Had a video game ever made you cry?

>”It may have only been for one day but atleast I became... a builder”

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>Game starts with you a prisoner of monsters who threaten to kill you constantly
>Weeping fellow prisoners in the next cell
>Work for the monsters and earn their trust
>Big storm hits and kills everyone
>Find their corpses on the beach

I kinda miss that skeltal dude

How does such a light hearted game have such dark writing?
>Everyone but you and 1 other on the whole ship die
>Pastor Al dies
>MC from DQB1 dies which causes the Deitree to die which in turn causes decades of famine and destruction

I’be just finished the first island and I’m already depressed as fuck

Dragon Quest has never shyed away from corpses, death, and slavery despite how colorful it is. Still got that 80s magic to it

Man just wait until the later chapters, this game gets really dark. The Children of Hargon have a literal death camp for builders with guillotines and a crematorium to burn their corpses.

What the fuck
Where's the ethics department

>>MC from DQB1 dies


so both my infinite pot and my ore whistle are gone.

pot vanished right before i went down for the diamond raid on island 2, tried to ignore and make due without it, and then the whistle vanished when i got my gear back at the jailbreak, pot was still missing too.

am i fucked?

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is the switch port as shit as people say?

Yeah. 20 FPS at all times even with the downgrades.
Wish I got the PS4 version instead.

what about portable mode?

Stop falling for what the """""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""say"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'

Been playing through switch version, I kind of bought it on impulse. The textures look kind of shitty in first person and my switch sounds like it's trying to take off but apart from that it seems perfectly fine.

Have you held A/O?

lmao, wait until you learn that a character in VI got enslaved, tortured and probably raped, while her brother got beaten near death

>tiny Lillian dancing in the crowd with the pumpkin hat on

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>Get back to the Island of Awakening after island 2
>This fucking hippy/mellow Hargon guy
Fucking kek.

This, skelebro was cool as hell.

Anyone autistic enough to catalog the music that plays in the game? They're the nice versions of songs usually found in the iOS/Android ports, if you're looking it up on Youtube the SNES/DS/etc. versions will be lower quality midi versions which sound totally different most of the time due to better instruments used in the new remixes

>battle theme
DQ2 battle theme

>invasion theme
DQ4 battle theme

>first island overworld
DQ6 overworld

>first waking up on Isle of Awakening music
"Saint" from DQ5

>coralily cave on first island
DQ5 dungeon theme

>Brainy Badboon battle theme
DQ5 boss theme

>Furrowfield while rebuilding the deitree
"Colosseum Back Room" -DQ4

>Furrowfield music after restoring everything
DQ5 town theme

I'm not that autistic about music, but the fucking Furrowfield theme is so good.

The ending of Mother 3. I won't spoil it, but anyone who's played it knows why.
That game will never be officially localized because it's fucking dark, man.

I’m so glad Builders uses old DQ music

Saint is so fucking good, first song you hear after escaping 10 years of slavery.


Yeah I was playing Sonic Shuffle and winning. Then the AI switched to hell mode and stole all my items, won all the mini-games and I ended up coming in last place within a 15 minute time span and lost. Board maps in that game can take an hour to complete, and all that work just went down the drain because of BS AI.

I cried rage tears and threw my controller at my Dreamcast.

I heard the DQ2 menu theme in it as well. If "menu theme" kino existed, that theme would be it.

How the fuck do I use the wind traps? I'm at the part where I have to set up the defenses on my island but no matter what switch I put near the wind trap, it doesn't activate.

>The textures look kind of shitty in first person
both games on ps4 and switch have the same settings and resolution, the game isn't that detailed though

If you returned without the pot?
Yes, obviously that is not suppose to happen. whistle I haven't need it since chapter 2

Honestly, I love DQ11's boss theme. I don't care if its the newest game in the series, but that theme conveys dread really well.

ive only played in portable and never had any frame issues so far (played through first island atm)

>that framerate on island 2 on Switch
Jesus christ, is the next island at least a little better? The first island was perfectly playable, I guess the framerate takes a hit because of all this bullshit temple built underground?

Does anybody know what the other upgrades do? I know the pencil lets me make my own blueprints, but I couldn't find anything on the other 3.

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The third island is the worst, enjoy your 15 fps at all times. Or you can play in portable mode and have flawless frames, its up to you.

-i forgot what chisel does
-pot upgrade allows you to SUCC lava and ocean water
-buildnoculars allows you to build and place blurprints from anywhere

>Got the lute thing to play music
>Terrible memory so completely forgot where to find it after taking a break

Might have to just restart the game on PS4, then..

What is even the point of doing isle of awakening stuff anyway? Like I get you gotta do the base objectives to progress, but why would I stick around when I could go to another island to get unlimited supplies of shit then move on to the next chapter.

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Because dragon quest games are written more like traditional fantasy, and death is common in traditional fantasy, even ones meant for kids.

Thanks! That's a pretty good goal for freemode honestly, I'm glad there is a mechanic to work towards.

The switch version has big fps issues? Dang I was hoping to get it on that for the portability, I guess I'll go with PS4.

>talking about sticky pages in porn magazines
>questline involving rummaging through your toilets to harvest villager's shits
>unique villager that peeps on people in the bath house
>fucking death camp with torture rooms and crematoriums
and this is the first 20% of the game

In handheld mode there isn't much framerate issues to be honest.

You can use that poison needle weapon to 1 hit ko "super-strong" monsters.

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>Pastor Al

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>Went to fight this same enemy after getting that weapon
>One hit killed it on the first hit

Hope there's a stronger one of these later because I was reluctant to stop using it but it became too weak during island 2.

>Finish 1st island
>Get back
>No idea what to do
I'm just kinda lost

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