Is this one good? I don't hear people talk about it very much

is this one good? I don't hear people talk about it very much.

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it's a great game with a great antagonist, i wonder how will they change nemesis in the remake

No, skip it. RE4 is the bomb.

It's my favorite out of all of them, I would recommend playing it if you liked the others.

Yes, it’s great. The RPD section is very short so this game ends up being the one where you explore the “streets” of Raccoon City as opposed to the mostly contained/inside exploration of 2.

Play it. If you don't, you'll be constantly thinking about playing.

Have fun!

At least its not a garbage as veronica.

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It is the best PS1 Resident Evil by far.
Just don't play on the Easy mode. The "Hard" is pretty much the same as the past games' "Normal", and the only way to truly get the most out of it.

It is very good. In some ways I prefer it over RE2, which I guess still wins out of pure nostalgia alone. Tech and game-feel -wise, 3 is superior, Nemmy is a great addition, and the game has THE best Mercenaries mode out of all the REs.

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it's very good, it's one of those cases where "more of the same" is a good thing. Nemesis and all the choices you can make are fun. also great setting. the first 3 RE are classics for a reason.

Out of the first three games it has the worst soundtrack but it's still a good soundtrack. I can't think of anything truly bad about the game right now, it's just a good game. Play it

the reason you dont see people talk about it here is because is good

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Except that's not what it is you fucking monkey, it's literally the original backgrounds in high-res.

It's too old for 90% of this board. They can't remember best RE.

This argument doesn't work with AI-rendered stuff because it's still all the original assets.

100% true
>newfags and zoomers that think analog VGA resolution looks better when higher res
holy shit kys retard.

It's not analog VGA resolution you literal poser.

zoomer larping as boomer: the post
Unironically get cancer and die

Fuck off. You RE4 infants are embarrassing. 4 is a fun shooter, but ultimately it's an unsatisfying RE game. It's brain dead and unsatisfying. Meanwhile Resident Evil 2 original, and remake are both infinitely better games .

OP, RE3 is a great game though it isn't a huge leap from 2. It's 2, if it were a single campaign that was longer. I recommend watching a video to train parries and dodges before you seriously play.

By the way, a new HD mod was developed for 3 using Dolphin to replace the low res backgrounds.

kys retards. that game's assets were made for 640. it just looks fucking shit when you upscale backgrounds but the poly count stays the same. This needs a REvamp. all those mods are cancer. always.

You need more buzzwords in your larp.

>Yea Forums proves again it has terrishit taste

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It's good but also pretty standard if you've played the other classic RE games.

that is nowhere near any uncanny valley effect

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up niggers, no one cares if you think HD mod ___ is good or not.

Shut up fag

Just started Re2. Am I doing it right? I've just been running up to zombies and cutting them up with the knife. I would shoot them but ammo seems like something I should hold on to.

Your best option is to run around them if it's safe to do so. Ammo is valuable but health even more so and getting close to them with the knife is a good way to waste your health.


It's the weakest of the classic style RE games but it's still pretty good and worth a play

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Played it for the first time like a year ago and decided I wanted to defeat nemesis on each encounter to get his drops but the nigga is hard as shit and led me to drop the game for the time being.

You'll get better if you learn to run arouynd them. Save your shotgun for lickers and rooms with lots zombies.

By the way, if you blow up a zombie's legs and eave the room and come back, it will disappear even if it isn't "dead".

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Code Veronica is a far weaker game than RE3.

But it's the second best classic RE behind REmake. You can't honestly say this game is worse than Code Veronica or Zero.

OK thanks. They just seem to get back up anyway after I thousand cut them. I'll just run then.

>parties and dodges
This is so fucking important and some people play the whole game without knowing it

*blocks your path*

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Google "The End of the Great Dario Rosso" and "Resident Evil: Ménage à Trois"

>jellymad dreamcucker

Very good. RE2 is more about survival while 3 is a bit more action oriented but its atmosphere is almost as good.

