7th stand user

7th stand user

>Decapitate works on tanks and assault helicopters
>Nazi Solider on my side
>Speed Wagon taking canon fire to the face
>Cowboy vs Zombies

Jason's Bizarre adventure baby.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I love shorty

I hate you so much

I haven't been following as close as I'd like but has anyone seen chaosanon posting? Is he alive?

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Seethe harder.

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>Woman who knows you're an OC and needs you not fucking up continuity

How many levels deep of MADE IN HEAVEN is this game?

I'm honestly amazed of how much the bunny suit is actually referenced in-game.

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He posts from time to time but was triggered that there might be fem anons here

I'm more shocked how many racist taunts are thrown at you for wearing the samurai suit considering a japanese person made this.

Do you level new stands in NG+ or do you usually just try to roll your old one?

Really? How do I get a suit?

Yeah, he’s alive. He mentioned that he’d be busy wagecucking most days but that he’d update on his off days.

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Reminder that speed stands suck dick.

Okay what's the objective 5 strongest stands???

>the bag of holding is literally the most busted Stand

I love this little bird.

Play as male and get the kid with glasses his porn mag back.
talk to him before you beat up Kak in japan and then go to the teacher lounge and follow the trail from there after you leave the joestar house.

He's a support stand. There's a difference.

Huh, how does it look?

>forever laughs at us
>jotaro goes berserk
>immediately uses brainstorm
Dude, c'mon, the exp points...

I did this but got a traditional kimono and ponytail instead of the samurai armor.

Posted yesterday, he's still at it.

It's refereed to a as a samurai suit not samurai armor common mistake i expected cool armor too.

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That's it but people still call you a samurai.

Thats how samurai most often dressed you think they walked everywhere in full battle armor ?


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What's up with the samurai armor I've seen some player characters wearing, though?

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AI just doesn't want to suffer anymore than it has to.

Idk if chaosanon is here but I found this little software that lets you extract all text from a rpg maker 2000/2003/XP game, translate it and then put it back in the game. It's called DreaMaker and you can dowload it here rpg-maker.fr/programmes-type-utilitaires.html
Problem, the doc is only in french and italian but it should be easy to understand. You just need to put the exe next to the rpg maker game exe and execute it.

That's for distinctive characters

They usually just say something like "Eh? tf is a samurai doing around these parts?"

I see, does distinctive female/not-jolyne also get a different costume by equipping the bunny suit?

Every male appearance gets a different costume


the jelly ellipsis were also a treat

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I haven't played short male, but chubby and average both get variations of a kimono, does short also get one? If so, I wouldn't really call them "different costumes" besides the distinctive character's.

Shorty gets a ninja suit if I remember

why does this fan game feel like something that would actually be released around the 90's?

8-bit style.

It has soul

Jesus, even in Polarneff's Lvl 30s he's fucking useless.

What fight?

Faithful to source material.

EEHHHHHHH time to start a new fucking file it seems

In-general. Like, even against mobs. It's fucking amazing in how useless he is.

What stang would fit a straight up samurai?

killer joy?
(only real blade user stand)

One of the beast type stands?

Napalm death?

Not really though, just take the armor off and go ham.

Yet people have trouble with hong kong polnareff and anubis polnareff

thanks dr jones

Mr. Big, Pharoah Sanders, Red Garland, and maybe howlin' wolf for that epic samurai riding a fucking wolf look.

Boss Polnareff does not equal companion Polnareff.

Also, Hong Kong Polnareff has dozens of silver chariots backing him up and I've still roasted his ass with every stand I've played at lvl 10. Like, I fucking beat him with Miracles. He's not that hard if you know how to fight him.

Whats the best stand and why is it specials?

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He is literally impossible with S stands if you get too low on the quiz.

Try it with the weakest stand stats

No thank you. Have fun doing that Red Garland, bruh.

>useless against anything at mid and long ranges
>needs taught skills to be effective
>taught skills have an extremely low percentage of actually learning them
lol, sure

nigger what are you smoking,
their not good at long ranges but mid and short ranges.
plus its one of the stands that has nice dialogue.

It's fine if you don't fuck up the quiz but some situations it's impossible.

>their not good at long ranges but mid and short ranges.
i'm sure those two mid-range attacks are good enough

specials suuuucks without the learned skills, man

I won't deny that. It's just not as hard as everyone makes it out to be.

Does anyone know how to play this in color?
Some dudes posted screenshots and everything was in color. if it werent mock-ups where does one get the patch?

>playing Joykiller the whole time
>Love him
>see distinct characters get samurai armor
>Thinking of starting over and roller carpenters or napalm death
>considering taking howlin wolf but since he is based on a nigger somewhat dont want him

How good are they? should i just stick with my original stand?

Pretty sure they were just rolling with low stats if your level 20 and not doing enough dmg to kill him even with S stands something is for sure wrong. Just saying because i had the same issue before i knew about the PQ stats.

>Just started for the first time
>got Napalm Blast
>Kira bombing anything with nuke
Anons is it the best stand?

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>>considering taking howlin wolf but since he is based on a nigger somewhat dont want him
Why? His name's fitting, man.

Carpenters is decent but he's mostly support in the early-game before he gets his fuck-off 1HKOs, napalm death's decent all around but useless against long range opponents like most close range stands, and Howlin' Wolf's mid-range ensures you'll be doing reliable high damage throughout the entire game.

Also, with Howling Wolf, you get certain dialogues with Iggy and this.

He's probably the second-best mid-range stand next to Pharoah Sanders.

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Discount Killer Queen is good but also lame because it's just discount Killer Queen.

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Just played 7th stand user on my cellphone while i was in line for the doctor and i am from Brazil

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did dio fuck her?

>He's probably the second-best mid-range stand next to Pharoah Sanders.
>not Caravan
>not Sonic Youth

Dia de inspeção do piru?

Why, are you dying or something?

