Buy her game when it comes out

Buy her game when it comes out

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Other urls found in this thread:

Am I hallucinating or is there some fucking butt jiggle?!

Not even worth pirating.
Atelier games fucking suck, man, just fap to the porn.

I would've bought it even without Ryza.

>muh anime tiddies
You realise how incel you come off right? imagine buying it for that alone

>fucking anime game
>devs only show the character models
>never focuses on the bland gameplay that was most likely an afterthought
>make character do poorly jumping animations and walk cycles to show off that cutting edge jiggle physic from 1999

No vagina bones no buy

Damn, her tits and ass have motion.

Fuck yeah I'm going to buy it for that. And those thighs. And that butt.

>western trash
>dev only shows off how progressive they are on twitter
>no gameplay,no character animations,no walk cycles nothing related to the videogame itself

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all of this but unironically

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I don't buy games that advertise diversity, pleb.
Go back to playing with your digital dolls.

Attached: 1563279466998.png (500x512, 145K)

>look at minimap
>see borders

Attached: 1291145159130.jpg (466x350, 61K)

>that underboob
>that hint of juicy buttcheek visible through the thigh gap
I-is this official art?

I'll take this over anime games anyday though, western games generally have a better emphasis on gameplay and not just pandering to loli or muh anime tiddy junk which is embarrassing now days

>I-is this official art?

No yuri no buy.

Attached: 1562833771843.jpg (855x1200, 357K)

Game name?

It has arse physics.

God fucking damnit.
I hope it gets a Switch release. Atelier games are so much better when they're portable.

Atelier Ryza, not out yet

>western games generally have a better emphasis on gameplay
Holy fuck lmao

I only played Totori
Which else should I play?

It has a Switch release.

>western games generally have a better emphasis on gameplay

Whats it called and is it on PC

>claims that he doesn't buy games that advertise diversity
>jew vegas.png
How can you claim you don't even buy their games when your memes are all about them?

Attached: 17TvGtg.jpg (362x254, 25K)

sad truth nonetheless

Atelier Ryza and it will be in the future

Better than wasting money on women
Atleast the game has a use.

Not ingame no buy

Not a rebuttal, OP is literally a game thats shilled around cause of the incelbait which seems to be the focus for a lot of japanese games

Do you also pick on disabled kids? Incel weebs serve a very important purpose: making everyone else feel better about themselves.

I can save an image from a basket weaving image board without buying a particular game, smooth brain.

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I have the LE already pre-ordered

How does New Vegas advertise diversity?

>same week as Luigi's Mansion 3 (just one day apart here in Europe)
I'll buy both at launch but fuck, it'll be tough alternating between them.

Have sex.

Do you even know where you are?

gb2 lookism kiddo

Why do JRPGs never have any wind up / wind down animations for movement? It's so jarring when you instantly transition from stationary to running in a single frame.

what genre?


Attached: genshinimpact.jpg (350x457, 43K)


>western games generally have a better emphasis on gameplay
Was there a western game released after 2000 that has gameplay?

>That damn running animation
I hate that they're still doing this after all these years. That pose is not cute, it's retarded. No girl ever run this way, even when cute. More neutral would be much better.

for one the budgets for these games are less than 1% of the budget for western games

is cute

I still don't know what this games about. All I've seen are jiggle physics.

Crafting mostly

Really like the piano in that song. I hope that is a recurring theme in other pieces as well, like they've done in other games

Have you been in any of the other threads about these games? Because that question has almost always been answered in those.

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is this the same guy that cried like a baby when bless online failed ?

>turn based combat
You can literally play Warframe on Switch now. I'm never ever playing turn based games ever again now.

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I hate shooters

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that's the most pathetic, bland and generic anime girl design ever

Warframe doesnt have cute girls

she cute

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Reb is pretty cute

Attached: crotch stream.webm (548x550, 1.82M)

>player character has 6 billion polygons on her ass alone
>ground textures still look like they came from the Nintendo 64
every fucking time

I'm preordering it just to piss you off

They don't expect to look at the ground

>Atelier pandering to Senran scum now

Jesus christ.

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Jokes on you, I always liked both

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Honestly nothing has made me lose more respect for cumbrain waifufags than the fact Atelier was MORE hardcore when it was aimed at girls.

Better than being a pedobait series.

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eat shit faggot

I just want to repeatedly impregnate Ryza. Is that really so wrong?

I don't buy games with shit gameplay just because of some jiggling asses.

That's the power of thicc tights.

Looks more to me like it's taking cues from Nights of Azure character design, what with that game selling well and all.

The first one sold surprisingly well, the second one very badly. So I don't think so, this is just this artists personal vision

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>tfw you lived long enough to see the cute, innocent Atelier series turn into yet another otaku fanservice pandering game

Attached: 15MJ90H.png (640x957, 450K)

Rorona and Meruru, but not the original PS3 release of the former.

I swear that shitty jumoing animation is in every single trash jrpg ever made.

I guess it's inevitable, they have no idea how to stop the sales hemorrhaging so they're hoping cumbrains will save them.

What do you actually DO in these games?
Is it 90% reading, 10% gameplay?

Gust finally realized how to market the Atelier franchise.
Took them over 20 years.

Nod an argumend :DDD

Mostly gathering materials and crafting items, though there is a JRPG component to it all so world exploration and combat are a thing. That said, there's also a lot of character interaction, though given the low impact nature of Atelier plotlines a lot of it is slice of life fluff. Not all of it, but most of it.

