Monster Hunter


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Other urls found in this thread: hunter&ref=sr_gallery-1-39&organic_search_click=1

Where's the vagina on dodogama?

Why aren’t Dodogamas real

kill all dodogamas

its just a fat tetsu

imagine if dodogama ate smegma lmao

i wonder what his fireballs smell like

Gore will never ever be in world.

Dodogamas are total bros

>they don't know about Bilemuck Dodogama
Enjoy the new subspecies where he eats wastes and pukes it on you in the Reach.

what like a dodongo? some zelda ripoff shit? lol wow you weebs are pathetic

Fuck this dude, he is like a little Bazelgeus, always interrupting my hunts from off-screen.


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Dodogama is delicious.

Hey guys

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go home girroswho


which monster is this

look at his cute little face

>finally meet Grigori's expectations
>make the trek to his lair
>steeled and battle hardened, the Arisen enters, prepared for his greatest challenge
>there's just a Dodogama in a giant ass room

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stupid lizzy
go eat rocks ugly


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Lame, post baracat.

Her food looks too good.
I probably need to skip the cutscene everytime unless I get way too hungry.

I want her to tell me I did good and tell me a story.

Blessed image.

leak where

He sure loves rocks.

Over here.
*unzips pants*

>Character is labled as dangerous, terrible, and a walking disaster
>Artists draw them like this

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o lawd


I'm at 80 hours in 4u and I'm still getting bodied by low rank guild monsters. Should I just give up?

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When is it September already, I wanna play Iceborne...

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Because god is worse then hitler and made Mosquitos instead

I'm a retarded nintendo cuck and even I'm not this stupid

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Babushcat a cute

>mfw MHXX G-Rank is 2hard4me
World has destroyed my skill.

Poor guy, whenever I spot him every other monster on the map rushes to my location to beat him up.

Take the charge blade pill and cruise control through it, that's what I did. You just have to re-learn the weapon because it's nothing like 4U or World CB.

Based thread

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I mean, he spends all his time tripping and flailing on the ground.

Adept GS says hi

Yeah that's always my weapon of choice. I'm just doing high rank village quests now so It's not that bad.
Honestly, the hardest part to get used to is not being able to run/auto-sheathe with L3.

When is congalalalalalalalala coming back? He has become a meme between me and my hunting party and I refuse to live in a world without him.

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do I get the magma ball?

Go away shitposter, your words have no power here no longer

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a cute punching bag

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>Knew it was going to happen. There's always a different chef for G-Rank
>Still pretty upset about losing the meowscular chef

I mean grandma cat is pretty good and I hope she's sugary sweet and just a generally comfy grandma that loves spoiling the young'uns but still. Meowscular chef was the best chef to date.

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I have to do that anyway. Monhun food always looks extra tasty.

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>Building for Charge Blade
>Need Teostra Gem for Artillery Charm 3
>Bring friend along for two hunting sessions
>1 in 50 chance of getting the Teostra Gem as a carve
>He gets it on the first hunt both times
>Hours later, I still don't have a Teostra Gem

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>not just melding one

Anyone else wish they had added some old areas to World?
I would have loved seeing the new take on Misty Peaks or Flooded Forest.

Nergigante is cute anyway. He's such an itchy boi.

Stop bullying girrosbro.
He helps me beat up doggo more than my cat

How will you improve if you give up?

>Flooded Forest without underwater combat

You need to go back

try swapping weapons. Who's your current hard wall?

I wish I could have took a screen shot with the 3DS. I've had the worst kill screen with conga.

>Playing GS
>Bully the monkey
>Leap off a ledge and slash
>Monkey spreads his ass to fart
>Quest Complete!
>Killscreen has my character on all fours, face right against the conga's ass, green fart clouds everywhere

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>tfw skipped all forms of Kulve and Extreme Behemoth because I was too anxious to find a good group online
>farmed full Drachen and got all my regular Behemoth kills with randoms
>all my other hunts are done solo
How do I get over multiplayer anxiety? I used to grind guild quests in 4U with friends but I don't have any friends that play monhun anymore.

Just fire off a SOS.
It´s quick and easy.

>implying god exists
>implying hitler was bad

You can find out

This really shouldn't exist.

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There's three scenarios here, and one is just an extension of the second.

1. You do good. Other hunters are happy with your performance. They says "Thanks for the hunts" as you part ways and forget you exist by the time they hop in their next hunt.
2. You are shit. Other hunters are mildly annoyed but you're just another random face in the crowd. After the hunt, they hop into another hunt and forget you exist.
3. You are shit. Other hunters don't really give a fuck and are patient. They give you encouraging words and say "No prob, we'll get him next time." then hunt with you again. You clear the quest, everyone is like WOO GOOD JOB. Then you part was and everyone mostly forgets you exist except maybe a few weeks down the road you pop into the patient hunter's thoughts and he goes "heh. I hope he's doing well" before forgetting about you again.

Either you're great and you have good hunts, or you're shit and people ultimately don't care. Just fucking hunt. Go. Do it. Now. Stop whining and go hunt.

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So not the picture I wanted to post but alright I'll roll with it.

Good god, no game is safe these days

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>can chew up rocks with ease
>putting your penis anywhere near that mouth
Darwinism in action.