Sonic youth is a good debuffer but eh for everything else.

Haven't tried Caravan but I've heard lots of good shit.

Acabei de perceber como a Rainbow e o Bent out of shape nessa imagem que cê postou formam uma silhueta parecida com o mapa do Brasil.

>being a classic rock fan and hating black people when they pioneered the genre
Looks like you get to miss out on some of the greatest bands of all time moron lmao

I literally don't give a shit about your "oh niggers made blues which made rock shit etc..."

the genre of music I enjoy does not mean i have to like anyone simple as that. That's like saying someone can't be racist because they eat peanut butter. No one gives a shit.

exame de prostata
mentira, só passei no geral com os meus exames pra ver se estava tudo bem
nah, just doing a checkup
bem notado, anão

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Qual seria a habilidade de uma stand com o nome de Sepultura?

What stand can i use to be legit strong than the world?

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Red Garland. If you want something with abilities rivaling ZA WARUDO, you probably want Miracles and its mind fuckery.

>Caring about being based on a nigger when there are stands based on femoids and americows

Ow the edge

Is this the biggest myth of all time?

At what level should i try fighting Ult. being Kars? He just fucking 1HKO's me and Joseph in 2 turns.

Probably a necromancer stand

>tfw you dodge Joey's Nuke
Miracles don't give no fucks.

look at this basic getting offended by racism on Yea Forums

>This version of Cars can be fought on the 2nd playthrough and up. Stats are the same, but he will recover 999HP each turn. In addition, he is no longer weak to Light damage, and cannot be afflicted with BlowBack, OnFire, Berserk, or NoSenses. He will use Absorb Flesh to steal your HP and SP, and once his health gets low enough, he will use Evolve to even further buff his stats.

Red Garland and Jotaro Timestop spam.

Red Garland is also a nigger though don't want to use that.

top kek, enjoy never winning

Then don't fight Ult.Kars. He's the ultimate life form for a reason pal.

Should i wait until Red Garland Requiem or is Level 45 fine?

Can't be beaten by a non nigger named stand? Also red seems so boring just another punch stand with no extra powers.

>abloobloobloo the song was made by someone with a different skin color
Is there anything more pathetic than racism? Everyone hates niggers, but people also hate white trash, spics, chinks, gooks, or every other bad example of any race.

Nope, you need Requiem to leave room for a victory.

I mean you could try nuking him with Caravan, but he could still fuck you up super easy with those stats.

Only one crying is you my man. Niggers are unironically the most racist people you will ever meet in daily life. Why you feel the need to get offended on a chinese image board is beyond me.

>I’m not offended even though I’m offended that these songs were made by people I don’t like
Why are you here, you dumb nigger?

>faggot tries to derail thread with forced misogyny false flag
>faggot tries to derail thread with forced racism false flag
Only chaos user can save us from this gayness

imagine being a bully in Shorty's school, she comes back and rumor is she spent summer vacation fucking that Kujo fuck and his friends. Fats even says She banged his Gaijin Grandpa and his manservant. So you do what any respectable delinquent would do and start tormenting her

then the pain starts, the horrible, horrible agony, like you're being eaten alive by a thousand different burrowing insects

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Relax trannie

May his light shine on the darkness.

NG+ can i change my body type?

faggots stop complaining about niggers.
faggots stop complaining about people hating niggers.
you goddamn Yea Forumsermin

There is a stand named after Born this Way but you are complaining about the few good niggers being recognized? Go complain to Araki that he put such garbage on the series
There are a lot of things more pathetic than racism, like posting about politics or being a shill

Yeah man, you can change it all.

/pol/cels ruined even the jojo threads. Fuck this board

Since when did you faggots get so thin skinned about someone not liking niggers?
No one is bringing up crime stats or race wars one one fag said he didn't like em whats the commotion?

>Post YFW you confronted Vins for the last time

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shut up tranny
dilate, drink soi and die

>adam ant
>not miracles

>beat Dio before he gets the knives
>instead of proceeding with the story, it replays the previous scene with all the characters standing where they were at the end of the previous scene

Congratulations, you just found out how to grind Badges of Honor.

I gotcha brother. Here's the bugfix.

The conmotion is
>uhh what are some stands that can ____
>people give answers
>but those are nigger names i hate niggers did I mention I hate niggers because I hate niggers fuck niggers
>people roll their eyes at the tryhard /pol/fag

So red garland is the best stand to use if I want to do everything basically?

I'm tempted to start a new file as him with samurai armor.

Sadly he is not as cool as joykiller is there anyway to beat ultimate kars as joykiller?

He's getting autistic over the names of the stands even though Araki put rap references in his stories already, at least this is just jazz and blues.

>unironically getting this triggered

I don't see an issue with it I mean let him use what he wants.

>So red garland is the best stand to use if I want to do everything basically?

It hits the hardest...that's pretty much it.

Not the best at everything, but he is you're best shot at fucking up super bosses. If you ain't gonna do that, then he isn't super optimal.

Says the one getting annoyed over a name

god damn

He is only good in the endgame, before that he is kind of average

I'm at before the J.Geil fight, in my first playthrough.
The wiki says that if I go with Polnareff I'll be separated from the group until the submarine. What's the best choice for a first playthrough?


Don't follow Polnareff

Manga route. Go with him if you're plotting an evil game or want to buddy up with Hol Horse.

The one you want

With what? you being triggered about someone saying nigger?

Yes, I get triggered by people being deliberately retarded. It reminds me of the times I was even more deliberately retarded back in Yea Forums, a long time ago. Shit just lost its luster, all the hurrrr niggers shit just look pointless and unfunny now.
You're just a bunch of tryhard children regurgitating shit that went stale ages ago without even knowing what it is you're trying to fit in.


Man you niggers really don't know how to not take the bait, talk about our fabulos gay punch ghost owners goddammit, or fantasize about shorty or some shit, fuck just stop taking the bait you retards

t. Abdul dick suckers

If you're not running Caravan or Miracles, the segment after is gonna be rough.

