I just finished the main story quest. I want to know if I must buy the expansions.
I don't have any exp boost, by the way.
I just finished the main story quest. I want to know if I must buy the expansions.
I don't have any exp boost, by the way.
shut the fuck up, we know you just wanted to create an xiv thread. you're not really new.
yes, just buy Shadowbringers because it comes with all the other expansions
Basically what this guy Newest expansion comes with all of the old ones. If you started the free trial make sure you buy the newest one from the SE website instead of steam.
>last thread deleted when it hit bump limit
You dont need to buy any expansions until you want to level past 60.
you mean 50
They gave put HW for free for so long there was no excuse for not picking it up.
well that's not the case anymore, now is it?
How fun is Dancer?
Where's pot lala?
super fun, I love it. So much so, I made it my new main over ninja.
Fuck the ninja changes, totally fucked with my opener. And so I decided it would probably be easier to learn a new job than to fight muscle memory.
>join "midcore" static
>spend ~2 hours with them running innocence ex, dont get a clear
Well how do I break it to them that im out lads?
You were banned from my board for a particular post. What was it?
just tell 'em straight up.
"Sorry. I'm out."
You can drop the sorry.
>try out titty ex
>people die to not stacking up and chain tethers
>the waifu bitch who complains about people not watching youtube guides beforehand is the one who NEVER stacks up
Why are people so dumb
Sup bros, seen any ascians about?
V-video games, sir.
God no, what a fucking nightmare. Nobody wants to sit in spawn for 30 minutes while you play solitaire then underperform because you can't pull AoE balance for the rest of the fight. Just buff what we've gor.
Oh-ho! An incel! Then you shall make for me an e-celeb thread, of Etika! If I find it pleasing, I may overlook this transgression.
You're gonna get the thread deleted again. If you keep doing this forced meme I'm going to shitpost in every xiv thread I see.
Ranjit shitposter
Do alchemy and food items actually add up to a significant increase in output?
I haven't really deep dived into damage calculations and stats.
Leave when no one is online. Block everyone
of course they do, each attack will just do a slight more damage but over the course of the fight that will be significant
of course, only parsers should really care though, you don't need it for regular clears
I just use food for the EXP boost.
>s-s-stop making fun of janny guys i mean it...
I was slamming that new espresso through Eden last night, I'll take any bit of %crit I can get
WoW is still the better game with five times as much content. Sad, but true. Hopefully FF XVII fixes all this games issues. They'd need to be working on it now if they wanna catch up on content though. Even then... Will WoW kill a THIRD FF MMO?
Guys, how do I get that RP symbol next to ny name? I want to be a roleplayer.
>his name was Ardbert and he was my friend
You should be ashamed of yourself
wow a mmorpg that has been out since the dawn of time has more content than a relatively new one who would have thot
Another case of "you have lived long enough to see yourself become the villain".
if you have another static lined up just say "oh my irl friend is starting a new static and wants me to join"
>WoW is still the better game with five times as much content.
Sure, but how much of that content is fun?
It's also higher content, sadly. There's a reason XIV copies WoW to such a crazy degree. Golden age Blizzard really was the best.
literally who
Don't make excuses. Just tell them bye and dip.
change your search info by right clicking/square buttoning yourself.
No Ascians here, bro, but you should stop playing samurai. Katanas aren't that great, you know? You should play a machinist or something.
bros, wich city has the best early main quests? uldah, gridania or limsa lominsa?
>crafting in crystarium, enjoying the little plink plonks of the hammer
Is there any comfier feeling?
Ul'dah, Gridania, and Limsa in that order.
crafting in the lalafell only house
Ul'dah because they're actually relevant to the rest of the story.
Ryne wants a goodnight kiss on the lips from her favorite daddy!
Fuck off tranny
The worst thing about this game is the God damn patch content after realm reborn. Been doing this shit for 3 days now trying to get to heavensward content. The trials are cool but the errand boy quests are getting old, I'm the warrior of light bitch stop sending me to the fucking goldsmith guild
why is it called a MMO when the only content is just a glorified singleplayer campaign?
Say hello to your japanese friends, Yea Forums!
It's the RDM of ranged physical jobs
Why buy it at all then?
If you just want to experience the story which is what everyone praises the game for, just wait until it reaches its last expansion to have the best deal.
jesus christ how horrifying
cause you can masturbate your tranny vagina in a city hub to your korean cg looking cat girl character next to other players
What's wrong with your faaaace
I want to change race to rp as a dwarf forever...though lalas are cancer and I would be by association. It is a tough decision for me.
I'm in the exact same scenario though. I really didn't start enjoying the game until right at the end, when duties actually started requiring a bit of thought.
Everyone says the the expansions are better, but the thought of buying the expansion for a game I didn't enjoy playing for 90% of my time is fucking stupid.
I wish I could live in whatever fantasy you fellas live in. I wanna go back to the olden days of WoW, and unfortunately XIV is so far away from it. Classic... sooon...
Well, story DOES get better if that's what interests you.
I once joined a "midcore" static (I have since learned to identify the word "midcore" as the PC way to say "scrub")
Honestly I didn't mind the constant wiping it was the fucking banter that made me quit. bunch of reddit-humor and normie meme talk constantly. Whenever someone would die they wouldn't even try to understand why the fuck it happened they would just talk about stranger things or some bullshit and then repeat the same mistake like 40 more times. It's like they didn't want to play XIV they wanted to hang out while dying to the boss.
My current static is a little more hardcore and even with a fucking Yea Forums browsing memester that audibly greentexts on voice chat it's 700% more tolerable than that shit.
Then don't buy the expansions?
It's literally more of the same. God are you fucking retarded?
Lich, Omega or Zodiark boys?
I can't believe Nomura actually drew this, I can't believe they accepted it and showed it off.
Then don't buy it the expansions if you don't want to play the game, nobody is forcing you.
Fucking disgusting.
>reee my group of 7 Legend players carried me through this story mode raid too fast
A streamer AND a wowfugee? That's a combo from hell right there
I thought people were exaggerating when they said that this game had a lot of trannies. Oh, how wrong I was.
obvious highlander ugly
I seem to recall Nomura apologizing for how rushed the artwork was. Wasn't it something he did in like an hour?
hey I'm not done with Stormblood yet but just popping in to say this is fucking dull and Lyse is annoying. She doesn't even act anything like she did before she took off the mask. Was her being a mouthbreather a localization thing? Because she sure as hell doesn't act like one anymore.
At least Yotsuyu is hot. I'm confused why Yugiri and Gosetsu don't just wait for her to die of smoke inhalation, though.
Hadn't read anything besides what Yoshi said about the hammer at fanfest. Maybe they redid her and that's why we didn't see her unmasked yet?
>we won't actually see how she actually looks ingame for another half year because nomura didn't finish her design yet
We're not joking when we say that when Yda took the mask off she was effectively killed off as a character.
>Became a Mentor today
>Took the crown off immediately
Guess I can help some sprouts in the novice chat now.
Is the EXP bonus only for Mentor roulette or for everything?
>Was her being a mouthbreather a localization thing?