>What do you actually DO in these games?
Trying to develop the elixir of life by combining thousands of ingredients.
>Is it 90% reading, 10% gameplay?
That's the Persona series, Atelier games do have more gameplay.

Synthesizing items, slice of life actions between characters, gathering items from fields and battling monsters. So it's about 30% viewing scenes and that other stuff takes the rest. If you're into post game and making the best items that other stuff will take more time.

>Gust finally realized how to market the Atelier franchise.

Atelier has only sold worse since they've started overt sexualization and I doubt this game will be any different

Have you even played the first game?

>they've started over sexualization
So since the beginning?

Some fanservice is not the same as designing your characters solely so people draw porn of them. Ryza is ridiculous compared to every other main girl.

The game itself will be same tame atelier as before. I guess girls like her are not something you enjoy.

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he's gay

>Atelier has only sold worse since they've started overt sexualization and I doubt this game will be any different
Really because Mysterious sold very well for the series.

Attached: sales.png (859x709, 1013K)

>literally no one bought Blue Reflection

Lydie&suelle sold way over 200k overall when western numbers included? Damn

No, I don't like pornbait in a series that general avoids pornbait.

I'm going to guess there's a reason there's no Arland or Dusk numbers shown to compare it to

>I'm going to guess there's a reason there's no Arland or Dusk numbers shown to compare it to
I dunno because whoever made the image didn't put them in?
If you think Arland or even Dusk "weren't sexualized" that's a laugh and a half.

Attached: High Impact Sexual Violence.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Can you post gameplay first?

im going to pirate it since the arland trilogy were such shitty ports

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>im going to pirate it since the arland trilogy were such shitty ports
What was wrong with them? Other than a change to one of the end-game chests in Meruru I don't think there was any difference and they certainly played fine.

>western games generally have a better emphasis on gameplay
Yeah, 15 years ago.

Then you care more about the audiences reactions than the reality of the game itself.

Man I fucking hate asian

Not getting it. Fuck this game for making the only fuckable thing in it not playable.

No I don't think an ironing board wearing a ridiculously tame swimsuit as an optional costume is the same as a titty monster running around in bootyshorts with ass bounce and an ridiculous thigh gap in her normal clothes.

I didn't say "not sexualized", either.

>No, I don't like pornbait in a series that general avoids pornbait.
You dumb nigger, this shit has always been bait.

>no cute girls
>nobody buys the garbage
Gee I wonder why.

just upsetting how few options there were for customization
there weren't even any graphical options besides fullscreen

>This does not sexually arouse me so therefore it's not sexualization
wew laddie
Ryza's design might appeal to a more general audience but you're an idiot if you don't think kishida jacked himself to oblivion while making totori.

Attached: Totori's back.jpg (408x815, 94K)

atelier series is old as fuck, how the fuck did you not know about it
>b-but it's a niche anime series for incels
It's only doing this "lets bait them with tiddies" now, back in the ps2 era it even had spin-offs with male protagonists.

>if just one person can get off to it it's sexualized

Don't be daft.

>buy a game for your dick
>doesn’t even have porn in it
I never thought it would be possible to cuck yourself from pornography of all things and yet her we are. Seriously, why do morons waste their money by buying this stupid garbage instead of getting Koikatu or some other hentai shit? Sure those aren’t really games but at least you actually get what you’re fucking paying for

Isnt she 13 or something

She's so THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCC (for japanese standards)

If the creator of it gets off to it with the intention of other people with similar tastes to him getting off to it then yes it's sexualized.
Why do you think everyone always says Totori is their favorite? God fucking knows it's not the game because her game is definitely the worst of the Arland trilogy, they just think she's cute.
Yea she is. She's also 4'9"

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>New IP
>Zero replayability
>Easy as fuck
>Less than 30 hours
>Still charge $60 + $80 Season Pass
Koei Tecmo's marketing, everybody

>have had people tell me this series isn't just shallow lolibait jerkoff trash
>see this


Attached: (((Schreir))).png (400x400, 218K)

I made the mistake of buying Shallie on release. Never again. These games are worth 20 at most.

I do hope you played ayesha and Escha&logy before that?

Who is that goblina

If I knew the game I would buy it but you shit posters never name the game so kill yourself

I made the mistake buy all of the ps3 releases.
Never had the thought that they'll port it to pc.
At least I can play the original Rorona or emulate it.

Yeah, E&L was my first game of the lot, went back to play Ayesha after really enjoying it. Shallie just never clicked for me.

She is the space mom of 27 million players in Warframe

Shallie had a very troubled development that they kinda fixed in shallie plus

How is this anywhere close to being a loli?

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Have sex

That thigh chafe must be excruciating!

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Don't you know? Any woman with a young face = lolicon fantasy

>most basic part of movement animating, the transition from go and stop, isn't even bothered with
japanese games have gone to absolute shit

I think she's normal proportioned but is just wearing the least flattering clothing i've ever seen in my entire life.

That is where I wish to die.

>Weeb shit
>Generic anime rpg world
>female protagonist
Thats gonna be a HARD pass for me senpai

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>>Weeb shit

God, I hate waifubait shit


Im on Yea Forums not Yea Forums you seething weeb-nigger

have sex

>he is on a website made for weebs to talk about shit
>he is on the board made for weebs to talk about video games
>he is in a video game thread
>he is complaining about weebs and video games

>they actually listen and added physics
Day 1 buy. Switch version of course



I hate that "female protagonist" has become a dirty word now because of the west.