Tigrex. Even with attack up m and stun negate the hunt takes over 40 minutes because i spend so much of the fight getting juggled


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How's that a bad thing?

I always hate having to pick just one. I like me some Peco, Barioth, and Zinogre.

Still, if I had to pick my one single all time favorite it would have to be rathalos and his wife. And all the subtypes. I fucking love the raths.

Yian Garuga



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Is there a more pathetic monster than Dodogama? He's even worse than Jagras and Girros.


I've seen so much weird fetish shit and gore over the years, so how come THIS is what makes me feel sick?

Dodogama is a gud boi

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When are we getting a Dragons Dogma crossover? They’re basically the same game.

>Playing Monster Hunter
>Fighting Akantor in GU
>Sister walks in
>"That looks like a ripoff of King Dodongo"

Look at how happy he is because you guys saved him!

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Now I'm gonna turn him into a carpet in 2 months

Oh shit he's taking requests if you want a specific monster penis. What should I ask for?

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Odoggo and Kirin, obviously.

Cookie leak hype

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Kirin's already got one, ponyfuckers are always the first to ask. I'm surprised by the current lack of knot though.

what's the context? I just saw it in the previous thread.

Is there any actual leak?


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Zinogre's in.

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The cookies are from an event in Tokyo in 2018.

Officially released Iceborne cookies got leaked with all the flagship monsters from the previous games.

What's the broken one on the bottom row?

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I can't wait to bomb some Dodogama's!

They're cookies being released soon, branded with "Monster Hunter World." Of course they're just cheap cookies, they might have just slapped the biggest title in the series on the box to sell more, but the new Zinogre icon looks basically identical to the Zinogre icon somebody in /mhg/ "leaked" a few days ago, claiming he was in. So who knows?


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I'm an MHWfag, since Nergigante is just a punching bag it made me wonder if the flagship monsters from other games are the same way?

This is too much. There is a limit to how far a fetish should go, and this is where I draw the line.

The cookies are new, the packaging is the same as last years' though.

The last hard flagship monster was Brachydios from MH3U

Monster Hunter and Dragon's Dogma are both made by Capcom. Just wonder why there was never a single mention or a single crossover (atleast from what I know)...

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It probably depends on your experience. Gore was tough as shit for me as a 4U babby but now I never break a sweat fighting him. My first Valstrax fight was very fun though, but he is an end game monster so they aren't always equivalent.
Nerg was so easy for me he would have been forgettable if the community didn't seem to love him for some reason so here we are.

I know Brachy used me as a punching bag.

>seem to love him for some reason
Probably the gay furries.

They pulled it off decently well in P3rd.
Sure that just makes it yet another swamp, but my nostalgia wins out for me

I love Nerg and I don't know why, I think he's fun to fight even if he is easy

Nerg has a cool design and it’s nice that he’s an elder dragon without elemental powers.

I like all the lanky fuckers in general.

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love u cat grammy

Flooded Forest was great in P3rd. Made you feel like you were lost in a forest without going overboard like World.

>optional penis pack

Nerg is a fair fight, like Gore Magala

He doesn't have any bullshit moves apart from one that teaches you to superman.

I just think World's missing a tropical area. I feel like they tried too hard to consolidate the typical "forest" and "jungle" areas into one with Ancient Forest. So now we won't get the best of either, considering hoarfrost reach will be our last area in World

I've always liked the bruisers. There's something to be said for tard rage over a bag of tricks.

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pic related
t. Japan

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I can never tell if a person is doing good or bad in MHW, so much shit is going on you can't see anyone in the fight, the only time you notice is when someone dies.

How do you even define "bullshit moves"? Nerg also has the slam that you're supposed to stay down for.

Well we can see the icons for the Gold and Silver Raths, Zinogre, Steve, Gore Magala, and Lagiacrus, along with whatever the hell that icon is below Steve.

Look up a Lunastra fight

Just use the mod to have all the items in the store

oooooooh heeehehehehehehehehe

me name...... me name... "tigger dix". rrruuuuurrrr, i'm a tigrex ruuuuuuur huuurrrrrrrrrrrrr *slobbores on grounde like a bab* i am funny man *charges at u* ooohurhurhurhurHURHURHURHUR *locks jaw on rock* MMMPH MMMMMMPHMMPH MMMMmmmm - mmmmMMMMMMMPHMPHMPH

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Don't have to look it up, I remember it relatively well. And I don't remember much "bullshit moves" aside from the nova that you just have to dive.

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World made Rathalos even more of an annoying pice of shit to hunt, fucking why? it takes me around 30 fucking minutes to kill the tremendous flaming faggot because he flies a fuck huge distance all over the clusterfuck of a map every single fucking time I try to fight it, when in other games it won't even reach the 10 minute mark, this is fucking bullshit.

God I hate the fucking world maps so goddamn much.

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>always saw this as a F on top of his head
the two lines as eyes and the round thing as a nose

just travel to camps bro

flashbombs are your friend, use and abuse them, you have 13 at a time

You shouldn't have replied to me at all

Usually spammed moves with wonky hitboxes or unfair animations.

-dromes and Rathalos's talon attack, though they fixed that in world.