No, it's just that before they were writing Yda, and then they suddenly decided she's a new character so they started writing her like Lyse. Yda was a fun airhead who was actually pretty smart, Lyse is just flat out retarded and naive.
Sorry novice network is just a mentor chatroom (and their sprout alts)
>not switching it to crafter so they can identify you as secret based
lyse acts different than she did while masquerading as yda because she was trying to imitate yda to the best of her ability. That ditzy personality of hers wasn't real to begin with.
Well the rest of the game keeps requiring more and more thought, so chances are you will like it. As long as you don't dislike the story completely.
Reminder to only partner with cute characters
I agree, Emet. I mean, stranger who I do not know.
Reminder that Gaius is a retard
I've never seen an art commission with more gender dysphoria in my life
I wonder if Voidwalker a.k.a. The Oracle of Darkness having delayed spells is a nod to the Oracle job in FFV.
>Wanted to play a MMORPG
>Wow or FF14
>Both still have paid subscription
Well fuck me, what other game can i just buy and play and doesn't have a subscription?
>taking off the crown
>staying in novice network
Fucking why? The crown is annoying but NN is a travesty. That's somehow even more attention whore-y. If you're gonna be part of the circle jerk at least own it and wear the icon so I know not to listen to anything you say in game.
You can mock me for not understanding japanese but I need to know what this means. Does it say that the SAM needs to swim to a distant cuckshed?
Uninstall then, bye.
Looks like it's his first time being up to date on content in XIV.
'member HW?
Post yfw the piano/violin breakdown of the Force Your Way remix
Yeah the gameplay really does get more complex as time goes on, that's why everyone tells you not to buy a jump potion because jump potion users are completely clueless when encountered with mechanics that have been long established and should have been learned naturally as they progressed. I really wish they just did away with Jump Potions completely and reworked the early game to not be completely insufferable.
Technically ESO.
your'e looking at a mirror lmao
It made me feel remorse for not doing the raid as a Gunbreaker.
how many hours am I looking at until I'm done with this piece of shit and can enjoy my lux glamour?
XIV is having a Jessica Jones event
Bad games.
The subscriptions pay for content, you know.
I'd say Zodiark, it's decently big with a majority English speaking community
Lich is kind of hit or miss
Omega puts you on the data center with all the French fucks
Do the raids and ex trials. Farm them for gear. Level DoH/L. Catch up with any side content you missed that is worth a damn. Hang out with your buddies. Unsub and play other games once you get bored enough.
ESO or OSRS are the only ones worth bothering with other than XIV
Grow up and get a credit card you fucking manchild
>Gubal Hard
>Sohm Al Hard
I don't remember this shit at ALL for the relic?
not many. light farming is piss easy nowadays, just get a group and farm A9S
>SAM will forever be in the cuckshed.
Play another game or level crafter/gatherers.
It's for the anima weapons, it's not bad at all nowadays because it's piss easy to unsync.
Cute. Artist?
I fucking hate the visuals in ESO, your character has this weird barrel shaped torso with limbs just dangling from it, and all armors look like complete ass. I don't wanna be vain but I think it's important for an MMO to have your character looks somewhat good
i've got the road to 70 buff and just got to 50 on my summoner. what's the fastest way to level another job to 50?
Roulettes, highest level dungeon spam. If the queues are slow, do Palace of the Dead instead.
my friends who play FFXIV are on at such random times that I'm not sure if I could get them to run unsynced shit with me
POTD or Dungeons if Tank/Healer.
>Doing Palace of the dead upper levels finally
>Do floors 71-80
>Have to solo the last 30-40%
Why are people dying to this easy as shit?
Are they gonna buff Shoha? Garbage lvl80 ability
You can just solo it now I'm pretty sure. For the light farming Brayflox (Hard) is an alternative to Alex Savage.
I was surprised then I got blown off the cliff.
Welp if you can't settle or get a job you're fucked in terms of mmos.
Emet would've been proud.
Beggars can't be choosers faggot. Get a job and play a real MMO or settle for freemium
Need the image someone drew of Boomer titan.
>I don't wanna be vain but I think it's important for an MMO to have your character looks somewhat goo
In the end, MMOs are just dress up games with extra steps
I have never done the original Relic Reborn questline. Will I have to do it through all the content to get a relic in ShB when it comes out?
>memester that audibly greentexts on voice chat
What the fuck
Thanks mate
how many broils am i supposed to cast before using chain?
>We just need to summon primals for their energy to reverse the effects of the flood
>Let's have the one person who has seen the most twisted and heinous shit cross time and space summon it
What were they thinking?
No, they just let you turn in your last expansion relic (Stormblood) as a way to skip ahead to reward people who did it prior.
vratho was such a based
My question is why did he think of Titan on a ATV!
>Tfw you get Praetorium
I wasn't really that guy you were responding to originally, I just wanted to talk about how terrible the characters in ESO looks. It's a solid enough game otherwise from what I've played, I just want to puke from the visuals.
None of the above. Lalas are to be healer cocksleeves for the REAL tanks
How else does Titan traverse the landslides?
Statics feel like a part time job that I'm paying for instead of them paying me
You've wasted SOOO much exp. Yes once you get around 48 you should have bough the expansions to continue leveling. YOu should be 55ish by the time you get to heavensward
> tfw even pugs cleared in less than 90 minutes
3 or 4
It's combined with Grynewaht for some reason. The wheels are from the second boss of Doma Castle.
Never played a healer, just ranged DPS and casters.
What the hell is a static
imagine just someone saying this aloud
"pop bulwark.
get no shield swipe procs.
When it comes to dps, yeah
It doesn’t help progression and with mechanics but that extra dps helps when u hitting enrage
A static group.
Its basically a free level every time bro, even if it is an afk fest
Some E4 footage.
The WoL was thinking of the food they ate before Titan. One of them was a goblin wheel.
Yes but it's possibly the most boring way to get a level. It's basically an hour of nothing.
It's like equipping an accessory to your belly. If nothing else, it's more HP.
Thank you kindly.
Watch something on the side or post in the threads.
Switch over. We need more non-cancerous lalas.
that's why you mute the game and pop up youtube or netflix or something and watch some shit while doing it.
Secret world is f2p and fun for solo play.
Shame it's basically dead midstory tho
I'm a very new player. I'm at about 35? Just doing the main story for now, anything else I should be doing early on? They just killed fucking everyone and took the leader after I killed titan. So not very far in.
Am I super lucky? Cleared all four Eden raids in like 90 mins with pugs. Thought it would be much worse with all the screeching about DF.
Just play another game while waiting
Why didn’t he just think of a tiny bug that was crammed full of aether so he could just stomp it and be done?
Honestly there isnxt much side content til 50. Just keep going and do blue quests with pluses whenever you see them.
ShB was kino but the endgame desperately needs an update next expansion, its extremely formulaic at this point and the small amount of meaningful content each patch becomes more and more apparent
can i use FFlogs if I play on console?
Nothing I can think of yet. A good thing to know is that any quest with a blue icon instead of a yellow one unlocks new content so it's in your best interest to do those.
Nothing. Follow the main story and get to 50 is probably the biggest things. Even if you want to level another class, get to 50 anyways as they give you exp boost for any class under 50.
