Altair, it seems my students dont fully understand what it means to wield the blade

>Altair, it seems my students dont fully understand what it means to wield the blade
>perhaps you could show them what you know
what was his problem, why was he forcing Altair to do his job for him

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Your clearly more skilled than him so why would it be weird to show of lf some moves?

he wanted Altair to kick their asses so these dumb fucks will try train harder the next time

why are assassins trained by someone like that then
shouldnt they use veterans or some shit, Altair was on an important mission

>hey guys people don't like Desmond and the First Men subplot
>maybe we should make it interesting?
>K, let's wrap it up then
>no how about we drop a rock on Desmond and then throw our other subplots into a terrible side comic and call it a day

bravo Ubisoft

A better question, why is his hood grey instead of white?

>Altair was on an important mission
There wasn't much in the way of time pressure for Altair though. He had more than enough time to do some training on top of his investigations and murders.

not an assassin i suppose

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I don't understand how anyone cannot swim.
I never had swimming lessons as a child; I've always just instinctively known how to swim, or at least stay afloat. Babies instinctively know how to be buoyant too, so why the fuck do people need to 'learn' this?

Same thing about sex. I never needed sex ed as a child; I already knew what I needed to know without anyone ever telling me.

a big problem is that people panic and start breathing fast, basically not keeping any air in your lungs making swimming very very difficult, go into a swimming pool and swim while breathing normaly, then take very short breaths and do it again
it pulls you under the water

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what the fuck was his problem

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Assassins can be assholes too

why was this racist

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better yet, how the fuck did that basement have all those statues of assassins dead for over 1000 years and they looked exactly like they did

But Altair was a fucking novice both by rank and ability (which was fucking retarded, I get that he had his equipment taken away but how did Mustafa or whatever was his name take his abilities out?) at the beginning of the game.

apple of eden

Why didn't he steal Altairs abilities during final fight then?

He upgraded the apple to be able to teleport, and it's lost this ability.

Amunet doesn't look like her statue

well amunet is a faggot so he doesnt count


Cesare was based and incestpilled

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Give me the apple!


It is mine not yours!


Give me the apple!

>the most succesful pirate in history
>its just a sidemission assassination

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it's so you could review all the sword moves for the late game templar fights that you forgot while spamming the hidden blade for the first 80% of the game.

I want to see her face when I "accidentally" cum in side her ass

That wasn't her, just an inspiration

Reminder that it's Al Mualim who's betrayed us

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For some people it's intuitive and easy to learn, for most others, they panic as they get into a situation they don't understand and ends up doing all the wrong things.
Like that married couple who for years had sex by having the penis penetrate the urethra instead of vagina.

he wasnt wrong