Fire Emblem

>best design after timeskip
>house has the best girls
>house also has the best boys
>becomes the ULTIMATE CHAD after timeskip
>uses fags as meat shield for his conquest
How can other lords even compete?

Attached: Dimitri_FE.jpg (1051x1051, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They can't, honestly. hopefully IS doesn't screw up his story somehow

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Well he's 100% straight so they already off to a good start


Someone have Sylvain's support list from last thread?

You honestly can't dispute Blue Lions is the best house.

>sipping expensive tea with leonie and watching her face wrinkle at the taste
>encouraging leonie to study hard and get the best scores in class
>laughing as leonie angrily pouts at you when you hand her back a lousy grade
>placing your hand over leonie's while you help steady her aim during archery practice
>watching leonie puff out her chest with pride after a well fought battle
>getting an embarrassed thank you from leonie after defending her from an enemy's blade
>secretly helping leonie peek under furniture for lost coins around the school
>comforting leonie as she tearily reads a letter from everyone in her hometown wishing her well
>teasing leonie when she unawaredly exposes her feminine side and watching her turn red
>watching leonie grow up into a strong, beautiful woman
>getting punched in the arm by leonie when you tell her you love her
>marrying leonie and sharing a happy, wholesome life together

Attached: leonie.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

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here ya go

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>house has the best girls
Ingrid is only one against the GOLDEN CHADS' Marianne, Lysithea, and Leonie

Attached: twunny un.jpg (480x480, 26K)

Leonie is my wife, and I will recruit her in every routes.

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FE is fucking dead

Attached: ferankings (2).png (1216x1221, 1.82M)

>Felix hates him
>Mercedes probably ditches him
>Ingrid hates the only guy loyal to him and probably sucks Sylvains tiny cock
>Sylvain probably ditches along with Ingslut
>Everyone leaves except Dedue who will probably die causing PUNISHED Dimitri

Attached: 1562694263569.png (1217x167, 29K)

Mercedes/Ingrid>ugly dyke, 15 year old and literally who

where is it stated that Felix hates Dimitri?

He dislikes him

yes, but where is it stated! An IGN article?

Attached: 3H yuri.png (602x679, 532K)

Dimitri cucks sure keep forcing their shitty house.

Heh, jokes on you. I love the "ugly dyke" because her tits are massive

Attached: you retard.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

t. BLACKED eagles

They’re average.

I think it's in his little bio in Dimitri's trailer.

Ega is cute! CUTE!

Attached: ega3.jpg (819x1069, 392K)

What is he thinking here?

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What did he mean by this again?

Attached: o.k.jpg (602x164, 48K)

That you should guide him on his path to becoming the ultimate wizard. Now make him a mage and promote him to wizard, teach.

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Attached: ega2.jpg (1181x865, 849K)

He's wants to give you the portrait of his aryan father, so you can become his new father.

How much he wants to fuck teacher.

Attached: cover_these_thighs.jpg (750x1402, 137K)

Why are these threads always infested with mentally challenged fanfiction cucks?

That's how Lions say "Fuck me"

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Attached: !!!.jpg (576x596, 45K)

You can't fuck the dead, Byleth.


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Do you think the students past self will try and take sensei away from their future self?

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Hopefully they won't even pull that bullshit. It's shit. It's crap, and it's what mainly made me lose interest in Awakening's story.

Has some made a no way fag edit with Dimitri?

Has the entire story been leaked? Why did they reveal the game had a timeskip?
Review from each routes from Famitsu.

Not yet. And they revealed the timeskip as a way to generate hype for the game. Before it was just a normal school teaching game, but with the timeskip it became much more than it once was.

This is my wife! Say something nice about her!

Attached: mywife.png (1200x1200, 750K)

>You're not fucking my dad... r-right, teach?

Attached: worried.png (334x340, 263K)

Yes but what does it say?
Thoughts on Flayn?

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I'm gonna make Lysithea wear skimpy clothes and dance around to motivate her fellow students in battle!

>Review from each routes
>is just talking about the game overall being good
>said reviewer in question picked Blue Lions
That's not review of each route, user.

Attached: hmmm.png (558x314, 315K)


Basic stuff like fight and support system

Oh Annete...

Attached: 1563323385669.png (500x512, 299K)

Ya goof'd it

i-is that not the lyric?

Golden Deer is best?

I'll soar away
I get mixed up on it a lot too.

>everyone was shitting on this game months ago
>now the threads are all hype
I won't lie, I've avoided most stuff prior to the game's release, but this turn around has interested me. What changed?

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>best girls

>Ingrid hates the most loyal boy in the house
>Annette looks like a doormat
>Mercedes comes from the BE and probably munchs carpets

If you go Blue Lions you are literally a homo

No. It says nothing about how they compare to each other, just how the game is overall and the reviewer is using images of Blue Lions when talking about the game.

LGBT romance got the sjws on Yea Forums hype

good song tho

Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

Timeskip, improved designs, FE4 and 5 Kaga mechanics, more serious tone.

Attached: 3H.jpg (949x1603, 338K)

Blonde noodle haired kid that everyone made fun of last year, turned into punished snake this year on E3 and Yea Forums went gay for him.

t. bandwagoning retard. KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM has been popular since E3.

>Yea Forums memes about his falling for big sensei tiddies
>Japan memes about him falling for big sensei tiddies
The only people shipping him with ManLeth are the subhumans on leddit, era and twitter.

Literally pic-related.

Attached: 15402184921847.png (1200x2367, 2.38M)

Leaks that turned out to be true claimed the story was really solid overall, the maps were better than Birthright/Echoes on average and the core systems were enjoyable
E3 Treehouse showed off gameplay that had maps that were minimally interesting and tons of new systems that actually really changed the way army specialization and optimization work, including new elements like how units learn skills and improve with weapons as well as remixing old elements like weapon durability.
Also early impressions from Endgadget have it described as "what fates ought to have been" and having better slice-of-life integration than P5
Basically: Nintendo tried their hardest to make this game look like shit in spite of all the actual good things about it

Turns out everything they decided to show us for the first year of pre-release PR was exclusively the shittiest stuff, i.e. one trailer that showcased the undesirable graphics and some janky animations. Turns out there's actually a huge amount of depth to the gameplay and the narrative is showing a LOT more promise than the previous two entries. Nintendo just shit the bed on their marketing of this title until right before the finish line.

