You think you can just scroll past and ignore me? Drop your hot-takes

You think you can just scroll past and ignore me? Drop your hot-takes.

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They should've had it so after so many defeats Mr. Shakedown starts to get piss scared and actively avoids you.

I basically used him as an ATM in late game. Literally free money.

>switches to rush mode

>Whips out Umbrella
>Chugs down Tauriner Max
What now motherfucker.

Just stared playing last few days, ive seen people before say he can be grinded for free money how exactly do you do that?

By cheesing him near endgame when you're fully upgraded.
Or by using overpowered weapons.

You think you can bump into me and not even apologize!

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get the perks from shrine that multiplies his cash by 1.5
Lose to him
Beat him to get the same dosh but multiplied
Repeat and rinse

>teleports behind you
>switches to slugger style
Thanks for the free money, kid

You just get beefy and good at the game ande becomes a laugh. He can still kill you in one combo if you get unlucky, but you can just like, repestedly chug tauriner or whatever to fill up your heat gauge and fuck him up with weapon specials over and over again.

Money is infinitte anyway, business management and cabaret makes bank

judgment is superior to 0

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Does it still feel like a Unity game?


i'm only on chapter 3 and i can beat him every time by just baiting out the running attack and hitting him a couple times, and just do that 4000 times

Just finished it. It's close but 0 is still better. Judgement has too many flaws.


it's not written by fucking yokoyama for one

the only flaw is tailing missions being overused, that's all. it's still better than 0 as a whole
best final boss in the entire series

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and the terrible framerate and frame pacing (PS4 Pro)
and the terrible padding
drone racing for the game's main side activity
keihin gang (see padding)
mortal wounds (see padding)
dragon engine shenanigans like weird imprecise movement and the UFO catcher having buggy physics
crane style having absolutely no unique upgrades

I loved the story, the friends system and the side cases but the shit above was not cool.

>I'll just add optional shit as padding

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I just zapgunned him to hell

you haven't finished the game if you think that shit's optional, brainlet

I've played it thrice.
The only real issue the game has is how much it re-uses the tailing mechanic. Otherwise it's great.

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so then you'd know that the keihin gang, an example of padding, is not optional.

>is not optional

you are free to skip them completely after the first encounters

fucking destroyed

after the first bout they become optional so I don't know his point

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>you're free to skip them
except you're pestered with increased spawn rates for a quarter of an hour unless you wreck the leaders.

So what you're saying is is that they're optional and you're a bitch.

ignore the encounters then
you can literally run past then
are you too stupid to do this or something?

Literally just find a Zap Gun from the Tiger and Dragon and start shooting. Once you get Beast's damage upgrades and the full health upgrade you can do this (Minor spoilers).

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nah cunt, you get penalised unless you deal with it. that's not optional. wrecking Honda for the first dozen times was fun, after that it just became padding

They're probably the kind of player who skips enemies as much as they can and get their ass handed to them because they refuse to level up and bitch that the boss is too hard.

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Yakuza games have always been 90% padding. Sounds like it's just not the series for you. Stick to God of War.

he's just this retard

They didn't have it to this extent
yes, let me run away from my objective, more padding senpai

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yes they did
fuck off shitposter

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I can see having trouble with certain bosses on higher difficulties but you can't unlock those on the first playthrough. Are you that bad?

present your evidence, yagami kun, otherwise fuck off

holy shit

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So what's his power level? About the same as Daigo?

I beat the real estate on legend by chapter 6 thanks to this guy

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Same I just did that last night.


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Saejima = Kiryu > Tatsuya > Ryoma > Yagami = Akiyama > Musashi > Ryuji > Majima > Tanimura > Shinada > Haruka

That's roughly my list when it comes to power levels of playable characters. Daigo is only powerful when his superpower activates which is way too rare to consider him super powerful. He's not even on Shinada's level considering Shinada beat him and all and he barely went toe-to-toe with Kiryu both times.

use a Silent extract then, it drops the encounter rate. Oh and there’s a skill that lets you see enemies on the map before the they’ve spotted you so you can avoid them

But it's practically impossible to lose fights in Yakuza games with or without leveling up. They're extremely casual. There's no point in pretending it's a hardcore series.

Black girls are better than all others


Bow before the facts.

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Shut the fuck up

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Sekiro is worse than dark souls 2.