Why did he summon titan with an atv
We'll never know
If you went in early and got a quick clear on E1 you probably avoided most of the shitters
Why are there so many retards in xiv threads lately?
Started playing it, still in ARR, I liked some moments but man the missions are hilariously filler
>bring me this
>the person with the ingredient need this
>the person with the ingredient sent you to another person who needs x
Hope Heavendward is not this bad
how can I hate someone all the way to death
I've seen more people quit from castrum rather than praetorium, why is that
it's another everyone is making mistakes, but i'll keep my mouth shut and not offer any advice what so ever, episode.
woah man no bully, i'm new
>voice chat
quick, pretend this is a wow thread XD
Heavensward starts with your new dad giving his sons shit for trying to assign menial tasks to you.
It isn't. There are still filler quests here and there, but it's not nearly as gratuitous as ARR
I wanted to play FF14 but they turned my middle eastern monstermage into a gay persona 5 side character. RIP blue mage.
Other thread was nuked by Vauthjanny because of khloe posting
Praetorium is ridiculous XP and you can only do it once a day so they reroll.
It’s easy mode and you got in day 2, so that’s about standard. EX trials on the other hand are essentially impossible to get a first clear with pugs now because PF is infested with shitters
>Spot people afking in MSQ roulette
>Wait until the end then kick them
Fuck off faggots, at least contribute
He has to finish his hotpocket first.
ARR is notoriously bad for this but it doesn't ever stop completely, even in ShB you do this, but it's not nearly as much and it feels more relevant to what you're actually trying to do plot-wise
Which would you prefer as the E4S mount?
>Protector of the realm
>"Go bring me lunch"
would be a shame if someone posted more khloe
Huh, the design of FF14 blue mages is more like their original appearance in FF5
>only warned for last thread
Thank you Lord Jannie for showing mercy.
It's clearly going to be the 4 seater we got there with in the first place.
You think they're going to be creative and not lazy to make two new mount models?
Vauthry posting is my favorite posting.
Yes please. Hopefully once 5.1 rolls around they'll give us better potencies. The old card system felt smooth as butter and having a mana card in reserve for the other casters felt nice to have. If they do bring back the old card system they'll have to give spire a new effect, maybe a healing buff for those tough heal checks.
It stays bad like that for a while but they tone it down and start making fun of the errands spam in the expansions
We are getting the 4-seater mount but the one on the left turns me on imagining my WoL being squeezed.
They completely cut that shit out in the future expansions. There's filler, but it stops being
>get job quest
>go to zone A
>have pointless conversation
>meet me back at the guild
>go to zone B and kill some monsters
>meet me back at the guild
>ah you killed the things, go tell numbnuts over at zone C
>meet me back at the guild
ARR was fucking atrocious in retrospect, idk why it saved the game, and I've been subbed since 2.0.
Stoppu... I don't want to do this today.
Crafting in your own mansion perhaps.
I also enjoy crafting in the Jeweled Crozier in Ishgard.
What do you think WoL canon personality would be?
>Soft spoken
>Highly autistic when he does speak
>Justice BONER
for prime day i bought a gaming monitor (been using my tv for years) sure the monitor is smaller but how could i have been blind. everything looks so fluid and fresh, might be the 144mhz. with lack of space, any tips on reducing clutter?
>His name was Ardbert, and he was my friend.
I just imagine them being like Bunny from Desu 2.
I'm getting a sarcastic jerk vibe more and more. Life has not been kind to the WoL
It's world building bro, to make you feel part of the community and world, and to recognize the people and area. It will be worth it in the end.
We get to go and restore the best city-state in 5.1.
The cold keeps the faggots away.
legit ugly. Wonder if they'll actually model her face to look like this.
Nomura has been shit lately, especially after the Nu-Tifa reveal and now this.
Afking while botting crafting in my house.
The WoL is canonically an autistic savant and you cannot convince me otherwise.
My WoL has an irrational hatred for Garleans as his personality quirk, but otherwise he's 100% protect his friends while quipping sarcastically.
do what
A nicer Fray. You did do the DRK quests, right bro?
HUD clutter or desk clutter?
must sneeds
Voidsent mommy
Hey Evil Madmike can you shut up about people undercutting and botting when you're a fucking no good undercutter yourself. I've seen you fucking dip markets way below what's there.
I feel like I may be end up trying for 3 ''lines'' in one day at this rate.
Oh yeah I forgot this is going to happen. Guess I can no longer enjoy the peace and quiet in Ishgard and have to retreat to my house.
What a shame, I really enjoyed that place through and through.
Ssssh, Ryne is sleeping.
Enjoys adventure, because that's how they got the job in the first place. But the journey has made them tired and afraid of what's ahead. Very sarcastic to cope with the weight of their burden just like Emet-Selch.
Nah, last thread got Jannie'd barely 100 posts in because some idiot keeps posting Khloe Cunny
First timer here, just started HW and unlocked the first raid. I want to do it but I don't want to go in like a retard and fuck it up, what should I know about it before jumpin in?
*pulls down pantsu*
You missed the ARR raid (Binding Coil aka kino central)
We need someone to shop a can of Monster in his hand
I can't help but feel WoL should be the leader of the scions. We should be calling the shots since we're literally the big honcho here. Yet we're still pretty much a tool for everyone. I hope the next expansion actually keeps us seperated from them while we plan out what to do with Elidibius.
To be fair those are impossible to do legitimately nowadays, he has no choice but to unsync it with a PF group.
Is this from that fucking fan fiction book they sold in the Square Enix store? They refer to the WoL as "he" in that book?
If someone on pc is parsing and uploading technically yes but you won't be able to actually use it.
...here we go again.
No one is gonna be running Bahamut synced anyway. Just wait til you’re 80 and steamroll it. If you mean crystal tower, it’s a complete faceroll and people don’t even do mechanics anymore
Normal mode raids are babby mode, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Well I hope you're happy because now I'm going to grind out her journal.
>kills a primal
>*nods respectfully towards you*
>>"Adventurer, I'm afraid we hath need of your services aga--"
>hol up im going to the golden saucer to pick up my bunnygirl outfit
they eventually save the world time and time again but randomly abandon the most pressing matters to fart about with fashion, minigames, and headpatting Lalas they see in town.
The Scions discussed you and Alphinaud as possible leaders, but ultimately decided that the Scions don't need a leader and it should just be a loose association of adventurers and scholars that can call on each other.
Is it possible to do the entire coil raids with 4-5 ppl unsynced? I know that some of the mechanics there are absolutely crazy even compared to the newest extreme content
You could do it with 3 people in Heavensward
they're easy as fuck, just jump in. most people that you'll be with are doing their raid roulette and are probably overgeared as fuck so you won't see half the mechanics/won't hit as hard. there are only a small handful of fights where you need to do something. now if you're talking about coil, you'll probably want to put up a party finder mentioning you're new or wait until you're 80. no one does these synced anymore.
>Stack crit anyway
>Canonically a female
Normal tier raids are just slightly more complex trials. Easy to run with randoms.
Savage raids, and what people generally refer to when saying "raiding" are the most hardcore fights the game has. Though if you want to run old savage content sync'd, you are probably out of luck unless you can get a pf full of people who want to run old content
Is this the girl in the armour?