I wanna put my dick between it

Nah, Gust is just a low budget, stretched out dev team since being acquired by KT.

>we have de-evolved to "dilate", "tranny", "have sex" and "cope" now as arguments
The fuck is happening to this board?

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Every year comes with a new set of braindead buzzwords. Seeing as 2019 is the year of obsessing over trannies, it's only natural that this year's flavor or inanity reflects that.

Same shit that's been happening for the past 5 years, biggest influx of normalfags and now it's just retards.
We were warned about pretending to be retarded but we didn't listen.

Attached: dumb phoneposters.png (1229x416, 64K)

>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it

Attached: cat_crying.jpg (512x384, 19K)

>this is a current-gen game
Why do weebs have such low standards?

>Same shit that's been happening for the past 5 years, biggest influx of normalfags and now it's just retards.
Nigger Yea Forums has always been full of retard's.

>How do I get over this?
By playing games.

Wrong. There is funny retards and then theres these autists

Stop buying weeb shit and start going out with people from your age group.

>getting angry over something someone said on Yea Forums

Please tell me you're joking. Try playing some video games.

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yes and?

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I love Atelier!

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How is Lulua's game, I just got nelke and was gonna get Lulua in a few weeks.

Attached: 69243702_p0.jpg (744x1052, 601K)

depends on how the gameplay is

It is very good, but postgame is harder than in the previous Ateliers. You no longer have Devil's Shield and Perpetual Motion traits, so you have to rely purely on elemental resistances, defense and max HP to survive. Max difficulty also reduces the item power of subsequent uses of the same kind of item (but not if the item was used during Item Interrupt).

>You no longer have Devil's Shield and Perpetual Motion traits
Was that a thing in LS? I never bothered to hyper autism endgame gear for the postgame bosses I just spammed good bombs.

Imma buy it just to spite your faggot AIDS ridden ass motherfucker

Sometimes I hope the base game would be a little shorter since after going through all of it I kinda feel I've had enough of that gameplay for a while. I did plat all of mysterious and dusk plus games but most times that really isn't clearing the absolute strongest bosses. In lulua I didn't really bother making very good equipment either. Saw all the endings though

Did you just walk out of a time machine from 2003?

No. I've lost all faith in Gust.

>deflects to boogeyman western developers

God I wish I were Lulua, I'd fuck my mom everyday

pay a prostitute, then you can ignore the virgin and incel posters by technicality.

I'm so sick of this low-effort trite, "let's just throw jiggle physics and tits the size of watermelons on our characters and hope that distracts the player from the bare-bones gameplay and absolutely empty and bland environments!"
Xenoblade 2 is literally the only game that balanced insane sex appeal and actually putting effort into the rest of the game

He's also right.

>Xenoblade 2 is literally the only game that balanced insane sex appeal and actually putting effort into the rest of the game
Imagine actually thinking this

Is it a gust game? If so mana khemia is one of my favorite games of all time. That was back before all of these jap developers took a nose dive in quality in terms of rpgs


Attached: 1562456810123.png (1065x1424, 336K)

Xenoblade 2 was cringe central due to out of place sex appeal, the game was decent in spite of it, not helped by it at all.

>Arguably gameplay
Fuck off, if you defend bullshit like the new Atelier

Not until she has a bishi dude I can ship her with

Regardless of what you think about Atelier, you are fucking retarded if you think Xenoblade 2 is the first good game to have fanservice.

Only incels worry about how incellike they appear.

Out of place sex appeal?
When Atelier is the equivalent of 2/3s of the budget being used on tit physics so the remaining 1/3 leaves PS2-tier assets as the only remaining option?

The game wasn't even going to have tit physics and it got added at the last minute due to fan request. The OP is from a stream where they were showing off that they responded to the players' request.

I don't give a fuck about atelier but he's right. Xenoblade 2 is cringe as fuck, especially playing it as an adult.
>the part where the bitch wakes up next to rex and gets all le baka xD
That was about the time I realized jrpgs are so fucking retarded that I can't even enjoy them anymore. They don't offer anything new. It's the same shit over and over but now they go hard with the waifus to keep a jaded consumer base "entertained".

There is still an insane disconnect from the effort put into the environment and the character, like every other game of this type, I mean at least the color pallet between the 2 is consistent, unlike something like Nu-Ys

Was the mystery trilogy any good?

Do sex appeal take something away from a game for some people? Soiunds weird. Anyway, this is atelier game. It is aiming for pegi 12 rating. It will not have much lewd scenes, maybe a beach or bathing scene with swimsuits or towels. Maybe a dlc costume. Insane sex appeal is really overblowing the amount of sex things this game will have.

Attached: 71566653_p0.jpg (1200x1603, 968K)

>Anime styled game takes archetypes and cliches from anime of it's style to reinforce the fact it's based off of anime
Holy shit, call the press
Also that's not what "waifu" means you fucking casual, you never gave a fuck about JRPGs in the first place

How do i get a body like sterk

That man knows how to sell his game, knows the important stuff.

Normalfags have panic attacks and weird weeb shit but aren't familiar with actual shit talking outside of high school shit.

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Why doesnt anyone ever talk about escha during cute atelier girl threads?