I'm saying gay for him because Yea Forums wants to roll a female just to get railed by him. That's kinda gay, senpai.

High IQ waifu. Has it been confirmed if you can marry your students after they graduate yet?

It's not gay if you say no homo.

You aren't supposed to point that out...

Yeah, I can't argue with that.

It's a good strategy. Temper the expectations of the fans, make it look like a maybe good game, then at the right moment? Just give the relevant hype information, and make the fans surprised.

>uses fags as meat shield for his conquest
Wait now, for real or are you just shitposting

Yes. after the timeskip. Jeralt even gives you his wife's/ Byleth's mom's wedding ring and tells you to give it to your special someone because he doesn't have enough death flags yet and needs more of them.

>what is claude

DILF hunter M!Byleth memes

>Claude has the power of ((((merchants)))) and ((((((bankers))))))) and (((((((((((moneylenders)))))))))))) on his side
>all his friends are straight
>his house is the no homo house
How can the others even compete?

>it's a good strategy
Ehh, I'd wager making the game look like a mediocre crock of shit until two months before release might not be the best strategy in the books.

>Aryan guy becomes evil
>woman becomes evil
>nigger is the only good goy
I thought Japan hated shitskins.

I will say it didn't look like shit. I had normal expectation for it, and the game seemed alright.

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Not literally faggots but he's willing to use anyone for his goals. His line in one CM literally has him saying
>I'll make use of you too until your bones turn into nothing

He's either Middle Eastern or Mediterranean. His beta design had a ton of Islamic influences so something like Persian or Ottoman.

you probably suck dick

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Hahah isnt it fun how on Yea Forums theres no gameplay discussion just ebin opinion wars and me vs you shitposting because of retarded pol fags lol xD

>house has the best girls
Objectively false. Lysithea is in the Golden Deer.

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No way, fag.

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Redpill me on the best house to start with

i will recruit Lysithea, Marianne and Lorenz over to Blue Lions along with Ferdinand and Petra from Red Eagles

Can you fuck off pol secondary? Because Basilio, Danved and Ingrid have existed for a while now

Damn that's edgy

What are Edelgard and Claude like?

Why are the animations so fucking bad?


It's not gay as long as the dicks don't touch

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>not even trying at this point

Attached: nice_try.png (1280x720, 967K)

No matter how much of a good boy he makes himself look like, the guy's a snake

The only answer you'll get are memes, no one have games right now

better than the previous games, bro

Blue Lions for best boys and best girls. Their lord is easily the best post time skip as well. You get to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!

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what did they mean by this ?

Deers for shounen anime
Blue lions for rebel edgelords and fujoshi
Edalgard for Empire takeover and law

Based, fuck empire trannies and fuck golden cucks

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why do Edelgard and Claude require extra conversation for them to like you more while for Dimitri you don't need any extra convos

>takes several conversations just to reach C rank
What did the Emperor mean by this?

>uses fags as meat shield for his conquest
The lengths you’ll go to justify having a dyke in your group. Face it, not only is she gay, but she’s an imperial too. She’s probably a spy for the enemy, yet you still keep her around.
The Golden Chads are clearly the real best house.

Attached: CAF8E7DA-6ADE-45FA-B205-5D676EBC4263.jpg (590x1024, 75K)

It's fucking great. His house recruitment video lets you know incredibly little about his house despite him being overly friendly just in case you don't join him, compared to Edelgard who boasts about her house's talents and Dimitri who gladly talks about his friends.


>pol stink all over blue lions now because of retarded secondaries
Are pol tards just going to ignore hes trying to destroy the class system to make everyone equal or...?

>We have no choice but to destroy those who do not share the same mindset as us
>We are weak by nature, that's why we overcome the walls that stands before us, lend each other a hand and open our hearts to one another. For the sake of survival!

>all these reuse animation
Absolutely fucking garbage each class should have their own animation.

Fucking lazy ass devs

He is thirsty as fuck and desperate for teacher milkies.

Attached: Dimitri_calls_byleth_mommy_in_class.png (836x548, 133K)

Maybe Tiddy Sensei gets more supports with him than Daddyfucker Sensei.

>ignatz is okay too i guess
How can other houses even fucking compete?

Because Dimitri is the only out of 3 that was sincere and nice without any ulterior motivation before the time-skip. His only bane was that he had certain darkness bottled up inside of him.

I wonder how different Ega acts if you S rank her before the timeskip.

Because Dimitri's route is filler


Blue Lions are nice but they don’t have the one true waifu

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>not killing off the faggots permanently from your army as a purge
More like you guys don't purge/investigate enough! Join Blue GODs, cleanse the faggot garbage and open your eyes!

because his is at S rank

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>nicest guy is the one to become craziest
What did Japan mean by this?

Then he wasnt sincere retard. He was hiding that deep down hes a psychopath. If anyrhing that makes him insincere. Pyschopaths are the best actors

>house leader is a chill homie
>pampered lazy rich girl
>spunky tomboy
>a literal einzbern
>self deprecating insomniac cutie
>only house with not a homo in sight
>even the one who looks like he might lick pickles blossoms into an absolute alpha chad

The answer is right in front of you.

Attached: 30zjjm12mf431.png (1080x1080, 816K)

>taking the bait
More like Golden TARDs, haha

I hope timeskip Ignatz has better hair.
>Tittymonster church girl
>Aoi Yuuki
>Busty tomboy
Man the Deers is fucking great.

The problem is the animations are garbage

At least the other guy bothered with photoshopping time skip Dimitri to bait the fags instead of copying this completely



Maybe his darkness inside is being depressed about his murdered as fuck family user. Darkness can mean other things you know.

i fucking love that filename

Based, just like uncle addy


Edelgard sounds like the absolute worst kind of person to be around.

