Play The Sims 4

Play The Sims 4

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Other urls found in this thread:!qupRhITb!P_JxsMi6hvUhi7Me7iPpafZX_WwAnCMMucUhsgVSfTM

but ATF is still down


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Any site where I can find porn like this?

Like what?

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I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you

>tfw no sims 4 sex mod anymore

If they improve the tranny system

just reinstalled a couple days ago. what are some good gameplay mods? I have basemental, extreme violence and a few others but I feel like I would appreciate more if I could find any good ones. Also I dont want any sex mods, I plan on playing the sims with someone and I dont want to jerk off every 20 minutes when playing the game.

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No, it looks terrible even with mods

There are tons. Literally just google it.

>he doesn't know
under what rock are you living? ATF got raided. no more sex mod unless you play on an old ass version

whenever you give me a "everything already included" version of it for all those lewd mods and stuff, sure

There's a download on /vg/ with it, but I wouldn't know why you want someone elses mods. I find 99% of all clothing mods garbage so I dont want them.

Alright, i uploaded my mod folder
Use it with care

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shit i forgot to link it

are there lolis?

Skyrim is a far superior porn games

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I'll wait until the new patch is out. The create a story shit might help me make some interesting sims.


At least you can scrounge up the mods for Skyrim to make it yourself, but the TS4 mod was only updated and available on ATF.

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keep going

Who is ATF and whats wrong with LL? thats where I got my Sims4 sex mods back in the day

ATF is for superior people

if it got raided as said then it probably held illegal content. thats not superiors that degeneracy

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LL only has the basic WW, which is awful and got stripped of features due to it being on patreon. ATF has the much better version of WW, which also includes rape amongst other features.

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it got raided because hentai loli/shota is considered to be real child pornography in the EU

and for some reason they keep hosting it in the EU


>Fucktards not checking the /vg/ thread.

Boomer faggots, the whole lot of you.

Is this what i think it is?
Whats the mods name?!

You can't get it anymore since ATF is gone and the only rehosts of it are old versions, which break with the latest expansion.

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What artist did this?

White girl simulator


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>hentai loli/shota is considered to be real child pornography in the EU

is there any possibility of ATF coming back?
Why the fuck would they host that shit on an EU server lmfao

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The fuck happened with ATF and how long has it been gone? i was thinking of getting my free cities mods updated.

>dont want to jerk off every 20 minutes

>is there any possibility of ATF coming back?
They've been shut down and relocated like fifty times now.

I think this time it might be permanent. No more mods.

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As opposed to where?

Nah, some of the guys there literally got party van'd at one point and they still got the site back. They just don't give a shit.

Not having a open world makes this game unplayable, worse than The Sims 2 (its even more complete)

i will wait for Sims 5 with a proper open world

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anywhere that isn't the EU or Canada. you know, where hentai lolis are actually not considered to be real children. Yea Forums, sankaku, gelbooru etc are all hosted in places where it aint illegal.

Anyone have the ATF discord?

>made a family (MILF/Shota/Loli) with 4 abusive horny dickgirls
>Also made a secret sex dungeon with a mother/daughter slaves who were denied toilets and subjected to rape and torment
It was well worth the installation process, good fucking stuff

fucking based

go back to kiwifarm.

C'mon man

Remember that one UN dude who tried to get loli/shota banned and turned out to be a child rapist?

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its funny how often this happened with politicians

Ok, I played it. Now what?

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Happens all the time

Not just politicians. There's a bunch of SJW retards on Neofag and twitter screeching about anime being for pedophiles but later get caught being actual child groomers

Very based

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Every time I play this, I just have sims fucking each other. Every single time. Is the actual normal gameplay any good? Or is this just good for getting your rocks off?

How do I get sims that aren't human/potato hybrids?

Yea. You le git le gud xdd

Fuck off with that gay shit

I love the normal gameplay. Making houses. Making sims. Raising a family. Doing shit. I don't do it all at once, sometimes I just make houses for hours.

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Hit me with that gay shit