Fire Emblem


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Other urls found in this thread:


just check the site retard it's right near the top

What site?

spoon feed me please.
which site?

Why would you even want to play this nu FE garbage anyway?

I already spoonfed by telling you it's up. If you are too lazy to google then fuck you.

Listen, I tried to find it, but didn't. I'm bad at that, because I never did it before.

Stop bumping the thread, there's no leak.
Neither Darkumbra nor the discord trannies have anything, people would be up in arms if this game was leaked.


Can you at least have nip voices or are Nintendo games still backwards?

Yes, Dual Audio is confirmed.

There a chart yet that shows which character goes to which house?

Nintendo has mostly recovered from their retardation in the 3DS/Wii U era.

Call me when Japanese rip will be available. I'm not gonna play with cringy treehouse rewrite.

Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

Yeh, but it won't change the way how this game was "translated".
I wonder how many names they changed. Ml

>I wonder how many names they changed
0. Unless Dudu to Dedue triggers you.

I have a hard time believing we can emulate the game from the get go without tweaking the emulator.

>I wonder how many names they changed
They didn't change any.

thanks the torrent is working for me.

Attached: chickfilagirl2.png (483x559, 624K)

That's a surprise. Small progress at least.

thas cause it isnt and that user is a dumb fuck

Not that surprising. All these names are already western-sounding names in the first place.

>Flame Emperor is a fucking Pokemon in nip

>not on darkumbra
>not on discord
>not on GGn
where is it?

The chinks said they'd only leak the game if Yea Forums swore to join the Black eagles. So promise you'll join my house and everyone can play it early.

Being Western sounding didn't stop them before. Remember when they changed Harold to Arthur in Fates?

Fates was just an absurd shitshow. Belka to Beruka just about takes the cake.

Every single FE since Awakening has been trash, don't even know why people care about this series anymore

Because I like Awakening more than the older ones and I think you are trash.

Joke's on you, I already planned to join black eagles

can I emulate this? ;_;

Entei literally means Flame emperor you fucking EOP retard. It's been used across literally every chuuni media.

Shitty fake from the most shitty lord.

Which company did the localization?
Are there any “sjw insert agenda in localization” this time?

Edelgard's the best lord retardanon, acquire taste.

It's almost as though you can check that already.

>sipping expensive tea with leonie and watching her face wrinkle at the taste
>encouraging leonie to study hard and get the best scores in class
>laughing as leonie angrily pouts at you when you hand her back a lousy grade
>placing your hand over leonie's while you help steady her aim during archery practice
>watching leonie puff out her chest with pride after a well fought battle
>getting an embarrassed thank you from leonie after defending her from an enemy's blade
>secretly helping leonie peek under furniture for lost coins around the school
>comforting leonie as she tearily reads a letter from everyone in her hometown wishing her well
>teasing leonie when she unawaredly exposes her feminine side and watching her turn red
>watching leonie grow up into a strong, beautiful woman
>getting punched in the arm by leonie when you tell her you love her
>marrying leonie and sharing a happy, wholesome life together

Attached: leonie.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

>Look at /hbg/ for any proof or link
>Threads are STILL a complete fucking garbage fire

Switch hacking fucking ruined /hbg/ forever.

You are late.

Attached: IMG_20190716_153602.jpg (4160x2340, 3.38M)

Wait, is the switch hackable?

Great. Now to wait for another 2 days while everyone gets to act 2.

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>the site
>"idk what the site is"
>"look it up"
how do i look for the fucking site

Attached: 1562461795561.png (392x432, 459K)

You made me try to clean my screen you fag.

I'm hearing that there are no torrents, the chinks just released the game 2 weeks early

I think Treehouse did, but regardless, the localization process was completely overhauled company-wide after the Fates debacle to avoid another Fates debacle.

cute fake

Oh fuck, it’s still plot-changing Treehouse.....


Isn't that the exact scene out of E3, or are you just playing the game like a retard on purpose?


>He doesn't know about switch pirating.

Nice try faggot.

Attached: 2019-07-17.png (1920x1033, 2.17M)

Does anyone know the plot besides the anime school?

I know, but I don't see the point hacking your switch and still playing it on a worse hardware.

Timeskip and developed hatred between the houses.

Shit, I need to look into that.

listen I only just learned there was a leak
where to go bros? retard here

did you just stop reading after Treehouse

A leopard never changes its spots. How different can the new process be if the process is still handled by the same shitty people

Sounds like the street date may not have been broken in China, and the chink who had it was just a reviewer

What's one minor thing you hope Three Houses addresses throughout the story?
Mine is that I wish they'd have a death counter for everyone whether it be playable units, battalion members, allied units, enemy units and so on. I hate when a story says "A TON OF PEOPLE DIED" and you never get to see it. If the game reinforces this with a death counter --- similar to how the 2nd half of Jugdral constantly have you breaking out imprisoned child hunt victims --- then it'll be more believable and more engaging I find

Attached: Child_Hunts.png (256x224, 14K)


I don't know. IS keeps making new games and changing the formula a little each time. You should ask them.

localization is now done alongside development and under the direct supervision of the Japanese developers, instead of the game being finished and mailed off to localizers to do as they please.


Praise and love your Empress

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The duality of user.

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Please sit down Ms. Edelgard or I will have you hold water buckets in the hall.

>What's one minor thing you hope Three Houses addresses throughout the story?

Student's parents show up and are important the political intrigue, especially the ones from minor countries

Based Awakeningbro

Is this the general Fire Emblem thread or just leak shitposting?

her tits really came through wtf


Can't tell either
Should I make a different thread?

I don't see another one in the catalog

No. Just regular shitposting.

Now that you mention it, how many small countries are actually there? what's the geopolitical situation that turn them into basically 3 large "empires"? the named map is just a mumble jumble of names without any real indication

>School Phase
>You pick a house and gradually get acquainted with it's students
>first few story maps are probably just fighting bandits
>midway through you run into the flame emperor's faction which seems to be targeting you on every school trip
>get to know the dragon loli inhabitting your head
>duringone of the school trips, smething horrible happens to ferdinand's brother and it seems to be crest related
>furthermore, you notice the church is shady as fuck
>there is some underlying conflict going on with the main lord of your house and you try to help them with it
> but the same applies to the other two lords and you see hints of conflict between the 3 nations
>big climatic battle at the end of the year where everything goes to shit. your dad dies
>go into stasis for 5 years

Attached: __claude_von_regan_dimitri_alexandre_bladud_edelgard_von_hresvelgr_and_hubert_von_bestla_fire_emblem (850x478, 142K)

>How different can the new process
Entirely different when it is done hand in hand simultaneously with the developers. There's no editing or cutting out time and no issues with a voice actors strike fucking them over so they hire a bunch of interns and people off the internet.