Claude sounds a bit generic, but i guess i will go for him, or Dimitri if he sees the value in the player character.

Maybe there are actually some straight women here? They can’t all be lesbos, right?

Sincere with his motivations, user. His "darkness" doesn't awake until later.

S tank extra conversations is arguably the best place to have them if true then they are pushing his romance a bit there.

Blue Lions has homo characters, so automatically invalid and all who choose it deserve torture and execution for supporting homosexuality. Same with Black Eagles. Only Golden Deer, the canonically straightest house with zero homos, is the correct choice.

Why do always shit games get leaked fast

Reminder that golden deer has the most “complex” maps and is objectively the best route for gameplay.

Cute little sister. I see that mission is a Paralogue, so I'm wondering if you must accept it there and then, or if you'll have a moment to prepare before it, since it says "Return to Previous Screen". Also I noticed the uploader has Shamir as a member of their party, and they're currently on Chapter Nine, so it seems you'll be able to recruit neutral units belonging to the Church and Knights relatively early on.

God I fucking love that Chibi Edelgard.

Bitch at his official profile for describing him as such, not me.

>Then he wasnt sincere retard. He was hiding that deep down hes a psychopath
Didn't the leak say that a bunch of Duscurs murdered his entire family which is why he's mentally unstable?

How exactly do we know that golden deers have no homo choices when byleth can be homo with old men?

seethe hard fag enabler

Oh no no no. I thought Japan loved Fujos and gays

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Blue Lions has one homo, Mercedes. So maybe Dimitri is “gays go away, lesbians can stay” Blaiddyd

This is the most pathetic thread I've ever seen on Yea Forums. And that's saying something. A whole bunch of closeted faggots obsessing over the make believe chad because he is their ultimate fantasy. Everything they wish they were. If he was in the room with you and he made you suck his dick you would act like he was making you but in reality you'd enjoy every second of it. Bunch of closeted faggots. Arguing over a chad in a video game. Jesus fucking Christ. Fuck off with this nonsense, losers. Go get a boyfriend already, ya bunch of faggots. You know you want to.

Famitsu review says all routes have same difficulty.

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>"characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits"
The only thing he has there is a lack of remorse and remember that he possibly faces two massive tragedies, one is his family being killed, and the other is that his country gets nuked and then conquered.


Its just retarded pol nigger secondaries. They probably havent even played an FE other than the mobile gatcha shit
>Your face tells me that you're quite having a good time. That part of yours is what I like about you.
He probably doesn't need one because he might be the thirstiest out of all of them

Attached: fbyleth_dimitri.jpg (923x923, 136K)

OH NO NO NO! Golden cuckholds btfo.

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Except you can take fags with you if you're in the Lions, too. Just like Mercedes was originally from Edeldyke's empire.

>B-but I was going to let them be killed!
Like the enemy would kill their only spy to successfully infiltrate the Blue cucks. It’s already too late for you. She’s already begun eroding your morals and tempting your women (see Byleth). But don’t worry. I’ll save as many as I can by recruiting them to the Golden Chads.

Attached: 2A42154A-9762-40AE-8D88-058B946A9DD6.png (640x756, 543K)

>hated Awakening and Fates
>but loved the middling below average bland soup that is Echoes

>Hm? Ah yes Ms. Edelgard. I am a bit busy with grading everyone’s homework, but I can make time for you. Did you get questions about today’s lecture?
>Ah! It must be one of those obligation chocolates I hear about that. You Adrestians have holiday that of swapping chocolates with one another?
>That is very sweet of you. You are one of my brightest students, I hope that everyone can learn from your example.
>Oh? Where you are going and Edelgard?
>I hope she’s okay. Something must be bothering her.
>Oh well, time for me to open this mysterious letter with a strange symbol on it...

Attached: E3352DCA-B77A-4A50-A309-973D47408179.jpg (1192x670, 73K)

We will get a 40 pages article next week. So all the good info should be there. (Master Class' stats, story spoilers, post timeskip design....)

Edelgard likes sensei’s cock, his COCK

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The Deer already did that though, because they have no gay characters, while Lions do. So you need to kill yourself for choosing a failure house that still has homos.

Golden FUJOS, come here and apologize to Black Eagles.

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>when you’ve had enough of the other kingdoms’ shit

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Problem with this game is that there's no school uniform in battle.

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>in MY academy
Haha, us Blue GODs can't stop winning

>Only actually likes 2 games in the series
Just leave and don´t come back

They don't. Everyone hates fujos but they're a very vocal minority.

Edelgard seems thirstier though.


>Confirmed to have best maps
>No faggots and dykes in sight

Claude just can't stop winning

Is that Aizen in the middle.

Why do moons call Edelgard Ega?

More like BLACKed Eagles

Go join the 40% or us Blue CHADs will help you do so! The purge starts from within and then, the world!

So tell me, does Dimitri just see Byleth as a cock sleve once she marries him, or as an equal in ideals?

>Blue homos

Attached: 1563120172895.jpg (780x720, 427K)

All this shit has to be terribly confusing for Japs considering how lighting fast homo-philia has advanced in the west

Like they got to be thinking "wait a minute weren't these the same fuckers that were censoring us 10-20 years ago BECAUSE we put gay shit in games and now they're saying we're homophobic and don't put in enough?"

Fuck off retard. Youre not here to dicuss thr game youre just a retarded opinion wars nigger. Back to the mobile shit threads secondary

How can one man be such a massive chad?

Attached: Claude von Chad.jpg (765x1295, 293K)

rent free

>ever being loved
They're nothing but retarded money providers

Imagine if the timeskip wasn’t spoiled, you finish the last school chapter and shit hits the fun, next chapter you find all the students grownup and they are trying to kill each other, I would have loved to see everyone’s reaction when they reached that part.

>More like BLACKed Eagles
Ironic because every girls from the Bluecucks have been blacked by Doudou.