On the plus side, at least his claw attack has actual windup and animation now instead of him just scooting up your ass.

Flashbombs are for faggots, the times I do catch up with him he gets out almost dead, I only need to catch up two or three times but the fucker won't stop flying away.

It makes me worried about Val in Iceborne because the fucker is basically a fucking jet plane, it will get away even further and faster than Rathalos.

I know it's a bit over the top but I thought 4th gen's G rank Tigrex armor was fucking sweet. I want it back.

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looks like a power rangers villain, i fuck with it

>complain about something flying away
>decry the tool specifically made for preventing things from flying away
you have no one to blame but yourself

Capes are cool, I want all the G rank armors to have capes.

>Flashbombs are for faggots
You're the faggots if you refuse to flash a monster who's about to run away.

The point is that I never had to use them for Rathalos or any monster in any MH game, but this flaming cuck of a monster might as well deserve it this time around, I cannot wait Seregios to come so he fucks his wife and beat up his ass.

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For some reason they fucked up the Valstrax icon and made the color white cookie color so you can barely see most of the icon

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Is that a poison version of Glavenus or something? What's with the bubbles and the green tail?

Every time I think this website cant possibly leave me more jaded ,it finds a new way to disappoint me

Just use the bombs gigafag.

The cookies show every flagship in the series. It's been theorized for a while that every flagship will be in Iceborne as the game coincides with the series's 15th anniversary. Every monster which appears in World is using their World icon. Glavenus and Zinogre are using completely unique icons. Everything else is an unseen vector version of that monster's 4th gen icon. Keep in mind that many monsters, such as Rathalos, Rathian, or Diablos, use just a vector version of their 4th gen icon, and Kushala/Teostra use slightly edited versions of their 4th gen icons. Also, the Zinogre icon matches up perfectly with the leaked one from a little while ago.

I love Valphalk.

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didn't mean to quote


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Khezu deserves a cookie even if it isn't a flagship.

Flagship Khezu subspecies when?

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>I never had to use them for Rathalos or any monster in any MH game
That sounds like a serious personal problem more than anything else.

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Khezu at best gets to be catfood. Off brand catfood.

Will my boy, Cha Cha, ever make an appearance again? I can't be the only one who loved this lil dude.

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you got a bootleg shaka king fight in the witcher mission

and then she makes you a hot meal afterwards

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Kayambro > Chad-Chad.
There, I fucking said it.

I don't use them because I don't need them in the first place, just like dung bombs, I can handle two monsters at the same time just fine, but I cannot handle the faggotry of a monster that flies away to the other fucking corner of the map.

I ensure you that If Rathalos was in the arena the fucker won't survive 5 minutes.

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Tb h, i dont like using items except mandatory healing/hot-cold drink. i just gun those fucks down from the sky instead, ammo efficiency and critical distance be damned

Imagine what

Who /dauntlesschad/ here?

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So these are part of the leak or just someone who created using illustrator?

Her making you a big hearty meal of course. user wasn't thinking about horrible about the kind elderly.


you need to go back

I thought that was Sea of Thieves at first glance.

rude, they are both good lads

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Dont try to imagine what that user imagined. His mind is a scary place


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Man, I'm the opposite. I mean I get it that people don't like using items and stuff but I think MonHun's items are fun. Just feels like you have a big ol' tool box for going out and bagging some dragons. Just a bunch of toys and tricks of the trade. It's neat. MonHun items just give me a different vibe then many other game's items. Tools for hunting, not just stuff to use when a fight goes from good to OH SHIT.

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Some guy on /vg/ claimed that he got those icons from someone from Capcom last friday, then the cookies came out and the Zinogre icon turned out to be identical to the supposed leak.

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How do I go from using the Great sword to the Switch Axe? What do I spam?

I wish this made sense. I need to watch more of this guy. The only ones I know is wa'er and feathas.

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Well now you have a reason to use the flashes, so the monster can't escape your superhuman godlike skill, and so your enormously valuable time isn't wasted.

Sometimes we get more than we bargained for.

Please no. Marm is worst guild girl. Worse then handler.

Well, stuffs like bombs and demon drink are nice, but it just feel unfair to the monster if you can flash those guys 24/7, or traps after traps
Sonic bombs does have some fun and immersive application tho

;_; yes pls and have her replace the goblina we have now

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For the first time in my life, I paid 50 bucks for a DLC (Iceborne deluxe)

I really hope I don't regret it. I usually just get the G-rank version of MH games

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Well I drag them all out on the hunt but I don't always use them all. Just whatever is going on in the hunt and whatever catches my fancy. I don't really know how to explain it but I just love the monhun box-o-fun. It's more real hunter like, I guess. Like a duck hunter. He doesn't just walk out into a field and start blasting ducks. He sets out decoys and sets up his little hide and toots his duck call. I just have more fun then I should using the tools and there's not really many that I'm like 'This thing is dumb or useless'

so cookies and the icon were shown by different people then?

I think I saw someone telling that the cookies are from 2018, its true?


>Had to watch the first ten seconds like seven times before I understood anything that he said

Oh yeah. That's probably why I haven't seen much of his stuff.

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Call the cops, I'll tell them too.

