Got some info about the development of GTA VI

Got some info about the development of GTA VI

The full power of RockStar has been on GTA VI after RDR2. (RDR2 Pc version is coming Q1 of 2020). Not news about where it's set or were those rumors true about Vice City, but it's huge game and coming for PS5 and Xbox Scarlett 2021.

Attached: gtavi.jpg (620x413, 32K)

>blah blah its happening guys berieve meh
holy shit fuck off, give us screenshots or proof of the game being made, everyone knows GTA 6 is happening

fuck off cockstar shill im not buying your shark cards

>"i have info"
>makes incredibly safe guesses that everyone else already came to the conclusion of

come back when you have shit we care about, smoothbrain

here's your proofs user

Attached: Duckroll.jpg (598x477, 45K)

People keep saying it's a launch title for the new hardware but I just don't see it.
If Rockstar released it on current gen hardware they'd sell tens of millions more copies due to the install base alone.

>Got some info about the development of GTA VI
>Literally no info
Good job OP, you're a fucking retard.

here, have a you

Grandpa? Who let you outta the retirement home?

Also they could do the rerelease for next gen faggotry all over again.

user dont invoke ancient memes you don't know how to handle such power

Got some info about the development of OP

He's still a attention whore. Not news about where he's set but he's a huge one.

Real talk, will they actually try to push from their mold to make the game less boring?

Hey, guys. I'm an actual insider from Rockstar - unlike OP. Ask me anything and Ill answer to the best of my ability without violating my NDA.

Will there ever be a new manhunt?

Will it have tennis again?

what about Midnight Club Reinaldo Weston from Rockstar Games America?

As of right now, there are no Manhunt projects I am aware of, it's been kind of pushed under the rug unfortunately since many other employees think back to it as clunky, dated in its humor, and too full of "BRO VIOLENCE LOL".

>i have news
>i have no clue about setting, story and features
OP is a cog sugger

Attached: e46.gif (580x433, 1.57M)

Of course. The tennis minigame works just fine from V, and we have ways to improve it along with the other sports games. Especially for PC use.
Midnight Club will happen eventually, the studio is currently trying to acquire fresh talent for the next entry in the series.

What about linearity of missions. I think that the mission structure can be drastically improved if the game gived you more options to approach the target botw or mgsV style.

How big is the push for you to hire lgbt and minority races?

GTA V GAVE players quite a few options for large heists, and even for a handful of special missions. However due to the pure nature of VI's intended gameplay, there will only be real choices dependent on the first PC's actions, before reveling in them later on in the timeline during Act 3 as the second PC.
lol I'm 56% Mexican so what does that tell you?

why should i believe you're real
post tits or fuck off

Next gen port is a given, right?

Give me one reason why I'd lie to you over the internet.

How much cock do you suck?

Do you not have a phone...?

For the memes

Undead Nightmare 2? I don't care if you're real I just need a little hope

Yes, not in the way you think however. You can expect a spiritual successor after online's Cash Kicker update hits.

For online or singleplayer

what else are you working on?
Max Payne?
Table Tennis?
LA Noire 2?
A new IP


>RDR 2 literally has the graphic decomposed corpse of a slumped over child the same age as jack in a shack with his entire family dead, not even a skeleton
>claiming that manhunts violence was somehow a problem
I'm not gonna bother with calling you out because the gullible, clinically retarded kids believing you for some reason aren't going to realize it so fuck it but you are equally retarded for even writing this shit out autistic bait or not

I think they will go back to traditional expansions that offer single player content that bleeds over to online content. At least for RDR2. No online expansion or update will make people super excited for RDO. It's not in a great spot at all right now.

But a single player expansion that also carries over new gameplay elements and content to it's online might do the trick.

no matter how much Yea Forums hates it because you fat fucks have no friends, GTA Online is the most complete co-op experience in a game ever and i can't fucking wait for the online in GTA 6 so i can play with my friends.

>he unironically wants another undead nightmare instead of actually new and original DLC
>just more of the same perfect shit we already got
what is wrong with you? I swear you and people who actually want a "remake" of the first game are the stupidest people on this earth that need to be banned from voicing their opinions because Rockstar might actually waste their time on doing it

I want a spooky adventure as Arthur Morgan. I am a very simple man.

Found the vegetable with a 1.2 GPA.
Have fun in the military, champ.

found the angry virgin incel with no friends

Would you be opposed to the idea of an undead nightmare 2 that expanded on the original? I guess what I'm trying to say is it embraces complete Gothic Horror. Zombies, vampires, werewolf's, ghosts, ghouls and other creatures?

Wouldn't make sense. John already experienced Zombie apocalypse, even though its not canon its still weird. I still think best DLC would take us to Mexico and playing as Javier

I'm opposed to the idea because it has already been done. I understand what you want, you want a supernatural focused western game rather than a western zombie game, but do you really want Rockstar to allocate resources on that instead of actually making interesting and grounded content, like perhaps playing as a lawman with all the implications that brings? Why not wait for the PC release and play the inevitable mods?
Remember, they're not going to make more than one if they ever do. Any DLC they make is based on retarded Youtube niggers so that Take-Two can make more money off them.
Simply put, stop asking for an undead nigthmare DLC. You're ruining it for the rest of us when what you want can and will be achieved through mods. This isn't the game for you if you want that kind of shit, anyway.

>(RDR2 Pc version is coming Q1 of 2020)

it would be neat if the main character was a cob or fib agent that gets caught up in gangs or criminals
would be a cool twist over playing random gang bangers or mobbers

>Renaldo Weston - Rockstar Games
no google

>yet another thread
at least put some effort into it you faggot

i want be gamedeveloer.... and make MY OWN GTA

>awful sluggish movement
>edgekid humour and writing
>open world game where you fail if you deviate slightly from the intended mission structure
>it'll be absolutely rife with multiplayer monetization

