don't the kids all vape these days anyway
Also that shit is so economically retarded, those pod things, so you cant just refill a vape you gotta buy a whole new 'pod'
kids are dumb
This caused a big stink, but has anyone in Gears ever smoked? I don't think so.
I think Hoffman smoked cigars
A single dlc character in 3 or 4 I think. This place is as bad as the faggoty websites blowing up every little nothing. I know it's summer but jesus fucking christ
I miss when Gears was just a dumb dudebro shooter you played with your friends for a weekend with a few beers. What's with all the politically correct artsy fartsy bullshit they're doing with this game?
They want the Twitter and Resetera audience.
>worked with an anti-smoking organization
lmao why? how hard is it to just not put smokes in the game?
Ban fast food and hamburgers from a game and Resetera would accuse them of racism and fat oppression.
Only Barrick in Gears 3's DLC and only actually smokes for 2 seconds.
that's dumb because transies and faggots don't buy their games anyway
wtf are you talking about, most vapes are refilled with vape juice which comes in a bottle
>GoW used to be an edgy blood and gore game meant to be cool to play with the bros
>Modern GoW in this current social climate is "working with an anti-smoking organization" to cut all references to tobacco
If this isn't a microcasm of the descent into lame PC bullshit I don't know what is.
Millenials were a fucking mistake.
Because they get a big check for kissing the king's ring.
A lot of people use disposable pods and it does seem insanely wasteful. I have one that just needs new coils every few days.
>smoking is so based and redpilled fuck these numale cucks for removing it from their games where it was never prominently featured in the first place
Hes talking about the juul or However the fuck it's spelled. You have to refill them with a whole new pod as opposed to just buying the juice bottle
>Constant threads of "My face when teammate needs to hold up a queue to go out and smoke" angryman.jpg
>Someone somewhere makes money to not promote smoking
Hilarious these fake outrage faggots will trip over anything to pretend to be angry at something, and poorfags get mad someone makes money doing LITERALLY ANYTHING
There's a market for everything except murder which is only realizable through games. That's why they keep telling us to have sex, the sex market is losing value at an unprecedented rate with zoomers and their constant flow of porn.
>GoW used to be an edgy blood and gore game
What makes you think it isn't that?
Fuck smokers
Seethe more that people in this world make money and you don't you poorfaggot drone.
Female MC = Ruined game
Again and again and again
People still think it isn't a fact
>guns good
>violence good
>race mixing good
>dude weed references good
>white males bad
>attractive women bad
>sex appeal bad
>homophobic language bad
>smoking bad
the absolute state of western civilization
>smoking bad
it is
If it was bad why would reptiloids try so hard to make you stop?`
Use your brain for once.
So is violence.
But that doesn't stop you from enjoying it in fiction.
Bu bu bu bu but Rod shat out a sob story to try and justify it!!!! Shut up!!!! Gears of Intersectional Feminism 5 will be a GOTY contender!!!!!!!
>Blood good
>Smoke bad
Unironically true
But it IS bad, you think all those peple coughing blood do it just for fun?
>anti smoking crusades
Damn, are they going to start going after satanism in games again, too? Apart from shitty 3rd world countries, pretty much nobody smokes anymore. At worst, people vape.
By this logic fat people shouldn't be allowed in videogames
Did Gears ever prominently feature smoking or drinking?
I don't recall them ever going into battle sauced with 6 cigars in their mouths.
>J-jokes on you! I suck dicks because I can afford it :)
You don't see any fat people in Gears, now do you?
truth commercials are targeting vaping now
No gays either. Or trannies. Both are clinically unhealthy.
Never played gears but how/why did they unironically make the main character literally a scene-hair dyke looking cunt??
You must have never been to Australia then, everyone at my work (including me) smokes.
Why would they do this, to protect children?
Isnt every Gears of War game Rated M, therefore only available to adults?
Isnt doing this basically admitting that underage children are the target audience for their M-rated game?
oi u gotta ciggy cunt?
Go downtown when your bars are busy. People still smoke, they're just hard to see if you never leave your room.
Even Retardera is mocking this. This is a monumental Xbox fuck-up.
It is, but I guess we'll have to wait for one of the devs to be sawed in half before they remove the violence.