Oh boy then if you havent played FU yet you would love it then. It has quite a few “weird” consumable that actually work surprisngly well ie a lightning rod, that can only be used during rainy weather (bascially daora weather) that deal pure dmg. Or shit tons of type of boomerangs and the like. Its a shame they shelved all of those later on

I want that pic, but with White Fatalis.

Jewflix has subtitles for him if your ears can't handle the way English was meant to be spoken

try this

>two meals in a row

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I can't take any hunt with this seriously, throwing giant turds and farting all over the place.

Grandma's food is too good for just one go.

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>He doesn't reply with "Yeah, a little." EVERY time his grandma asks "Are you hungry? Want something to eat?" even if she just asked like twenty minutes ago.

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Yes, they were shown by different people, as for the 2018 cookies, these cookies have the same packaging as those ones, probably because Capcom was just lazy, but the flagship cookies are new.

Imagine if Nigodoggo's outfit is even sluttier.


Everyone loves Khezu, if you don't love Khezu then you aren't a real MonHun fan.

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Was Odo inspired by this movie?

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I see, thanks

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>literal bondage gear armor
Sounds great! Ill be sure to play a huntress when IB comes out!

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>he likes the one monster that in in a constant mental and physical pain

God this fucking kid, I swear.

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It's by far the best fight in the series.

They should give Diablos a rare species, at this point he's basically 2nd to raths as the flagship of the series, the only times he's ever been cut from a game is because they were saving him for g-rank

I think he was inspired by a gorgonopsid.

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>tfw I'm forced to get a better cpu cooler to play world without melting my pc case

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Is tense because of how fucking hard it can hit, but I prefer Shagaru, truly feels like a fair duel monster vs hunter.

However my favorite monster to fight is Ukanlos, I want it /in/ world.

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Just put everything on low and enjoy your 30 FPS.

It's just an oversized ice Tigrex, and Tigrex skellington is in, and the expansion is ice themed, so he has good chances.

not with those mines it isn't

It is a well-known fact that riders murder their monsties and use their parts once they are too sick, injured or old to fight/work.

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It looks better on low settings anyway.

Like hell it is fair, Hunters are OP so a cheap but perfectly preventable passive attack is fine.

Ow the Edge incarnate



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anything but narg is a wrong answer

Yo how come hunters are so strong?
And don't give me any of that ancient super soldier bullshit.

It's time to let the MH IP die.

You are what you eat


correct answer

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It's a video game.
Also power creep. Other than hammer the MH1 movesets were a lot more believable.

Monster semen cocktails.

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that just means I don't have to feel bad about putting it out of its misery

Ancient super soldier bullshit is the only "logic" explanation.

That or the underwear + armor and weapons are like super high advanced pieces of tech that give them super human abilities, take away the underwear of a hunter and you will take away it's power.

Plot twist: it's revealed that arch tempered and tempered mons are just blighted mons and makili/versa is somewhere in hoarfrost

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>don't give me any of that ancient super soldier
That's literally the reason

I figure they are basically like asgardians from the mcu. Super fucking dense. Thats why they need so much food

>still no cross platform play

was he in XX?
I want to replay a 3ds MH but i don't want to touch 4U because i'll get used to 60 fps and playing other mh at 30fps will be ass after that

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yes, also if you have a good computer you can emulate XX at 60fps with the english patch

>no polar bear monster

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You can't run forever, little snack.

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It's a video game so I wouldn't put much thought into it. These people pile away food like it's nothing and constantly need to eat. They're fucking monsters.

oh lawd he comin


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I still wonder why does it even exist, and as part of elder's recess.
It's so fucking braindead.

Legiana a shit, worst MHW monster.

he like rock

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Is that using the special MH fork for Cintra though? All MH games run like butter with the fork.

That's gay, is there a male one?

>Jyuratodus exists
>Lavasioth too

Legiana is my WIFE.

i still wonder why we even have to kill it. i mean, he just eats rocks and sleep and doesn't even engage unless you attack him. he's totally docile and there are plenty of rocks to go around, he's not destroying the environment or anything...

Not as long as ugly balloon rat exists.

no, it's just a code you put in, and the newer official canary versions tend to run better than the older forks made for MH now

why is he so cute, lads?

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Like in evangelion, humans in monhun are actually otherworldly beings that got the short straw in evolution. Lillim have the uncanny ability to eat almost as much as their DNA-cousin, deviljho and can survive things that regular animals cannot.

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Neither is Khezu, yet we hunt it, how can we kill such a magnificent living being is beyond me.

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Oh well that's good news.

We're doing it a favour by putting it out of his and our misery.

Balloon boi is cute! Useless but cute

someone post the cookies, I need rejuvenation

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>anything worse than handler
ugly chaser

Why are Coral Highlands monsters the worst? Odoggo's good but he only half counts, and Tzitzi can be alright but you almost never see him. The rest (including Kirin) are all annoying while not being challenging or fun enough to compensate that.

>Every other game flashbombs are crutches for bad players
>In world you can (and must, a lot of th time) flashbomb a monster from any height as long as it's in front of them knocking them over, stunlocking monsters as they try to fly away

It's fucking retarded. They should at least become immune after a while

Tzitzi is best boy when he appears in your other hunts
>hunting monster
>free hits
He's such a funny boy.

tempereds gain immunity after a few of them

Tzitzi's armor is at least tight as fuck

Attached: Stylin and Profilin.jpg (1200x675, 108K)

>Every other game flashbombs are crutches for bad players

Why isn’t there more monhunn vore? You’d think a series about giant monsters and going off on adventures to “hunt” them would be the perfect storm.

