie, and made the characters look unique. Moving away from that style at all is a mistake.