The creator's friend died of smoking induced cancer
his dad actually died of a heart attack from smoking
Smoking is for actual fags though
Imagine being such a week-willed junkie addict that you get mad at people for not wanting to glorify your disgusting addiction
Got dumped for a guy that smokes? Rough break short stuff.
Someone's defensive
I don't even smoke. Your post was just dripping with rage.
smokers, vapers, whatever, fuck em. every one of them needs to be hanged. they're obnoxious, they stink up every place they go, and they spread their germs with each exhale.
Nobody will care about this except for a few idiots that rage for the sake of raging.
This. Also:
Hang fatties.
Hang manlets.
Hang baldies.
Hang gays.
Hang trannies.
Hang anyone that doesn't hit the gym 4-6 days a week.
Hang anyone who's primary """hobby""" is videogames.
>When you equate wealth and success to sucking dicks as a coping mechanism
If you keep posting this thread maybe someone will eventually give a fuck.
Exactly. It was huge dudes shooting oversized guns at weird monster men. It wasn't anything more than that.
Gaming news sites OP pic threads should be punishable by beheading.
Why shouldn't it? Smokers are some of the most disgusting people on earth.
If I'm on a plane, I'd rather be stuck next to a 400lb hambeast with FUPA cheese than a smoker, you can fucking smell them a mile away.
>there is no vape
>only Juul
Anti-smoking orgs are just cigarette companies required by law to fund counter-advertising.
Are you the same fag that created these MK threads?
>Blood good
>Tits bad
And guess who cared? Nobody. MK11 was a big commercial success.
Smashers, fatties, MTG players, Yugioh players are all worse. Smoking is gross. But it's not "shitting your pants and offensive BO" gross.
You tell'em, sister!
The difference is that not all smashers, yugioh players, etc. smell bad but ALL smokers do.
Alright, you got me there. It's not shitpants bad but it's absolutely worse than BO
My family are big smokers and they all smell like putrid asshole even when they haven't had a smoke all day. You can fucking smell it seeping out of their pores when they sweat.
I swear I rememember there being a lot of cigar smoke. Is this some Beranestein shit?
Add shit skins and Pajeets to that list. They have a crazy stench to them, holy fuck. I dread going to the gym sometimes
Burgermutts are so fucking retarded
The absolute state of Xbox
I 'member when Yea Forums Endlessly mocked that type of game, now that is all newfags want.
Sorry, I know you want to rationalize your shit addiction, but smoking is demonstrably and verifiably far less common in the west than it used to be.
Who cares dude, we just send our trash to the Philippines and Michigan I don't care if it's wasteful
These posts are always retarded because they just look like a nancy faggot who think they're mature for scrubbing "bad" representations of things, acting like the visualization is identical to endorsement.
Nearly everyone dislikes this move because even if most people who play this series doesn't smoke, having a character who does smoke in a violent war context is natural and makes sense, and there are already established characters who do so. It also fits the original over the top machismo aesthetic that the series and scrubbing something "bad" because "uuggh that's like, SO UNHEALTHY" is probably the gayest thing you could advocate for.
It's a multiplat game.
The smell worse when they do smell and it is more pungent
>posts a gif of one of the most iconic smokers in anime
It is less common, yes. It's still very common however.
Smoking is bad but I don't care if it's in my games. Maybe that's not true for NPCs who are influenced by everything on screen. Holy shit though when talking to a customer service rep the smell of smoke was so strong, I guess the smell following you everywhere isn't a meme, it's like if normalfags were smash players.
>lose someone you loved to lung cancer
>voluntarily remove smoking from the game you’re working on because you’re going through grief and don’t want to associate with behavior that caused someone you cared about to die
>a bunch of people who don’t play video game s or smoke get mad at you for it
Smoking tobacco is one of the stupidest thing people do like eating candy or milk chocolate every day.
Imagine if they found out caffiene has an 80% chance of giving you ass cancer but then idiots decided to keep drinking it and pretend it's not that bad. YOU'RE A FUCKING ADDICT GET OVER IT!
it's almost like time goes forward or something, strange
Nah it's more like neutering a piece of entertainment full of adult depictions like gore(or people who choose to smoke) and making it about your own tragedy rather than staying true to a series.