Sounds good. I just want to play the game as it’s designed, without tempering by some in developers.

Let’s hope it’s not another “Japanese studios answer to Sony of America” scenario

Dub > sub

If you look in the data for Fire Emblem IF, Beruka's name is romanized as Berka.

It's actually supposed to be Berka -> Beruka, which makes more sense. Belka, although a correct albeit alternative romanization of the name, was not the intended romanization from the start.

This affected some other characters like Xander. He's Marks not Marx.

I can't tell either besides anything that isn't the 3 leaders territory. I think Petra is from a minor country?
Jugdral has the best map for readability though

Attached: Fodlan.jpg (1280x720, 781K)

after the mess that is Fates, which ended up hurting them financially cause they cant sell some DLCs, i think Nintendo and IS learnt their lesson

No, it's a "american localizer answer to japanese developer" scenario.

And here's Jugdral by comparison

Attached: Jugdral.png (664x588, 633K)

>Most people shitted on this game
>the release/.XCi is coming soon
>"Hype" right now
I'm on the ride (.xci ride) bros but man we sure are starving on Switch right.
Next month will be Astral Chain and I hope it'll be good because Astral Chain seems a bit overrated to me.

Also what's the online about this game? some pvp?

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Dunno why, but i love how they did the fishing minigame

Attached: fishing.jpg (1920x1080, 377K)

Hmm, why would I side with the male ran houses when I can get my male avatar to make babies with Ms. Edgelard?

No PvP, it just connect and tells you the statistic of what other players choice to do like Persona 5

Why would you say the game leaked if it didn't. It makes no sense

Why is Edel always in this type of art? Shouldn't she be pissed that she's getting NTR'd by Dimitri?

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Red-pilled male sensei

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Western Church are fanatical heretics if that one gameplay video are anything to go by. I wonder what the Eastern Church is going to be like? Perhaps they are the last incorrupt denomination left?

Astral chain looks really fun to me. maybe a bit repetitive, but fun
as long as it has the charm of W101, im sold

Online is just stats, iirc, like Telltale's games/Per5

Yandere tend to do the stepford smile before they completely lose it.

Zoom in closer to her face there, user.

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Why does it take so much time to leak. Someone just upload the damn xci. Simple as that

Have they shown off any enemy crest?
If that's not minor then, What's the deal with the five other lands (Albinea, Brigid, Morfis, Almyra and Sreng)

So anyone has info on how much differences the routes have? im hoping for full on 3 stand-alone stories, but with how recruit-happy you can be, i dont think the story can be deep enough character-wise. Kinda an Octopath situation

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The next fighters pass fighter is Lloyd Irving.

Attached: 1563237475137[1].jpg (928x696, 101K)

Famitsu says that all 3 houses have the same difficulty. Take that as you will.

Unironically on the games website

lol they can fuck off then. fuck the government and fuck order.

so, we already know if we have to choose our house at the start of the game or after the time skip?

How new are you?

Attached: chart.jpg (1442x2268, 789K)

>on switch
oh poor lil bugger

Also Marx to Xander and Leon to Leo because communism bad.

What happened? Everyone was completely shitting on this game for what felt like years, and now it seems like everyone's pretty hype to play it. That's a good thing, though, but I'm still curious.

You know the drill Yea Forums
>House you're joining
>Class you're making your Byleth
>Custom class you're creating
>Favorite greentext from sothisanon

Attached: Tome_Armor.png (482x665, 725K)

Before time-skip judging by this.

Attached: seething.png (816x848, 636K)

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E3 2019

Imagine siding with this psycho.


Attached: dddddd.jpg (948x318, 42K)

Who is this artist?

I don't know

>All those "Blue Lion is the best" posts
>Meanwhile Golden Deer has Hilda and Lysithea


>that friendship speech faggot
Can I kill that faggot?

I don't get the Gyouza joke.

Can someone explain to me how they think most fans are gay? Was there a survey done or something?

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You go to the site dunkass

E3, leak and timeskip happened, pretty much
and people finally moved on from shitty graphic and weird art to find potentially great characters, memes and gameplay

Attached: 1563212992450.png (960x1048, 1.04M)

Yes. Just side with house that isn't his.

just stop

They looked at the average Yea Forums thread

that part of her costume looks like gyoza


>falling for the friendship meme

Attached: golden massacre.png (1430x624, 136K)

You have actually have choices within each route that will affect the story.

I think it's the fact that those little white ribbons on the front of her uniform look like gyoza (potstickers)

just... stop caring about those fucks. its not good for our mental health, really

God damn it, I hate you

>but with how recruit-happy you can be,
uh user you're gonna be lucky to get 2-3

ok to end this horror if some one DOES have the torrent give evidence not youtube on muh switch bullshit but legit evidence.

If everyone is a faggot are we really all faggots in the end?

That's not even the half of it, if you choose her she treats you like her personal teacher instead of being one for her and her house, Edlegard has some issues no wonder people compare her to a GOT's character

>Blue Lion
>Pic related
>Gonna make someone an Oni Chieftain

Attached: War Monk.png (202x255, 43K)

and i still don't know which house i'll choose first

>Download is slow as fuck

Yeah, I can see it now after you pointed it out.

Joining my cute wife Beru's house
Making Byleth a Great Knight, and I guess Beru zooming around as a Falcon Knight wielding St. Indech's bow counts as "custom"? I also want a Dark Magic + Axe user but Hubert isn't good with axes, hopefully based Ferdinand has some dark magic in his spell list and I'll have him as a Dark Knight for my own playable "reaper knight".

Attached: D_NN4gGU0AA2tBX.jpg (700x1200, 81K)

I can't believe I was so right in calling that as an intentionally bad power of friendship speech since Claude's a manipulative fuck pretending to be a good boy.