Aizen's brother from the Middle east.

That's the male hand...

Doesnt being a retarded you hungry attention whore ever get tiring?

See So both you and BL can fuck off, but especially fujo lovers known as GD because only fujoshits and homos in West give a shit about Claude.

Attached: ega.jpg (433x650, 67K)

You say that, but femByleth/Edelgard/Dorothea is a love triangle waiting to happen.

Goldentards are fujoshits.

Continue seething, resetranny

Opinion from a spic like you doesn't matter

>"Teacher, don't you have any memories like that? Like your first love..."
Dimitri has that awkward compliments charm, but Edelgard goes straight for the kill while not making herself open for retaliation

You can't be Chads, you allow homosexuality in your ranks. You don't count as human because of this, so just submit yourself to torture and execution at the hands of the only straight house.

Claude does it no matter the gender, he's a huge troll. He flirts with male Byleth too when recruiting him to the Deers.

Even when they do put gays in their games they get criticized for not doing it well enough or for not putting it enough. I sometimes wonder how those people would react if say the next Fire Emblem was purely filled with gays, lesbians, and trannies. Zero straights. I wonder if they'd have anything to complain about.

>Dimitri wants even MORE men in his house
The corruption has gone further than I thought. Wanting another man in your house rather than a big titty teacher gf is a sign that the empire’s homo brainwashing has taken affect. Hope you enjoy ruling a vassal state of the empire, because that’s where you’ll end up if you continue like this.

That's male hand. Female isn't wearing black gloves.

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>blue ballfondlers desperately trying to deny their yaoi way of life

Attached: GOLD.gif (480x252, 1.92M)

Edelgard is too long

Dimitri getting some pussy, Edelgard dancing with a stranger
only Claude is the real choice

>Source is my mother

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OH NO NO NO NO! No wonder why fags thought he's gonna be bi.

Oh youre just a retarded pol nigger invading another thread. Kys and have sex

Have literally sex or cope more

Based, because women are only good to be in warrior's bed, which is exactly what awaits Edelshit after her defeat!

They'd pull a female Ghostbusters and declare that anyone who doesn't want to buy the game is evil and deserves doxxing

Claude might not be officially guy, but he's an ultimate fag without a doubt.
No wonder why his fans consist of gays and fujos only.

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Fuck off, CHADza is obviously joining Blue CHADs

How do we know we can't fuck Claude after timeskip? he seems way too gay to not be.

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>I'm gonna become a woman to give my boy Dimitri some pussy

Yeah I think I'll go with the golden lads or BE, you guys are too weird.

>SSfag hates actual fire emblem
what a surprise

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You want Edelgard to go full Wulhart? Because that’s how you make Edelgard go full Wulhart.

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You're forgetting one big thing they'd whine abut. None of the writers and staff are gay or tranny.

There she is! She's so tiny and adorable!

Sorry, but us Blue CHADs can't stop winning

>not wanting to get railed by Dimitri

user, you did remember that tomorrow is Parent-Teacher Conference night, right? I hope to see you and your parent there.

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Claude is a massive faggot, but his house still has best girls desu.

Attached: lys.png (845x1018, 663K)

You retarded pol nigger who cant seperate vidya from reality and literally have to be retarded 24/7 are whats killing this board. Like a furry you have to constantly bring your artificial identity into everything. You have literally no personality beyond this fake pol shit that you only keep up online because irl youll eat a fist for it.

Youre about as cookie cutter and generic as they come theres about 100 posters on this board who act the same exact way to a T. Please kill yourself as soon as humanly possible. Youre an immense faggot, a nigger. A retard and a fucking waste of oxygen. The only good thing you could possibily do in your life is free whoever youe guardian is from the shackels of having to provide for your fat ass.

Now tell me some bullshit pol nigger response like "pruhjectan" or "l-lol didnt read" you fucking puppet.

Attached: download.jpg (227x222, 7K)

recruit Lysithea and Marianne!

> I hope to see you and your dad there.

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His eye patch is fucking ridiculous though

That's not even the best girl in GD

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>can't into english
lmao spic

Lmao fucking smoked.

Sothis is in literally every playthrough you retard. In terms of house exclusive characters, only one house has zero homos, so that's the only objectively acceptable choice, and it's not the Lions. Submit to electrocution.

So, Claude is Soleil of 3H? Dances with male Byleth and even kinda flirts with him in the trailer, but can only be romanced by a female aka fag in closet.


Damn creator’s pet.

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It will be a pleasure purging you goldenFAGs off the planet!

Him sure but an era nigger like you deserves the rope just as much.

You not wanting Dimitri to make Femblyeth's pussy sore every moment of the day is much more gay user.

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>proved his point

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rent free as always, lmao

Seeth harder pol nigger. Not everyone whos sick of indentity niggers on an anonymous imsge board is your boogyman

Just put on a trip if you want everyone to know so much about you

faggots are perpetually buttravaged, it's only natural

She's pure sex

Attached: 1563020846898m.jpg (724x1024, 125K)

I like tomboys in the game, but she makes me feel nothing.

What house is she in

Damn. I destoryed you good bro you can literally only talk in memes. That brings my pol faggots ive destoryed count to about 246 now... Youre welcome btw I probably made you smarter in the long run. Its a blessing being able to speak to me ao i hope you enjoyed it. Goodbye

Imagine caring about gays this much to let an option you don't have to take block you out of 2/3rds of the game. I mean, just imagine living this way.

It’s photoshoppped.

Is there any basis to the claims that certain houses have better maps than the others?

>best girl in GD
>plain tomboy
Now that's just sad


Blue Lions, obviously.

Trailers say Blue Lions.
>Male = Black Eagles
>Female = Blue Lions
>Male (token) = Golden Deers

Killing every single one last of them with Dimitri!

Attached: 3houses.jpg (706x862, 96K)

Based IS

Attached: 1563010331165.jpg (1558x986, 496K)

>3 lords with each a route
>only 2 MC to choose from

so who gets left behind? Male MC with Edelgard and female gets which of the boys?