I was expecting it to be Rinoa or some shit
They are canonically a female keeper of the moon.
Look at my child.
Shouldn't be too bad finding an empty space to chill out. I personally like to hang out at Whitebrim Front in the Coerthas Central Highlands.
I hope they make branching paths in the MSQ. Just small ones. I just want WoL to pitch an idea of two.
What does synced mean?
The mechanics there are not and never were absolutely crazy even compared to the newest extreme content
Is it legal to headpat dwarves without warning if you're the WoD
I did it solo at level 80
In the book they went with "he". Online, you can pick the gender
Based. Fuck balance trannies.
As a DRK should I be melding Skill Speed? I wanna fit more shit into the Blood Weapon/Delirium window.
You can do the entire coil with 1 person if you enrage cheese t9, otherwise it's only that specific one where you need a buddy or two, T13 and t11 maybe if you're not confident. I'd say do it with a few friends, it will feel like a good achievement even if you're overleveled as shit.
How is the WoL seven times rejoined? Is it because of the calamities? Wouldn't that apply to everyone else in the source?
When you have a tuner and another non tuner and you can combine those monsters into a synchro monster as long as the total levels match it.
Read the fucking descriptions you retard.
Basically that your level is lowered to content. Lets say you are running a lvl 60 raid with a lvl 80 character. If the game lowers your level to 60, thats sync'd. If you are still lvl 80, that's unsync'd
Ilvl/level synced. Read the entry in duty finder.
>"I need a beer dispenser in the halls"
Pretty sure it does yeah.
>If you mean crystal tower, it’s a complete faceroll and people don’t even do mechanics anymore
I feel bad for everyone who missed out on the bone dragon aggro wars of old
you can't get it low enough to get an extra one
i'm pretty sure sks is good on drk tho so if you're having trouble fitting 5 into a window go ahead and do it
Yes and yes
for fuck's sake, that was a hypothetical "if we absolutely had to make a canon race/gender for the WoL" from yoship, it is not fucking canon
>ROG 1-30 is great
>Suddenly weebs
I feel like there should've been a pirate themed job at the end of this instead of NIN.
The mechanics were hard enough for the mouthbreathers I got stuck with to fail 5 times in a row at titan, promptly getting it right after a failed vote abandon
You can solo Coil but you need to know some of the mechanics to do it so you don't get instantly killed
>Spoon-feeding the retard
no you want direct hit/determination until we can run crit meme meta like always
I wish skill speed was more crazy, like giving you 1 sec gcd at maximum potential would be fun
>Bullying Sprouts
Not what was being talked about
Fuck sprouts. Leeching pieces of shits.
How does it feel to be goty? Is it time to become a contrarian and shit all over FF14 again?
Sks is more for wiggleroom than for extra hits. You won't be able to get an extra bloodspiller, but higher sks lets you more comfortably get the max
What's it like being a bitter cunt?
what job would be good to solo the final coil battle? it was the one my group never finished due to drama and collapse of our static and several friendships. i just didn't bother to go back to it after that.
Ff14 has a ton of people that have never played an mmo before. Would rather they learn as much as possible about the game to lower the chances of them being shit.
Is it supposed to be an Adel/Rinoa reference?
Are you able to do raids unsynced at some point? I asked because of this post.
Yeah it is the crystal tower, good to know at least. Thing is this is my first MMO and I wanted to do raids since I read about them, always thought they were pretty difficult to do, even for regular duties I tend to read a little bit about them before I start to at least have a general idea
All those salty scrubs who hate on Sekiro.
Fuck off retard
I suppose when you were a sprout you were already a gamer god.
more like gay of the year lmbo
> Who are you?
>The artist Alphinaud and his assistants!
>I need to tighten this bolt
>Give saw.
In my headcannon, the WoL is a brute that know how to fight but lack basic knowledge for everything else, and that makes it even better.
I know but it gets people mad all the same.
Post more khloe
When you're much higher leveled/ivl you can solo the ARR ones.
Anything can be done unsynced except for alliance raids since you need 3 raids for those and there is no way to team up as 3 different parties
It's weird how you shits get mad at people asking where to hand in the drops for new gear but you don't get at retarded fucking anons
You're an actual fucking retard. Uninstall and go play something easier. Also learn how to fucking read descriptions you dumb shitter.
How are you liking Eden, user?
Do you like the bosses? The new gear distribution system?
No-one can really enjoy anything designed prior to Heavensward anymore because we've gotten so strong that the "BIG" moments like Dungeons and Trials and Raids just don't have the same impact that they used to.
You will not explore a Dungeon, you will pull everything possible and rush down bosses in seconds ignoring every mechanic the game throws at you. This is even more of a thing in Shadowbringers because now we've been given a good amount of our skills at lower levels and have increased AoE. You'll never suffer through Darkhold, Aurum Vale or Cutter's Cry because we now ignore everything that ever gave us trouble.
Trials are even worse. It is literally impossible to wipe on any story mode trial prior to maybe Ravana. Most ARR Primals will die seconds after they hit their big move at 50% HP. You'll never reach the chorus of Oblivion, you'll never wipe to the Steps of Faith, you'll never understand the tether mechanic of Ramuh.
Raids are a different matter altogether. You will never enter Binding Coil synched. Ever. You'll ever go in with a group of max level players and burn down each boss in seconds, or you'll never get to see the content. Unless you make friends that are willing to brave the Coils, that's conent you wont touch because they designed Coil in such a way that you NEED to voice chat or communicate mechanics and strategies in some way. The Duty Finder will not pop in certain instances.
All of this is remedied in later expansions (aside from Brute Justice and Thordan, RIP to those two amazing fights.)
>I need to tighten this bolt
>Give saw.
This quest made me laugh because it's something my cousin did in real life and he's never lived it down.
What do people have their 3rd Person Camera Angle at?
>People who tanked the dragon at the far end vs people who want to tank it in the middle
>People trying to steal each other's skeletons and having to actually drag them properly
Kinda miss it, kinda fucking don't.
Every raid at 60 and below are really easy due to most people hitting the sync cap already and balance changes making most classes stronger than they were when that content was new. The only issue with them now is that they're boring as fuck mechanics and rotation wise
Wow. A mentor retard.
Who would've thought?
You can't solo t9
>No one is gonna be running Bahamut synced anyway
Speak for yourself. Sadly its true, I would run synced content all the time if only people liked it
>grrr I'm angry!!!! Do I fit in yet?
>the music lining up with Nidhogg's akh morn never gets around to playing anymore
Yes, though not all savage raids are totally faceroll. Sometimes there are unavoidable mechanics like Brute Justice's transition phase
I just make sure I can see my entire character above my hotbars
What you are asking for is impossible.
There is no way to retain the feeling of content being "new and exciting" for years.
Ye and ye.
>You will not explore a Dungeon, you will pull everything possible and rush down bosses in seconds ignoring every mechanic the game throws at you.
Nigger people were already doing that for Amdapor Keep and Wanderer's Palace in the first month of 2.0
lmao imagine being you
I still appreciate that post.
I had fun.
Feels bad.
Coil and Alex were such strong raids.
Go away user. You're braindead and need some help.