At this point it's gotta intentional

I'm actually only interested in this game at all because I heard you could be homo in it, who can I bang as a dude?

>Custom class you are creating

hi zoomer

Blue lions
Holy Knight/Dancer
Malig Knight if Bolt Axe is in, otherwise gonna use a Levin I guess

Attached: Screenshot_20190715-021013~3.png (1055x681, 201K)

Edelgard needs babies, Femlyth can’t give her babies

What site is that

Does we have any information about the customization of characters that are not students?

As if others are better? Forgetting Mr. Eyepatch guy that says how he will use everyone, including you, for his own goals until your bones turn to dust?

This guy who is an overly polite and formal knight with an estranged daughter who goes to the academy.
Your dad's old war buddy that knew you as a kid and who has a wife and kid when you meet him pre-timeskip (they'll probably die).
And a sleepy femboy who is obsessed with Crests.

Attached: gilbert he sees your dick.jpg (828x898, 72K)

Attached: 1563134466081.png (1273x3874, 324K)

yeah, but say, you have chose a house, they you recruit 2 from the others (14), which make it 14x13 variant of choice. that sheer amount of variant will definitely lead to stuffs like noone actually acknowledge that "oi, Leonie fucking betrayed us", or those side characters actually have any important part in the story at all. Hence "Octopath traveler situation"
well, maybe im just overthinking it


He doesn’t say that all in japanese. Also, if you fall for that speech you are dumb.

>Forklift Sim
based, I know what I'm doing this weekend

Do you have source about what which character is good at?

At least he's honest.

Darkumbra, but it's a fake pic

Darkumbra, and that screenshot is photoshopped you guilible faggots.

Linhardt, Alois and some other old dude no one likes

training weapons on classes that normally can't use them

I think I heard somewhere that the maximum unit limit for every map is 10.
Is that true?

I can fix him!

Attached: dimitri hugs.jpg (868x1228, 155K)

So is she. At least you know she's a crazy bitch.

>can get with an older guy
Good LORD my dick. Legitimately can't believe that they didn't go with making every single homo option a bishie. That's great.

I still don't know...

That's not how it works. Romances don't have any impact on the story other than being mentioned in ending credits.

It's literally just complaining about trannies: the general.
Take me back to gateway, bros.

Is it good

To me it looks like she isn't even aware of how crazy she is herself. That makes it a lot worse.

Petra is the princess of Brigid

It was incredibly surprising when it got revealed, still in awe that a Fire Emblem Lord is a DILF hunter.
Also there will be timeskip versions so expect hair growth, beard or shaving scars etc.

Attached: Alois_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 1.1M)

Except romances don't play any role in the story/character development. You can S rank him and get mentioned as his wife in credits. That's it. Your pussy won't change the course that his character is meant to take within the game.

I hope they at least change some dialogue. Lucina does have some extra lines if she’s romanced, but they totally forgot it in Fates so it makes Azura’s death retarded

Just make the different routes actual different routes with endings, none of that true ending where everyone becomes friends shit

Neither is Dimitri. He unironically sees himself as hero that will liberate everyone, even though he previously gave an order to crush everyone who gets in the way of his goals. Both of them seem deluded.

>Thinking you need Photoshop for that

Healing Press!

Attached: Dimitri and his top.png (1280x1171, 493K)

There will be a supergood ending because the Japanese aren't retarded, but that will likely be the dlc

I hate the way Fates did it. Every pairing just had a generic ending. X was with Y and lived happy. Was it like that in Moon too?

Well, at least it was appropriate - everything else about Fates was retarded too.

Ega is cute! CUTE!

Attached: ega3.jpg (819x1069, 392K)

Actually being married to Chrom came up quite a bit in Awakening and ha stuff with Lucina too. It also made the suffering even better.

Do you think the power of Blythe's cock can put the breaks on Edelgard's brutality or Blythe's vagina can put the breaks on Dimitri's genocide?

It really feels like compared to Robin and Corrin this will not be Blythe's story he/she are just a small part of it.

>i was born in a small village

If you ignore them the have free reign to influence Nintendo and obviously companies are influenced by them heavily. Especially Sony and Blizzard to name a few. If you just let them walk over you itll get worse.

>blue lions
>Holy Knight
>actually just making everyone a Holy Knight and crusading

>He unironically sees himself as a hero
He doesn't think that at all.

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Stop shilling Edelgard onto me Hubert. I’m not joining your house. Why don’t you ask her out for the royal ball next week yourself?

>just... stop caring about those fucks.
because that worked so well for Snoy.

How is posting screencaps of them and shitting up threads every single day stopping them from walking all over you? Do you actually think you're accomplishing anything other than giving them attention?

Attached: why.png (170x247, 87K)

Lots of changes confirmed already, especially with the romance dialogue. There's a fucking asexual relationship now. What the fuck even is that?

Doesn't feel like that at all to me

He talks about how this world needs someone (him) who will stop this cycle of strong trampling the weak. He sees himself as right in this case, without realizing how hilarious that sounds from someone who has said that he's going to use everyone until "their bones turn to dust" in order to achieve his goals regarding liberation.

Brings attention to them is the point. Even some fags on Reddit in one screenshot admitted that they know they're the minority and have to seem louder to get things done. Nintendo and co need to know they are a minority that will not ever be the majority and do not need to be pandered to.

Blue Lions
A fist-fighter Monk/Priest.

Dimitri realizes that to save what he loves he needs to genocide everything in his path, because being a friendship will solve everything pussy faggot made his country and people get genocided by the adrestian empire.

Attached: 1506537955308.jpg (750x1000, 203K)

Yes, siding with one of the crazies will make them more sympathetic and you can curb their attrocities. Going against them frames them in a worse way and you can't hold them back.


WTF is her problem?

to be really fair, recent days Nintendo is strictly a-political, unlike Sony/Blizzard chasing the woke buck, so im not that worried
esp after how bad localization fucked up a lot of their 1st-2nd party companies, and generated quite a bit of internal conflicts (just hearsay, no sources tho) during the WiiU/3ds days
Now they answer solely to CERO, and that's just because they want the CERO-A for their family oriented games. Monolith was given free reign and did whatever they want with XC2. CERO-C, even

Whining on Yea Forums doesn't accomplish any of that. No one at Nintendo or IS ever goes here or cares what you say here. You're accomplishing nothing and just want to whine.