Holy shit literally unironically triggered as fuck.

Most races who live around niggers simply don't like them get over it.

Not even bait dude just got into a fuckin hissy fit all on his own. It's hilarious

And yet you're fine playing with a literal sand nigger as a team member?

Yea I also unironically have an Egyptian friend who says nigger casually and hates them.

>OK with actual niggers
>not OK with nigger names
Is this some new pill?

Which stand is the biggest THOT


Are you literally so triggered I have to explain my views on race to you the calm you down so you can stop crying?

Shall I coddle you like a baby on my bossom and wipe your ass too?

do you guys like my dolls?

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I'm not the one flipflopping on their own views

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Should be Fat and Distinct

There is no way that Joey hasn't tried to fuck his dolls at least once

shut up nigger


You guys know that the guy complaining about Stand names is probably just someone who hates the threads and is trying to get them banned by derailing it into /pol/ shit, right? just ignore him


I don't feel a stand with a nigger origin would suit me. Avdol is not me so I'm not bothered and don't really use him beyond getting fp.

I still don't see why you are so unironically triggered that I literally have to baby you right now. niggers are way more racist on the daily with no remorse and would not have the kindness to bother to explain any of this to you.

I am wood

Apparently Ghost Kosaku Kawajiri (I'm assuming it's Dead Man's Questions Kira) makes a cameo in Singapore. Anyone found him yet?

I love em just didn't expect for niggers to get THIS triggered and obsess in what most threads would consider a throw away comment. This board has really changed I never would have imagined anyone would be THIS thin skinned honestly.

>would not have the kindness to bother to explain any of this to you
So are you implying you're white or "white"?

Everything has a cameo, so probably

Neither I just implied im not a nigger.

So you're not white either then


Damn this is the most based thread I've seen in a while

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Holy shit unironically what is good with you?

>calling other people obsessed when you can’t talk about video games without injecting your hatred of niggers
Please go away election-kun

Plenty's good with me

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>mfw neither of these people are probably even the original person and they’re both just counterbaiting each other for (You)s
Fuck nu-Yea Forums.

polnareff's a nigger

>[Stand: Murderdolls]
>Can use Strands of hair to control dolls. There's no limit to how many can be controlled, and damage isn't transmitted to the user.
>Although this particular user has a fondness for dolls that resemble girls, any kind of doll can be used.

He could totally use a sex doll if he wanted.

Fucking obsessed I just don't want to play with a nigger stand get over it. Literally spics get it worse every dbz thread.

Stop fighting

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you're the only spic here

how firm and soft is shorty's ass?

Finally something we can bond over

Soft but not petite AS IT IS FILLED WITH EVIL

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Probably let me go get my nachos, rice and beans and my senorita so we can work on them 50 babys we will all send to school with dora back packs. While I laugh at how fucking triggered you are.

You'll never be white.

shut up we're talking about shorty's ass now

>ywn be part of her brainwashed yaoi harem
Why live?

Don't want to be white women have a werid fetish for minorities and that must suck to watch happen.

>credits of Mad World end is just the sound of people being slaughtered

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You know, with Miracles, its probably Shorty fucking with their minds to make them kill themselves/ eachother

>He is still going and there is either a super retard replying or he is replying to himself
It's probably the guy that complained that we were having threads and posted that pic of a generic anime girl with a sign that said we had this thread yesterday

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Im a jojofag but have mostly ignored this so far. Isnt it just GMS with a few bells and whistles, gameplaywise?

It's literally just some random dude who got insanely triggered not sure what else to tell you.

What are the chances of an enemy dying to 1HKO skills?

Everyone in this thread but me is a fucking nigger.

Fuck off, Pucci

Rhinoceros beetle.

I can't really say I know for sure, but gameplay wise it's kinda neat. You have ranges that you need to always take into consideration when fighting, and some stands have an easier tome with things than others.

even women can bond over ass, albeit probably in jealousy
noice, would eat and act as a cushion fo

Fucking based Shorty using Miracles properly.

Is there any point to Emporio's ghost house outside of chatting up dead people and getting free water bottles?
And also besides making it easier to extort Freu, of course.

Well, she can wear the bunny suit and one does not wear a bunny suit without having a fantastic ass to fit the adorable little bunny tail puff

>just started reading Part 8 last night
>Soft & Wet punched through a wall after he removed the "sound" from it
>immediately hooked by such a weird-ass power
>realize the colored version was last updated 5 months ago, and is 7 volumes behind

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Part 7

Don't get too attached to the power, Araki has a habit of giving a character in a cool and useful ability and only ever using it once or twice, example Star Finger

A couple of bosses like Kars, god, and the orb.

Oh, yeah, what IS with that orb? Considering the dead guy with the message written in blood about a god-slaying axe or some such, I honestly kinda figured it was a reference to some obscure game I've never played or something. Seemed a bit too fantasy-ish to be a jojo reference, but I haven't even finished part 3 so I dunno.

evil ass is the best kind of ass

>I haven't even finished part 3

Yeah, yeah, I know.

The bubbles are Gappy’s basic power and have been used constantly.
Star Finger was a throwaway move that Araki made to write Jotaro out of a corner, despite it making no sense within Star Platinum’s established powerset.

Given Joey's personality he probably had a harem of fuckdolls in his disposal.

Reminder that Dio is only doing this because he's been brainwashed with Miracles and is silently screaming on the inside.

If Jotaro can extend Star Platinum’s finger like that, why can’t he extend the whole arm like a zoom punch?

So why did Speedwagon have detect evil?

"How could this happen to me, Dio? I am above these mortal monkeys, how could I, dio fall so low to become ones pet. Well no matter, it is almost time for tea, and master has gotten me a lovely dres....WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY JONATHAN HELP ME PLEAAAASE"

Because he can smell evil in Phantom Blood.

that's what I'm talking about, how can he smell fucking evil?