Whichever you want

Attached: 1563084619474.png (550x682, 463K)

They're pushing female Byleth with Blue Lions the most, so them. Not surprising since Blue Lions are basically otome house.


Please and Edelgard, try to rein in your... passion with Mr. Byleth. I know you mean well, but his decision is his and his alone. He’ll still be your combat and tactician Professor no matter the house he chooses.

no shit

>I'm losing to literally whos and I'm left with this fag
It hurts, bros...

Male MC has good taste

Attached: 1552462630240.jpg (850x1200, 135K)

Whichever you put her in. Although, she's being used with BL the most. So, I guess they would be "canon" house for female Byleth, just like BE are for male.

Attached: 1550248291849.jpg (840x760, 389K)

>Live the game through twitter

Attached: claudefags.png (572x204, 30K)

Do we know if the artbook is good or not?

>travels with her evil henchman 24/7
Edelgard really is a villain


I'm still not a fan of most of the otome female designs but all the Edelgard fanart is cute as hell and winning me over.

Lmao. This reminds me of this Persona 5 guy who was convinced the player was a bisexual and he admitted that he never played the game and only watched a few streams. Then went on a tangent on how you don't need to own or fully watch a game to be a fan of it.

Attached: 0311BAE4-ADE8-4D4F-B57A-1421B033E99B.jpg (271x91, 11K)

There better be option to dance with the leader of whose house I join. I don't want to fag dance with Claude instead of Edelgard.

What does that mean?


why even post here? (lol

Unironically want Byleth in now and everyone else can suck it. I don't care how well Kamui was depicted, FE 14 did not deserve the advertisement spot. Three Houses though? Yes, yes it does.
On a side note, not to start talking all about Smash, but I'm surprised they aren't creating single character DLCs to promote upcoming Nintendo games and exclusives. Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, FE 16, Pokemon Sword and Shield. Maybe Luigi's Mansion 3 and Link's Awakening Remake as well. Then again, the devs/Sakurai didn't really wanna do DLC in the first place, and shill slots tend to be placed under a bad light generally, so.

Stop thinking with just your dick. Not everything has to be sexual. I'd much, much, much rather take counsel from wise men to help run a country than a female. Especially one that already looks retarded. Besides, it wouldn't be smart to be that intimate with your counselors anyway. They may cause you to make the wrong decisions just to appease them. They could more easily manipulate you because they hold sway over you.

It means he's too lazy to even watch a lets play of the game so he's just gonna look up gay fan art.

Braindead fujoshit, they don't even play the fucking game

nothing new here

What a slut

Attached: D9PTuUbXYAElJf1.jpg (745x1100, 106K)

Attached: leak.jpg (700x589, 132K)

If only she looked that cute in the actual game.

>Tumblr art

I've honestly avoided looking much into this, does the pair up mechanic still exist in this one? Does it look less or more overpowered than before?

i hope you're joking.

I still dont get exaclty what I'm suposed to take from this

Just remove her armor and horrible stockings

Attached: fbyleth.jpg (251x399, 25K)

Probably because it can't get worse than thing we got.
>huge head
>huge angled eyes
>fat face
>rat hair
>shitty design

You will once the game is out.

So we can all agree this is a Jugdral game set either way before or way after FE4, right?

Attached: 1542565587697.png (256x224, 45K)

Somehow they're also gonna tie Marth into it.

How do you know that's a Claudefag? Have you been stalking people you claim to dislike on Twitter?

>falling for the meme
You post this every thread
Stop please

Why does female version of Byleth looks so bad? I looked up at some otome games this artist did and its female mcs don't look half as bad. So what went wrong in here?

Attached: ichiko.png (500x1416, 269K)

Claude is the only one they talk abut on Twitter.

She's hot as fuck

Attached: 1563071853957.png (926x654, 405K)

Lmao, so you do stalk people on Twitter. You really have to ask yourself who the real loser is.

>blue cucks are such beta orbiters that the very presence of a woman can collapse their government
The Golden Chads are alpha enough to run their country, and still get some pussy on the side.

Do not bully the sensei

Attached: byleth_sad.jpg (577x611, 63K)

FE4 and 5 already establish that Jugdral is in the same world as Archanea, just a different continent.

FE4 takes place like 1000 years before FE1 though.

S-Rank and kiss already faggots.

On concept art only. Not so great in the game itself.

Attached: 1563239817598.jpg (1909x1080, 373K)



Put male's face on her. Make eyelashes longer so it's more feminine and she will unironically looks 100 times better.


Attached: 1FD41706-9999-4133-A6C4-FAC3E3D6360A.jpg (1159x1280, 254K)

Attached: 1563287071606.png (1515x308, 106K)

She’s in the Golden deer though.

tumblr shit art


Attached: download.jpg (960x493, 61K)

>mbyleth: whoa...
>fbyleth: *tsk* Whatever! Like, as if!

>Female byleth
Resetera please go

Attached: resetera ideal fem byleth.jpg (840x610, 63K)

>sad Byleth
No... Sensei isn't supposed to be sad. Who hurt her? Who would do such a thing?

Attached: 52C611A0-8E13-4182-B7CB-5D65B3965473.jpg (747x731, 60K)

>that thing on right

Unintentionally seducing Edelgard, then romancing Dorothea right in front of her face!
Breaking Edelgard's spirit so she becomes even colder and more determined to grind the world under her heel!

Attached: dorothea probably.png (400x600, 235K)

Yes. We know.

And in his timeskip he has the Aizen hairstyle, all according to keikaku, what a great (((banker))) I wonder which country profits the most with the war...


Attached: 1561117106734.jpg (681x594, 358K)

They keep saying mean things about her on imageboards

Attached: 1563352422088m.jpg (819x1024, 122K)

The day when Edelgard wanted to get her pussy railed

Attached: byleths.jpg (1920x1080, 363K)

>M!Byleth displaying any sort of emotion other than daddy lusting

Is that the full image?

Attached: ega6.jpg (1200x799, 376K)

Factually wrong.