If one of Edelgard's routes isn't full on Conquest/Crest Genocide I'm going to be peak disappointed. If she has two routes at least make one of them interesting.

This is likely the truth and I can't wait for everyone to find out


Don't even joke about. DILF hunter Byleth memes need to go on.

Attached: 1563323858650.png (1200x1223, 665K)

>believing fake spoilers

>Source (Your ass).
But if it was real, then it would be amazing to see the M/M be BTFO since they only got 1 gay support.

That’s literally the Treehouse gameplay, moron

would prefer to play the baddies



Give me Annette! I must know more!

They're all baddies depending on the route.

What fe games should i play while waiting for emulation to advance enough for this one?

>lying on the internet

Somebody got the wrong post it seems...

He says the strong need to stop preying on the weak and that's impossible to do without radical change. He sure as shit doesn't think he's a good person. And of course he thinks he's right, if he didn't he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything.
>has said that he's going to use everyone until "their bones turn to dust" in order to achieve his goals regarding liberation.
Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

>nintendo believer = homo

That'd be hilarious, but why?

If that was true it would just be an A rank with the arrows over it indicating an extra scene

inferiority complex jealousy issues and likely a vendetta against the church you could feel the malice from her when we first met her all the way back in the reveal trailer the fact that she looks like that and wields an Ax was also the tip that she's some degree of insane

The faction you join will automatically be the protagonist faction due to you being the morality chain of their respective leaders.
>When the capital welcomes their Emperor back showering praises to her victory, you will be coach with her repeatedly whispering “you are only a woman, you are only a woman”; to reminder she is not a god.
>Dimitri will have you be his link to the peasantry so that he knows to put his people first in keeping them fed first before declaring another crusade first.
>Claude and you will play chess all day discussing the various trade agreements and the cultivation of new types of crops imported from the continent in the east.

What's with every leaders being fucked up in the head? like, why Byleth must suffer so?

Attached: 1563216652928.png (640x756, 543K)

>inferiority complex jealousy issues
That's Dimitri. Edelgard is crazy, but she is different.

Was that in Japanese version? I was mainly referring to how he was presented in English one.

She was denied sensei cock that was rightfully hers


Attached: 1562441703772.jpg (1173x200, 23K)

> Golden Deer
> Switch between Wyvern Rider and Mortal Savant
> Mage Bow Knight (Reason/Bow Riding)

Red units are always bad guys.

Edelgard is the stereotype Karen tho
>everything must revolve around me
>what i said is the rule and the truth
>you better regret not siding with me
>im da best

>Diversity (Laughs)

Blue Lions
Mortal Savant
Add Lances

Nope. That's Edel. Her entire character is that she's the only one who is crestless and now she's seething because of it.
She seeths even more if her "sensei" picks other house.
Dimitri is meant to be sincere and chivalrous on the outside, but messed up on the inside.
Claude is described as being two-faced.

>Claude and the bankers will play 4d chess with you while planing how to gain more wage slaves by making the other countries more (((diverse)))

Oh no god forbid a woman being confident

Edelgard has always and will always do nothing wrong.

Attached: 1551420897815.png (1147x1411, 1.29M)

this is literally Chaos Route Denam straight through when he couldnt prevent his sister's suicide and went even further beyond the gate of sanity

She has a crest you brainlet

yes women should be submissive and stay in their place, that means home taking care of the chores and children

Edelgard is called Edel in the West and Ega in the East. Where did Ega even come from?

not OVER-confident and straight up entitled tho
humbleness and empathy are virtue for all, men and women

I cant wait to see the female hitler threads after this game comes out

She has Seiros Crest, tho?


Dimitri doesn't have inferiority complex and he especially never displayed any jealousy. He's just meant to be like a prince to those who meet him, but he has darkness bottled up inside of him. His bane is that he hates fragile things.
Edelgard is one that is crazy, sensei-obsessed and jealous if Byleth picks someone else. She also can't stand to lose control.

Both of them are crazy, but you mixed their crazies up.

Literally Malfoy

No, Edelgard is constantly reminding you of the glory of the former Adrestian empire and that they WILL rule the continent again. She's hyper competitive and believes anything is worth doing if it accomplishes what she wants. And she's very petty and begrudges you if you don't choose her.
Dimitri is mentally ill due to childhood trauma, repression and a sheltered upbringing as a crown prince. He's delusional about chivalry and justice because it's the only way he can cope. Once the veil drops due to all the shit that will happen to his house in the academy and whatever nightmare events happen in the timeskip, he'll lose his grip entirely.

It's just a taunt coming from the villager to show her Feminine Ego.

Minor crest, any chuckle fuck with a major crest of Seiros can suddenly appear and her position as an emperor is fucked

Where the hell did you get that for Dimitri? Did you somehow mistake Dimitri for Joker/Jakob in Fates? "inferiority complex jealousy issues" are literally Edelgard.

エーデルガルト Edelgarto
エーガ Ega
it's not a pretty sounding nickname though

She seems to be obsessed by sensei even when you don't pick her house. In one of the trailers she says that she's doesn't mind being killed if it's by sensei's yeah.

Attached: 1563378191294.jpg (768x768, 97K)

her jap name is a mouthful to said, thus Ega

Who will be the Arthas of Three Houses?

Attached: The Frozen Throne.jpg (1600x1200, 229K)

Ah yes, the ever so common Major Crest of Seiros

>a scenario where you must protect a bastard from the adrestian empire with a major seiros crest from being murdered by Edelgard

bitch boys and niggers bow to your empress

Attached: 1539729844220.jpg (850x1200, 135K)

None of the house leaders have major crests because they're probably getting them after the timeskip.

What’s her name again?

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One of them is married with kids or something and the other people thought was kind of creepy being with a guy who's old enough to be your dad. They probably are just a "special friend" sort of thing.

Golden Chads? Hehe,more like... Golden Fags

Attached: 3E5E7391-3B7C-446D-877C-8A8B2ED18408.jpg (580x580, 105K)

>ends up massacring tons of people while thinking he's doing what's right
probably dimitri

We met her for like 5 minutes before choosing houses why is she so thirsty?