>mfw killing some mhiggers
I wish i could play the game at a third person perspective like in God of War/Uncharted etc instead of having to play at max zoom out and it look like i'm an ant because I need to visually see mechanics.
>There is no way
based retard who lacks foresight. you only think there's no way because you are conditioned to only think of what's in front of you.
I just wish they would add Coil to Normal Raid roulette. I can't see a reason for it not to be in there.
i completely forgot the first boss
the boss with timers in 100% standard "split, stack, stand here", except with timers
leviathan sucks it has nothing going on
titan is ok i guess, it can actually kill people so thats good
>Adventurer in Need: DPS
>every roulette
Are DPS really that unpopulated this expansion?
yes, there are a shitton of main quests and a lot of cool duties
Tanks are good at soloing old content, PLD especially
Scottzone been slowly growing his twitch as an an ex wow player coming to XIV but he's now caught up on content that he's now fucked that there is nothing really to do anymore that he's regretting playing it now and doesn't know what to do.
Did you ever make a party in party finder?
T9 can and will wipe you even if you're unsynced
No you really can't experience something for the first time the second time
I liked it better than Omega Tier 1. I wish the other three had supers like Eden Prime did though.
Titan was a clownfest, so I have hopes for the rest of the raid.
They'll tear your balls off.
I hate that too. I love playing zoomed in.
He obviously meant new content in a expansion and a patch not the past expansion old content
Then explain how. Your game would have to be completely static on top of people somehow not spreading information on mechanics.
There are plenty of horizontal progression MMOs that exist but inevitably they still succumb to powercreep because it's impossible to expect people to play a game for months going on years and tell them "you are never getting stronger and you will continue to do the same content with the enthusiasm you had the first time."
based WoWchad
Okay, but it's still not particularly difficult.
No you don't. you'd be forced to do T7 - T11 synced and people aren't even capable of doing those unsynced.
coil never got a normal mode version, they're still on their weird nerfed savage difficulty
30 gil says the New World denizens are from the moon and are the children of whatever is living beneath the world.
That's true but you should still be able to replay a fight and still be challenged by it to the point where you can't just play on auto pilot.
zoomed in gives it more of an immersive feel, also trying to get as minimal ui or even playing hudless is visually pleasing but it's hard to do that as you need to see your hotbars.
epic roast
I remember being a max ilvl WAR, staying in Defiance, and planting the boss firmly in the middle of the arena while none of the other 5 tanks were capable of ripping aggro from me. It always caused some fucking retard to seethe and kill all the skeletons right under the boss so they would immediately explode just to prove that it was a bad idea to tank it in the middle.
That might have been part of the reason why they realized having 6 tanks in a raid is a bad idea.
Gunbreaker and Coldsteel jobs look really cool so people who dont play tank are flooding in.
>dying in Syrcus Tower
PLEASE tell me you don't do this
>being this salty that you play a noncanon character
Don’t worry bro, noncanon runs are interesting sometimes, like maleshep in Mass Effect or choosing anything other than new dark age in deus ex 1, as long as you just keep in mind you are NOT canon
>Do fight for the 100th time
>Damn why is it I know what's going to happen?
What made you jump to that conclusion?
ardbert is pretty much the canon WoL, so anytime you think of them think him.
For pubs? It would become the 8 man Aurum Vale.
What did you just call me?!
I'm high off of smoking kupo-nuts.
but why
>filthy suncat eyes on khloe
my DD wasn't built to tank, yet here i am on the floor because i pressed 1 AoE and no tank picked them up.
>wipes your roulette 5 years later
Am I the only one who is kind of disappointed with Edengate? The story is meh so far. Fights are okay and seeing alternate Levi/Titan is neat on one hand, but they are basically having us battle the same bosses yet again (third time for Levi, fourth for Titan, fifth even, if you count the solo duty). Music is literally either ripped from FF8 as-is (which makes no sense since aside from Eden's design there's jack shit in terms of FF8 references) or is a remix of an old primal theme.
Since they boasted that Nomura is in charge I expected something actually great and I did not get that in Edengate. Rumors were that the raid is based on FF8, and we did not really get that either. And after the absolute kino of ShB MSQ, this feels even more lackluster.
Can some one tell me about optimal MCH rotation?
Im lvl 56, Do I just hypercharge then spam Heat Blast and Gauss round? or am I doing it wrong
Sounds like someone didn't speedrun WP for tomes back in the day. People will always go for speed.
The game should have hard mechanics through story progression and it should be done in a way that you cannot outgear it or rely on guides. You would have to learn, get better and memorize patterns.
The problem with the game is that after everyone on the OF complaining for nerfs after Pharos Sirius, they ended up making everything so easy that it ended up making the majority of them worse through not being challenged. The game should require quick reflexes and sound judgement, but they've made their bed and are now stuck with this. It can be done, they just won't.
combination of titan and probably the trolley talos, plus chunks of garlean tech
The weird thing is T13 doesn't have anything that normal mode onlies haven't already faced.
T2's Allagan rot would be a fucker. T5's Divebombs obviously. T9's EVERYTHING and there's a few hairy moments from Final Coils first three floors.
Please tell me you're playing a Chad and not a Stacy, Yea Forums.
Nomura is way past his prime.
Correct, do this during Wildfire too. You can only get 5 heat blasts off so don't try to do a 6th.
it's a reference to ff1's upgrade-path from thief to ninja the upright thieves do stay relevant later on
why don't you post better art nigger
>which makes no sense since aside from Eden's design there's jack shit in terms of FF8 references
Nigger are you fucking stupid?
An original story will always be better than muh references like Omega was.
I've never done raids before, so I have no idea how loot works. Is it like you can get one piece per floor a week or something?
>punishing mechanics that require quick reflexes that are random throughout the fight
You see, how you didn't think of this, and instead think of all those easy mechanics you are conditioned to think is the only way?
It's retarded. Group setting it's fine, but imagine dueling our nigga Zeno's by dancing and throwing bagel bites at him. Retarded
How do you enrage cheese t9?
Thanks, Ive been incuding a Reassembled combo 3 shot inside of wildfire too, or is this a waste?
>Mark which mogs to kill, in what order, and also mark which mogs can be ignored
>People still either focus entirely on the king or just attack any mog at random
>why didn't they just copypaste the entire raid from FF8?!
>if a boss has the same name then it's basically the same boss!
Fuck off moron, holy christ
meanwhile, I'm a total sucker for callbacks and cameos, so I fucking LOVE this shit.
One day I'll make an FC/community to give the sprouts and everyone the chance of doing content synced. but that will be never because no one likes spending time learning things or putting effort anymore when they can get instant gratification. Time to keep soloing and duoing old content I guess
One can dream
Children of the land, answer this;
Why must you turn to empty bliss?
>hidden chat
Based, I do the same when I'm doing solo quests.
T11 requires add coordination and position coordination.
Most of coil can be considered a slight step under savage material.
What mission is that from? Do I need to do all the role quests?
Are you retarded?
Please give us the option to trade in 24-man tokens for gear from that raid. I need my Tactics armor.
I just got Stormblood. Is it really that bad? HW was great as people said
Don't skip cutscenes.
Yes but change to Reassemble Drill as soon as you get it.