It's a million times better than RE2's fuckin boring ass setting
>Police station
Most dull as fuck setting in the whole series and yet for some reason people pretend RE2 is the one where you fight monsters in the streets of Raccoon city.

you playing the CLASSIC RE2, or the demake?
in case of former, knife is totally useless. Just stash it. Shoot what you need.

I'd say 3 is even more about survival than 2. Especially if you play on Hard.

>Code Veronica is a far weaker game than RE3


>You can't honestly say this game is worse than Code Veronica or Zero.

It's not as good as those games

Everything RE3 does is done better by another game in the series. It has no standout qualities apart from its (at least until RE4) relatively novel outdoor setting

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yes, you are.
CV is the weakest classic RE. Even more so than Zero.

RE2 is the most nostalgia filtered game in the series because it's the first one most people played.

RE2 gave us Claire though.

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What games would those be? Zero and Code Veronica are poorly paced and mediocre slogs, 3 has none of the baggage that those games carry. You're giving to have give better reasoning as to how 3 is worse than either of those.

Claire is wonderful, yes

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RE2 > RE3 > RE1 > shit > RECV

>I'd say 3 is even more about survival than 2. Especially if you play on Hard.

I did both on Hard, Nemesis early is quite hard if you're going for all drops but past RPD you're swimming in healing items, not to mention so much powder lying around. 2 on the other hand had me redoing segments over and over again due to pistol RNG and Claire dying in one bite if not at 100% condition.

Capcom should put the old ps1 games on the switch. I loved the first 3 re games.

RE3 is the diet version of RE2 with only one slightly longer scenario, ammo crafting and dodges which you only need for Nemesis since he can outrun you.

RECV and RE0 both have more content, more elaborate and intricate environment design, and better visuals/sound/music.

I'll reiterate that RE3 is a good game, but it's bottom of the barrel stuff. The only reason to replay it is when you're bored of the others and want something different.

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Fun fact. Jill is voiced by the same person who voiced Jean in the 90s Xmen cartoon.

RECV is piece of shit with bad graphics, bad audio, bad writing, bad map design.
RE0 is pretty, but suffers of all of the above.

Meanwhile, RE3 is a natural evolution and an all-around improvement from RE2.

It's definitely my favorite of the original trio. I love the setting of exploring the ruins of the city itself instead of being stuck in one location, and Nemesis is a great enemy.

If they do remake 3, the fact that it's set throughout the whole city gives it so much potential to be expanded on. They could have all kinds of alternate routes and optional places to explore, and of course that opens up for tons more references to Outbreak, which is always a good thing.

And Jill is best girl, of course.

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They better not.

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Why is this so hard for everyone? I could do it as a child, yet my uncle still can't do it as a grown ass man.


delete this right fucking now

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>RE3 is the diet version of RE2 with only one slightly longer scenario, ammo crafting and dodges
I like how you just list all of these improvements and elements that makes it stand above it's predecessor like as if they're neutral elements that don't affect anything.

i love nemesis so much, im sad they never used him properly again

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>You have terrible taste because you like something i don't!
>posts things without understanding what they mean

I loved that he would just fuck up any other monsters that got in his way. Meanwhile virgin T-103 can get stuck in a crowded hallway.

i still have his roar stuck in my head

3 is awesome, go play it my man.

Outfit 4 looks all right. Even if it's changed in the remake they'll have the classic as an unlockable.

Should be the other way around. Needs to be her original outfit and use any of that shit they want as unlockables.

Speaking of unlockables, they better not fuck it up in the remake. Resident Evil as a series is downright schizophrenic with unlockables. Some games have tons of outfits, unlockable weapons, the bonus games, infinite ammo for everything, etc. Meanwhile some of the other games have almost nothing. It's actually infuriating to think about. RE3 had great unlockable and they better live up to that.