Attached: 1189F212-22C4-4FF2-A298-F0538957509D.jpg (597x1024, 76K)

>tfw he makes when he's on island of DADDYS

She died in battle. Last words:
"I'm sorry everyone. My battle ends here"

There are 3 reviews, dude. Each have their own headline.
That being said, they don't really focus on the differences between the 3 houses like everyone was hyping up the review to have.
Also, none of them even got to the timeskip before writing their reviews. So, basically a useless article. We know pretty much everything they say in here.

Not for long

If I can snap up Bernadetta too there's literally 0 faults.

Those shitbirds really are cancer eh?

She's my empress

Yeah that's it

The face and hair look better on the right desu.

>I’m a male but I’ll become a woman so dimitri cums inside my mercenary pussy
Huh lionbros..?


>Claude still seething that nobody wants to do that for him, but everyone wants to pick his house just to fuck him out of his harem

What kind of faggot wouldn't reunify the continent with our empress?

Didn’t you already type this?

What faggoty excuse do you have for not supporting the Empress?

Attached: 1544057482112.png (714x857, 823K)

Unironically the tranny route.

>B!Lions vocal minority getting uppity again
most boring dumbest class

>Strong and Brave DLC #1 $5.99
>You can change your gender of your character mid-playthrough at anytime!

Claude is smart enough to know that only way to attain the ultimate power is stay perma-virgin.

>joining the literal empire of faggots

I'm a woman

Because i'm not gay

Anons please stop posting sad Byleth's, you're making me sad too.

Attached: EAC9F4FE-A4F8-4620-B97A-92F3E2E53211.jpg (1029x1029, 111K)

That won't stop her

I will do my duty.

Attached: 1552535873540[1].jpg (1400x1000, 155K)

I'm not going to join an empire of faggots and dykes.

That's bigger no for me than the fags in her house.

I don't need one
i'm serving my Empress then uninstalling

Attached: 1561473245336.png (714x1000, 1.07M)

I too want Dimitri to cum in my male pussy.

Those whiny homo cunt can fuck themselves, i remembered that they also want to censor my wife before too

Attached: 1560019388362.png (716x741, 767K)

What if it turns out the leaked list of female gay romances were fake, and the Emperor actually is straight?


So Edelfags are going to be the worst fanbase huh..............



No, Thanibomb has been 100% right so far.

Stop falseflagging Claude

That’s because she the canon choice.

Attached: 16299BC7-67C0-436D-BAE0-8464E67962B7.jpg (685x705, 142K)

>want the game to leak
>remember that if it does there won't be dual audio until actual release

Attached: IMG_20190715_015601.jpg (800x1175, 107K)

Here's the real sad one

Attached: Screenshot_20190716-190402~2.png (1080x1314, 360K)

I'd clap

All 3 look bad to me from where I'm standing.
>Black Eagles + Golden Deers = waifudrones that don't care for anything else
>Golden Deers again = unironic homos and fujos because of Claude
>Blue Lions = too cocky because they have coolest looking leader after time-skip

>why yes, I'm FILLERchad, fuck the canon route !!

I like this, but not enough to save it, or tell you I like it.

>when you see a teacher with big tits

Attached: dimitri1.png (660x682, 801K)

Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?

Attached: D97EC780-9446-4009-B4B4-3DADD8DA8750.png (1024x576, 159K)

S- stop! Now you're making me depressed.

Attached: Honkrenz.png (245x354, 96K)

Cute and canon!

Attached: 1544599107071.png (541x800, 858K)

Prototype or the final version?

Attached: ZomboDroid 16072019062649.jpg (2000x2261, 431K)


>Dimitri... you still owe me a picture of your dad

Attached: plant.jpg (762x681, 61K)

That boy ain't right

Attached: 1563324510710.jpg (676x700, 109K)

>If Sothis is just in my head, then could I perhaps imagine her as being strong and handsome middle aged man instead?

Attached: muh_sides.jpg (743x742, 143K)

>Edelgard looks even more like a schoolgirl
>Claude wearing baggy MC Hammer pants making him look even more like a nigger
>Dimitri basically unchanged

No way...

Attached: E953459F-0D79-45A9-ADF6-5ACB908AD888.jpg (350x490, 36K)

She's so perfect bros..

Attached: Edelgard.png (1388x1200, 2.58M)

didnt they confirmed dual audio is on-disk?

Fucking gold.

Attached: 1557462977837.jpg (500x500, 37K)

rise up!

Attached: 1557411597783.png (1948x2007, 2.49M)

Literal Niggers killed his entire family which gave him "darkness inside of him."
Of course he ain't right.

What if it turns out the leaked list of male gay romances were fake, and Claude actually is gay?

>Edelgard is the biggest senseifag
>but is also the only own shown actually fighting Byleth
What did they mean by this?

Confirmed for smash

She is secretly tsundere

Claude and Dimitri are gay but only on the timeskip support list


You have to be very simple minded to choose the worst house only because it has the creator’s pet.

Attached: 78F4FA33-9838-4C1D-A8F1-AFA1567C5736.jpg (1024x863, 97K)

>wanting to switch audios
>thinking we aren't going to get PICK A GOD AND PRAY level of kino quotes

Can't wait to romance khaleesi

Nah this is just based. The thread yesterday was excellent, as is DILF Hunter M!Byleth.

Attached: 5D109D2A-969F-4880-BC3E-FA014CA1D75F.jpg (791x644, 261K)

which house do I pick if I plan on going for the dragon anyway?

This is beautiful. DILF hunter Byleth is the best meme to come out of late.

Attached: topkek.png (292x292, 220K)

This bitch is the embodiment of chaos but tempered with Order.

Can you even romance Edgelard as MByleth?

Attached: kengan3.png (304x254, 50K)

Find a girl that looks at you the way she looks at Byleth.

How do she go from breastlet to mommy gib milkies?

The gay options are really just bi-playersexual.

Being able to romance her as FByleth is already weird enough user

All the “gay options” are actually bi. You could say that Edelgard is a senseiphile.


