Tfw no Porco Rosso game

>tfw no Porco Rosso game

Attached: porco-rosso-1992-marco-vs-curtis-plane-battle-fight-hayao-miyazaki-japanese-animation.jpg (600x315, 73K)

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It would just be Crimson Skies


seaplanes are really cool

play that snoopy game.

With more soul

Flying Red Barrel is pretty fun.
>tfw easter egg turns all of the characters into pigs but isnt in the fullgame


Miyazaki hates video games. Almost as much or more so than he hates anime.

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>tfw no Porco Rosso game
why are you on Yea Forums then, go back to Yea Forums.

Hopefully when he dies we finally get some good ludo. Why the fuck did he work on Ni no kuni then?

He didn't. Studio Ghibli did it as contract work. Miyazaki had little to do with the production of Ni no Kuni. I guess it was fine since it was a new ip.

I guess he was too busy animating the Nanking debunking short that's exclusive to the Ghibli Museum

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How's he animate then? Was the wind rises hand drawn still or what

he likes little girls so he's alright in my book

Sky Drift is fun, It's a plane racing game

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He prefers hand drawn but I think a few of his recent films use cgi to a very minimal extent.

there's a porco rosso boss in ni no kuni I guess
three versions of it even

There's also this but it's nothing special:
And this:

Aegis Defenders is inspired by Nausicaa

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Attached: Porco Rosso.webm (890x480, 2.64M)

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Attached: Porco Rosso3.webm (888x480, 2.85M)

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Morrowind also drew quite a hefty bit of inspiration from it.
But man I'd KILL for a proper Naushicaa/Shuna inspired RPG.


I've never seen this, where does it rank in Ghibli canon? Is it all just pretty visuals in the flying scenes or is there a good story too?

It's top tier

Sky Rogue was pretty fun

I watched this 3 times before I realized it loops. I fucking love Miyazaki's style

It's definitely among the better ones. Miyazaki made it as a way to express/deal with his mid-life crisis and it shows - behind the obvious child-friendly facade it has some more interesting and mature themes, and very likeable characters.
In many ways, it's most similar to The Wind Rises, though it is comparatively a LOT less dark and depressing.

I'd say it's one of his top five movies, alongside Wisper of the Heart, Wind Rises, Spirited Away and so on.

Hogs of war in the air, it would be glorious.

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What's that fairly recent 3d desert scavenger game where you play as a woman and it has metal dogs?


ReCore, maybe?

my rank
>Porco Rosso
>Spirit away

How dare you bring back great memories.

It’s my favorite film, animated or otherwise- really just a flawless piece of art. If you dig the setting and atmosphere of Porto Rosso, no other movie can compare to it.


I would say

>Porco Rosso
>Howl’s Moving Castle
>Whisper of the Heart
>Spirited Away
>The Wind Rises

The game was soul incarnate, I dont know if the voice acting is as good as i remember but i thougth it was the funniest shit back in the day.

I know it would have taken an insane amount of time, but I kinda wish that they would have used watercolors for the part where he flies close to the ground, the change between background styles is too noticeable.

The Wind Rises
Spirited Away
Whisper of the Heart
Porco Rosso
Naussica of the Valley of Wind for me.

But I liked every single one of his movies, safe for Ponyo. That movie did NOT sit well with me, at all. And I'm a MASSIVE sucker for under-water shit, so that movie was a double dissappointment for me.

I think all of his movies, safe for perhaps The Wind Rises, are surpassed by Shuna's Journey and Naussicaa the Manga. I think those are actually his real, ultimate masterpieces.

Good point

The wind rises seemed pretty honest to me, it triggered nips at least

>Yea Forums likes Porco Rosso
That's a baffler.

Closest you probably get is Skygunner, and even that's more of an semi-arcade 3D shoot-em-up with an interesting artstyle and charm.