Tzitzi should be an apex predator, practically no monster is fully immune to flash bangs

>Every other game flashbombs are crutches for bad players
Do you consider sonic bombs and barrel bombs a crutch too? Fucking retard.

He dies if you ever smash its head.
Now I want an ultra variant where the only safe spot is right behind him, nowhere else.

Tzizi Hydra mutation

Larger and with six heads.

Think you posted the wrong image.

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user flashbomb trivializing raths is basically a meme, so much that Dreadking cant be flashed until you break the wings
never fucking flash a narga/tigrex tho. Like holy fuck why rando just love to do it

I want to go back to old MH, but I've already played them to death.

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I have absolutely no idea why and it makes me mad
There should be a monster in the main series that can eat the hunter to spring forth a new era, maybe a giant monster that you have to fight from the inside or something

They should have never left the kitchen.

I only miss pre-world hunter lobbies, honestly

whoa what is this game?
is it any good?
is it dead?

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flying monster with flash wings when?

Attached: 786748678.jpg (520x678, 69K)

What? I fucking love legiana.

yeah, so it's not a crutch? why would you not use them against flying faggots like rath? unless you're a gunner then YIKES

No. I didn't.

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>all the heads start flashing
>the idiot of the lot flashes the ground

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I hope its screeching version is a lot more agressive.

You can use the insect glaive instead, even breaking some wings in the process.

>538 now

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I flash Tigrex every time it goes into rage on MHFU. Prevents that cracked up nigger from running me over. One thing that has surprised me is using any kind of drugged meat while it's stunned will make it run to it, eat it and still be stunned.

Attached: When you lose a speedrunning contest.jpg (462x349, 38K)

Because you use blast dual blades, flash a los, trap, flash, trap, flash, trap, flash it's dead.

4U babby

Monster hunter clone #12

Low tier as far as Monster hunter clones go, if you want something like MonHun but different just play God Eater.

>Implying the IG is even half as good in World as it was in 4U

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ok, what if i use hammer, or GS, or any other melee weapon? i'm just supposed to run around like a retard?

I don't think you know what that term means

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Or you can actually be decent at it and use GS (in FU), SA (in 3 onward) or just je suis monté those fucks
Like, hell, FU’s raths were the most annoying, yet you can use them as GS target practice

Flashing lunastra just pisses her off too. Dont do it

Nope, I always go GS but from 4U onwards I use IG for flying stuff and
>the floor is lava

Attached: fluffboi.png (1015x544, 428K)


or you can use the tools the game provides and just flash them instead of waiting around like a retard

Does the clutch claw work against flying monsters? Because if so that's going to nerf them significantly considering you can use it endlessly.

Molten Tigrex is the best Tigrex there is how can other Tigrexes even compete?

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Charge or super pound him out of the air. Every time you pitfall trap him he flies out into the air so you can flash him again, while he's stunned on the ground you trap him again. In second gen you got shit on on Yea Forums for bringing traps because they made fights so easy

God I hate Kulve, what a shitty monster. Absolutely nothing good about it.

>Zorah Magdaros - No. Just - no.

Attached: lisa_1.jpg (289x302, 21K)

nah G rank is just genuinely a harsh step up from HR. You'll be fine once you start actually getting the G rank gear.

The only really shit things in MHXX G rank are

>G rank hypers
Absolutely insane HP inflation to the point of taking almost the whole hunt timer for an average player

>G rank Elders post Final Boss
Huge HP pools, incredibly high damage, feel much more MP tuned than other non-hyper monsters

sounds like traps are the crutch and not flashes then

I prefer to play if fair and square tho, even giving the thing the upper hand is fine
And rath just has a lot of opening for gs charge/trip/wing-clipping. Its much more fun than flashing and mindlessly wail on them

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ty for posting this again, i had seen it a long while back but regretted never saving it

Attached: git gud.jpg (2312x963, 493K)

>literal bondage gear armor

God I hope so

I'm still waiting for the day when those cowards that work on Frontier will finally allow the Magnet Spike and Tonfas to be put in the main games

Attached: FrontierGen-Magnet_Spike_Equipment_Render_003.png (1963x2400, 3.16M)


Attached: honked.jpg (196x196, 12K)

You forgot to mention
>Deviant quests that are designed to fuck you up
>deviant X
I still have ptsd from Gammoth V. Who thought putting a deviant lamgobi and a tigrex in the artic arena is a good idea?

Dumb boi, I will end your suffering with my lance.

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>those reactions
Holy shit when did facebook infest Yea Forums? Didn't know it was this bad

Frontier is shutting down in December so who knows. The reason why they don't let shit come to main series is so that they have as much shit as possible to pull people into playing Frontier.

Everything but the meta mechanics and loot gambling are fantastic

> Flies 90% of the fight
> Spams the same move 5 times in a row with a little to know cooldown
What a waste of flash pods

Attached: images.jpg (224x225, 14K)

Every item is a crutch.