Girl on the right looks like Eirika

>post-ts is bare skin under the skirt

>male Byleth before he became a teacher
>oh boy, this new job sounds like fun!

Puberty, and unreleased sexual tension with Sensei

it was me, she's pregnant with our child

Sothis is neutral, and kinda attached to Byleth, so she'll go wherever they go. In other words, all routes.

>the man Edelgard wants to be the father of her children would rather be the father of another father's children
No wonder she's so pissed off.

She is your stand so she goes wherever

Better to get BLACKED by an exotic beauty like Petra than an orge like Dudue

Edelgard is more reserved with male mc compared to a female. At least nips said so.
Dimitri is more sincere without even realizing what he's saying. Kinda like Leo I guess. At least he gives me Leo vibes before time skip.

rough sex everyday

Oh boy, this is the 1st time gay-shipping is actually this fun

Attached: gee.jpg (960x960, 136K)

thats not Claude and Golden Deers

Male can get with any female character

She is senseisexual and canon wife

Dudue is pure and not for lewding.

>timeskip happens
>she becomes a turbowhore because marry rich, etc

oof, this is possibly the most upvote oppinion out there

Is there anything worse than canonfags?

Attached: 1563158982794.gif (279x188, 341K)

>Edelgard is actually a full lesbian
>She makes a exception for male Byleth, because you are THAT good.
The power of cock prevails again.

The tomboy wants to fuck your dad

>marrying a girl that likes another dude

For the glory of the empress!

Attached: 1538298266205.png (1143x1105, 1.45M)

My dad want to fuck the tomboy

Yeah. Head-canon fags like you.

>my nip friend's mom told me

Gay males are disgusting.
Gay females are cute.
Thats all there is to it.



How is it head-canon if it's in the game?

Attached: 1536879169348.jpg (328x639, 79K)

And I want to fuck her dad


What went right?

The only ogre is Raphael. Dedue has a cute face

Since it's the Echoes director, will we get shit like this again? I hope so.

Das rite

bruh momento

I will marry my Empress.

FemByleth x Edelgard is canon.


>being a cuck
Hets are disgusted.

Dykes are mentally ill

Dual audio is on cart, a French dude was playing with it.

>wanting to hear dubs


Oh my bad. Dimitri is the one who acts gay and flirts with you right? I must've mixed them up.

>best design after timeskip
Stopped reading there

I mean that'd make sense. A lot of girls act more open with other girls.

how is byleth pronounced?

>our year 2019
>he doesn't know Japanese

Possible. If students react to their first kill, who knows what other little touches are added to the game

It's the true though. At least as far as males are concerned.

If only.

I'm unironically saying their name as "blyat"

It is true though.

Attached: 1562364247215.jpg (1448x2048, 309K)

this desu


However I'm a retard and got used to say "Bay-leth" so now I'm stuck with the habit of it.

He's being retarded on purpose.

So now that leaks are coming out, what's the best way to avoid getting spoiled on whatever twist happens? Just not enter into any FE thread?

Attached: 1464759759031 2.jpg (335x352, 25K)

Keep it going:

Attached: 1563383072099.png (750x750, 845K)

Just be carefuly on Yea Forums generally, because an OP could easily feature a spoiler.

Basically yeah, also avoid all smash threads.

Maybe, but dad fucker Byleth is hilarious

He isn't lying about that one. As far as looks go, Dimitri got biggest glow up.


Attached: FE Dimitri5.png (960x736, 1.7M)

>leaks are coming out

Sensei may I suggest a class at the beach to learn more about marine warfare, no second intentions here.

Attached: 1563383029289.jpg (1228x1736, 279K)

Have I seen this character somewhere before?

Attached: viral.jpg (800x449, 178K)

>Leonie over Dorothea
I didn't realize we had this many people with good taste here, shame she isn't any higher.

In Japanese it's ベレト

Attached: bereto.png (1459x162, 33K)

I only wish they don't tone down her Imperialist ways when we join her

Attached: D_iIbY1UwAAWVxP.jpg (2048x2012, 346K)

>Claude dislikes include leaving things to chance
Control freak that needs to be a puppet master
>Edelgard dislikes include loosing control
Pretty obvious she’s a control freak
>Dimitri dislikes include fragile things
I just want everybody to be strong, since he himself can barely hold it together.

The Blue Lions need me.

Yeah, and on a few other characters. It is a good design, they should keep using it.

Attached: D_hmvY2VAAAcPd3.gif (440x300, 1.51M)

Are they ever going to cope and accept it? I'm seeing theories that bisexual options are NG+ now.

Attached: 123.jpg (3276x4096, 799K)

filter any thread that contain the word FE or the like until i you the game, i guess?
Or just go full neet and do at least 1-2 routes, and hop on the discussion train
XC2 discussion on release back then was fun

To be fair, other than the gremlin, the rest of the girls are also good.


They are bargaining now. They will accept it soon enough.

i wanna FUCK Leonie

These people will never accept reality, so no.


He is a good boy who needs healings through teacher pussy and dick.

Attached: no_slutting_it_up_across_multiple_timelines.jpg (600x1596, 258K)

Obviously the house that you join will make them the protagonist faction, because you’ll be there to temper their extremist tendencies. You will serve as the morality chain for Edelgard. However should you die, then she will burn this word to ashes in revenge. A world without Sensei is a world not worth living for.

Can't argue with that.

You may or may not want to avoid major gaming sites/gaming boards you regularly visit, especially Yea Forums. The number of unmarked spoilers all over the Internet will increase as we near the release date.

What does it say?

Attached: B7D5F527-888B-441C-83EB-D63E5971A7AE.jpg (2048x1313, 291K)

>>house has the best girls
Only Ingrid, as far as I can remember.
>>house also has the best boys
This is true.
>pic in
Yeah, Annette and Mercedes are shit.

i'm confused tho. if they are pushing Edelgard as the "canon" route, why its Byleth fighting her most of the time in PVs?
doesnt that mean you have to go for other routes to do that?
Or Byleth just follow Edelgard out of love, and then just cant put up with all her imperialistic bullshit and go full "i'll stab you til you stop all that shit"

Does anyone have that copypasta of healing Dimitri?

it says faia emburemu fuukasetsugetsu

It's just the title of the game

Ingrid-Chan! Lunch is ready!