Rewatch the cutscenes where you talk to Seto.
>put on the ignore sign
>they attack it
Keep Nael in phase 1 until enrage, takes forever but the phase 1 enrage doesn't hit as hard as phase 2. From there you can burn without having to worry about Ice/fire 1 shotting you.
Basically yeah. Though only accessories and belts require 1 token for gear, the rest require 2-4 for one gear piece
hot shot > drill > hypercharge > 123
don't worry about hitting hypercharge when you have 50 heat, it's more important to use drill/hot shot on cd so hold onto it if either of them have like ~8 seconds left on their cd
>mark orders for mechanics
>people just ignore it
This is the absolute most infuriating shit.
I hope you don't get any members you retarded anime poster.
depends, current content yes
old content that restriction is removed
there's no current alliance raid (i think it will be the Nier one), but Eden is the current normal raid so 1 token per boss per week
Which melee DPS is the most fun?
>Midsoyder will hate this
Lmao go take it up the ass from you miqote boyfriend this is what a real sexy woman look like
Should I help this gentleman to reach high skill parse?
>worst hud I’ve ever seen in my life
>kino hud 2.png
you got spoonfed.
but know that you are a retard and can't read.
Who are you quotting?
>It can be done, they just won't.
They tried to undo it in HW with Gordias and Midas then everyone started crying again because "muh lack of midcore content" and even Mr. Brappy complained recently that HW killed the raid scene and shit because everyone was way too retarded to just get good and wanted all the shit handed to them. That's how we end up with retarded fights like Alte Roite (Savage)
>After wipe, explain what to do, even though 3 people have mentor crowns and should know this shit
>People still fuck up and then vote abandon
DRG is a jumpy boy, SAM there's a legitimate difference between good ones and bad ones (whether they're using all skills and hitting their positionals or not), MNK is positionals: the job, NIN has loads going on but its DPS is low. I use DRG and SAM the most, personally.
>asking for padding
How long before this guy pussies out and deletes the video?
Wait, wouldn't Ryne be a Highlander, or the First's equivalent of one? I'm not entirely sure how the Minfilia's reincarnation business works.
say what you will about stormblood but it had the most kino trials
in darkness blooms the spider lily, WILD AND PURE AND FOREVER FREE, etc.
This kind of shit is why Emet was right.
It's generally smart to plan ahead with what gear pieces you want or need based on your Best In Slot stats for your class and generally what you need to replace iLevel wise.
Read the descriptions of the loot dropped carefully. If you want a chest piece you'll need four chest piece drops, which is literally your entire weeks worth of drops if you get them. That's for that one piece.
Boots, gloves, and helmet are 2 pieces and can effectively get 2 of them each week.
Belt and right side accessories require only 1 piece and you could get 4 belts/accessories every week if you wanted.
Way too many cutscenes for a roulette
>The game should have hard mechanics through story progression and it should be done in a way that you cannot outgear it or rely on guides. You would have to learn, get better and memorize patterns.
>Learn, get better and memorize patterns.
Like reading a guide and then applying it to the fight. Are you one of those people who thinks someone can watch a guide video then instantly clear something?
Passable story
Better gameplay than HW
Okay thanks user
Innocence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lakshmi
I honestly don't get the hate for stormblood.
Stormblood's trials were fun. No one will really argue that.
You have no actual examples besides a vague idea of "mechanics that fit my narrative perfectly I swear".
There is no way to have a completely randomized and punishing encounter that people can never be prepared for.
>can't even post their own
>the most kino
But Ravana, Thordan, Nidhogg, Sephirot, and Sophia were in Heavensward
Guide videos are for pussies who can't into pattern recognition.
Just the story is a bit worse depending how you feel about some characters.
only the first three were really kino.
Warring triad sucked.
Ryne is a midlander as far as programming goes. I guess they gave up and settled on middie since they never updated Minfilia's model to be a highlander woman.
Main story was underwhelming, post story was alright. Zones were eh besides the steppes. Raids and trials were fine
Some anons really obsessed wit "high difficulty". For what purpose? Want to feel special and elite? Try fighting games instead of theme park mmo.
Fuck off.
Warring Triad was cool
That wasn't my question or my point. If a fight has patterns people are going to release guides for it, it's content they can get views and money from. Watching a video doesn't equate with actually clearing said content.
I wish they would just make mandatory sections really hard and force people to get better. But the shitters just want to be the victim so they'll cry that they can't do it because of excuses that are not their fault.
I've never used a guide for XIV, been playing since alpha. Everything you should do should be from the game without outside help. What's the point in watching/reading a guide when you can only do it blind once? Why take away that thrill of not knowing what's going to kill you next?
I love it when a new mechanic I've not seen happens, I want to struggle so when the fight is over it feels that much sweeter. It's a shame the majority don't feel like this and instead encourage their own social anxiety of messing up.
Stormblood was my favorite part before Shadowbringers. It's the first part of the game that has actual nuances and people killing each other for actual reasons.
It lacked dragons to kill and wasn't a LotR rip off so the dumb people didn't like it.
Stormblood has most of my favorite characters or they had all a major role in the storyline.
The environments are not really good until halfway point, but the I really liked how the whole "the conqueror writes history" idea was treated.
Also some people don't like Lyse because of her dumb decisions.
The only good one's were Shinryu and Tsukuyomi, the 4 Symbols were executed poorly, Lakshmi a shit, Susano'o was alright.
HW Trials were so much better and rose a good bar that SB's didn't surpass.
Maybe the virgin demon or the roastie goddess, but the Chad FIEND was fucking amazing and put shitters in their place
In Emet's perfect world, people would understand how mechanics work. Yet you decided to kill him so that parsetrannies and retards could live.
most anons gassing on about high difficulty in these threads are expert roulette/ex trial warriors that don't or won't dip their toes into savage but feel comfortable whinging the game's too easy
>implying Sephirot's transition isn't the best one out of any primal
>implying "Fiend" and "Equilibrium" aren't the best songs in the game
you need to get your kinometer checked
what were some of those dumb decisions again? It's been a while.
I would explain if you were capable of thinking for yourself. I want to talk as equals, not like some teacher talking to a student.
i too, enjoy paying 12.99 a month to fall asleep at my desk!
I prefer learning fights as you go as well, again that's not what I was implying that everyone should go watch guides. The game introduces mechanics at a pace that is reasonable (for the most part).
I'm saying what you are asking for is impossible, there will never be a world where people just flat out don't communicate on content.
Oh thanks I remember the scene you're talking about. I was thinking that WoL said that as a dialog option at some point
Ain't happening.
People don't like Lyse because she's an objectively poorly written character whose introduction is fucking nonsensical.
It has to be the land speeder from the story cut-scenes. There needs to be a non-event way to get a 4-seater mount
i fucking love his theme song, extremely sad his bird doesn't have it.
Twas a memorable dance indeed.
Do you just get off on being intentionally obtuse?