The funny thing is, both sugar and caffeine are far more addictive than nicotine.
So smokers have no excuse for their retardation, if I can cut out sugar you can cut out your fucking taint sticks
>who also died
I've had family die from liver problems that doesn't stop me from buying a pint
Quit being a pussy ass faggot
america is so ass backwards, Blood and gore is A-OK but no tits, sex, nudity or smoking thats too much, also no swear words. you can say shit but fuck is a no-no
Saving lives is more important than staying true to a video game series.
I don't remember the episode where Spike dies of lung cancer
No it's because the newshit is even worse. Old dudebro core games were at least games with level design and less nickel and dime schemes compared to these modern visually child proof RNG scheme shooters
This, I cant watch bebop since I quit smoking, scared I might relapse with all the beautiful cigarette scenes
Yeah, people obviously still smoke, especially at clubs and shit, but I can walk through downtown and 9 times out of 10, the only people smoking are going to be the homeless and/or melanin enriched gentlemen, or minimum wage workers on their smoke break. I come across far more vapelords nowadays.
You're a dumb fucking cunt mate America isn't making the game we are
People process their grief in different ways.
That looked so bad I'm surprised he didn't just dab on him.
There are open systems where you fill the device with vape liquid and there are closed systems where you got to use the cartridges. Open systems are for serious vapers who want to mix their vape juices and closed systems are for normies.
Caffeine is just like any other narcotic except it just so happens to increase productivity instead of decrease it.
Legality is determined solely from the substance's ability to facilitate a corporation extracting labor from you.
lord God almighty
>censoring legal things
You sound like a pussy
I got a cough and quit cold turkey but I still think smoking looks cool and I love Bebop I just don't do it anymore unless I get a celebratory Cuban
I don't care how Onion boy homos grief
This game is being made in Vancouver what do you expect? They're ground zero for liberal degeneracy
>Anti smoking organization
What? they are the ones creating the game, why do they need outside help to get rid of of smoking in their own game? Couldnt they just say at the beggining of the development "sup team, I as the director, dont like smoking, so dont put anything smoking related in the game"
While we're on the topic of smoking I've always wondered what make tobaccos supposedly inherently worse than smoking say, weed. I get that cigarettes have additives, but this stigma applies to the plant itself.
Is it just because tobacco stimulates the brain and weed makes you a retard which is why the oligarchs push it?
>america is so ass backwards, Blood and gore is A-OK but no tits, sex, nudity or smoking thats too much, also no swear words. you can say shit but fuck is a no-no
what the fuck are you talking about, all that stuff is everywhere in us media
It's because weed has only been legal for a year, there's not enough studies on the harmful effects it has on you yet
It's just common sense you're inhaling smoke you're damaging your lungs, you think stepping into a forest fire is okay for you because only natural pine trees are being burnt
>smoking in games makes kids smoke
>violence in games makes... uh well, that's a complicated issue. I have to think about that one...
t.fucking retard
What does a Canadian game have to do with the seppos? Did Donald Trump call Trudeau and tell him don't allow Gears 5 to include smoking in it?
You euros need to stop thinking about your American boyfriends all day it's embarrassing
Lungs were made for air. If you really knew how alveoli worked you'd realize how fucked up any smoke inhalation is.
Something doesn't have to be carcinogenic to be bad for you.
nicotin is nasty on its own.
well user we dont have sufficient evidence to say that having blood in video games has a negative social impact but having your badass protagonist smoking all the time could actually influence people who might get cancer
It's to "officialize" the act, so that they're not just removing smoke in a way where nobody would notice or care, but to have this organization put their stamp out and declare "this game OFFICIALLY SMOKING FREE" and make it ideologically anti-smoking, not just a game that happens to have no smoking.
This to me is actually lamest part, not the lack of smoking, but the fact that they're making Gears 5 go full D.A.R.E., which is just pathetic for an M rated game.
Its all bad, and tobacco IS worse, but one was ingrained as part of the culture for hundreds of years while the other gained traction in the last decades while being "related" so to say to a group of people most dislike, and its inclusion meant competition to the tobacco industry, so society cracked down harder on weed than with tobacco.