Because it's kino for the biggest senseifag to have to fight her teacherfu, and it parallels Seiros' fight with Nemesis

There's a schism in the church? I wonder what it's over?

Congratulations, you managed to unite the entire FEfanbase through hatred of your shit taste.

Probably with the Crests

Redpilll me on each house. Which one has the best girls? Pic unrelated

Attached: yS2EwcX.jpg (1253x960, 72K)


Attached: Eizen.jpg (880x1588, 220K)


Golden Deer, easily

Blue Lions

>Dragging timeskip!Dimitri away from his brooding spot where he sulks away from the army camp!
>Silencing his self-loathing and sad rants by french kissing him and dominating him with your tongue!
>Shoving him into his tent and onto the floor!
>Using his fluffy cloak as a blanket after you strip his armor off him!
>Calling him cute! Handsome! A good boy! As you kiss and caress his battle hardened, scarred up body!
>Gently pulling off his eyepatch, giving him a chance to refuse if he really wants to!
>Cupping his face and turning him towards you when he instinctively shies away from making eye contact with you!
>Telling him he's just as stunning as ever before leaving feather-light kisses along each of his brows!
>Wiping away his tears as all his anguish, pain and despair bubble up to the surface and he can't hold it in anymore because he's finally feeling loved again!
>Telling him you'll make it all better!
>Taking his hands, placing one on your hip and one on your breast!
>Riding him gently first, coaxing him out of his shell and getting him to stifle moans!
>Pinning his hands above his head as you begin to use his now rock-hard cock to pleasure yourself!
>Wringing out 5 years of pent up sexual desire and frustration!
>Making sure he moans loud enough for the whole camp to hear!
>Leaning down to leave hickies and bite marks on him while you keep slamming down on him!
>Gently laying down atop him when he finally shoots his last load deep inside you!
>Hugging him close and telling him he'll always be your good boy!

Attached: fe1.jpg (868x1228, 155K)

Eagles have Petra and dancer slut.
Deer has terrible girls.
Lions have Ingrid and Mercedes.


Attached: 1562921185367.jpg (1442x2268, 789K)

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Wew. Thanks

The Western Church doesn't follow the false apostle that is Seiros.
They are the Jews of Fodlan, while the Church of Seiros follows Jesus.

The best girl is in Black Eagles, but Blue Lions has number two and three, and none of the Golden Deer options are bad either. It's tough to say who wins overall.

We should reorganize this by playable characters

He looks like blonde Date Masamune from BASARA series, or Date mixed with Eizen here

Attached: 75897.jpg (225x350, 35K)

Finally, an user without a shit taste on this thread.

Now this is what I crave.

How are you guys picking your house? i have no idea which one to choose

So I haven't followed too much about this game because after Awakening and Conquest I really didn't care about the series anymore but from what people are saying this seems promising. Just one question, can I recruit characters from other houses to join mine? Or are you just stuck with those in the house you chose.

Attached: 1558924960894.png (604x604, 501K)

She probably still interacts with you in other routes and remais fond of you even if you didn't pick her house. So fighting her in BL or GD routes is still dramatic

I wonder if the baddies will just be the antagonists of the school phase or will continue to appear in act 2. Hell, I wonder if they're all part of the same faction

Attached: 1563331745490.png (700x1000, 521K)

The Blue Lions have my favorite group dynamics, and punished Dimitri, so I'm going with them, especially since basically no reviewers chose them

>gross western art

yes you can snatch other houses' students except the lords' retainers (Ingrid, Dedue, Ferdinand and Lorenz, iirc)
dunno about the implication after timeskip tho, like what will happen if you like, snatch almost everyone of a single house?

Based on playstyle?
>Black Eagles favor magic and their leader favors axe.
>Blue Lions are basically knights and their leader favors lance.
>Golden Deers are archers.

Watch their videos and look at what units each one has and decide that way. If you have a desire to S support an exclusive unit then pick that house.

Didn't they say that you can recruit anyone except:
>Hubert (Black Eagles)
>Dedue (Blue Lions)
>Hilda (Golden Deer)
Only they are exclusive to their own house.

Going by this, Deers have the best selection of girls.

Oh I had a feeling that's what it was. Thank you!

>slight underarm hair and happy trail
I don't care if it's western art, that's still worth a hnnngh.

Can I fuck the teachers and knights?

yeah, i remembered it wrong. thanks

Attached: 1563217701518.jpg (680x809, 81K)

Almost all of the gayfags will be women. Just like with Persona.

Yeah that's what I was wondering too. Should hopefully be interesting I basically 180'd on this game because of these recent threads but that was the only thing I was still not understanding. thanks user

Attached: 1362321326874.jpg (315x310, 24K)

Yes. You can fuck everyone you see there, except obvious baddies.

Ingrid, Ferdinand and Lorenz can be recruited. It's Hubert, Dedue and Hilda that can't.

Aren’t the Blue Lions mostly childhood friends? I can just recruit them and make them kill each other? What a bunch of cucks. Explains why blondie goes crazy I guess.

They're just in-your-face shitting on fags and fujos no fucks given, that not-Soren is cute though

Loli won't be a loli but yes

where did you find it?

WTF I love the Dragon Goddess now.

for correct non-recruitable students. rmbed it wrongly, my bad

Attached: 1563215513522.jpg (1200x1600, 241K)

Anyone else finds this weird? I mean, how did the said lords (especially Edelgard), allow someone from their house to switch without taking their head on the spike before they even tried to do it? I can see friendship fag like Claude letting his own people switch sides, but I find it weird for other two.

It’s just a school dude chill. It’s like Harry Potter houses, it’s not treason.

Moving from a kingdom to another kingdom hardly warrants a head on a spike