You'd be paranoid if you knew the position you've been raised for can be taken for you any day

Are Byleth milkies and thighs the most powerful weapons in Fire Emblem?

Attached: Byleth entice.jpg (1447x2047, 450K)

plot armor aside, how the hell Byleth has literally the central Crest? And why people dont seem to freak out over that?
Is its Sothis's work?

You'll show respect to your sensei's cunt little girl, lick

Closest one is Dimitri

If you look at her Dragonborn Axe, the crest inserted is not hers.


Why Ega though? why not Edel like West? It's the beginning of her name. Instead they take the first letter cut out the middle and add ga

>Tfw just wanted to be a good sensei and help my students be all they can be
>Now gotta side with one of them to kill my others

This is some Shin Megumi Tensei shit right here.

Attached: Dimitri the starving Lion.jpg (1146x932, 76K)

You save her in the prologue against the mountain bandit, that may be the reason.

Attached: 1563331895369.jpg (718x2048, 293K)

bentley von beemer

Literally Dimitri

That's a different Crest. I still hope there is a Crest-stealing mechanic.

This woman clearly needs to see a therapist because that's not normal and I'm sure Blythe before his/her 5 year nap would not want to kill his students

>And why people dont seem to freak out over that?
Hanneman is, and besides no one knows you have the central crest because the Seiros mural is hiding it

Why did they not bitch about Dream Daddy then?One even had a wife and kid.


Attached: ed.jpg (723x1023, 655K)

Because she is the devs favorite and closest to canon

I'm hoping the golden deer friendship nigger will go down this route


Attached: 1562200762234.png (932x524, 460K)

>Edelgard has Marianne's crest

Attached: D_PQ2e0U8AI-0rQ.jpg (939x1162, 74K)

They bitched a shit ton about him but that was also because you can't even actually romance him. He just strings you along and reconnects with his wife in the end

>Edgy cute boy dressed in black
>”Gallantly” saves her from bandits
>Both if you are the protagonists
Gee I don’t know user.

Attached: 361425EF-6520-4662-B51E-967952753DD0.jpg (685x705, 142K)

>Edelgard is crazy, but she is different.
Dude, THAT IS HOW EDELGARD IS! Are you even updated with everything?
How in hell does Dimitri even fit the SINGLE trait from there? He's crazy because not-blacks murdered his entire family when he was young, which mentally messed him up long ago and he ended up latching onto chivalry in order to help the weak as the way of coping. Even then he took pity on Dedue and saved him, despite his people traumatizing him.

8-4 isn't ANY better than treehouse though. Any. They butchered way too many games.

Latest atmosphere managed to deliver stable emunand so its even safe to hack it now. As long as you won't turn on wifi on emunand.

I already preorded Japanese copy. I have enough of this whole localization bullshit. The only western publisher with somehow-okay translations is PQube.
Unfortunately all Nintendo in house games are always butchered and I'll never buy western release of their plot and character heavy games again after what I've seen in Xenoblade 2 where they literally rewrote the whole game.


I'm a sucker for worldbuilding so things like
>Population and military amount
>Government type and capital
>Geography and Climate
>Economy and trading (import/export)
>Culture/Customs and historical/mythological figures
Would be nice to have even minor details in some library or whatever

Where is the NSP, y'all?

Now did they bitch because you can't romance him or because he was thought to be a romance?

You can leave the obligation chocolates on my desk Ms Edelgard. I have to get ready for a seminar today.

Dimitri. His entire motto is that he wants to protect the weak, meanwhile, he wants to kill everyone who disagrees with him because he thinks he's doing the right thing.

Attached: 15502148129084.jpg (1920x1080, 85K)

its how they shorten names, iirc. take the strong intonations out and combine them
happen a lot in the jp MH community, like how Tamamitsune is shortened to Tami instead of Tama, and Amatsumagatsuchi is Ama (well, the Ma here is from Magatsu)
weird as fuck, i know

>Culture/Customs and historical/mythological figures
We had some of that in the recent Golden Deer trailer, where Claude talked about the Deer that is the spirit guardian of the Leicester Alliance.
As for the rest, we will probably have some small details I think.

Ega-chan is the name of a japanese comedian. Someone on 5ch started calling her by this name to make fun of her, but people found this name kind of cute so they kept using it.

This charming lady with a nice and innocent smile like a child right here.

Attached: kill_every_last_one_of_them.jpg (814x855, 139K)

well, 8-4 sure went overboard with a lot of games
pic related

Attached: sweet_sassy_molassy.png (300x458, 131K)

Do you actually believe in this fucking bullshit?

T. Retard.

Is there any way to install xci on atmosphere? Except converting it installable format. It doesn't work with gold leaf anyway.

That zoomed in image is cursed.

Do teachers in Japan actually get chocolates?


Attached: 1555890970407.jpg (601x582, 142K)

He had an entire set of character routes and was shown as one of the romanceable characters. But all he does is cock tease you and never actually stick with you. Which people were mad at since they wondered why he was even offered as a main character.

Everyone gets it. co-workers even get them at their jobs too.

fairy cunny

And for Fire Emblem they're mad for the opposite reason. Pretty funny desu.

>some people on Yea Forums and Twitter claiming that there's a full leak out and people are posting spoilers on Yea Forums
Real or false faggotry? Or just shit we already know?

If I didn't know who this was ... I would've thought it was a girl desu.

Coworkers are one thing but Teachers from students?


false stuffs, mostly
well, there's a chink user who has the game alr, plus a bunch of early reviewers who might lurk here who definitely dont want to lose their job, so there's that

Fucking newfags

It's bullshit. Any leak before the coming Tuesday is basically assured bullshit.

Attached: Ha.png (1804x605, 272K)

well yeah, esp young teachers
people are bold as fuck user, and as long the teachers stay in line, its just pushed off as "bonding between teachers and students"

I think there was a bit more flavor text in the Japanese version, but it was still just a couple lines of text.
I think Three Houses might do a bit more considering the only pairings you can do is Byleth x Someone so they can maybe do slightly more unique endings or at least do a short epilogue scene.