>The Coalition (formerly Zipline Studios, Microsoft Game Studios Vancouver and Black Tusk Studios) is a Canadian video game developer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and a subsidiary of Xbox Game Studios. The Coalition is best known for developing games in the Gears of War series
Yeah I get that. I'm just pointing out how retarded it is that even people who smoke weed think that tobacco is inherently worse. As far as I know the carcinogens are within the additives and not the plant alone.
Hello Philip Morris
some kids unironically still start smoking in 2019. I guess juuling isnt rebellious enough
>You sound like a pussy
>I got a cough and quit cold turkey but I still think smoking looks cool
based, fuck /fit/ fags
nice samefagging dumbass burger
>society cracked down harder on weed than with tobacco
I can literally order weed online I can't order cigarettes online
Why is it worse? What is inherently more harmful about tobacco smoke than weed? I'm taking additives out of the equation here
I don't think you know what samefagging means
Not a seppo never been there once in my life, only met one American actually and that was in Japan
this shitty ass nu-male movement jewish business suits trying to force on everybody is getting played out.
>Game has military culture
>Nobody dips
This is how you know developers never, ever, ever actually interact with real troops.
You can buy all the stuff you need: tubes, pipe tobacco, and rolling machines online and shipped to your house you ding dong. Stop making things up.
i mean, as long as it doesn't effect the gameplay and stuff nobody would even notice if there isn't anyone smoking. this isn't like blatant censorship.
But would it ship to my province? Usually they only ship within the states
He didn't die.
I don't know, ask your queen and or king.
>3.5g for $35
Who buys this shit? jesus weed clowns are retards. You can buy 1-3 good restaurant meals with that money
Who cares. Its fucking Gears lol
Hes talking about juuls
That's an obvious scam, shipping weed through the mail is a felony even in legal states. The only way to get weed online is the darknet.
I mean socially as a stigma, no one thinks nothing if you smoke tobacco, but some will raise an eyebrow if they know its weed what you are smoking.
Alright, ive informed myself a little more in these last minutes and seen that weed was worse than I thought. Not saying I was talking out of my ass but Ive heard for years that tobacco is more toxic than weed by "studies".
I was never a fan of gears but was smoking even a big part of it? The only thing I can vaguely remember was someone having a cigar
Inhaling combustible plant matter is bad for you, weed is worse because most people dont use any type of filter. Even bongs dont filter weed smoke well unless they are multi chambered.
Tobacco doesn't make you stoned.
No, never.
>kill enemy
>Inhaling combustible plant matter is bad for you
not really
>government owned website is a scam
The only scam is the stupid prices they're charging
Queen, we haven't had a king in 60 years
Nobody cares if you smoke weed, they have weed conventions where you can buy weed, hell universities even offer courses on weed
For many potheads weed is a lifestyle, taking priority over other luxuries or priorities. Markets adjust accordingly and charge what they know they can get away with.
Don't give them any ideas man. I can't tell where memes begin and reality ends anymore.
Fuck lifestylers, just let me get high on the odd weekend without paying out the ass for it
Smoking has been secretly banned since the first game and there's always been phrases like that in all games. Nothing to worry about.
Nah, I think I saw a character with a cigar in 1.
It's all bullshit anyways. Anyone npc enough to smoke is going to do it anyways regardless of if your main character does it or not. It's just some virtue signaling that was dug up so an article can be made to keep the grind of not-news going for these websites.
because women have periods it's empowering to have blood in games
Because men do it.
jk I don't know and honestly don't care
are you bootlickers defending cigarette companies now too?
why would they have to work with an anti-smoking organization, couldn't they have just not have the characters smoke without virtue signaling
Well for one the chemicals within are proven to cause lung cancer and addiction. Anyone who has tried to stop smoking will tell you how shitty it is. Anyone who has smoked for a long time will tell you how much of a money sink it can be.
Besides that, smoke intake is not what your lungs were made for. Constant smoking damages your internals and causes long term damage that requires years to fully heal. This manifests in smokers having a harder time with cardiac exercise and work while having less efficient breathing. It's not really something you can work off like that burger from McDonald's.
Besides that smoking ruins your beauty pretty quick. I've kissed both sides of the train tracks and smokers always have this ashy, grimy taste which is just terrible if they're not constantly on top of their hygiene. The smell sticks to them too and long term smokers always get that grindy voice on top of everything.