Attached: grahf.jpg (640x480, 20K)

it's got nothing on the siege cart and demolisher cannon

Tonfas are gay, give me gauntlets

Based and veteranpilled.

>How can I hunt without flashbombs

Well hopefully Frontier doesn't take those two weapons down with it

not a single flying monster in that video

Attached: Gotcha bitch!.webm (1000x562, 782K)

>optional penis pack
I can't stop laughing

>it's a decade old now
Fuck, man.

Attached: 1558823997032.jpg (384x384, 26K)

sorry, I'm not a tranny

B-b-but what do I do if the monster can fight back in my 4 player, two people with speed setup, paralysis sns, items to make more flash bombs on the go with a few combo books setup????

Yeah, I never use whetstones or ammo either. I'm just that bad a dude

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What a fucking classic

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Did someone just say POWER?

Armour is a crutch
Weapon upgrades are a crutch
You go naked and base weapon or you go home

>I've been on Yea Forums since before FU

I'm gonna go kill myself

back then it took some coordination for 4 hunts to headlock a rathalos (not that that was fun)
these days its just hurr durr flashbomb it until it's dead
nothing really takes me out of a hunt harder

>Implying star knight armor wasn't crutch armor

>tfw you dont see MH thread opening with this now
Like, fuck, its been so long alr

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Best version.

Attached: 1489984365684.png (488x1105, 713K)

>beta was HR settings
>not MR settings
>that means we're probably going to still be in HR for part of Iceborne
>and have useless HR armors before we get the actual MR armors
I'm almost as sad as Gore is blind.

GS in world is: Just fucking hit the monster as hard and fast as you can while it flinches and cries for you to stop.
All you do is stand on a safe spot and do your combo and they are dead sub 5 if you don't know what you are doing/has just an ok build.
Easies and most fun weapon in World.

Attached: Sleep Tight Teostra.webm (640x360, 1.2M)

Someone replace the lower right one with Grimclaw already.


its because world added all the things he complains about

>understand Lance is better than Gunlance in generally every way
>still use GL anyways

>no explode
There is nothing to help, user with good taste.

No real lock on or monster HP. GS has been getting faster since 4.

>Tribabs are now old grandpa's

Anyone have the comic of the blacksmith's son picking longsword then getting impaled by a kelbi?

Which one is the lower right even supposed to be, is it Diorekkusu?

Attached: 1522101556937.jpg (714x727, 152K)

Sub 8 for you Slut Kirin players. Oh the humanity!

we weren't talking about world

>also shotgun/roman candle in the monsters ass

why are half of these just horse vaginas on dragon?

It's not better where it counts
In size of gun attached to your lance

All those things are from fourth gen though. Pretty much the only things actually world only are the slingshot, moving and using items, and mantles and even mantles are arguable since most of them are just styles put into an item.

Does anyone actually use continuous lock-on?

Attached: 1449438147471.jpg (745x655, 103K)

Attached: Surprise Mothafucka.webm (1000x562, 1.13M)

Yeah, the oc donut steel one from Frontier.

No sane human being uses it. It fucks with the camera in the worst times

You can get HP on pc.
It makes me play worse for some reason.

>no real lock on
But the game has actual lock on, both automatic and semi automatic.
>no monster HP
But you can clearly see it's pulse getting weaker as it's HP gets reduced.
>GS has been getting faster since 4
But GS is for homosexuals.

They already said all the new monsters were MR only be they in Hoarfrost or in the old zones.

From videos I've seen? Super casuals. Same people that lock on to Darkbeast Paarl in Bloodborne.

It doesn't matter which game made those changes because I doubt the image was being posted much after FU stopped being the latest release.
And even if none of those specific things were true the core of that image's message still rings true.

I don't even remember it exists.

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the armor defense in the beta was almost 700. It was MR

pretty sure 3U and 4U demos were HR tier as well

Still kind of applied in third gen. Fourth gen pretty much threw everything out the fucking window. Mounting, vertical stages, lock on, RNG weapon drops, etc. all start there.

Plenty of older monsters had shit like that. Brachy is the obvious example.

I don't even know what continuous lock-on is. It's existence is barely even perceptible to me.

show me your guild card right now

Attached: guild card.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

When are we getting EdgeRath in mainline?

Attached: FrontierGen-Unknown_%28Black_Flying_Wyvern%29_Render_001.png (2000x2000, 1.25M)

Third gen had its own share of casualization. Namely trample damage removal, hitboxes becoming more lenient especially for hammer superpound, hitzones in general becoming less punishing, and the GS charge speed had already been changed in Tri.


I'm a simple man, I just like the boss fight in general. One of the cleanest hitboxes I've encountered in a video game.

Attached: 1563270869683.gif (600x338, 1.5M)

Me too, just make them fat and they look fucking identical.

>That hair

>That hr

We can't be friends

any time now

Attached: 1544234970078.png (1700x960, 3.8M)

That's why I said kind of applied. Portable 3rd is still one of the easiest entries in the franchise for the main games, but tri and U's changes overall are minor in comparison to what the fourth gen changed.
The sad part is though that hitzones and hitboxes being changed was necessary, but they didn't change the animations or attacks to compensate for those changes meaning it was just a straight nerf.