If I had to guess it's a sort of personal trial, maybe about a hangup up that you have.

I'd say living in some bad shit gives you some gut feeling intuition on who's a dick or not.

You know it’s serious when he’s calling Jonathan by his first name and not JoJo.

How about this? Kira literally never uses SHA after the first time he uses it despite the fact that the only person who can really counter it is Koichi, or how Josuke only ever uses his ability to repair shit to use it as a tracker once?

>Loli mind breaking Dio to be a slave
Pure Perfection

>not jockstrap
>not speedo
>not bondage harness
tranny crossdressing pleb

dio too handsome and muscular to look fuckable in a dress

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Because he grew up on the streets.

You know he'd be into it though

yup, 'cept she's really just petite

Assuming you're referring to me not having watched part 3 before playing this, it's more just that I never got around to it before having been tempted too much to play by these threads.
Hell, I've started watching more of it after having started to play.

its about the humiliation, not the looks

Shorty seems to be one for both.

bondage harness fits him

because of the mind control, yes

What? no, I was talking about the orb since it's only available to Abdul, Kakyoin and Joseph.
Although maybe you should get into Jojo a bit more, just saying.

>Dio manages enough will to scream no during one tea time
>Shorty punishes this act of rebellion by rewiring his brain into that of a dog's for awhile, leaving the great Dio a drooling, affectionate idiot

Okay, sorry. I'm a dumbass.
And yeah, I probably should.

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>The World looks like a scuba diver
>Dio's most well known song is Holy Diver
Can't believe I never noticed this before

>making Dio and Vanilla dress up in maid outfits
>using younger D'arby as your personal chair while you play video games
>making Hol Horse paint your toenails

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shorty with miracles and a bunny suit is pure fetish fuel

B...but what about the others?

Shut up, Shorty's a good girl

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You guys are straight up faggots you know that right?

Seriously, are bosses immune to status effects or do they just never work?

Go back to the doghouse, Dio.

I never had a problem drowning Bosses In the Joykiller's DOTs

>asserting her dominance on a weak-willed man
sure she is

No they're not immune.

Considering I used a nuke on the final boss for kicks and it inflicted OnFire, CantFind, Darkness, and Blowback all at once, you're just unlucky probably.

Nope I poison bosses all the time with joy killer or even poison, bleed and corrode at the same time.

But if you are just spamming no dmg status effects moves on bosses you are wasting time. The best moves do dmg and cause effect

>to make the game balanced, Miracles best status attacks target everyone
>this inadvertently makes it the most overpowerd Stand in besides GER

>tfw Shorty uses Miracles to form a harem of evil

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Imagine its requiem

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I have been casting "......" the entire fucking battle with this one boss and it has not done shit once.

>inflicts every sensory and mental status effect and devastating damage

>illusions are now real
>instead of feeling a flaming sensation you are now literally on flames

>reality warping
Considering the space-time shit of all BBEG stands, it fits well.

Shorty is not evil
Shorty is a good girl
Shorty does not have a mind controlled harem
Shorty is a good girl
Shorty is a normal girl
Stop calling her evil


Can you guys stop being such fucking faggots?
You are talking like literal babies

So how exactly does stand range work, the scene with Jotaro in the cell makes it same that Star Platinum can go pretty far despite only having a 2 meter range

How ever the author feels like making it work.

In battle I have a short range stand but my instant death move still kills assault helicopters

Shorty and Dio go trolling for men at night.

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Dio fucks them up the ass while shorty humps their crotch like the bunny she's dressed up as.

Araki forgot which is why he made part 6

it isn't gay if its DIO

>trying to beat vanilla ice
>keep getting 1HKO'd
>Have to continually watch the cutscene where VI Kicks Iggy to death

My heart can't take this, I just want that sunlight remedy

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>he didn't beat the fucking shit out of him with Howlin' Wolf

>>trying to beat vanilla ice

Vanilla Ice is piss easy to deal with if you have any ripple techniques.

You don't even need those if you have anything with the light element on it

I do not, how do I get? I killed like 40 of those ripple warriors and they didn't drop diddily.

It's kinda rare but they do drop ripple gale if you keep at it

>He didn't buy the books

Reminder shortyfags are retarded pixies can't just completely mindcontrol people and miracles is worse than echoes act 2

>he didn't beat enough ripple users to death until they spilled their broken ass ripple secrets

That's right, I didn't. Can you help me or are you just gonna call me stupid?


Shoulda bought the books

The easiest way is to get them is to find the merchant that sells them on day 40..

If you stay at the hotel until day 40, there's a dude selling ripple books in the market.


Who is saying that Pixies can mind control? Miracles is the one that can mind control. Like when you mind control the cat or the student in the school. Even in game it is stated that Miracles can basically similar to Dio's fleshbud.

>Just got to the pet shop fight
>Fight basically just boils down to "just don't get frozen lol"
>Can't even Brainstorm
>To top it off, the cutscene before it is an eon long

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Just run away if it is too hard for you.

Ah shit, didn't even realize that was an option.

Have you tried running away?

Basic bitch attacks generic punch ghosts can do much better than that

If the characters run in the manga, do that if you are getting your shit slapped around to much

Araki was still probably thinking about how stands functioned during that time. He must have added in the idea of stand ranges later. He does this all the time, like how Gold Experience had that damage reflection power that got dropped.

I'm the absolute retard from earlier who said I haven't even finished part 3 yet

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>miracles is worse than echoes act 2
Bitch it's Aizen the stand. If Shorty wanted to she could have made Vanilla Ice just eradicate DIO with mindfuckery and illusions.

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Can you beat Death 13 during the Kak+Pol fight? I tried using a Lighter on him and dealt exactly 1 damage, so it can at least take damage from some source.