Then why does he keep making them

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>Porco Rosso
>The wind rises
>Pom poko
>Princess Mononoke

Also I like Steamboy a lot. Industrial revolution is my favorite time-period

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I like seaplanes.

Attached: Dornier Do J Wal ship.webm (640x476, 1.7M)

fuck that looks good

Just weird to me that a movie that shits on fascism and calls all soldiers pigs would be popular on a board that hates politics in media

Give me hope that nu/v/ hasn't completely taken over yet.

It makes complete sense given the setting and time period and there wasn't the current political climate when it was made

Are you telling me there's people who don't like the movie? Now that's a real baffler

Laputa>the rest

That looping technique is common with cel animation

Is there a program to use mouse as arrow keys? It's annoying to control those planes with arrow keys.

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It did? It feels incredibly sympathetic to me on the whole war aspect

Didn't stop it being a mediocre movie though

It actually managed to piss off everyone. Jap nationalist for negative potreyal of Japan during the war, anti-war activists for alleged glorification of the war, and also it really pissed off Japanese anti-smoker organizations for it's portreyal of smoking.

Also, it's easily his best movie. It really is a fucking shame they did not convince Miyazaki to do adult-focused stuff more.


Guys is there any good game about flying shit on the Ps4?

>Also, it's easily his best movie.
I didn't like it, had too many themes going on so it just failed to do any of them particularly well

The German voice acting was definitely top notch.

>anti-war activists for alleged glorification of the war
More for portraying Horikoshi as a kind of wide-eyed idealist designing warplanes for nothing more than simple love of engineering rather than, y'know, to kill people.
It also further estranges history buffs for completely fictionalizing his personal life, erasing his actual family for a fictive imouto and treating his wife as little more than a bedwarmer.

Basically Miyazaki projected his own autistic boner for the Zero onto its creator and wrote some pretty egregioius fanfiction to celebrate it.

Not really, the theme is pretty much one and well focused. It's about living for a dream, and the sacrifices you have to make in the process. Everything about the movie is tied to that.
It's by far the most character focused work he ever did, and easily the darkest. And he did a really damn good job at it. The characters are great and the central message is a very powerful one, and the movie does not shy away from it or sugar-coat it. Plus it has both some absolutely iconic scenes, and some incredibly subtle and beautiful ones too. That scene with the guy holding hands with his wife will remain burned into my memory probably for ever.

It's not a movie I would want to rewatch many times, but it is a god-damn amazing one.

>In 2011, Miyazaki said that he wanted to make a follow-up anime to the 1992 original film if his next few films following Ponyo were successful. The film's working name is currently Porco Rosso: The Last Sortie and will be set during the Spanish Civil War with Porco also returning, albeit this time as an old pilot, reflecting Miyazaki's own aging.[18] Miyazaki is writing the film, but Hiromasa Yonebayashi will direct.[19] Due to both Miyazaki and Yonebayashi's departure from Ghibli and the current hiatus of the studio itself, the current status on the proposed sequel remains uncertain.

I haven't played it, but there's ace combat, right?

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Ace Combat 7

My mom hated the movie, which is really strange because she was a feminazi and Porco Rosso has a pretty strong message of female “empowerment” (probably not the correct word, but all the female characters are well written and interesting at least)

also, Skygunner.
Once you got the controls and camera mastered it was great.

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Ghibli doesn't equal miyazaki. Porco Rosso is his baby, I doubt he will allow it to be adapted into such vulgar media like video games.

The complaints about the alleged glorification of war are obviously absolute fucking bullshit.

That said, it is explicitly a fictional take on the character. Horikoshi in the movie is actually intentionally created as a blend of two real-world characters: Horikoshi, and Tatsuo. And the story is god damn strong, and I think it may have ABSOLUTELY flew over your head.

Intentionally creating a shitty biopic is still creating a shitty biopic.
If Miyazaki wanted to emphasize certain themes so much he had to entirely rewrite a real man's actual life, he should have just made up a new character entirely.