Monster hunting is shady business sometimes.

come on, I bought it on steam's summer sale

Is the gama silt any good? Right now I'm running with a crit draw/weakness exploit build with nergi GS, but I wanna try something new

i just rotate the camera, i don't think i use lock on. Is it the camera that locks on or your hunter ?

COG really likes flying wyverns huh?

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We were all HR12 once, stop being fags

Nice sale buy, have fun with the game and make sure to gear up for the expansion user

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I still can't install the english version,i downloaded the .cia with update+eng patch but it doesn't work/install for some reason,only work unpatched

>This is what triggers Yea Forums.
Fucking pathetic.

Attached: e345c0d363e097f5f65ffc997d0af013.png (413x413, 300K)

>don't talk to me
>or crip me
>or bling me
>or on fire me
>or ice me
>or old man me
>or psssh nothin personnel me
>or power of friendship me
>or UNTZ UNTZ me
>or my wife
>or my blossom wife
>or my extra bling wife
>or my dripping wet wife
>or my chinese wife
>or my old wife
>or my wife's boyfriend again

Why are half of them spontaneously combusting.

Attached: 1553168987325.gif (300x351, 61K)

the first big motherfucker you fight in lost planet 2 would be perfect for a boss collab

>does nothing wrong
>just wants to eat rocks all day

>gets killed because "maybe threat, maybe"

If this had been ten years ago the reactions wouldn't have been so dumb.

They had some taco bell earlier

Looks like a pitbull. Aww he's smiling :^)
When are we going to ban Tigrexmommies?

Have you used the "Install CIA" option? If that doesn't work you'll have to unpack it all and put it into the game files yourself.

at this point the hunters should drop the facade and say they hunt for fun


..whats that image from?

Would the portion of the fight where you can get eaten be included?

General reminder that Iceborne will have what can be interpreted as grappling hooks, is set in ice, and it's been a while since we have heard anything of Lost Planet.
Lost Planet confirmed

Because they are Frontier designs.

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Don't compare Cutegrex with shitbulls ever again

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Ok fine
Tell me how many times you read the nier mangas

I'll slaughter every Great Jagras I see for shits and giggles, but I'll just go on a walk with Dodogama and protect him with my life. Unfortunately you'll also have to throw shit at him to get him away from dangerous battles, while you face off against the jackass monster that hurt him yourself.

ur mom lol

Thermal energy = bio energy
You heard it here first.

Attached: thermal energy.jpg (1213x425, 128K)

>t. grexmommy
How many more innocent 'dromes is your shitbeast going to kill?

Asking again

I've been swapping between the two. They're both pretty satisfying weapons, especially when you get into the zone and start hopping around all of the monster's attacks.

huh, the whole Over-G Akrid thing and Xeno'jiiva are almost the same plot point then

Too exotic for Yea Forumsoomers.

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It goes deeper than that.

>Dragon's Dogma world connected to parallel universes by a massive tower
>the Ancient Civilization built a tower in monster hunter made of dragons
>Dragon's Dogma had a shared moon between all parallel dimensions
>Fatalis comes from the fucking moon

DD, MonHun, and Lost Planet are all the same universe.

the fuck happened with lost planet 3?Did it ended up like Dead Space 3?
Isn't "Install CIA" broken?gonna try again now

That shit is more liable to get you killed than actually be of any help.

why do you ask

Attached: 1562505028022.png (386x366, 183K)

Because of The Witcher portal shit so is The Witcher game series. How does DMC and Berserk fit into all of this?


Attached: dims[1].jpg (980x653, 107K)

>the fuck happened with lost planet 3
>lets remove COOP
>lets make it an FPS narrative
>lets have 1 VS
>lets remove all the emote hijinks
it was a fucking spinoff

Is it gay

They are. Jhen Mohran and the cat-G you fight on the cannon train are also pretty similar, don't you think?

Cat G= Elder Dragon
it all fucking fits, we deserve MH in space damnit

Dante went on a trip through hell and accidentally his way into Monster Hunter before WOOHOOing his way back into another part of hell. Which also means SMT3 is canon to Monster Hunter as well, because Itsuno said Dante did go to SMT3s world while going through hell.

what the FUCK

Attached: 1550845160235.jpg (400x400, 54K)

LP2 was legit one of the most fun co-op games I've played in my life.

Shame about the games afterwards

Attached: baby godzilla.jpg (680x700, 66K)

>we deserve MH in space damnit
Wasn't that kinda lost planet's whole premise?
anyway i pray capcom revive this series

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Plot twist, hunters interfering with the ecosystem by killing important monsters has completely changed the climate and environment, causing monsters to evolve into new and significantly stronger species

>the games afterwards
>a wii foreign exclusive
>tatsunoko vs capcom
cant speak of the earlier but the latter was nice
I can't stand how they still haven't fixed LP2 on steam though due to GFWL going down

>persona faggotry
Please god no...

You damn kids don't know how good you have it

Attached: 1429804522715.png (580x1866, 61K)

You might be surprised.

user are you okay?

now post the 180 shot

I've been trying to figure out the Capcom email conventions so i can send an email to the director for any small hope of reply. Can anyone even confirm for me that Kenji Oguro , the director of LP2, even exists?

delet this before you get absolutely destroyed by smtfags

What a nice guy.

oh, it was the JP box art

Attached: 1.jpg (885x1026, 246K)

No. They just really like Garo and that's why the armor is a Makai Knight, and a Priestess.