>Str*ight girls

Yes, I did. They were a significant part of my childhood, but now I could care less because of their current state.
>anime HAS to be a certain way
>it being anime means no originality
Youre fucking dumb man

Well she isn't my first choice but Escha would be a solid wife

Attached: 2016-01-20-213303.jpg (960x544, 110K)

Atelier games would not sell better if they had better graphics or "better" gameplay (most people who complain about this have never played it). They're in a niche market.

>tfw I actually knew a girl who was like this
her thighs rubbed so much she had holes in her jeans. where they rubbed

>>it being anime means no originality
So you didn't actually play past the introduction of Mythra and up until that point completely ignored the story and political intrigue because you don't like anime and obviously went into the game with a negative outlook?

Is there any way to play Ayesha on modern machines?

I'm not giving Atelier a pass either, I'm only attacking the notion that Xenoblade 2 gained anything from going full retard.

They tried pandering to /u/ fags with blue reflections look how that turned out. why were the panties so ugly looking

You had more options in Lydie & Suelle. You could one shot bosses, if not do massive damage, using assist skills as well as battle mix. You also had Devil's Shields trait which gives like 3 debuffs but makes the next hit do 1 damage per line. In Lulua, assist skills and regular skills are a lot weaker for psot game (but not for main game), and your big dick damage comes from your bombs only.

fucking pathetic
there is FREE porn on the internet you incels what the fuck do you need some shitty Korean MMO for

>They tried pandering to /u/ fags with blue reflections
No they didn't, if they did it would actually have sold
Nights of Azure was true /u/ pandering and it sold well

That's what people see first so it's no wonder they complain about them. Personally I don't really give a fuck about graphics since I think most things look good enough from PS3 generation onward

Just wait a few years, they will most likely port plus games anyway

The first game, the second flopped very badly.

Attached: 2016-01-20-235955.jpg (960x544, 111K)

I dunno man these Atelier games are starting to feel pretty samey

Attached: breathingloli.gif (720x312, 1.74M)

>Just wait a few years, they will most likely port plus games anyway

But it's already five years old

Attached: a.png (1135x429, 648K)


white incels need to die

And Arland was even older than that when DX came out. Patience user.

Attached: 2016-01-21-211224.jpg (960x544, 96K)

This game is for Japanese people

Sophie was very fun and comfy though I'm pretty biased since it was my first atelier game, firis has some good ideas but they're muddled with bad ones which in general kind of spoiled the game, and while LS was a pretty great game with good alchemy system it's kind of hampered by the jewish dlc.
Overall pretty good, follows the same trend as Arland in terms of quality.

>and your big dick damage comes from your bombs only.
just as god intended

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

>ris has some good ideas but they're muddled with bad ones which in general kind of spoiled the game
Item level grinding is probably the shittiest idea they've had.

Attached: ThanksGust.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

>Superb Quality
This isn't Arland, user. Simply throwing bombs is also very weak in Lydie & Suelle. You have to use an N/A in battle mix for it to be any good.

vince! what do you think you're doing around here you sonuvabitch?

Attached: 15978983.jpg (1920x1080, 570K)

Yea I know I finished it a while ago

Did you use it as an ingredient for another bomb?

Ryza I love youuuuuuuuuuuu

>Recipe hints
I never even bothered unlocking every item because of all the grinding.

I want to cum on her thighs

Haven't played Sophie and Firis yet, but how exactly does grinding for recipes work? For reference, I thought the Alchemyriddle missions in Lulua were pretty enjoyable and easy to accomplish, it didn't feel like grinding at all, just suggestions on stuff to do while playing naturally (with maybe a couple exceptions).

Me too!

Free porn sucks and is unsatisfying

You make the item over and over again. You can use certain equipment to make that exp grind faster, but you will have to make the item multiple times. Achieving higher item level allows you to put more traits into it. There's some other bonuses as well, can't remember them though. You do have some skills that allow you to input mire traits into the item even if you haven't grinded it, but overall it was a shit system.

Attached: 74043368_p5.jpg (1500x1500, 1.44M)

Sounds kinda rough.

Oops, you were talking about recipes. My bad. My earlier post was about firis item levels. Recipe hints worked about the same way as luluas alchemy riddle, personally I didn't find that really too grindy. I like it more than just getting them from books. But sometimes they could be less grindy for sure.

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That's cool then, I feel that aspect gives the game a decent pacing even though it doesn't quite fully make up for the removal of time limit.

Totori looks mad sexy. Is her game worth playing

Yes but you should play Rorona first.

Firis has a time limit of a year for the first half of the game. After that, you immediately enter a sort've "endgame" state without a time limit where the only real goal is to unlock endings.

Also the tutorial has its own time limit, if I recall correctly.

Doesn't sound like a good game. We would have to cover our eyes every other minute.

Attached: 1507358684191.webm (1280x720, 928K)

>Why do you think everyone always says Totori is their favorite? God fucking knows it's not the game because her game is definitely the worst of the Arland trilogy, they just think she's cute.
Certainly not for your first game

Will Atelier ever have heterosexuality again?

Anime tiddies are delicious.

it's atelier thread you chinktard


Attached: chara.png (933x1093, 656K)

Ryza doesn't even have the biggest tiddies in her own game.

Post Queen

Sex appeal ALWAYS helps a good game be even better. The only times this is not the case, is when the game is bad, and in cases like yours when you don't have any testosterone.