It was always supposed to be a fictionalized version of Jiro Horikoshi, the fan fiction aspect you mentioned is heavily inspired from the book The magic mountain by Thomas Mann.
And Jiro is willfully ignorant throughout the movie, both to his wife's condition and what his planes are being built for. These factor in to the tragic end of the movie

tfw no Porco Dio game

>It was always supposed to be a fictionalized version of Jiro Horikoshi
Then it was always going to be shit.
>And Jiro is willfully ignorant throughout the movie
This is nothing more than character assassination. It factors into the movie being shit.

Who is Dio?

>he doesnt know based bestemmie
user leave

no u

>Intentionally creating a shitty biopic is still creating a shitty biopic.
You are like those retards that bitch about Amadeus not being historically accurate: boring and insecure. Nobody is impressed with the fact that you know basic history, and the fact that you bitch about stuff: it does not make you look sophisticated, just pathetic.
The story is easily the strongest Miyazaki ever commited to a movie. It has a very powerful message and conveys it very well. It may be a little too adult and not enough masturbation for your liking, but that is not a fault of the movie.

I suppose, Although the real Jiro Horikoshi was also extremely anti-war despite being the man he was, I feel that dilemma between doing what he loved and whats ethical is the main point of the movie and the aspect of his character he wanted to include. The other details of his life most likely weren't interesting or relevant, and were swapped out to further enforce the point of the movie.

>not enough masturbation for your liking,
But my problem is the opposite, the film is entirely too much masturbation.
It's the cinematic equivalent of hotgluing a collection of plastic Zero models that can't say anything interesting because it's too busy contorting reality to fit an autistic vision.

>But my problem is the opposite, the film is entirely too much masturbation.
Did you even watch the movie? Did you somehow missed the fact that the main protagonist ends up finding himself in a metaphorical hell? The fuck is wrong with you?

The airplane is completely secondary to the fucking movie you mongoloid. It's just a handy symbol for a life-long passion and obsession. God damn it, what fucking movie were you watching? How can you miss a point of a movie that is so god damn blatantly spelled out?

I just want a game set in the pre-war Adriatic

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>The airplane is completely secondary to the fucking movie you mongoloid
Holy shit you're retarded.
Miyazaki spent half the fucking production glaring at his model Zeros and trying to figure out how to translate his love of them into animation.

Sub or Dub?

Or are we going French dub

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Great argument full of sources and relevant reasoning, kid. Yeah, the movie is about being passionate about something, you at least got that right, even if accidentally.

Only watched sub but I'm sure the Keaton dub is good

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Miyazaki the type of guy to guy a console just to invade his son in souls

If you just watch the DVD extras you'll see plenty of studio footage folowing Miyazaki around while he grumbles about Japanese manners and the rest of the production staff quietly pleading him to stop staring at a blank piece of paper all day and hurry up with the keyframes for the flight scenes.
He delayed production for weeks doing that shit.

But you don't actually give a shit about the movie itself, you only latch onto it as an accessory to your pretentious and contrarian film buff persona.

"pretentious and contrarian" coming from a person who has to invent his own fucking head-canons about how a movie was made just to justify his "I'm too cool for enjoying things" bullshit attitude: I'm really fucking impressed.
You have major mental health issues, buddy.

Howbout you watch Kingdom of Dreams and Madness and see how Miyazaki actually thinks and behaves before projecting onto him a fictional version to suit your own pretention.
Oh wait, you've already said you prefer fictional versions of real people if it suits your narrative.

Again, you do realize you literally had to claim that he "did nothing but staring at his model plane", shit you yourself had to backpeddal like crazy later on, right?
That does not strike you as fucking unhealthy as fuck? And "contrarian"? "Pretentious?" For actually enjoying a MASSIVELY critically praised movie? Could you project any fucking harder? This is insane. You are literally just stating the fucking opposite of true. I don't think I've seen a case of projecting this fucking blatant, it feels like a satire or cartoon.
The fuck is wrong with you, dude?