What it's gonna do to ice make him go berserk make him confused
That's weak shit survivor is better than that crap

Nah, it's just like a more interactive cutscene, like Jotaro and the nurse.

>if stand no unga bunga punch stand weak

Is there any downside to using Brainstorm? I'm at the Wheel of Fortune fight.

No xp or extra goodies

You don't get XP or items.

You miss out on EXP, Money, FP, and sometimes rare items like stat boosters

Tons of non punch ghost stands are strong but miracles is pretty weak compared to more thab half the stands in jojo
Rock armor doesn't matter to most punch ghost stands

Can cost you exp, items, or badges of honor depending on the fight. Wheel of Fortune can get difficult if you can't KO it fast enough so it's fine if you want to Brainstorm.

Actually, not sure about the FP. Sorry.

Starting ng+ and thinking about changing to deep purple or caravan. Which one is more fun?

Also, how does caravan's reconstruction work? Can I feasibly use the nuke that I saved to learn nuke at level 1 or something?

>went to salon in NG+
>picked stand
>equipped item disappears
Man, this version's got some bugs.

Ironically enough Red Garland would have been extremely useless if it was a canon stand. Most punch ghosts get a secondary power to make it useful but RG just punches...really hard. There's implied spirit punching powers but that's dumb outside of fights,

>He didnt save scum for them.
I'd pity you if they still weren't aids to get.

>constantly BTFOing bosses with instant kills before they can get to their canon fights
Napalm Death is the best stando

Attached: Get fucked Divo.png (640x480, 18K)

I have Miracles, and he seems to resist all my status attacks.
I'm at 26, everyone else at 20.

That's not a bug, changing your Stand is basically changing your main character, currently equipped items included.

Frankly you might have more of a blast with Caravan. Also Caravan learns any of it's moves from items, including ones you already have, which means at level 1 you CAN get the abilities to use a nuke, but maybe not the sp to use it.

Can't you talk to Steel to re-equip it?

Use clunk, he's pretty vulnerable to that

Oh, is that how it works under the hood? Huh. So if I don't cinderella to the old stand I had, will I be able to get it from the opening questions on the next playthrough at its old level?

Are Caravan's nukes the same power as actual nuke items? If so, getting this shit at an early level and equipping Rohan's manuscript sounds hilariously busted.

Hell yeah, that's what I do with my Caravan.
I fucking love this bird.

Attached: Best bird.jpg (268x188, 8K)

Nice. In that case I know what I'm doing for ng+


>I was merely pretending: the fight
I fucking love this

Attached: gambit pileup.png (637x477, 31K)

Holy shit inspired me to make a Japanese nationalist dressed as a samurai who travels the world dropping nukes as vengeance for Hiroshima

People who say caravan isnt the best stand in the game can enjoy being wrong.

i will FUCK my stand

>Joseph ending
>With stroheim & dire recruited

Never knew I needed this but holy shit is this great

Attached: gay vampire gangbang.png (320x240, 8K)

That's not fucking it's masturbation.

Hey guys, i made a bunch of moves for different stands, here's a copy of the modified version
You might have to reset your stand's level either with cinderella, save editing or the dev room in order to get the moves, i'm sorry about that, also this isn't the colored version because it's a little too unstable
Also a list of the moves
Pharoah sanders
20 Cleopatra shape
25 Pyramid crush
Howlin' wolf
20 Track scent (I just took this one from iggy just in case)
35 Air bubble
48 Who's been talkin'
Red Garland
23 User toss
26 Floor sharpnel
35 Penetrating punch
26 Death Curse
32 Poison Swamp
20 Agent parry
22 Agent snipe
24 Agent cripple
26 Agent bluff
28 Agent high five
30 Agent sand
Napalm Death
35 Ballistic ink
25 Case armor
25 Energy Barrier
"How do these stands protect kakioyin on his ending?"

Holy fucking shit.

As soon as I'm done with my Kakyoin route, I'm rolling a Pharoah Sanders and doing Joseph's.

You can't put your dick in Mr Big user! It's a gun!

Give cardigans new moves user she needs them

She's pretty well rounded to me, do you have anything in mind?

/k/ will take that as a challenge

>Here lies user, 19XX - 1987
>Mauled to death by Wildhearts

a new attack or two another buff i can use on party members maybe a debuff

he definitely has lmao

What does Wildheart's user say when confronting vins for the final time? I think it is "Chew them to bits, Wildhearts!"

I know My nigga the Joykiller is called up with "ROT THEIR FLESH, THE JOYKILLER"

Attached: THE JOYKILLER.jpg (1200x909, 293K)

Why does chaosanon hate women? Someone tell that faggot to get over it and release the translation already, Jesus. It's been aeons.

Ideally, some Spirit-based offensive options to not get absolutely wrecked if forced to fly solo. May be a bit too ambitious here, but possibly a stronger version of Transfusion, Zip-Tie (using bandages) and the ability to throw syringes/scalpels for long range damage or even impaling things with an IV drip stand or shit like that.

I wanna lobotomize my foes

>he fell for the most obvious falseflag in the world
jesus christ

Nigga it takes time, let him work. Who wants half assed translations besides cretins who like naruto hentai

pretty sure he's the falseflagger


If I recall correctly, Howlin' Wolf's is "Rip and tear, Howlin' Wolf!"

>he fell for the most obvious falseflag in the world
jesus christ

Isn't being bad at that shit the point of support stands?

Are you implying echoes act 2 is bad?

Not necessarily, look at my boy Caravan. Then again I guess he's the exception not the rule.

Tear them to shreds! Wildhearts!

where this nigga

Attached: Ceaser_color_profile.png (291x485, 386K)

>Absorb energy from metal
>Blast dudes with an arm cannon
So I'm Mega Man?

>got Japanese Clothes from the schoolkid in Japan

Alright boys how do I equip this

Attached: 1497553433980.png (430x430, 257K)

shift button

Shift, there are a lot of things behind that one button

Ripple warriors route with Joseph.