Fuck off retard. Stuff like the camera focusing on ass during a serious cutscene only serves to make it impossible to take seriously like it wants you to.

>Stuff like the camera focusing on ass during a serious cutscene
Name one game. Seriously I want to play it.

She dresses like a slut

Name one game where they do that and it's genuinely tonally of place and isn't for comedic effect.

ironic since your kind consume product purely based on its propaganda factor

>He's so painfully ooga booga caveman and brainwashed that he can't enjoy the female form unless they are naked and getting served another man's cock.
Congrats on self segregating yourself from the patricians. Plenty of women don't even look better naked than they do in some clothing. If you can enjoy both, such as the patrician does, then there are virtually limitless combinations of clothes and bodytypes to get your dick hard at. If you can't appreciate the succulent squeezing of fat thighs by way of stockings then you're bumfuck retarded and haven't the ultimate thinking man mode. It's not too late to turn though.

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Ayesha a best and her game has the best music.

What game is the best to get into the series? Theres a million fucking games

Really?! This is what they are choosing to show off?


Complaining about anime on a Japanese inspired imageboard GB2Reddit

Sorry, doesn't look erotic enough to buy based on that. Too conservative outfit, barely any breast movement, etc. You need to try way harder to excite my clitoris.

Sophie or Rorona

wrong, this place is literally 4channel now autist. normie central

There's a reason GUST is dead so it's going to be fun watching all these faggot buy this game and then be "surprised" that it's horseshit

...Will Ryza's outfit make it into DOA?

This x100, why are you incels getting baited into this game so damn hard. Just hang a pair of anime tits infront of you and you throw your $$ at it.

It's not bait you fucking insecure child. We enjoy cute and erotic things more than things that aren't cute or erotic. You can literally make a game BETTER by putting cute girls in it.

>why are you incels getting baited into this game so damn hard.
because the games are good and fun

dont incels generally hate women? youre sounding awfully incel hating on anime tiddies.

is it true that first atelier games where more lewd than cute?

>No girl ever run this way
Good thing it's fiction then isn't it? Fuck reality

Based and redpilled

The first atelier games were literally otomeshit

Atelier games aren't really lewd in the first place. Maybe the occasional bit of fanservice here and there but in practice, I don't even expect Ryza to be a particularly lewd game.

Why is Yea Forums hating on boner culture now? Cumbrains wtf is this meme shit word?

Imagine living in a world without anime pussy.

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Newfags gonna newfag.


It's gotten so bad that you can't even blame summer anymore. It's legitimately eternal summer at this point, it was just a joke a decade ago but that shit's real now.

imagine supporting garbage video games solely because they get your dic hard while whining about how sjws supporting garbage video games solely because they have transniggers in them are "ruining the industry"

Imagine being this gay

>Fanservice ruins the industry
Give literally one example
That's right, (you) fucking can't you dumb nigger.
I can think of plenty of fucking games that failed because of their nonbinary gender nonconforming unisex bathroom ugly bulldyke bullshit being shoved front and center as if the people who gave a fuck about that bullshit actually bought video games.

Not worth arguing with that lot, they dont value much outside of ''muh anime tiddies'' and nothing will change that. Genuine peabrains.


do you honestly think these assholes play video games at all?

Gamergate was a mistake.

Attached: 1562694980152m.jpg (701x1024, 85K)

>I can think of plenty of fucking games that failed because of their nonbinary gender nonconforming unisex bathroom ugly bulldyke bullshit being shoved front and center as if the people who gave a fuck about that bullshit actually bought video games.

and i can think of plenty of games with WOW BIG TITS AND ASSES BASED JAPAN IM FUKKIN CUMMING that completely flopped so i dont know what your fucking point is

it ruins the industry because cumbrains prop up shite games as long as they have tits and ass and basically tell devs they dont even have to try to make something that's fun to play because a legion of dopamine-adled virgins will still buy it.

Yes it was, cause you GG incels cry the loudest about muh anime tiddies and make sure to let everyone know youre whining.


Oh God, you were actually part of it. Called the fuck out.

Lydie and Suelle had it

>Pokemon Sword/Shield mods.webm

Otomeshit is better than this incelshit

Ys 8

I wasn't disagreeing

There is nothing wrong with catering to an existing, and proven to be profitable market.
I will shit on EA micro-transaction filled garbage all day long, but I will never say EA doesn't have a right to make them because that is hypocritical.

>mods on switch

Attached: Veola's Thong.jpg (640x480, 225K)

>i can think of plenty of games with WOW BIG TITS AND ASSES BASED JAPAN IM FUKKIN CUMMING that completely flopped
>cumbrains prop up shite games as long as they have tits and ass and basically tell devs they dont even have to try to make something that's fun to play because a legion of dopamine-adled virgins will still buy it.
So which one is it?

Probably because you incels turned this board upside down with your obsessive crying, of course everyone that frequented here back then was apart of it. Go back to ∞ if you want to whine about your anti-sjw incel stuff.

>imagine buying it for that alone

user the presence and quality of anime titties is an important aspect of vidya whether you like it or not

Attached: curation.png (957x405, 430K)

>all of this random off-topic seething over people not liking western games
Are we being raided by actual roasties? Go make another Wolfenst*in thread or something.

Eurocuck detected. No wonder the gaydar is going off this hard.

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Pics of your games?