I don’t understand the people complaining about the Eden story as if the other first wing raid stories were any different. In fact, Eden wing 1 has a better story than the entirety of Omega, let alone Deltascape by itself. Bahamut and Alex were just “oh no it’s gonna destroy the world” until the lore dump/twist in the final tiers
they should have just killed this cunt off
Already spoke of the first two, Rathalos is more fun in MH than in XIV even though it was cute to do for a while due to the combat system differences.
ravana blows the fuck out of susano with him yelling chandrahas and the 2nd phase music
bismarck is boring so lakshmi wins here
thordan >>>>>>>>> shinryu. in extreme thordan doesn't just repeat 2 mechanics until enrage like shinryu either
sephirot btfo byakko, that fucking p2 music and him turning huge blew me away
nidhogg btfo tsukiyomi, the whole build up to the fight was way better
sophia and suzaku were about equally as boring
zurvan barely beats out seiryu but the music + fight beat it
They can't, she's still the face of FFXIV for some reason.
Yes, you idiot, I mentioned that.
Now try and name any other.
>why didn't they just copypaste the entire raid from FF8?!
>reading comprehension
Some people were expecting them to, and after hearing FF8 world map theme, I was too. Yet there were none, so the question is: why the fuck would they even do this, if it's an original story.
>if a boss has the same name then it's basically the same boss!
It is not the same fight. But it is the same boss, and that is just fucking lazy.
It is okay in some cases (i.e. Gilgamesh), but if they are doing an original story with Nomura in charge, then there's no excuse for "lol let's put in leviathan again because who gives a fuck"
>I wish they would just make mandatory sections really hard and force people to get better. But the shitters just want to be the victim so they'll cry that they can't do it because of excuses that are not their fault.
That'd kill the game, more than like, XIV has a reputation of being a story-game first and foremost with all the difficulty being in what's effectively side-content, the raids and trials and their Savage equivalents. This game will never breed pug-slayers, it's not what the developers want (the developers want you to fuck off and resub later if you're bored) and it's not what the average player wants, leaving those wanting difficulty as outliers.
>It's the first part of the game that has actual nuances
uh oh smoothbrain alert
Why would they kill off the character with the single most DIAMONDS-inducing japanese voice in recent memory?
because catgirls are best girls.
She's the postergirl and still has the support from horny virgins. She will remain until this game is dead, and she will be her usual Mary Sue self throughout the entirety of it.
True. That's why I believe the patterns should be random and less forgiving so even if you were to look at a guide it would either overwhelm you or make you look out for something completely different to what is happening.
The communication I don't mind because it can only get you so far, it's people not improving their response times and memory so we could have fights where you have to constantly look out for yourself that I don't like.
>tfw you're paying 13 a month to look up strangers' skirts and decorete your house hoping that it's ready for your friends if they ever pick up the game
Why didn't she come back naked like in HW? Is Emet-Selch gay? You guys told me he was based!
you've toughed it out through the worst part of the game and you're still enjoying it. It wasnt even until around where you're at in the story when they hired on a bunch of new staff members to make XIV a better game. The music, bosses and overall dungeon aesthetic continues to get better and better 50+ and most classes at this point have no real flavor until 60+
Why in the world would you play an MMO without the latest shit
You didn't understand that she was revived again to show off how powerful Emet-Selch was, did you? Just leapt straight to getting mad about mary sues.
I like it but
>get rathalos in roulette
every fucking time
My biggest problem with Lyse is that she's the one who narrates over the new area cutscenes. Edmont was so good and Lyse just didn't live up to it
She did
He snapped clothes onto her
Well try to play WoW instead. WoW has different design for raids.
just got to 2.4 contents why the fuck is there suddenly cutscenes every 2 npcs and much higher production on voice acting and cinematics? not complaining, just really startled by how jarring it is compared to the game before this
Anyone else feel like statics are like a part time job? I work a 9-5 job, have a short break and then work my 7-10 job (ffxiv static raid time). Even at 3 days a week it just became something I HAD to do - if I missed raid time or was more than 15 mins late my static would be upset as if I didn't show up to my shift at a minimum wage job. I'd have to notify my static of any vacation or time off weeks in advance to get it approved, and when it finally is time to raid I'd just show up and slog through progression for 3 or 4 hours to maybe get a few % farther than last time. All this shit for something I'm not getting paid, I'm paying for it with the sub fee. It feels like a job rather than a game to wind down from the stress of IRL things. But if I want to make it past the first two floors then I'm pretty much forced to static up since pugs are too incompetent. It fucking sucks.
>Some people were expecting them to
You say this like it fucking means anything. People expected them to because Omega was nothing but references. Were Bahamut and Alexander copypastes from past games? No? So stop being a fucking moron believing """"""rumors""""""".
>and after hearing FF8 world map theme, I was too. Yet there were none, so the question is: why the fuck would they even do this
Because it's fucking Eden, a summon from FF8, so they used Blue Fields for the area theme, most likely to please you dumb niggers that go nuts for OMG REFERENCESS!!!!!!! and would have complained on the OF if there were none. You're fucking braindead.
>It is not the same fight. But it is the same boss
It's literally not the same boss in any way. The mechanics are completely different, the appearance is completely different, the arena is completely different, the lore is completely different.
no, theyre a blight to ffxiv
This guy only did normal modes
Lyse says dumb things like
"Why don't you fight, don't you want to be free?" when she fled Gyr Abania for an entire decade and people are slowly getting accepted in the empire.
This and the *clenches the fist* thing.
And like said, her introduction was pretty stupid.
She gets a high position despite having done nearly nothing, more or less because she's the daughter of a deceased general
no way
>eden primes 30 second intermission
He wasn't very impressed when he saw her naked because she's an old ass cat.
You mean
>get any trial in roulette
retarded tanks is the other reason why the healer population is dropping
>titan hard trials roulette
>tank falls off
>res pls
>c'mon res me
>fucking asshole healers res me or kick
This is one of the reasons I am unsure about getting into a static. I do want to do savage raids and shit but I don't know about the commitment.
Around 2.4 is when they got a bigger VA budget and decided to hire a load of new VAs. It continues into 3.0, with almost everyone getting a new VA.
3.0 onward is even more jarring because the english voice acting got a complete recast
I mean usually someone explains and they calm down but there’s always someone that whines
I hate that my Scion waifu died so Lyse can exist.
because they didn't fucking think there was going to be a 2.4. ARR was made just to save face from the unmitigated disaster that was 1.0. Then ARR became a sudden success and they started to pump a little bit of money into it.
They started giving a shit around that point, ARR is full of decisions that point to them not knowing what they were doing. In 3.0 they completely switch voice-studios and everybody gets a replacement, currently they've got a shitload of Game of Thrones actors doing voices for some reason as well as some other choices like Shulk's voice-actor for Pipin, Raubahn's adoptive son
How long did it take you to realize this? yes statics are like a job, even worse when you realize it's a job that gets all progress deleted when a new content patch invalidates your gear. I fucking hate raiding, it was cool at some point having a ton of players killing a big boss, but it was supposed to be this hardcore thing tha thappens sporadically, not mandatory content you need to commit to stay relevant in a competitive community. At the very least there should be an alternative progression system where people can no life at their own pace instead of being enslaved into a raid schedule.
There's "casual statics" for just that reason, though they're still statics and beholden to some of the same requirements.
Fordola is one of the best characters of the game right now. She's done absolutely nothing wrong, and she's a better heroin than Lyse. A tragic one, but still a heroin.