Talk to Steel about equipment.

>chaosanon hate women?


Attached: tumblr_mrzqr0r1zx1snftalo4_250.gif (250x189, 554K)

>merely pretending
jesus christ

Why would anyone pick shorty over Distinct?

I don't like how Distinct is literally Jolyne, it gets on my autism
I wish they put more effort into the Distincts. Being a delinquent in cool but Distinctive Male has hair that looks like cow shit stuck in the road.

because she's cute

Attached: 43341614_p3.png (1000x1412, 525K)

Because different people have different tastes.

Because Distinctive girl is Jolyne's mom

Can you stop being so aggressive, if somebody sees a really mean post taking credit for somebody else can you blame them for not knowing it wasn't the translator? Not everybody is here in every thread or knows who's personality is who's I'm sorry if you're upset for your friend but I just didn't know.

I tried that already and it just asks me if I want to equip my knife or trenchcoat.

Keep saying no until it pops up


Never mind you have to wait until after Jotaro pulls out the flesh bud to get more options


The top of Josuke's hair reminds me of a salisbury steak.

>Senator Phillips owns 1000 acres in Hawaii
Holy shit he literally owns a quarter of the state

He also carries UV laser grenades and nukes in his car, the dude is pretty hardcore.

Alright then
22 Blood bank a considerably better version of transfusion and also an AoE because why not
32 Straight jacket can bind the target and seal the stand while also slightly decreasing agility
38 Daily dose Pic related

Attached: 23453452.jpg (200x200, 7K)

never forgetti plagiarism spaghetti

Dio never stood a chance.


Attached: C-c-c-combo killer!.jpg (626x474, 69K)

What is this?

Could you add some learnable moves from Stroheim? Like UV Grenade for Napalm Death or "German Science is the greatest in the world!" for Specials? Some kind of a beefed-up submachine gun attack.

That's a evil ripple user backed up by overdrives, and they got killed by a combination attack.

Wait, is this edited, or are the punchghosts in that comic LITERALLY called Stands?

it's not edited at all. there's a reason why it only lasted one issue.

The latter. I believe they literally fight Geb in the woods

Writer didn't even try to hide it

Learnable moves are pretty much events so it would take me a while to get those done, and i'm afraid chaos user will upload the translation before im done with that, i did give specials a whooping 6 new moves tho

Oh my god, that's great.

Attached: 1395651342815.png (691x487, 221K)

Man, this scene of both Polnareff and Hol Horse laughing and then immediately instulting the other is handled phenomenally well in the game.

>tfw femanon
>remembered they spend the whole month in the same clothes
>regularly bleed, sweat, and get thrown into dirt
>Joseph is English not American so since Europeans and Japanese don't circumcise only abdul is cut
Omg imagine the smell

Attached: 1563213088961.png (978x548, 1.14M)


Ah. Okay. Maybe as a level-up then, since Napalm Death can apparently put anything behind the meaning of "Explosion"?

Then the writer said “but I thought know one stateside would know about jojo” or similar I’m pretty sure


breasts or exit

Yeah sure give me a minute

Holy shit, such ignorance.

Makes me want to do a Red Garland playthrough with a character named Diesel

:/ wtf

tits or gtfo

Kinda disappointing that the game has gotten smaller as I've played. The overworlds just seem to have less and less in them the further you get.

Here you go, napalm death should learn flashbang at level 25 now

Much appreciated, moveanon. You're a blessing.

>try to enjoy comfy jojo thread
>get picked on and harassed by some creep
I feel queasy and my head starts spinning when I see these posts please don't threaten people jobros, you're better than this.

tits or gtfo

oh my god, you can't be serious

you brought this on yourself by mentioning you were a women, dude

>Distinctive Female
Literally jolyne
>Chubby Female
>Average female
Literally who goody 2 shoes
>Shorty female
iq 200, plays 4d chess to get a reverse harem including DIO

>falling for obvious bait
never change Yea Forums

I love Caravan but after 3 playthroughs it's time to move on. People here make Miracles sound fun to play so I'll try that stand next.

Diesel will forever have a place in my heart

>iq 200, plays 4d chess to get a reverse harem including DIO
based shawty

Attached: 1562122386449.jpg (700x466, 89K)

So is it Avdol or Abdul?

>female with specials
>one of them tempts you into fucking crusaders

Translate now

Do I just unpack it into the game's folder or I must do something else with it? Sorry for being such a retard.

I slowly start to think that shorty would get along with enya the hag

Chubby male is really an absolute unit

breasts or exit

based specials, trying to get their lameass user laid

Attached: DUxinKMVwAUyNmF.jpg (700x900, 95K)

Abdul, Avdol is just how it's spelled in Japanese

why is she so perfect?

Abdul like the singer

Does someone have the text fix i swear the last time i played the text was fine now its all blurry and smudged.


Abdul. Avdol isn't a music reference.

Could you please describe what the new skills for Specials do?

>Grinded red garland
>Cravan with nukes
>Ocean blue with gun skill books and hamon launcher
how do you get other stands to god tier state?

I think my game glitched.
My mc became Jotaro. Has his name and sprite. It was when Steely Dan showed up. 2 Jotaro sprites next to each other.
Now I'm inside Joseph's head, with Jotaro's sprite.

Are you playing the colored version?

>He doesn't know Mr.BIG's secret

Stop speaking nonsense Jotaro

okay but which protag gets which stand in your opinion

Same thing happened to me, just keep playing and the game goes back to normal after Dan is defeated.

I've seen Mr.BIG, and he honestly isn't that BIG

Oh I remember that, that's in the translated one that didn't really get finished right? Once you beat Dan and when you talk to Joseph in the hotel, everything should go back to normal.

fuck off rubber soul

What's the easiest way to grind levels? I'm trying to max out a Miracles shorty.