You were actually invested in that shitshow, weren't you? Wow, that's embarrassing.

quit trying to fit in, youre obviously an election tourist

Nah, been here long enough to know that no one was calling anyone incels before that cringefest hit.

My motivation has improved with more creative masturbation lately.

This is the sort of shit my dad would send me at 3 am

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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>Koei Tecmo
I refuse. Fuck those guys

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>no one talking about the new girl

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I really hope the fanart mill gets going for her.

oh fuck!

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That is a shame. But also
>no one talking about the old best girl

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She reminds me of one of those prostitutes I've heard about.

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oh yes

Why are all the female designs so boner inducing?

Pretty much this.

>arrows on her outfit pointing where to stick your dick

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wake up

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>no Japanese Steam release

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Was the English release in september?

underrated post

>that completely flopped
Breaking even is flopping now?
I mean I know one of the Nu-Raider reboot games flopped at 6 million but that was a AAA piece of shit. These fanservice games break even at 10k. In fact the only game that's seriously flopped recently was Arc of Alchemist and that's because it's kinda fucking shit and incomplete.

Japanese. English is in late October for US and early November for EU.

>Never heard of Arc of Alchemist
>Google it
>Idea Factory

And all was fine with the world.

Because the character designer made them that way. Also that's him on the left in the OP for the first few seconds.

You are aware that all their other games broke even right?

It won't overlap with Code Vein then, good

I'm not even that user, I just won't shed a tear for any losses on their particular end. They make Senrans look high budget.

Buying her game won't let me fuck her.

Attached: 1551023554024.jpg (461x507, 152K)

>mobile game
>free to play
Now that's gonna be a SUPER FUCKING YIKES from me bro

Attached: 1558922872876.jpg (550x422, 35K)

You can clamp the case that comes with her game on your dick.

Only one of those is true, the others are patently false. I'll let you do a Google search to determine which one is true.

Stop using my dick against me

He's handsome for a nip

Why are you guys complaining about no PC release? Like are you too poor to own a PS4 LOL

But it is coming to Steam. That said,

>cute anime girl game
>buying it on PS4

Pick two.

NOW i will buy your game

Oh, you're just a shitposter who hates things because he heard about them on the internet. Of course. If you had any semblance of brain you'd know they've improved their game's systems and graphics dramatically.

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If you say so. Only game they've put out that I've even wanted to try was Gun Gun Pixies and even then, I dunno. I just kinda wanted Toy Story 2 with cute anime girls.


I heard these atelier games fall in quality with each one, Is this true? cause they do seem like shovelware with how many of them are out there. Which ones are worth it? I want to give them a try

Friendly reminder that there's a Ryza thread up on /c/ and /e/

That's coming out west this year for switch and PC. So you'll be able to.

I want a serving of her breast milk in my coffee.

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Based and truthpilled.

You sound more like an incel than he does

Don't we all.


The gameplay fucking sucks if these weren't boring in that part I'll get it. The dialogue and the girls are 10/10 tho.


>The gameplay fucking sucks
I'm sorry you're too small brained to enjoy alchemy kino

Attached: 1562726288059.png (1360x1500, 1.19M)

is that Linkle?

Attached: 75015758_p0.png (2171x3508, 3.88M)

No, it's Ryza.

How much of Gundam is alcohol apology, and why?

>worrying about looking like an incel
>let alone on an anonymous site
This is why you're never going to be a Chad.
You're too much of a self-conscious pussy to do what you want

>cute, innocent Atelier series
the series has been otaku fanservice for longer than you've known it's existed

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Click one more time at the pixiv picture to get the best version. If you just save the first pic you see it will always be limited to 1200. And it probably has some other compressions.

Attached: 75687125_p0.jpg (744x1052, 658K)

>ctrl+f shill
>only 1 result
What happened to Atelier threads? There used to be more meta-posting about KT shills.

No one wants to talk about shills so go away. That was more of a Blue Reflection bogeyman anyways.

Do you want that back?

Attached: 2016-01-21-211138.jpg (960x544, 128K)

No need for shills when everybody already loves Ryza


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Very nice

Attached: 2016-01-25-022802.jpg (960x544, 102K)

>buy her game just because she is attractive even though the franchise is mediocre yuri bait at best

This is a franchise that never had a male protagonist (which is not an necessarily an issue), but never had a good male protagonist that actually acted like a man, yet it is marketed at male audiences even though it is the equivalent of shoujo manga in JRPGs.
The only reason they are doing this hot design is to bait thirsty faggots with no standards.
Why would a man with balls play a happy rainbow cooking simulator with little girls
larping as fantasy warriors?

There's no way a man would party up with these girls without hitting on at least one of them. No real man would allow himself to be led by a bunch of little girls.

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Playing footsie with Ryza!

Male character*

Too busy fapping to Ryza’s armpit to read your garbage post

I've never played an Atelier game; aren't they just moebait for weeb losers? Aren't they just exploiting degenerates for money?

>The only reason they are doing this hot design is to bait thirsty faggots with no standards.
OR the character designer wanted to make that design because it's what he likes.

Are you okay user?

>No real man would allow himself to be led by a bunch of little girls.
don't insult sterk like that

There's not really a role of leadership in Atelier, just a story to be told and a protagonist to tell it with. It's more like the cute girls make and surround themselves with good friends who are willing to help.

He's right you know

>There's not really a role of leadership in Atelier
There is though, and it's the main girl of each game, and sometimes their mentor

I want Ryza to be my mentor


What I mean is no one's taking a commander role here, it's more like a bunch of pals going on an adventure.