I agress
Its better to learn how to maul another than to smoke. Its pointless and its just poisoning yourself.
>chart clearly shows lung function going down with exposure for both
>not bad for you
Tobacco is worse but both are clearly terrible for you. If you wanna get high, make some edibles - as a bonus you'll learn to cook.
>Hang baldies
Which is good, the more these companies lose money due to following politics the quicker they'll go extinct, just like the audience they're targeting
>Anyone who has tried to stop smoking will tell you how shitty it is.
desu quitting smoking is fucking easy, those people are just weak-willed faggots.
I picked up vaping in my second year of uni, would do it very heavily during finals (~240ml of 12mg nicotine, which is far stronger than cigarettes) because I wanted the stimulant effect but wasn't comfortable fucking with Adderall.
Quitting cold turkey was easier than kicking my junk food habit.
why are americans so obsessed with guns, war, and violence?
they are the literal real life equivalent of orcs.
This game isn't made in America, try again
You're right I'm sure Microsoft will run out of money any day now.
Because literally their only accomplishment is winning a fight against some British cucks who couldn't even be fucked to send their full army.
America has no culture, no great thinkers or poets in their history so they resort to shooting up schools and beating the shit out of eachother in the streets like a bunch of apes.
Most smokers are too retarded and try to quit on the spot anyway.
You're supposed to gradually lower your nicotine intake until you stop it completely.
And yes, it's 100% always someone with weak will who says this shit.
It's not that they can't, they just don't want to.
It's like telling a chronic masturbator to stop wanking, except smoking is expensive
>smoking a spliff every day for 60 years causes some negative lung function
you don't say. living in a high pollution area does the same thing just look at the global asthma levels in populated urban cities. in reality that negative decline for cannabis is negligible and the written studies even explain that.
>Commenting on the study, Dr. Donald Tashkin, who has studied the relationship between marijuana smoking and lung function for more than 30 years as a professor of medicine at University of California Los Angeles said the study has confirmed what other research has also concluded on marijuana.
>“This is a well-done study involving more subjects than in the past. The public should take away it’s a confirmatory study, but larger and longer than previous studies demonstrating, once again, that smoking marijuana does not impair lung function, unlike tobacco,” Dr Tashkin said.
There's plenty of culture, but a lot of it is trashy (biker culture, city culture, nigger culture, soy culture etc)
There's plenty of great thinkers, but they're mostly immigrants so technically burgers just won the lottery when a few geniuses decided to settle down in the US
Yes, I wonder why the native americans weren't great at anything...
>new coils every few DAYS
they should be lasting at least a month
this loser doesnt think guns are good. Have fun outsourcing your violence to the cops when you need to defend yourself!
The reason why America is such an awful country today is because it's full of Irish Papist, Italians and Germans. If they stayed purely Anglo America would be the best country in the world
This is really just so they can sell the game in china, that's the only reason.
check out this 5
>marketing your videogame to people who sign play videogames
How many failures is it going to take before developers realize this isn't a viable marketing strategy?
>new coils every few days
i didn't really understand this until i had a conversation with my lesbian coworker about video games and she plays dead by daylight and league of legends and shit and hangs out on discord all the time. i never really considered that they were trying to pander to female neckbeards
thing is though they really aren't a very big demographic and i think its mostly culture war shit more than an actual strategic move. its already common knowledge that big developers give devs ultimatums based on word from their shareholders or funding so its kind of naive to assume that SJW shit gets added because its in the best interest of the game
they aren't a big demographic not because they aren't sizeable but because they don't spend a lot of thought on video games. they spend a lot of time chatting on discord or playing games where they can spend most of their time chatting. they actually don't want to spend any money or think about the game too much or anything like that.
killing doesnt kill, smoking does.
Half of all posts on Yea Forums are Twitter screencaps.
If i play a shooter and there's no blood, i'd be dissapointed
if i play a game and there's no smoking i wouldn't notice
If they didn't make a big deal about the "no smoking in upcoming Gears" none of you would realize either. Also in a world on the brink of destruction would not spend resources on growing tobacco so from a story perspective it being absent makes sense