>posting chapter 1 mooks
i love that you gave them the ol one-two before recording but those health bars are early game :(

he's posted that tired webm like 100 times as if it means anything anymore

>Yagami = Akiyama > Musashi > Ryuji > Majima
Nigga what? Majima and Ryuji are definitely 1 step below beasts like Kiryu and Saejima but fucking weaker Akiyama and Yagami?
Kiryu in 4 and Kanai in 5 proved Akiyama's power level is really low.
Also Shinada didn't really beat Daigo. Daigo stopped and admitted Shinada was strong enough but Shinada already ran out of steam in the cutscene.

lmao what a faggot, it's Beast or bust.

>no ambient occlusion whatsoever
Jesus Christ, I hope this gets a PC release in the future.

A nigger with a nigger fetish, what a surprise

Beast is easy mode though
Rush actually requires timing

smells like cope

Elemental weapons ignores most bosses's damage resistances.

who /plat/ here?

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wow look at how good at videogames you are
you are highly skilled

Majima's only feats are
>Defending Nakamichi and only Nakamichi from a bunch of Omi thugs, not even Ryuji.
>Cleaning out Sera's ninja hideout.
>Beating his way up to Dojima.
>Beating Lao Gui and Awano.
He got captured by the Omi in 5, he's lost every single fight against Kiryu, he's lost against Saejima twice, and the only time he's been shown to be a threat is in 1 (Where he loses every fight against Kiryu). In 3 he takes a back seat just dealing with business, same in 4, and in 6 he's under arrest the whole game. He's agile and got good fortitude but there's no way he compares to a lot of characters.

Akiyama has
>No fighting experience.
>Invaded Kanai's illegal factory singlehandedly and won against a ton of people, a crane, and Kanai if I remember right.
>Held off all the opposing Omi once Kiryu left and Kanai to the point that Watase and the entire Omi Clan bow to his strength.
Yeah, he's lost to Kiryu twice, but those have been his only failures in fighting thus far. There's also a bunch of fights in 4 that are gone from my mind that I know he did well in.

Yagami gets cocky, sure, but in gameplay he more or less singlehandedly takes down droves of enemies with, at most, one person helping him out.
>Cleans out Honmaruen twice, one time where he had to protect someone while doing it.
>Overtakes the entire Cane Man building with some backup from Sugiura.
>Takes out an entire security force.
>Takes out dozens of police officers chasing Kuroiwa.
>Managed to take down an experienced police officer who knows self-defense and is a seasoned murderer while having a concussion and after the cops.

Ryuji's only claim to fame is what, losing to Kiryu three times? We've seen other characters perform feats far more ridiculous than what Ryuji has ever done in the games, 90% of Y2 is him sending flunkies to fight to take places over as he grandstands.


Not really, just took me a while to learn Japanese games I’ll probably never ever try again

Is this game connected story-wise to yakuza games?

nope not canon

To add more to Yagami's feats.
>Beat up the entire Keihin gang although he needed help to figure out where everything was happening and did get help from his friends in the end.
>Beats Shioya and his crew.
>Beats Ozaki like three or four times.
>Decimates the Matsugane remnants singlehandedly.
I'm not saying he's crazy strong, but he's clearly a good chunk powerful than what we've seen a lot of other characters do.

To add to the other post as well, Muashi is stronger than Ryuji and Majima because:
>He and Shishido managed to take out all the trained soldiers during the assassination despite it being Musashi's first time in actual combat.
>Kills dozens upon dozens of skilled soldiers in each and every gauntlet including ninjas.
>Takes out all of Shishido Baiken's clan singlehandedly.
>Takes out an entire castle's worth of people singlehandedly.
>Singlehandedly kills all of Kojiro's men when they burn down the Tsuruya.
>Won the Hozoin Tournament on his first try.
>Beat Itou who was one of the most skilled swordsmen.
>Beat Sekishusai who was the head of his own dojo and one of the most well renowned people in Japan.
>Beats Kojiro, then proceeds to take down an entire fort singlehandedly, kills the final boss, then goes up against what amounts to the entire Japanese army and does die, but the fact he not only didn't break a sweat throughout the Kojiro battle onward and was still up for fighting an entire army shows how strong he is.

Story-wise the only connection is the Tojo Clan is who the Matsugane family answers to. Everything else is references but there's nothing here that goes against what Shin could introduce. If anything we'll be seeing some of the bigger players from Judgment in Shin considering how everything benefits the Omi.

By that point what would you need money for though?

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