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RE3's additions aren't really what I'd call improvements, and the only reason they stand out at all is because the rest of the game is so unimaginative. You can tell the game was originally a low-budget B team spin-off schedule-filler, while the important talented guys went to work on CV/Kamiya's RE3

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>bad graphics
first with 3D rendered backgrounds
>bad audio
best ambient tracks thus far
>bad writing
RE always had shit writing, if anything CV is aware of itself
>bad map design
your 40 IQ was filtered by military training facility

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I don't think it's needed. You can just bob and weave just like in 1 and 2 just fine despite zombies in 3 getting a speed boost.


its the best PS1 RE game



RECV is the grand master challenge of three-dimensional environmental puzzle design

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Please deposit any metallic items you have, in the security box.

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>Talented Guys

>CV is aware of itself

Which is the worst thing that could have happened.

"Bad on purpose" is the worst trend of the last 20 years.

the game scenario was designed well for survival-horror. you could skip every scene in the game and enjoy it without seeing the cutscenes and voice acting, not to mention the antics of steve, wesker and alfred, it was all comic relief. there's nothing wrong with that

This is now a Code Veronica thread.

RECV was directed by Hiroki Kato who was one of the planners of RE1 and the lead designer for God Hand and Vanquish


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Did the tyrant in that have an official name? My dad and I always called it T-078, but I can't remember why we got that.
seems you guys had it right

RE 3 is good. Retards call it an "action game" compared to the others yet if you kill everything in the game you will not have the ammo to complete it just like past games

It's good, but it's kind of derivative of 2 and the map design isn't as strong. It does have some novel concepts like plot choices, environmental interactivity, and of course Nemesis. It's definitely a lot harder than 2 though.

It's funny that the two difficulty choices are "Easy" and "Hard", there's no Normal.

RE3 is an action game, but I considered everything besides RE1/REmake as action games with horror elements.

Great but short.

See here is a retard

Unless you are really fucking bad, you should never run out of ammo in any RE game.
RE1 gives you so much fucking bullets to kill pretty much everything in your way, even for Chris on the hardest difficulty
RE2 is even worse to the point you can have over 70 bullets before even reaching the Police Station
RE3 has RE2 ammo problem while also adding ammo crafting so you can have the right ammo to kill even easier.

If you approach RE 3 like an "action game" and shoot everything and kill Nemesis every time you will run out of ammo. Why are you being dishonest retard?

That's the thing, resource management is most relevant on a first playthrough where you're still figuring out the game. Obviously if you're experienced with the games you know how the shooting works and how to use your resources efficiently.

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Not him, but you literally wont. I always did the "kill everything" playstyle as a kid and as long as you know what weapons to use in each situation, you will never run out of ammo. But the same goes for RE2.

RE1 was the only one where I felt like I had to conserve ammo.

it's good but i found nemesis frustrating, sometimes i struggled to lose him and it just felt like time wasting as i run circles around the environment so i can do a puzzle

Resource management really only works on the first time playing the series. Even when playing REmake2 on the professional blind, I still beat the game with way too much ammo because I knew how the series is by now.

clearer picture does not always mean better. I'd play the original over this any day.

I really want to see how the opening city fight looks in the remake. Also, can we settle this once and for all, what the FUCK does the mercenary say when the elevator opens and the zombies come out? No matter how I listen to it it sounds like

This is my favorite in the original trilogy. I'm in a minority that thinks RE2 is the weakest of 1-3 though.

best of the original trilogy

Which version of 3 is the best one?
Or does it not matter that much?

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>clearer picture does not always mean better
In this case it does and you'd have to be braindamaged to think otherwise considering the game environments are all just static images, now just at higher resolution.

The best one of the original trilogy, this game is the one where you truly explore Raccon City, aside from the Outbreak games, and I have been wishing for a remake since they did the one for the RE 1. You don't necessarily have to fight Nemesis every time you encounter him, but if you do, and you are playing in hard mode or new game+, be sure to inspect it's body after you knock him out as it drops special items.

It doesn't really matter. The PC and Dreamcast versions have some different unlockable outfits, but nothing mind blowing.