Ryza going commando

>using technology designed amd manufactured by söychuggers to shitpost on said imageboard
No YOU need to go back

Go go Ryza

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My wife!

If someone in this thread can draw her getting her clothing ruined from an alchemy explosion then I will

did user die

If I get meruru on steam is it a good stand alone

I’ve heard this series is timed like fallout is that true

Why did she steal Queen Ashe's outfit?

Meruru is the third entry in the Arland trilogy. Personally I think it's also the best one but I would still play Rorona and Totori before playing it. You don't HAVE to but it's better if you do. And yeah, the series has a long history of being timed but moved away from it with Dusk and effectively abandoned it with Mysterious.

No, Meruru is the third game of the Arland trilogy. You get Rorona or Totori.

No idea about how fallout is timed but some of the games are timed some aren't. Arland trilogy you're talking about is all on timer

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>New Vegas the game where the canonical ending in everything but name has a white business man takes over a city and leads the remainder of the human race to the stars
>Jewish at all

In fallout 1 you have in game 150 days to beat the game or you just lose


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The first page of alchemyriddle on Lulua always made me a little happier

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8 hours in Atelier Sophie, this is the second atelier game after getting bored and dropping Ayesha years ago.

I am having the comfiest of times bros. Sophie is CUTE.

I heard people consider Sophie to be one of the shittiest entries but i like it so far, is Firis/ Lydie & Suelle even better?

There's some talk about Firis earlier in the thread, it's a bit messy for various reasons. Lydie&Suelle I like the best from Mysterious series.

Attached: Atelier Lydie _ Suelle _The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings__20180429125347.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

Endgame spoilers: I like to think that each version of Lulua wrote in one of the lessons.

Hmm? Is there something more after you save one of the Stias and force the timeline to be that Stia is always saved?

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Not, but blue Lulua wasn't the only alternate Lulua, she herself had got Alchemyriddle from a previous Lulua while adding her own recipes and ideas to it and so on, so there had to be several.

Ah right. I think that was a nice little twist overall. Honestly at first I kinda thought it was Astrid fucking around or something.

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What’s Ryza’s endgame?

Absolutely SEETHING roasttoast detected.
Kinda sad huh, that men prefer to stare at some animated 3D model of a girl, rather than spend time on you?
Guess you have even less to offer to men than a girl from a video game, lmao

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Yeah that's pathetic.

jesus christ that terrain is fucking disgusting in 2019

i just don't understand you faggots. Playing as a girl is lame.

Do you self insert when playing games or what?

I like cute things and girls are cute. Not that hard to get.

No it’s not

Day 1 PC purchase. Hell, I might even pre-order it just for the hell of it.

Outside of the main character the ge does look like a regurgitated mess. Literally mobile tier.

I hope the PC port looks better

Yea Forums has a flowchart for just this sort of argument

I self insert as the little girl having lovey-dovey baby making time with a middle aged salaryman.

It seems like you haven't played any Gust games before.

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You can have Mana, she's all yours

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>thousand year-old loli
This ain't it, chief.

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>final boss from two games ago who turns out to be innocent
I wish he interacted with Totori, I understand that he'd rather avoid her and keep his identity a secret, but it would've been very interesting to see, especially since Totori seems to have canonically defeated the Rage Beast as well.

That would have been great. But for some reason they left some potential out.

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There's always the chance it can happen in a future game, especially if they go to the Eastern Continent.

Ok. Will do.

dat boing boings

>There's always the chance it can happen in a future game, especially if they go to the Eastern Continent.
They talked so fucking much about the eastern continent so it would be weird if they never acted on it.

Man I wish Switch had an account manager like Vita did so I wouldn't have to take the SD card out everytime I want to get newest screenshots. Especially when I don't have card reader on my PC, have to dig my ancient laptop and transfer it that way. Oh well, I have ordered a cheap card reader already so it shouldn't be that bad anymore.

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i'm married and play anime tiddies and my wife even watches me and sometimes gives head or hand while playing. how does this make you feel, INCEL.

You going to get Omega Labyrinth life?

>pantsu, ass&titsjiggle

yes already preordered

Rorona and Sterk are there for the foreseeable future and I don't think they'd keep them out of a future game since they've appeared in every single one thus far, plus it would be very easy to justify the presence of several other characters like every other alchemist and Lulua and Stia go off on a journey in the true ending so I definitely think that's where they plan on taking things.

Nice. Exacly two weeks for release date, I'm pretty hyped

My wife likes anime too but when it comes to H she likes to watch really rapey stuff while we fuck and it makes me uncomfortable. Vanilla is where its at.

But is the game fun?

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at least she accepts it. brofist

Well, guess we'll see. Would be cool if they made it so that next Arland game would be next year and this new series that Ryza starts would be coming om 2021. Would give them more time to make things better. Though it's a bit shame that their non atelier games would have to make room in that case.

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virginity doesnt matter just be an excellent person with a healthy interest in your hobby of video games
haters can hate all they want while you're rolling in anime pussy and can claim the highground while they try to berate you because they're mad at themselves

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sup Francis Ford Copeula

How can watching ass and tits not be fun?
Anyway, Atelier games a gigantic crafting simulators which is great and not something other games offer in that dimension.

Exactly. Those SJW/Haters are just virgins even sadder and worse them self who don't have fun and not even try to have any fun in their life.

