ITT: Things that drain the fun out of video games

ITT: Things that drain the fun out of video games

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ranked mode with skill level that follows each player

That would be true if someone played as Medic.

Litterally competitive in general

>not sniper
Theres no bigger killjoy than randomly being instakilled by some dickhead on the other side of the map who just left clicked on your head

competitive matchmaking more specifically I think
organized competitive play like a LAN where the players are able to meet each other first are fine

>inb4 that faggot with the copypasta shows up

spies and snipers. drain fun whether they're on your team or the other.
snipers for having a hitscan weapon with no dropoff that can instakill from across the map in a game where literally every other weapon is projectile and/or only effective in close range. commonly blatantly using aimbots.
spies for doing nothing but kill-trading or dead-ringer spam.

both for always being dead weight and played by 12-year olds named "deathstalker" that ignore the objective, teamwork, can't play any other class, and screech in VC.

also these

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you forgot spy, sniper and engineer

*politics i don’t like

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>spies and snipers. drain fun whether they're on your team or the other.
t. Under 50 hours

People would just hog spots with medpacks and engis would be overvalued. You're a fucking idiot.



tf2 would be unplayable without medic, even without engie too

not even just politics I don't like
if games were super preachy about things I believe like how slavery is bad I would still constantly groan and be like "yeah, I get it"
kinda like how people are groaning about all the Trump criticism in the media nowadays

tf2 should just be scouts and snipers

relying on medic is gay, hiding behind engie nest is gay

My personal beliefs are apolitical.

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Writers derailing a game to tell their shitty narrative because they wished they could work in hollywood but had neither the skills nor the nepotism to break in.

Friendlies who go apeshit in chat and start votekicks after being killed in a casual match

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