Stormblood was heavily influenced by tactics ogre and Matsuno.
That's true, even if they were to change it now the majority just would not stand for it.
No, I just want to talk to people who understand what I mean. I'm not saying for complicated mechanics, just faster and more random ones where you have to get that feeling of "Oh, that mechanic!" because you were expecting something else. It would require a lot more work to the fights.
I know we have hard mechanics for the ultimate and savage fights but I want harder fights that are mandatory so we can end up feeling challenged throughout.
When I do WoD now, I feel disgusted that they would allow such an amazing raid to be beaten without thought.
also to add to this, I noticed you play Summoner. Summoner is exactly what i meant with
>most classes at this point have no real flavor until 60+
Summoner has no real "WOW" moves until deathflare at 60 and then again at 70 for bahamut. just get shadowbringers. it includes all 3 expansions
Heavensward was literally written by a guy who worked on every game with Matsuno.
I hated the Four Lords.
Make a casual raid static?
They tried that with Eureka and you all threw a tantrum.
is there anything more embarrassing than getting punted off titan hard though?
It's happened to everyone thoughright guys?
This is why I pug shitter who will never clear ultimates and half of savages. Statics have obligations.
>I'd have to notify my static of any vacation or time off weeks in advance to get it approved
The fuck kind of autistic statics are you getting into?
Binding Coil had a lot of real cringe shit. Especially wonder twin books activate.
The hell is a casual raid static?
I didn't care for Soroban being an end-dungeon boss or Koryu's eventually being dealt with in a cutscene I caught the XI reference with his model being a kirin reuse though, nice touch but I did like the ending it capped off with and the overall look into how magical things work in the East because of their different beliefs.
>in comfy 6/8 static of irl friends
>no set times just hang when we on (usually evening due to wagies)
>pug last two spots
>clear content fast give or take pug variance
Stormblood was literally written by Matsuno.
1.0 > 2.0 > 3.0 > 4.0 > 5.0
The more we move away from the original vision, the worse the game gets.
>Be tank
>No commendations
I feel attacked.
So like Titan in Eden where Landslide knocks you off because you are suppose to stand in front of him which goes against your memory of the encounter.
Something like that. yet completely random at all times that is an almost instant pass/fail mechanic across the board.
That doesn't sound enjoyable that sounds like trial and error.
It's so bad that now I'm just like
>see this
>Stormblood was literally written by Matsuno.
The Ivalice raid is not all of Stormblood.
One you make to your casual liking.
Get used to it. Even if you're the hero of the instance they don't care.
Fordola commits the sin of being an ugly-as-fuck mhigger
Oh man this image is old as fuck, so many removed abilities on those bars
This but unironically
What the fuck?
But what does that entail?
I cleared Titan in Eden yesterday, only one pull so I didn't have much time to stop and think about shit, but what were the Landslides? The big split line things?
>Being the Tank
>Hero of the Instance
Is this what tankmains really believe?
basically means a wipe static. you guys wipe for 2-3 hours and make jokes about it during it.
>Use my real name and surname on my character
>People think I'm a massive edgelord instead of a a fag with 0 creativity
you only get comm as a tank if youre dogshit, shitters don't appreciate fast tanks
that's the power of aether
Except every job can reach high crit values right now???????
Once a week maybe if someone doesn’t bail at the last minute and hopefully we just clear each fight once before the next tier comes out
>but what were the Landslides
Chris Chan?
>you see warrior of light, we're not so different you and I...
Who the fuck WROTE this dialogue
Saw a guy with this name last night
>Not putting on the pvp crown while having never played pvp
Like that but more of that, yeah.
I agree completely on the trial and error part. I disagree on "beginner traps", everything should be able to spot so you can react. Not knowing it's coming just comes down to luck and following others, that doesn't make you better it just annoys you.
His kart charge was obvious, but the one where you stand in front of him wasn't as apparent. I will say I do like how he doesn't alternate between the 2 and instead he will do one of them twice in a row to catch you out.
Heavensward is about killing the evil dragon and the evil pope. There's barely anything more than that. The Falcon was the beginning of Stormblood's storyline and the bloody banquet was the introduction for HW. Ysayle was terribly underwhelming. HW is memorable for Haurchefant, not really for the whole dragon shit around it.
I still can't believe the Exarch summoned 7 of him to help the WoL out in the final battle, what the fuck were they thinking?
>Said I wanted to mating press pot-potato
>thread gets deleted
Sorry lads, had to do em
even when you do manage to clear the payout sucks. you get gear that becomes obsolete within a few weeks/months and the fight gets nerfed hard through echo or unsync mode.
>fail a mechanic
>all 7 of them shout sloppy
Yeah, like I said I wasn't really focusing on the details. Is it the thing where he fires the lines down either side of him? Because my group avoided that by running to the row not on either side or in front.
I think it's one of the first few steps
I was thinking it even if I didn't say it.
I too, want to engage in sexual intercourse with pot lala.
I need pics of this pot potato
Can't wait for that striking set to get released.
You aint dead are you?
That's up to you, friend.
*thunderer plays*
>We are the same, you and I!
They foreshadowed WoL being an ascian since ARR, damn...
>Heavensward is about killing the evil dragon and the evil pope. There's barely anything more than that.
You're a moron then, because there's much more nuance than that. People will argue for fucking hours just about if Thordan did the right thing or not.
They are gonna ruin it somehow
Now this is retarded and I hope i'm getting baited, 1.0 was the worst version of the game no doubt, Tanaka team didn't even had a vision for the fucking game. Only good thing about it was the music and Soken gets better each expansion.
Did you mean hot potato?
>not even 10k subs
literally who
Tanks are THE protagonist role.
>Everyone follows you like a JRPG party
>You actually square up with the boss face to face instead of poking his ass
>Gets to use a big sword and a gunblade, the most famous FF weapons
No, pot potato.
Holy shit I've seen this image a dozen times and that mask is just "SLOPPY" in greek isn't it
somebody posts that shit in like, every thread.
I thought it was Russian.
>to rebuild ala mhigo, that is my final fantasy
>to see my realm reborn!
fucking christ no one proofread this?
>paladin and dark knight, cecil's jobs
>warrior, a stand-in for both fighter and berserker
>gunbreaker, lit. "squall/seifer: the job"
You tell me, numpty.
I wanna butter up that hot potato.
Damn you sure got him.
>plays FF3
>makes first onion kid a summoner
Now I'm the hero class fag
Thordran was absolutely wrong on all accounts. He would have done jackshit with his new power and would just have been one more dumb tyran. Killing the dragons wouldn't have changed a thing. And ascians would just have fucked off.
With Niddhogg dead, there was no need to keep adding oil on fire.
Onion Hero when?
I used to play as a regular human to look like the cinematic guy but I switched to a cat girl to look like Yshtola.
I just really want to fuck Yshtola
>we shall become a storm of blood!
>we shall make the garleans fear us by bringing them shadow!
the master of foreshadowing...
There are people who seriously think that 1.0 was peak xiv
>niggers, kikes, jannies... they are a mockery, a plague upon this star.
uhhh guys? How the fuck did they slip that in there?