He pretty clearly says NEVERRRR

I swear most of its fanbase is Mexican.

For what I gather, RE3 was the most pirated game in Mexico and Brazil (Even more so than San Andreas), not to mention they added a latino character to the game which made them go insane with the game.

KoF and RE3 are beaner games but they are really good games.

To Op's question, yes it is good but as ridiculous as RE5 in tone, it pretty much the jame that jumped the shark. From that particular time, you got Dino Crisis and Gallerians which were really cool but not as popular as Resident Evil and almost as cheesy.

Re2 remake had nothing

It had unlockable weapons, the infinite knife is a godsend, can't remember what the other weapons are

What makes RE3 any more ridiculous in tone than RE2?

It's terrible but it's old so you need to pretend it's good. Way worse than 1 and 2.

>To Op's question, yes it is good but as ridiculous as RE5 in tone
>it pretty much the jame that jumped the shark
That would definitely be Code Veronica.

Imagine being this pathetically contrarian. Hang yourself.

It's garbage. 4 hours long, filled with backtracking even more than previous games and horrible item placement (you'll get key items you won't use for literally 40 minutes with 0 indication of what they could be for so you either have to carry them around forever or store them and backtrack when you finally need them) controls are horrible and with certain enemies like dogs and hunters you'll roll rather than shoot because of how their attacks work, but the dodge doesn't have any iframes so it often results in you taking damage if there's multiple enemies. The one selling point it has is Nemesis, until you realize all you have to do is just run in a circle going through areas until until the "super spooky Nemesis music" cuts off and then continue what you were doing, or just make 10 freeze rounds and kill him everytime. Add to this the worst boss fights of any RE game, and the horrible level design (hope you love running down straight line back alleys) along with the "choices" that are basically amount to whether you start areas at the front or back of an area and it's a pretty shit game all in all, zoomers who've never played it love it because OMG NEMESIS SO SCARRY STARS XD even though he's literally a non factor and easily dispatched even if you want to waste time fighting him. It was a quick cash side game made by capcoms b team just like survivor though so it's not that surprising, play Code Veronica if you want something more in line with 1 or 2

>4 hours long

God damn how bad can you be at videogames? Even as a child I considered a 3 hour run to be about as long as you could stretch the game, and that includes killing a bunch of random monsters, doing the optional backtracking, and fighting Nemesis every time.

>4 hours long
I can beat Resi 2 in an hour and a half and that's without using any autistic speedrun strats/just knowing what do to in general. 4 hours long isn't a criticism
>so you either have to carry them around forever or store them and backtrack when you finally need them
Just like Resi 1 and 2 or every classic Resi game?
>controls are horrible
It was the first Resi game to introduce the quickturn and Jill was the easiest series protag to control in terms of movement speed up to that point. Your points about the dodging are valid, though. I pretty much always did it by accident
>or just make 10 freeze rounds and kill him everytime
Saying a major enemy is trivial after you've played the game a dozen times, learned his patterns and know the most efficient way to kill him isn't a criticism. I still misread his movement sometimes and get my shit pushed in

RE3 is a good game. One of My favorites after RE2

Shut the fuck up


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It's an amazing game and they are about to ruin its legacy with a garbage remake like they did with RE2.

It’s good but the map design isn’t as good as RE2. The aesthetic of the streets is a million times cooler tho. Adds counter for more action mechanic stuff. Overall I think RE4 is better but RE3 should NOT be skipped over.

Gee, I wonder what content the remake will cut this time?
Live-selection? Brain Suckers? Will the spiders still be left out? Will they think a giant worm is silly like they did the alligator?

I had no idea this was a problem for people until it got brought up in a thread a couple years ago with shitloads of footage of LPers going completely pants on head retarded trying to solve it like imbeciles. I'm fucking baffled that this could ruse anyone past 1st grade.

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>tank controls

No thanks.
I was born in 92 so fuck you.

If its not tons of costumes I don't care