Chink user just took the pic from another place, someone posted it a few days ago

I believe female students can offer chocolates to their male teacher.

Any good guide on how to crack your switch?

Why Tuesday specifically?

Bullshit. Earliest you'll probably see a leak is a few days before release.

How is S rank a spoiler? We already know that you can S rank Dimitri with a female.

Is Byleth really a silent character?

Attached: 1558455413788.gif (500x500, 376K)

Trabarnt did nothing wrong btw.

Some people there find any information on FE period a spoiler.

That has literally never stopped anyone before. They translated fucking Marx to Xander for fucks sake.


Well, looks like we won.

Attached: confirmed.jpg (1200x675, 146K)

Yes. Silent and autistic, if you pick the male.

Attached: compare.jpg (1909x1080, 373K)
>FE theme remix
i, just, dont really know about this

Attached: 1561474815041.png (578x789, 519K)

>We already know that you can S rank Dimitri with a female.
From where?

wHaT aBoUt tHe tImEsKiP sUpPorTs?!

Kill them all boyo

Attached: Dagda.png (200x194, 67K)

That's dumb.

Attached: donu.gif (647x534, 1.55M)

Yeah, which makes it extra strange that he's not customizable, unlike Robin and Corrin, who have a shit ton of dialogue.

Several retailers stock on Tuesday. Notably GameStop/EB who broke street date on Awakening by corporate order. Every copy available right now is in all likelihood a review copy where someone is risking their job if they offer things up, but starting from Tuesday the possibility of a real leak increase significantly each day due to high availability, if not to the public than to part time with nothing to lose.

Do you not remember Smash, 2 weeks early?

Yes. Byleth only voice acting is when they level up. During interactions you pick option commands like in BoTW and SS followed by Byleth nodding simulating that they responded.

really liking edge of dawn tho

that organ is fucking kino

>none of them are their dads

Attached: disgusting.jpg (720x900, 40K)

This was now the worst. Turning Harold into another Arthur and Luna into another Selena was dumb af

>which makes it extra strange that he's not customizable,
It's so Byleth can show up in the FMV cutscenes and not do the shitty first person shit that Fates and Awakening did.

Oh dimi dimi, meanwhile Edel is so damn crazy she'll fuck sensei even if sensei is a girl like her even through that's forbidden love x2 like the fucking kaioken of sin

Pretty sure it's just showing the ones they've already seen with the characters, not every single one available.

Not as ebin as Rinka to Rinkah! Like, what was the fucking point of extra "h" letter?

But why make him silent this time? I don't mind silent protags, but it's pretty strange.


Because Nips are biggest self-insert fags and the voice would ruin their "immersion."

no idea. maybe they want the full Mana Khemia/Altelier/Persona experience

>No one mentioning the C B V rank on edelgard
V for virginity

say that to fallout 4

holy shit we btfo

Shits and giggles
Awakening had a silent protagonist Robin mode too, though localization cut it out

>TORRENT IS UP on the site!
I checked the site, it's not there
>just check the site retard
Oh, you mean THAT site
Wait, it's not there either
>If you are too lazy to google then fuck you.
Oh thanks, I googled it and found the site you were talking about
But lo and behold, it's not THERE either
Stop lying OP

Why would anyone want to self insert into fallout?

Brigid is a vassal state of Adrestia. Other than that we don't know any other states/vassals that make the empire up. A political map would definitely be helpful, but I guess that'll be up to someone else to piece together after the game comes out.

Interesting thing I noticed: even though the Golden Deers have the highest number of commoners in their house, they also have children of higher status on average than any of the other houses. Lorenz, Hilda, Lysithea, and Marianne are all the children of dukes, while the other two counties could only muster the children of a single duke in either of their counties: Aegir in Adrestia and Fraldarius in Faerghus.

What went wrong?

Attached: mindbreak.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)

Narcissism and projection

It's even weirder because they talk in combat and are pretty chatty.

We already know that Edel would give it up for Sensei in a heartbeat because she's smitten with him/her from the get go the girl even says she wouldn't mind being killed if it was by sensei's hand why is she so crazy? Not even THE STRONG MUST PROTECT THE WEAK is that into sensei. by the way the strong's place is to do as they please with only someone stronger than them judging them for their actions Dimi dimi deserves that childish nickname if he's gonna think like that

FO4 isn't a Nip anime game, user.

Nintendo does it all the time with Legend of Zelda. It makes it better to self-insert. Robin was a bland character with no depth, and Corrin was was so poorly written. It makes sense that they take the Silent Link route now.

Attached: 3AD42339-77D4-4901-A0A9-6D38D187C27D.jpg (1100x841, 72K)

thanks mate

I don't see nothing wrong here.
Dimitri is awakening to true justice.

They kinda do that for almost every game in this style. I mean, look at God Eater for example. Your MC is silent MC, but will talk during combat and they even start talking at the end of the game.

They actually made Dimitri asexual to represent him as the polar opposite of the horny Edelgard. Pure kino.

Attached: 1596215598310.png (800x600, 462K)

The Crests user. They are source of everyone’s problems.

So when they do finally talk near the end of the game it will be hype as fuck.

Edelgard, the adults are talking

well per Persona tradition the protags do have battle balk and lines
immersion barrier stop at "well some random utterance wont hurt"

Reminds me of Xenoblade X. You have a silent protag, but he talks a shit load in battles. Silent protags do allow for some pretty great dialogue options though.

Attached: 1479313311543.jpg (3264x1321, 389K)

>Black Eagles
>Wyvern/Pegasus knight
>Literally everyone is a flying unit except Dorothea who will exclusively punch and only punch

>What went right?*

Attached: teacher_said_it's_my_turn_to_kill_them_all.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

Sensei is just that alpha man, how else could you trust a man so much that you would put him in charge of the future country leaders.

I avoided everything about this game because I thought it'd be shit like Awakening and Fates. What makes this one better than those?

That would unironically be based, but otome Staceys would have meltdown if it happened.

just kill yourself

One-eyed “kill every last one of them” Pirate captain lord.

>deers keep getting better
You can't make this shit up.


Please tell me I can pound Sothis' cunny

So, what's going on in here? Whose blood is that on his face? Why is he looking so broken before titling his head up and giving Caim blood thirsty smile?