I'm going to go Dio with her in a couple of playthroughs when chaos mode comes out so I can be the greatest heir to an evil family there ever was

RPGMaker 2000

Grind Evil Ripple Users, specifically the ones that jump around the map

avg fem mc gets howling dog because she has blue eye blonde so is white and white women fuck dogs, why's a white girl in eighties japan anyway?

Best way is probably Boss Rush, if you're strong enough to take it on.

Tons of hotel grinding for new skills
grind to 50
>Pharoah Sanders
Become brosephs with Joseph
>Howlin' Wolf
Absolutely Nothin'
roll another stand
roll another stand
>Sonic Youth
get dem debuffers
reroll for howlin' wolf, you fucking furry
same as Mr. Big and Ocean Blue

I've been doing that, actually. That's where the c-c-c-combo killer pic I posted earlier comes from.

Will a lvl 46 miracles and lvl 49 Jotaro without timestop suffice?

you big tard, Joykiller gets contaminate which can inflict dissolve that does 20% max HP damage PER TURN

What does spirit/intelligence do? I don't think it affects max SP, because Joseph has roughly the same amount of spirit as me, and that old fucker's got 600 stando powah while I have 250.

Don't listen to this faggot, if you change the stand you got in the PE you are a coward

>M!Fatty Fuck
Caravan, period.
Sonic Youth, duh.
Howlin' Wolf fits really well
Specials fits in terms of personality

>F!Fatty Fuck
Carpenters for plastic surgery
Red Garland
Deep Purple
>Shawty Shorty Herself
Miracles, obviously. A genius mastermind requires a suitable stand.

Does sleeping in hotels do anything other than heal you and get you to a specific date for a world event? Seems like it's pointless to me.

It can teach skills

Mad World M!Average gets Napalm Death no contest

Attached: 1530833291595.jpg (720x384, 18K)

Certain Stands can learn specific abilities through RNG at resting, as can having high enough FP with your teammates have them take you aside for teaching you a skill. Might require savescumming.

>Not carpenters

Fits his powers but doesn't fit his personality.

Best partner for cairo boss rush? Also what level should I be for preparation and any bosses in particular to watch out for?

Is it complicated to mod the portraits? I kinda want to change the Josuke portrait male distinct has, the samurai suit is perfect but the portrait just feels wrong

Haven't used Miracles so I'm not sure, but maybe level up Jotaro to 50 for Push It To The Limit if you don't think you're strong enough. Cheesed it with Deep Purple's Contaminate and Kakyoin.

>Discount Kira
Fits thematically, I guess. You're better off with Red Garland or Deep Purple, though.

Joykiller best husbando

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Attached: 43341614_p10.png (483x1208, 152K)

Attached: 43341614_p11.png (1000x1000, 267K)

does kang crimson only gives you cutscene skip or can you actually use it in fight?

only a cutscene skip.
though he's polite enough to ask

Men actually play as girls in games, and drool over game characters?

....totally not pathetic and creepy

I know there is a 90% chance that this is bait but just in case

Attached: Wdywa.png (640x480, 11K)

stop crossposting, mega faggot

What's with all the shitposts lately?

This is why I had a bad feeling about uploading a partial patch.
Must have something to do with the Dan fight it adds.

Attached: r63 jonathan joestar.jpg (600x600, 68K)

It's easy but remember to save it in an 8 bit .png otherwise you get the illegal format crash.

im gonna need two [THE HAND] for this one.

prolly the dude who posts the anime girl holding the sign saying "we have this thread every day" is mad that people are discussing videogames

One autismo is trying to get us to fuck off.
Please guys, don't take the bait.

Eh it's all good, release it when it's ready.

Attached: sample-c490a3305e9830dde9862e477f8d29fe.jpg (850x478, 136K)

So I just have to find where in the files the portraits are and replace them?

So i answered honestly for the first time and got Quicksilver. I decided to go hard what am i in for? Also why doesn't quick silver have any fan art.

That's right. It's be in with a bunch of other portraits in a big square.

It does though, it's just that almost nobody on Yea Forums is enough of a shounen hero to get it.

Attached: 37869376_p0.png (778x601, 335K)

I had napalm death first few runs.
But, I ended up sticking with quicksliver for the rest.

>go hard
that's a mistake

Thats just a robot girl

Im a man.

Are you slow?

Attached: DbjwMCBUwAAKqzJ.png (1000x1004, 754K)

Well, I hope you know what you're doing if you try to pull off new shit

No cool glove not Quicksilver.

If you're playing Hard Mode, you might want to pull up the walkthroughs on the wiki for FP events in each map, since you'll need about 90 points worth to NG+.

Damn look at the size of Jotara's breasts! I'm a woman...
So why do I find you so... alluring?

Quicksilver is an arm cannon dude.

Attached: Mega.png (268x188, 8K)

So does Quicksilver just pull in from the environment and shoot?

>average femc

ugh, bleh disgusting

Attached: the_7th_stand_user_by_magemina-d91mq06.png (783x1021, 367K)

holy FUCK these are some 10/10 midis

Attached: 1561786082257.jpg (1080x1080, 321K)

Attached: 72446511_p0.png (1800x1400, 948K)

I just realized I got through the game and didn't find the guy what was making the green hornets. Where was he?

average femc looks like she fucks iggy

Is there an alternate route where polnareff uses the bathroom in peace and nothing bad or embarrassing happens to him there?

ugh, bleh disgusting

She was on Forever's boat.

there's an event in karachi where he does, you get 3 fp

>Get to king joey on my first run
>decide to try out ultraviolet rays
>just me and jotoro shooting German science at this dumbass for 10 minutes and we win with no damage


Green hornet user was way back on the ghost ship. Once forevor got out of his cage, you had the option of checking the nurse's corpse, finding out it's a fake and searching a bed for her.

wait it was the nurse this whole time????


