
Attached: ds_rune_factory_2.jpg (399x359, 42K)

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3 is better

Dorothy is my waifu

The cross-generational thing almost ruins the game for me.

Best opening theme

for me, it's perfection

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Pia is best


Love her

Attached: Julia_Real.png (198x492, 152K)

Because you spend all this time building this character and his relationships, but you can't make progress on anything else until you get married. And when you do, suddenly you're playing as someone completely different, while not really being able to recreate a family since you're too young.

Basically this, but there is also second thing - first generation is glorified tutorial which due to very slow relationship leveling takes like 20 hours to complete, then the actual game starts. After first generation I often didn;t have any more power to do second one.

it's not that long, well waiting for the school to be built is pain in the ass though.

True, the worst thing is that you have absolutely nothing to do through this month. I just don't know if money carries on to the second gen, maybe it's the thing I could do.
Still, one good thing is that you can cuck Jake, I hate that little faggot.

I agree with Unfortunately the best 2 of the rune factory games have the most annoying bullshit killing their fun :
- Rune factory 2 has half the game locked behind the marriage event, then you get to continue only with one of the kid because protag spoiler story reasons not available
- Rune factory Frontier stays the best console edition for me, but has that goddamn awful rune system that makes you lose precious time and days on a hunt with a gathering animation that can actually miss. The game will actually penalize you if you don't do it by randomly killing your crops.

Most people will say that RF 3 and RFToD are the best but I don't like how the combat system just turned into a god of war combo mashing. The previous installment had a slower combat but you had to plan your attacks, in the new ones you can just lifesteal roll over everything gg ez.

Ocean has that godawful farming system though.

also the final boss is too Persona 4 for me, with Goblin pirate shoehorned in in case you are not friend with anyone.

Most people hate on Tides/Oceans, and it has some glaring flaws. But it's probably my favorite. It has the best girl of all time.

Attached: Elena.png (344x856, 382K)

But you are not posting Pandora.

Any news on 5?


Pandora and Violet are tied for second.

Ocean was just stupid. A harvest moon spinoff with no farming is just stupid.
It's a shame because I legit liked the whole sea exploration and golem gozilla fights, it's also probably the only one where I wouldn't be able to decide on a bachelorette, they're just all perfect wife material. I'd probably default pick lily for the big honkers.

>Marry the weather witch
>Play as son
>Mom makes me pay full price for weather changes!
>Marry her little sister
Great game?

Best girl in the series

I think Frontier is just unfinished game, I mean the girl only has 3 bachelors+male main character while boy get 9+Sonya

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It would have been good to be able to pick what you grew if they were going to force monsters on you. You just leave it on autopilot and go about your business.
But it has the kind of towns I want to see in the future, just bigger.

shit I meant ocean.

Better that than what 4 did, having less girls while making all the boys gay.

The town design is comfy indeed.

I love Raven. I hope 5 lets me marry her again.

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Rosetta is best girl for me.

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My nigger

You might be able to in 4S.

It wouldn't let me marry Max....

I like the town in Tides the best.

>Play RF4
>Bored out of my mind
It is all a mindless grind and the music is driving me insane. Am I missing something?

What exactly do you need to grind for?

I played Frontier with cheat codes enabled that kept the rune numbers constant. Best way to play that game. The worst thing about the rune collecting is that you have to go to the machine in the tower just to check the numbers.

>It is all a mindless grind
You aren't supposed to grind, you are supposed to play at your own pace.

I do not mean that I need to grind for anything, but that the gameplay loop is boring busywork. Farming crops gets old, crafting to gain levels gets old, trying to woo ladies gets old and the combat is as simple as can be.
All activities just take too much time and attention with very little enjoyment to be gained.

Mean to reply toDoing busywork is exactly as fun whether I play it at a slow or quick pace.

>put turnips in box
>come back each time Rosetta comes to pick up the goods
>enjoy the cutscene
But beware, the fact that Rosetta loves strawberries says it all about what kind of girl she is.

Attached: NO TURNIP FOR YOU.jpg (1280x720, 247K)

I want to touch Raven's belly!


Raven's tummy is a miracle of the universe.

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I hope 5 has more exposed tummies.

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This probably isn't the right game for you

when are we going to learn more about 5? I need to know if they're going to make playing as a girl an option again, it's the only reason I bothered to play 4.

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This, runey turns frontier from miserable to great. Wouldnt even mind if they returned to the system it just needed to be less of a chore to collect/upkeep, the idea itself wasnt bad, just terrible execution like 2's generation system

Probably. I was in the mood for some comfy farming and cute girls but the constant non-progression is really busting my balls.

There's no way they're going to do away with the female protagonist. Don't worry about that.