Yes but only as female Byleth

>Blue Lions
>Templar: sword-faith Holy knight.

What happens when you max out Cute rank?

Attached: CUTE.png (465x50, 44K)

I already played Left Alive, I don't think I have that kinda conviction anymore.

You can fuck Sothis, but not as loli. They confirmed that Sothis you romance will be adult.

Reminder that if you're doing Eagles to recruit Mercedes, and Marianne
Former needs to be brought back to Adrestia while the latter is a Crest hater, and for some mysterious reason has the crest on Edelgard's axe

having said that I wonder how the fuck does it work that recruiting a kid from one house makes them your unit for good even in part 2, it's one thing to transfer to another class in school, but come part 2 everyone's at war and most of these kids are heirs of their land.
Is muh sensei really good enough of a reason to commit treason?

devil survivor was pretty great in that department too

Attached: DS2.jpg (1280x960, 410K)

Attached: fuuuuuck.png (416x577, 262K)

Ed Elgar’s sounds amazing, I would willingly become her servant and let her punish me all night while listening to her talk about her future empire that will choke the life out of any who dare to protest her just and righteous rule.

Nothing cause Edel isn't cute.

Where she says that she would die happily if Byleth killed her?

he just realized that the justice he seeks is nothing more than a shallow dream, the strong must rule the weak for they cannot do it themselves because they are weak.

Everyone thought it'd be shit for a year, then we got leaks that made it sound too good to be true, then we got the E3 trailer which proved a lot of those impossibly good leaks were real which puts the plot in a hopeful spot.
Other than this we received a lot of gameplay information around the same time after a long time being blind on the game. The maps that've been shown are better than the ones in the recent titles and gameplay mechanics that initially seemed questionable now look sensible once elaborated on.
Basically, this one looks better than those because this one looks better than those. We just have more to be hopeful about going in now.


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That lip sync


Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (1200x1153, 262K)

Attached: ega4.jpg (700x964, 341K)

Alright, I got it.
>Dimitri-Lawfag route
>Claude-Neutralfag route
>Edelgard Humane-Chaosfag route where you only go after the Church.
>Edelgard Inhumane-Chaosfag route where you kill everyone.

>believing anything /v7 says without proof
And no that jap text without source isn't proof

Used goods.

>They confirmed that Sothis you romance will be adult.
This is still unconfirmed as far as I'm aware


Attached: tfw he sees DILF.jpg (877x886, 119K)

well, officers academy is basically a fraternity where you just build connections. And what's more fun than raising to your friend/teacher's banner and fight against the fucker that couldnt keep you? heck, if it work, they can get a greater share of the land too!
until Edelgard declares them heretics and mows them down tho

That was unsourced.


Attached: 465464.jpg (700x568, 175K)

Based and Hubertpilled

Attached: femdom.jpg (475x503, 52K)

Any news about a Fire Emblem Three houses ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM?

Attached: DimimiD AlexaxelA BlaiialB Vs. irtitri erdnandre dyddddyd.png (2872x1555, 1.71M)

lurk more

Attached: adult_sothis.png (632x547, 36K)

nah nah nah
>Dimitri-Chaos route
>Claude-Neutral route
>Edelgard-Law route
Then there is a alt route for each house which is the "true" route

No source. Anyone can make that shit.

What the fuck guys?

Attached: 9B481C00-0A97-4DD2-BD30-E2C842B531FB.jpg (500x353, 54K)

That's why I said probably.

Not as a loli.

Literally a bullshit no source "leak"
Leaks on Yea Forums have more standing then that shit

She sent you a love letter.

isnt by SMT definition, Dimitri's "take down those trampled on us" more Chaos, and Edelgard's imperialistic conquest to make all the land under her command Lawful?

-Edelgard is lawful.
-Dimitri is chaotic.
-Claude is kike.

How's your dog Raul?

So either this is fake or we have some weird new support system

Attached: 1523319044083.png (422x362, 207K)

Okay then what's the source?

It's a voice line in of the trailer. I believe it's something like " your hand".

>-Claude is kike.
That's just BE and BL propaganda. Claude is just nice man who wants of his friends to stop fighting. Please, stop calling such honest man as "kike" in every thread. It's not fair to him.

>So either this is fake
You don't say

>the virgin Dimdim who has to use 2 halberd to compensate for his scrawny form
>vs the chad Itritri who can break you in half with his bare hand

It's a new support, you go ass to ass with Dimitri

Please let otome staceys live they already have to put up with being grouped unfairly all the time with fujos.

Claude being used as the end of the jokes is never not great.

Fuck this.
Whole characterization is ruined because of this shit. Xenoblade X was terrible story and characters wise anyway.
Losing whole personality of your main character and ruining the game for some shitty responses is completely not worth it.

I deadly hope that they make Claude the biggest snake in the game as contrast to all of his power of friendship lines in the trailer

So, can you fish as much as you want or does it eat up clock time?

Attached: CE061327-3C48-47AF-8916-83DF42B99296.jpg (1771x1137, 590K)

user is a dummy lol

>He doesn’t know

Xillia 2? I just want the kresniks to be happy.

Attached: poster-Tales-of-Xillia-2-Ludger-Will-Kresnik.jpg (141x400, 20K)

You can fish as long as you have bait.

As much as you want as long as you have enough bait to do so.

SMT/Persona have only ever done silent protagonists and I don't think their games suffer because of it.

Will this suffice?

Attached: kek.png (1558x252, 58K)

IIRC I think I watch a video from GameXpain where they mention you get a little bit of worldbuiliding at the begining of each chapter and they specifically mentioned one of them talking about Agriculture. I watched a lot of videos on the subject since the previews started coming out, though, so I'm not 100% sure.

what does fishing do to help in battle? I'm confused as to why its there.

God eater 2, the lead yell's his name. but yeah, if you want TOX2 ELLLLLLLLIEEEEEEEEE

based zoomer with trash taste.

I’m going to make Sylvain kill his dirty crestlet brother and none of you can stop me.

buff your party with meals and so on

>where they mention you get a little bit of worldbuiliding at the begining of each chapter
Oh thank God, they finally brought that back after Awakening took it out

What a mega ass faggot.