Attached: CTNrV_gUAAEYlCA.jpg (650x800, 66K)

found the average femc

Yes. That's why you could randomly get poisoned after using the free nurse.

>using the free nurse.

Shorty posters are a mistake.

Attached: Distinct.jpg (540x720, 69K)

This. Average FeMC and Caravan are the perfect Manzai Duo.

don't forget

Agent parry puts the prediction status on enemies
agent snipe is pretty self explanatory
agent cripple is a defense and attack debuff with some nice damage
agent bluff is an aoe for many status effects the majority being one turn stuns
agent high five is a single target stun that can cause confusion or berserk
agent sand is blindness plus a small speed debuff
It works exactly the same as the regular game does

I mean, where are the saves for the game collected? Don't want to start exactly from scratch

Will you add this stuff to the newer version of the game once it gets translated user

Sure, adding moves is not the hardest thing in the world, the events are where the shitshow is at
You can just transfer your savefiles to the new folder and they should work just fine

>didn't notice the fucking savefiles in the main folder of the game
Jesus am I a mouth-breather. Thank you for your patience with me, user.


Speaking of events, if you were to add some, it would be easy enough for me to migrate it over because I have a virtual machine running to run 2 rm2k processes at once.

>waifu wars when all the waifus are (you)

Attached: CnP7klZUAAQMUba.jpg (900x698, 115K)

Where fat

in the trash, fat boy >>>>>>>>>>> fat girl

Attached: DE8f6vrUAAIKTqm.jpg (800x600, 131K)

Trying to squeeze in her swimsuit.

Attached: c45efc62f3349ce09ceefb0ee56fd96d.jpg (700x700, 328K)

You can do that? are you the chaos user?

Honestly it'd be neat if 7SU had a feature akin to 7th Saga, where the other characters still exist but independently get their own Stands and do their own things. Whether this means a couple extra optional DIO servants, or just seeing them at Japan (and maybe one goes on a vacation to Egypt by chance), it would be one of those little small touches that shows you don't exist in a vacuum.

Attached: 2ed241ff6b2e238917203716b5ac3d58.jpg (700x700, 293K)

>Inna India, Joseph is off having his "wart" removed
>Kakyoin and I cruising around town fucking shit up
>find the guy responsible for the tanks and helicopters
>he doesn't even know what he's doing, he's just having a blast with his blueprints
>TFW there's no option to explain to him what a stand is and to keep his shit under control
>TFW he's sitting their bawling after Kakyoin and I kick his ass and burn his beloved blueprints right in front of him

Attached: 1523048045678.jpg (480x480, 20K)

Is Rolling Stone Maze Kars doable on a first playthrough? I think I might have just been underleved/unprepared but I got bitchslapped.

Should have encountered him with jotaro

Yes I can.

River kars is regular kars on the first playthrough so you don't have to worry

>Didn't take Jotaro with you
>Using Kuckyoin ever
You deserve it

Thinking of some extra moves for Adam Ant since I found its repertoire kind of limited:
>close range AoE attack with fire ants that have a high chance to paralyze
>medium range centipedes burrow into a single enemy, less damage but chance to inflict fear
>Consume, Stand bugs devour an enemy (any range) to and absorb SP with a minor chance to inflict dissolve

Well shit i guess i'll try to see if i can pull it off

Kakyoin is best boy, fuck you.

I think that first playthrough normal Kars and maze Kars are the same, since you can only have his arm be a one of a kind item.

In any case, what's the best method of handling Kars?

What does cardigans do when you can't control it
user give cardigans a chainsaw attack she already threatens (you) with one in chaos mode plus chainsaws were made for medical purposes originally

Is there any tag on Pixiv that's better for searching the short female protagonist? Or do you just gotta put in the kanji for the Stands and hope for the best?

Attached: 52879046_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x918, 434K)

>Agent Bluff
That made me kek heartily.

Fuck me, this is the second time my game has crashed during the boss rush.

Has anyone else ran into the div number 0 or something error?

She braaps in your face and dabs

It happened during the Hanged Man boss fight.

Does it happen when you use Miracles' "......" attack on the Hanged Man fight? I remember someone saying that was the cause, I think.

you tried to fuck with j.geil's accuracy?

I think I remember someone finding out that messing with the accuracy of the barrels crashes the game for some reason.

Goddamnit, I already had Jotaro at 10 FP so I took Kak. I'll keep that in mind for next run to bring the autist along when handling autists

Attached: 1562732879051.jpg (1013x923, 109K)


Goddammit, now I have to go and eat bullets like a bitch

I didn't mean to ask that i went to past threads to find out but forgot to erase that part of the post

>Hanging out with a dolphin fucker instead of cherry boy

Attached: 1447146591304.png (256x256, 46K)

It happened to me when I used Caravan as well (I think after the nuclear bomb)

grinding joseph to level 50 and using push it to the limit + true s.y. overdrive

Yeah apparently the real problem is attempting to affect the accuracy of the barrels so anything that does that can cause the crash.

The thing is that these attacks come out of nowhere and are invisible since they come from the subconscious. Which is what makes them scary as it's like fighting a stand user but you can't see stands. You're getting attacked from your own mind and body. Miracles is basically Metallica

The best pairing is tsundere distinct girl trying to desperately get on to Jotaro's dick without showing that she likes him but at the same time Jotaro is too autistic to understand her advances.

How many times can I stack push it to the limit?

The sneedcials

about 3, the 4th one still gives you shit but with very diminished results

Hang on a minute here. I just did a big think. So DIO is supposed to be Giorno Giovanna's Dad, but he's also a severed head attached to another man's body. Does this mean every time DIO smashed some thot he was being cucked from beyond the grave by Johnathan?

Attached: 1561672638296.jpg (200x200, 12K)

Attempt it until you hit the upper boundary

Jonathan's final revenge was unending cucking.

Here's your chainsaw at level 16