By what part of it?

>car crashes into wall
>run up to the car
>get run over

Attached: 1470438418755.png (561x539, 307K)


fuck i wish i didn't forget about this game during the summer sale
it's also a fucking pain to find a pirated copy because lmao GFWL

khezu is just a casualty on the war against vore

its the same reason great jagras was the most hunted monster in world

Attached: 1562021914324.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Hold on officer! This man isn't black!

That applies to a lot of monsters in World.

This is Zinogre, he's sad because his inclusion in Iceborne was spoiled by some dude on /vg/ and FUCKING COOKIES.
Say something nice about him to cheer him up!

Attached: 1481168411811.png (900x756, 615K)

Fucking newfags being surprised at this shit

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what happened here? it didn't look like he killed the glav

Bet it was a shock huh?

SMT is the Dark souls of Persona

FUCK Zinonigger and FUCK furfags.

Failed capture quest.

I bet those were some delicious cookies

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What's Teo saying here?

A dangerous monster has arrived!
Prepare to be torn a new asshole!

Attached: 1536579394_8.jpg (960x960, 404K)

I haven't played in maybe a year. I know I stopped around the first Kulve Taroth event after getting the materials to make her full armor set.

Attached: Monster Hunter_ World_20190717182159.png (1920x1080, 3.55M)

Lone hunta is based

Attached: LoneHunta.jpg (708x838, 152K)

i jump weapons all the time and dont play the game enough to try and grind for optimal builds but this be it

Attached: ung.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

You know what I like about our hunter? He listens.

GOD the 3DS is such a shit system.
I thought the PSP was a downgrade compared to a possible homeconsole version, but once I moved to 3DS monhun I WISH I had PSP's single screen, wider aspect ratio, better resolution & framerate, and even motherfucking claw controls (got CPP for 3DSXL which solved that one issue though).
Even reading text in 3DS is suffering.

Don’t have drachen armor, what’s the next best thing to grind for to make a good switch axe build?

I wonder why we kill Kushala. It does nothing but sit around in the forest.

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What does the magnet spike even do anyway?
I watched a video and couldn't understand shit, didn't seem to do anything exceptionally well, like a weird average looking SA/IG style attack pattern.

A better game.

seethe toddler

Attached: Monster Hunter_ World_20190717182216.png (1920x1080, 3.4M)

He deserves it.

the psp games were all 30fps, the 3ds games minus X and XX went up to 60

He is a living natural disaster.

So is there going to be Kaiser X armor like this in Iceborne?

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nice title


He's a fucking angry piece of shit that likes causing storms and hurricanes. Just shows up and starts blowing shit down because he's a fucking piece of shit. Like, did you see Dos intro? Fucking asshole.

Except in the new world. He's a stupid fucking puppy that likes taking naps in the sun in the new world.

All of the elder dragons threaten nearby cities and villages just by existing.

fuck i forgot to post the image

Attached: 582010_screenshots_20190717180145_1.jpg (1920x1080, 635K)

Ha, no.

There are cities.. ?

Too aesthetic to be in world.

We know of at least three. Minegarde, Dundorma and Loc Lac.

Attached: dodobro1.jpg (1578x1208, 131K)

What the fuck is that Gollum looking thing on your leg?

Attached: dodobro2.jpg (1571x1055, 117K)

Why did he hate cats so much?

Attached: dodobro3.jpg (1555x1505, 160K)

I need a third one with it crying.

It's a Nekker skin for your Palico from the Witcher crossover event.

>playing as a m*le

SAVED. he's too cute, bros

Attached: 1534655511969.gif (800x600, 48K)

It's a Jack of All Trades. You can do cutting damage, impact damage, guard points, fade slashes, etc. You can be aggressive and use the magnetism to pull yourself in, or you can be more defensive and hold the monster down. It's pretty overpowerd, but it's main point is to essentially fit into the meta of Frontier. Tonfas, if edited, would work much better in main series than Magnet Spike

not him but that explains the fucking Geralt in one of my hunts kek

My boy aint much BUT HE'S ALL I GOT!

Attached: 582010_screenshots_20190711070153_1.jpg (1920x1080, 370K)

He tsundere likes them. Notice how he doesn't want the cat to see that he's planning on buying the online dongle.

Attached: STOP HES ALREADY DEAD.webm (1268x750, 2.93M)

Do you guys like the new Anja?

Attached: e81e1a4f40aa858881c7b1ff05e726f4.jpg (640x800, 83K)

Fuck off MuHut, you pile of human garbage.

I'm going to breed her and make thousands of baby lightning rexes and no one can stop me.

Not anymore no.

Not that one.


Attached: 1561952588944.jpg (960x720, 106K)


why did people tell me i got pickled when that thing one-shot me?

Because it's a pickle.

I want to fuck Fulgar Anja and have lots of cute half-monster daughters.

And to believe I once liked that fucking pickle

Attached: Super disgusting.png (663x424, 251K)

Look at a pickle, then look back at Jho

i see