It's funny how thick thighs made everyone forget that Atelier is a cheap shit tier series with PS2 graphics, garbage gameplay and barebones characters and plot.

I don't play gacha games.

shut up, you obviously never played atelier

>Butt and breasts jiggle

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i'Ll sHoW ThEm a ThInG oR ThReE

dilate, then have sex

based japs

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Anime characters aren't human, they have their own set of rules and actions.
Real people don't smile with their eyes closed.

>white incels
No such thing, I've never met a white dude who couldn't get laid

He is wrong. You have 150 days to get a source of water, which can also be extended to 250 days through in game action. The full game has an invisible 500 day timer, but you could do all the content nearly 3 times over in that span of time.

>someone hasn't posted the queen yet

There's so little of her out there

Have sex

>completely still world, no wind physics to move the grass, trees etc.


>that run cycle

Attached: 75127887_p0.png (1056x1710, 1.21M)

Check again.


i don't even know what is this game
is it jrpg? japan action rpg? pokemon clone?
i don't know even the name.
How the fuck am I suppose to know when comes out if i don't know anything about it, fuck you op.
Next time at least give me name of the fucking game you faggot.

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>he doesnt know that you can be the cute girl
oh user...

I mean s(HE)'s not wrong.

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Atelier, a Japanese turn-based rpg. This particular one is looking like it's adopting some kind of ATB system though.

Looks pretty bad, too. The crafting system seems to be going back to Firis style of leveling each craftable individually, which was a real piece of shit.

I do hope they learnt something from it, I absolutely hated the level grinding for items there

Meruru is arguably the best of the past decade or so of the series, but it's the third in a trilogy and probably not the best start.
Most people recommend to start with Sophie or Rorona as those are the start of the two most recent trilogies, Rorona has a time limit though it's not hard at all.

Personally I find Ayesha the best and it's the start of the trilogy but as it isn't available on any platforms that are actually alive it's a bit tough to get into.

Do these games have a story? Is it a full fledged jrpg? I remeber playing one of the older games and it was a dougeon crawler with like no plot

I'll pirate it. KT's prices and refusal to discount older titles should be punished, plus I really want Atelier to fail and see Gust do more original shit or Blue Reflection 2.

Yes, all the ones that are localized have stories. They're trilogies, but each game tells their own story. The following games in the trilogy do have some of the same characters however. The stories are not usually anything from your typical JRPGs. In Totori you are in search of your mother, and in Ayesha you are trying to find and save your sister. Along the way you meet various people and become an alchemist that can create anything.

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Where's the gameplay, senpai?

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Youtube gameplay videos can tell you more about the games than can be explained here.
This goes for most video games, by the way.

Gameplay is running around fields collecting shit from glowing spots and then fiddling with crafting menus.

*registered losers

Titty atelier better stay in menu

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What the FUCK is this game about? Tiddies?

Oh cool, first official art of the third girl.


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I thought she was the main villain.

I would guess that she is someone that you fight against at some point but after that she will join your team.

You know what would be funny? That she would be DLC. Now that would be hilarious, I'm sure they would never do that sort of fucked up thing. Nope.

Attached: Atelier Lydie _ Suelle _The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings__20180328150210.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

She's always seen alongside Ryza's teacher who is a confirmed party member, she doesn't seem to be a villain.

Her princess "OH HO HO HO" laugh was a miracle.
But yes, it was kind of grimy to make her DLC.

>Xenoblade 2 is literally the only game that balanced insane sex appeal
have sex, virgin.

She was the best thing about that game.

Attached: AtelierLS-094.jpg (1584x1980, 585K)

> it impossible to take seriously like it wants you to.
because you are feminist. everyone excepts it because its fiction.

Yup, loved it as well. They should've made Sophie, Alt, Heinz or Drossel DLC. Lucia was always there in the paintings but for some reason she didn't fight unless you paid for her. Fucking bullshit.


Attached: Atelier Lydie _ Suelle _The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings__20180421141954.jpg (1920x1080, 385K)

Wh-what is she going to do to that Puni?

Is it common in the franchise to make past protags (of the same trilogy) DLC?

Oh yes all those boring anime girls who's only appeal is there boobs that the west made.

Well, Totori and Meruru in Lulua for example.

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In the west a basic run/walk cycle is like the first thing an animator is taught to do and master but for some reason it's absolute shit in 90% of japanese games.

Name one(1) good female proganist in a Japanese game. They're all bland as fuck.

IMPORTANT QUESTION: Will it include a way to walk and attack backwards the entire game?

Shion Uzumi

The one where they lean forward and flail their limbs around -- and the pace has nothing to do with how fast they're moving? I've seen male and female characters do that.

To be fair, Rorona was still in the base game and they turned Piana into an alchemist as well so you could already have a full party of alchemists, the DLC just let you go overkill and fill up the back row too. I personally also prefer returning characters to be DLC over new ones in general, it makes no sense to create brand new characters and then lock them behind a paywall.

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What makes her a good protagonist?

Yeah, same. Lucia not being in the free version was extra shitty.

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>inturned feet


Back to three party members with no reserves? That's nice.

OP here, how the fuck is this thread still up?????

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that looks so retarded

>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>from posts on Yea Forums
Quit video games and have sex. Find a /sig/ and become the normalfag you were meant to be.

bland as fuck

>western games generally have a better emphases on gameplay

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