Epic Splashes Fortnite Millions Luring Game Developers to Ditch Steam

>Inviting the wrath of diehard Steam fans, Epic Games continues to snap up Epic Store exclusives by throwing millions at developers to coax them away from Valve’s platform.
>No competitor has yet to successfully rival Steam’s dominance as the go-to digital storefront for PC games, partly due to the sheer breadth of its catalog.
>Through Fortnite’s ongoing and lucrative success, Epic Games has amassed a substantial war chest and isn’t shying away from using to secure the hottest upcoming games.

>In what is an unusually candid revelation, Rebellion Developments co-founder Jason Kingsley shed light on just how enticing Epic Games’ money can be. >Kinglsey said that Epic is;
>paying through the nose to build their store.
>No less than a month ago, Kingsley explained his reluctance to shift upcoming title Zombie Army 4: Dead War over to an exclusive Epic Store release unless presented with sufficient impetus to do so.
>It appears Epic’s money was motivating enough – Zombie Army 4: Dead War will now release as an Epic Store exclusive.
>Epic Game Store exclusivity makes sound business sense. For many developers, Epic’s tantalizing offer can be the difference between a studio staying afloat or closing its doors and can even put them in good stead for years to come.

>The backlash of exclusivity isn’t a mere annoyance, though. Several well-publicized examples prove just how intense resistance can be.
>When Kickstarter-backed Shenmue 3 was announced as an Epic Game Store exclusive back in June, many fans who had made a down payment on the title with their hard-earned cash were understandably dismayed.
>As backers clamored for refunds, Epic stepped in and promised to foot the bill, going so far as to guarantee the same for all games that suffer a similar fate when transitioning to Epic Store exclusivity.
>The move shows just how committed Epic is to the strategy.


Can anyone really stop this smug madlad?

Attached: 80.jpg (270x378, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Can anyone really stop this smug madlad?
The Mongols.

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>Can anyone really stop this smug madlad?
Winnie Pooh.

Oh hey, another Epic advertising thread.
You know what to do kids, after all advertising is against the rules!

Nobody forced developers or publishers to use Steam. They are the ones responsible for its dominance. I know it's hard for a Chinsect to understand choice and how it's nothing like bribery.

stop replying to him

>people still don't realize Valve doesn't set game prices
In fact, lower digital prices initially lead to retailers revolting and threatening they won't stock physical games. Which in turn lead to flash sales.


gaben gaben howdy do
gaben gaben how bout you
lose that money nothin new
right to the tienanmen square

come on kids sing along

winnie the pooh's rumbly tumbly adventure on epic store when

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Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh

No game is ever exclusive to Steam unless Valve themselves make it.

>the only reason to hate egs is because you love steam
Why are there no good arguments for egs existing other than its not steam?
It's a worse steam so if you hate steam you should hate egs aswell

In 2019 people care more about the launcher than the game
You truly are pathetic my fellow gamers

I’m confused. Epic Game store is free right? I have both Steam and EGS. Granted I haven’t bought a single game on EGS but the option is there

>or buys it
stop being this deluded drone, valve made like two games

*deletes your game*
epic shills will defend this

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>"Steam has too many bad games crowding the platform. We will only have good games"

>releases configurable AI that can find exactly what games you would like


its even more "free" than steam, you get a free game each week

>[The O’Jays - For the Love of Money starts playing]

Attached: Sweeney about Windows Store in 2017.jpg (907x899, 291K)

>what is a support ticket

Attached: okay.png (645x729, 91K)

>We will only have good games"

Any dev involved with epic exclusivity should realize that their brand will be seen as poison for awhile. Ez payday tho, so who cares right?

>Valve releases advanced AI for Steam
>Epic releases online shopping cart for Epic Games Store

Just like Prime, hulu and hbo made netflix better?

China has been generous.

netflix was shit to begin with based retard, netflix is trash compared to hbo

If epic wanted people to buy from their store they would cooperate with the devs to put exclusive skins into Fortnite, literally the only card in their deck
This is literally what valve did with a bunch of TF2 cosmetics
How this idea eluded them, I cannot comprehend

here's your support bro

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>Inviting the wrath of diehard Steam fans
Biased article. It invites the wrath of anyone with half a brain, who can see that buying exclusivity is a shitty, scummy tactic that will do nothing but segment the market and turn it into fucking Netflix.

Thanks to epic platforms like GoG and others are able to exist. No one would know who they were if it weren't for based Tim giving them free publicity

>cant even create a proper account or makes two accounts
>cries about "bugs"

I'm not. A competitive market costs the consumer in the long run in this industry. By signing away exclusives, digital stores only serve to segregate online communities. We've become increasingly isolated in online gaming communities because you get groups that only play on GOG, or groups that hardcore stick to uplay. Some people only use steam. I have a friend who won't even use discord and the only way I can keep in touch with him is via Skype.

My point is that it's great for competition to exist, but forced competition through exclusivity contracts hurt the community in the long run and segregates players.

>go on lad this ones on me -tim "free games for all gamers" sweeny

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>what nowadays
Nothing, even got is trash, westworld season 2 also sucked hard.


What the fuck are you saying?
Take your pills.


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>what is chernobyl
reddit zoomer kill yourself, netflix is for subhumans like you

I hate this comic so much because it's entirely a lie. even when steam was just for valve games, you could buy them at a retail store. Steam was never a 'you must buy from here' kind of place.

learn to read faggot, they checked his account and found an empty place

Ebin is not bad because of their shitty store. It's something that's easy to point to that even smoothbrains will easily grasp, but it's not why they're bad. In fact it's lucky Epic is so fucking stupid that they haven't put in the minimum amount of time in effort to improve that shit because if they REALLY wanted to they could do it easily and then 9/10 people who don't like the Epic store but can;t articulate WHY would have nothing to say.

The Epic store is bad because of their stated goal to change the power dynamics of the PC gaming market. Right now it's a consumer-centric pull market with relatively low barriers to entry for outsiders and an open garden philosophy where consumers have a lot of choice relative to consoles in how they consume the products they purchase.

Developers like Epic HATE this. They hate that consumers have too much control over the games they buy, they hate how there's no gatekeeping on their side to keep unwanted competition out. EVERYTHING Epic has said about the store wars has revolved around how "good for developers" they are (as if we should fucking care as consumers) and arrogant flaunting of their disdain for consumers and how we want to play our games by throwing around money to try to force us into accepting them.

THIS is why they're bad. Their not bad because they brought "console wars" to PC. Their bad because they want to turn PC gaming into the walled garden of console gaming. The threat of Ebin Games Store's success is literally the worst fucking thing that could ever happen to PC gaming.

Do not support Epic in any way, ever. Pirate anything you don't have the self-control to wait for for forego

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Nobody is "forcing" devs to use Epic either. It's not like Sweeney is putting a gun to their heads and says "Go Epic, or else!".