It doesn't help in battle. You can only do it in the monastery, and it gives you XP for the professor's level.
The fish might get used to cook for your student, giving them some stats until the next battle is over.

That is some major shit taste user, congratulations.

user, everyone want to do that. I'm also sure everyone want to make Ashe kill his adoptive father.


How mad would Yea Forums be if:
>Edelgard gets shoved in every route.
>Dimitri's Caim person was just a bait.
>Claude was unironic friendship fag all along.

Attached: D_CRBIgUwAAvf0u.jpg (692x1199, 187K)

I wouldn't because none of that is happening.

Making Annette kill her long lost father or vice versa would be pretty neat too, along with Mercedes and that Camus who's almost certainly related to her

>Claude was unironic friendship fag all along.
This will actually happen.

The first one is what everyone here actually expects it to happen. The other two will have so much salt that I can start my own African Kingdom with it.

I am honestly expecting this to happen so not mad. I don't want it to happen, but I expect it.

>they ruined it in GER
I will never not be mad about this

If Claude doesn’t murder everyone in cold blood then i’m burning my copy of three houses.

You have completely misunderstood that news. Nintendo of America is now working directly with developers so that stuff deemed (((problematic))) is changed in all versions, instead of the Japanese version still having it. Now you won't even know what you're missing, what you could've had.

>Edelgard gets shoved in every route.
She's creator's pet, so I don't doubt it.

>Dimitri's Caim person was just a bait.
He was banana ever since his Duscur incident. He was just repressing his madness with fake chivalry in order to cope.

>Claude was unironic friendship fag all along.
This ... I can unironically see happening.

Birthright is shit-tier. They removed any proper pacing that Awakening implemented and had unlikable characters. Awakening stands above the rest

Burgers are ruining everthing.

post marianne please

1. She's this game's Azura, so I don't doubt it.
2. Kinda in terms of him not being as edgy.
3. This is honestly what I'm expecting and I'll laugh my ass off if it happens at all theorist fags.

You don't get it do you? These basedboys have to fucking tell the developers what is and isn't problematic. So Mr Onions Cuckface as to tell Miyamoto that he is a sexist pig for forcing Peach to marry Count Blacked. They ain't gonna wanna risk their position doing that shit. In addition even if they do tell that shit to the devs the devs can question it now.
>Why is it sexist?
And they'll just throw buzzwords and get laughed at. SJWs win a lot but not this one.


Ara-Ara~ Keikaku Doori

Attached: 52A02070-D215-4524-9C46-4ADB71874869.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

>dem hip

Attached: 3F19293E-4EFC-48BC-B2DA-8D007E24155D.jpg (1314x1536, 440K)

literaly built for Big Byleth Cock

First one goes without a saying.
As for the second one, I don't think Dimitri will be full blown villain like they are making him seem. This is FE and his color is blue for fucks sake. Blue has always been the color of "right" in this franchise.
I'm not putting my faith in Claude based on retarded may-mays. If I learned anything in the past when it comes to those like Claude, it's that those who theorize them as certain something, end up sucking dick regarding it (V/Mundus).

It’s not happening, chief.

Attached: 2C4EA0A5-EE8A-46FC-86A4-B8E12159C2E8.jpg (606x1024, 95K)

what trailer is this from?

I'm fully expecting all three to happen. Therefore, I can't be disappointed about it desu.

From a reviewer doing an AMA on Reddit for the part of the game :
>Byleth either has no idea who they are or what their deal is. Either that or they are just being SUPER coy. Effectively it feels like amnesia but it's not outwardly stated as such.

the japanese TV spots i think

Although his is Japanese version.

Who are “they”? The time skipped lords?

what is budding talent?


Astram Edelgard would be pretty fucking cool. You're in the middle of a fight with the non-Beagle house and suddenly Edelgard busts down the fucking wall and beelines for Byleth.


Claude is the Littlefinger of TH, getting friend with everyone and then he backstab them to get more power.

Attached: 789456.png (136x102, 22K)


This. Theoristfags who already consider their guesses as canon are annoying as fuck.

>Claude and Dimitri fighting
>Edelgard bust down door
The They is Byleth (to talk about both the M! and F! version.)

How is the dub looking so far? Are you guys going dub or subs?

Attached: wherethedadsat.png (500x512, 299K)

Thanks user!

Obviously dub. I’m not an incel.

dub, it doesn't sound bad.

Sub, especially for Dmitri and Edelgard's voices.

Can't be worse than Fates. I hope.

None of the english we’ve heard so far bothers me that much, I’ll probably go dub unless someone has a voice grating enough for me to switch.

Claude's japanese voice sounds so badass compared to his english one

Obviously sub. I'm not an incel.

Dub 1st, then maybe sub for a playthrough
I hate not being able to understand combat quotes
Should try to actually learn jap sometimes

I obviously play the game muted. I'm not an incel.

>Charm does a few things:
>1) It affects some recruitment. Certain students won't join you with a low charm
>2) It increases the damage/hit rate of your Gambits
>3) It is directly tied to an IMPORTANT EVENT which I don't know if I want to spoil for people quite yet.
Raise your charm bros, don't let Byleth be an awkward incel, or else

If the sub doesn't include combat quotes it is useless to me. It never does so dub for me.

>My primary concern with the game at the moment is the writing (since there's going to be a lot of it).
>How did it hold up, in your experience?

>It seems pretty comparable to Fates in terms of quality, IMO.

oh no

Better than Awakening/Fates, worse than Echoes.


We Birthright (Black Eagles), Conquest (Blue Lions) and Revelation (Golden Kikes) bros.


He doesn't know what he is talking about. He liked Fate story.

The guy is either a normalfag or this game is really bad

>anything but Conquest

How do i raise charm?

your Empress pads her chest

Dub has some poorly done characters - Claude sounds like a brat instead of a chad and Sothis doesn't sound anything like the lolibaba she is for instance. If major characters like them are fucked, I don't expect the rest is any good.
Definitely going sub. Battle lines are a non-issue because I know enough nip to understand 99% of them since a lot of them are just the cliche sort of lines battle shonen characters yell.

The idiot's from Polygon, pretty much everything he says is worthless.

I just wanted to waste your time bitch

sub, I got traumatized by Fates' dub

Man I really need to get to playing God Eater sometime still.