Whatever happened to this website?
I used to go there regularly a few years ago. It was pretty good for vidya news (apart from the self important faggot members). I just went there and its practically dead.
Whatever happened to this website?
>he doesn't know
I'm pretty sure the owner was revealed to be a nonce
>p-please join our site, w-we did everything you asked. Why aren't you joining?
the pedophiles ran to resetera
Now its basically a fancier Yea Forums. Who tf wants that? I was glad it died yeah but it respawned even fucking worse under the knew name
NeoGAF became Yea Forums Jr. after the worst of the worst broke off to form reeeeeeesetera
guy running it got #metoo'd so all the SJWs created their own forum where they try to hold an even tighter leash on the discord. Speaking of discord, they have a private Discord where the big mods enable or engage in pedophilia.
imagine using forums in 2019
I wouldn't know about it if Yea Forums didn't obsess over it
Same goes for resetera
>he doesn't know
sounds good to me
It became Yea Forums, with exactly the same retards posting exactly the same shit, including frogs. You just can't call people faggots and niggers. So I just quit a few months ago because what's the point? At least here I can call frogposter a raging homosexual and don't get banned for it.
There’s something quaint about these forums that I enjoy. They seem a little less steeped in the internet wide culture war that dominates reddit and Yea Forums.
Forums as a concept are perfect. Everything is archived, easy to search, BBS. If there was a forum version of Yea Forums I would use it.
EviLore walked in on some girl in the shower, so 90% of the userbase fucked off to a website called resetera.
>That Mario spoiler
>Used to let liberal mods run rampant on the site by banning anyone who said they supported Trump and basically ruin the site (what you see on Resetera was a microcosm)
>Also used to dox people
>Gets MeToo'd
>Has to ban thousands of people
>Realises after he banned his entire userbase except a small few
>Now suddenly allows right wing opinions
On one hand, it is based that he has come around instead of letting himself beat his head in like a retard - but at the same time
>but at the same time
But at the same time, the downfall was ENTIRELY his fucking fault - he stoked the flames and created a liberal audience and let it burn him and his site whole - it's hard to be sympathetic
>this guy became a resetera mod
>Says animefags are pedos
>Unlike animefags the people on this site do stuff with real children
It's funny how this keeps happening.
You reap what you sow.
all pedos and trannies ran over to resetera.
Neogaf is basically Yea Forums 2.0 at this point with better structure and no tolerance for trolling. Every time a hot button social issue comes up they call it retarded and laugh at Resetera screencaps.
1)As user said, they're all disgusting pedos and trannies and they moved to Resetera after a shitstorm involving the admit getting metoo'd
2)don't go to Resetera. Don't give these people more power and ad revenue, they're an insane authoritarian communist activist cult and don't deserves your time
>let your site get pozzed by Kotaku/Polygon journalists, leftists, and trannies for years
>anyone remotely sane either gets banned or leaves of their own accord
>let two, count 'em TWO convicted pedophiles be mods
>it becomes a sport for mod suckups like Lime to "junior bait" and get people permanently banned for not toeing the line
>many mod actions are hidden behind ModBot so no one can even consolidate and report their concerns
>exercise the least bit of responsibility in demodding bishoptl for being an power abusing turd
>get #MeTooed
>the inmates decide they should run the asylum
>go and create NeoGAF in all but name without you being able to control them
>wtf where did my userbase go please help Yea Forums we're BASED now
I don't care what kind of face turn NeoGAF tries to pull, they polluted the video game community and internet at large for years, they made their bed, now they can get fucked in it.
the only real shame in all of this is that idiots still take neogaf 2.0 seriously for some godforsaken reason
resetera is one controversy from imploding like neogaf did at this point. i'm just waiting for it to happen. etika's death planted the seed.
Yeah it's like an evil scientist who invented zombies and the world is now overrun with them after he lost control of them and he's like "hey, let me into your base and work on a cure I swear I'll solve the problem guys" - but the worlds already more than half eaten you piece of shit.
Fuck off back to where you came from
Still more influential than this place ever was or ever will be.
Stay mad and impotent Yea Forumsincels