Name a bunch of games where you play as the bad guy

Name a bunch of games where you play as the bad guy

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Overlord, Fable 1.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Legacy of Kain

Dungeon Keeper

Most WWII games.

Speaking of bad guy, Billie Eilish's rack is a big'un.

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monster hunter

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if that counts

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>implying he's not just playing 890234156 chess

Spec Ops: The Line.

That's a dude and she literally got blacked.

No nuance and nothing grey about it

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>that's a dude
Horseshit, don't bring your tranny fetish here


Overlord is bullshit, you play as a good guy in spooky armor

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FF Tactics Advance
Horizon Zero Dawn
Hyrule Warriors
Birth By Sleep
The Witcher Series

The first Destroy All Humans has you legitimately trying to enslave humanity to harvest their brains. It wasn't until the sequels that you become the good guy

Yea Forums Yea Forums

What the fuck is that nail

>race cuck
Checks out.

Warcraft 3
Soul Nomad
Fate/Stay Night

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Live A Live

Soul Nomad.
It's NG+ only, but it's one of the best evil campaigns in vidya history.

Is there a game that actually pulls this twist right?

As in it makes you believe you're fighting for a justified cause and then by the end it turns out you weren't?

There's a trap that looks exactly like her tho...


>Warcraft 3
He did what he had to



prototype kinda

You're not *the* bad guy considering Tchernobog is more evil than Caleb.

Fable 3
Spec Ops: The Line
Dragon's Dogma (sort of)

Spec Ops the Line



Manhunt, although you could argue that you're just doing what you're told to survive

New Vegas

Arguably, OFF.

I think he's perfectly justified, but eh

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Donkey Kong or Donkey Kong jr depending on your perspective

Fucking zoomers.

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Any game where you play as the US army or do their bidding.

SMT depending on your viewpoint, does actively going against humanity or God label you as a bad person?

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The whole Zero Escape trilogy

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real life

Hmm, no and I invite you to read the quest descriptions to know why monsters are hunted.
The guild did nothing wrong.

the first nier kinda if you don't have a big brain

Stop posting this hideous j*wish fleshpuppet.

Bioshock Infinite

High Moon's Cybertron games.

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LISA: The Painful RPG, to an extend. Granted, it's not really a 'twist', from the very beginning you have a clear goal that is theoretically sound. It's the journey that makes you question things...


NieR, in a sense.
Your actions were justifiable from the information you were working with, but you effectively doom humanity to extinction in the process.

C’mon user...

Crusader Kings 2. I was pure fucking evil on my comfiest Britain run.
>cruel, lunatic, possessed, cannibal
>missing half of my face (which made me wearing a badass scary mask), arm, leg and balls after my court physician couldn't put up with bullshit anymore
>have Son of Lucifer nickname
>imprison everyone I don't like
>eating all my prisoners
>wasting all my money on assassinations
>genociding norse niggers for their raiding bullshit in early game
>literally just filtering characters with norse culture through character finder and kill/imprison them ALL
>try to invite to court if they are out of my reach
>died from human diarrhea being more than 70 years old
>a few generations of my grandchildren had to deal with constant revolts due to inherited shitty vassals' opinions

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Absolutely devilish.

Kirby games

almost every protagonist is a bad guy. you kill a bunch of people instead of filling a police report for illegal activity