>game story looks really interesting
>also do the characters and world
>it's turn based
The potential experience and enjoyment are now ruined
>game story looks really interesting
>also do the characters and world
>it's turn based
The potential experience and enjoyment are now ruined
Other urls found in this thread:
based esl brainlet pleb
So Earthbound, Final Fantasy 7, SMT, Persona, Chrono Trigger, LISA, a hundred other critically acclaimed RPGS, etc, etc.
You think they're all shit for their combat?
zoom zoom
Is brian canon bisexual? Stewie said that robot Brian wouldn't do anything that real Brian wouldn't do and he gets gang banged by bunch of dudes at the end of the episode
Not him but yes I do. The combat fucking sucks and it takes up 95% of playtime.
I find this thread rather shallow and pedantic.
Haven't played any of those. Seriously fuck turn based combat. Only game iv dealt with it is Pokemon
>the actual game part ruins the non game parts
Go read a book or something
RPG's always have shit gameplay.
>but muh story
Go read a book.
>>game story looks really interesting
>>also do the characters and world
its action open world garbage
three houses? it'll be fun, turn based isn't so bad when you control a big group
Theres no reason for a modern game to be turn based unless its some indie game like Darkest Dungeon.
tb > > > > > > shit = rtwp
ultra normie
>Game looks cute and comfy
>Apart from the comfy village parts its a side scroller
Yes, unironically. I love lots of JRPG stories and character designs, but fuck me I hate playing turn based shit. I don't know why you faggots cling so hard to it as if it's actually good
Turn based is great you pleb
>game story looks really interesting
>also do the characters and world
Imagine being this retarded, the story and characters exist to enhance the gameplay.
Polygon going up to a polygon until the other has smaller number sure is thrilling.
Explain what's better about it than real time combat
>hey look new dungeon crawler
>its action one with mmorpg cool downs
fuck this shit
I'd rather an FPS over a shitty slow ass JRPG any day of the god damn week. Now Quake, now THAT was a game, unlike this """""Final""""" Fantasy bullshit.
Thinking turn based combat is bad is the ultimate zoomer flag. All the kiddies needing to satisfy their ADD with constantly moving action based combat need to grow up.
fuck open world trash
He doesn't need to. Variety is the spice of life. Both can co-exist.
Thinking turn based combat is good is the ultimate downs retard flag. All the idiots needing to slow down and pause the game to try and think they're smart need to grow up
>that JRPG series that shit the best and became an action game
>Polygon going up to a polygon until the other has smaller number sure is thrilling
Based gaming journalist
There is no variety when a majority of JRPGs are turn based
No, I've played hundreds of games as im sure many have here. Last pokemon game I played was Emerald. I aint no normie, i just cant stand turn based combat, most tedious, boring bullshit theres been
Some CRPGs would be perfect if it wasn’t for the shitty gameplay dragging them down
So it's only retards who can't speak English properly, use reddit spacing, and Reddit Guy that hate turn based games? Good to know.
I'm older than you are
and somehow still have the mind of a child
OP was not a faggot today
Turn-based shit literally puts me to sleep (not even joking). I enjoy Pokémon but I can only play so much of it at one time.
Same applies to isometric games. Fuck that noise
I find this post to be shallow and pedantic
People hate turn-based combat because it's slow. If each turn had a blazing pace to it. Like say all your party attacks at once, then all the enemies attack almost at the same time that you have to use action commands to reduce damage. I'm talkin like your turn and the enemies' turn combined takin about five seconds. Would that work?
Been done. Mario and Luigi series.
Have you ever read a book start to finish? If you can't even get through a turn based video game without falling asleep then I can't imagine you being able to read more than a few pages in a single sitting.
No, I hate turn based due to the lack of control. I want to be able to dodge and attack when I want. Why the fuck would I enjoy watching an enemy do some fuckhuge attack and my only option available is to just watch it happen.
>Game story looks really interesting
>Also the characters and the world and the lore
>It's made in Japan
>It features fap bait cute girls
>It's about something "deep"
>It's turn based/dungeon crawler with randomly generated dungeons
You just know it's going to be shit.
Also: Radiant Historia does something similar
Which people enjoyed until it got too bloated with the later titles. Now imagine a game that could do that even faster than the first one and more difficult. Imagine the fun stress of having to press your buttons to defend your party to uneven timing that's not the same each time the enemies attack, it's just you and your reflexes.
I think the answer to that is to have an extremely tight window to let the player defend with a button, and if they're in those couple frames they'd take no damage. Super Mario RPG did this, so did Paper Mario: TTYD. It's incredibly friendly towards speedrunners and low-level runners, which adds replay value to games like that.
>>It's turn based/dungeon crawler with randomly generated dungeons
This usually ends up saving everything.
Play something else? No I'm not telling you not to criticize shit by the the way just wondering what you gain if your serious.
Undertale fixed that
Undertale is a bullet hell with rpg elements
only people on Yea Forums argue for rtwp, OS2 had 10 times more reviews on steam than PoE2 did, former having over 40k positive reviews and the latter less than 4k.
Has turn-based gameplay become a cliche all its own to have nitwits like OP make shit threads like this one?
Ok, that's just genocide route but you get the point
Tell me why you like Turn based combat and why is should even be a thing still in modern vidya
>only people on Yea Forums argue for rtwp
That doesnt detract from his point that it combined turn based actions with real time actions.
>is turn-based
>strategy and decision making don't matter
Fucking Square Enix.
Because it's nice to take time and think about what you're about to do, while still enjoying the full game experience instead of the pause screen.
It could be worse.
It could be an RPGMaker game.
Can't say I'm surprised at OP's display of opinion.
The only turn based combat I enjoy is Mario and Luigi because you can avoid the attacks if your timing is good enough.
Turn based combat is objectively shit, it's literally just health resource management with difficulty at the whim of RNG. You run out of your allotted resources for any reason, you lose. Zero skill involved.
Turn based combat is better for strategic management of parties, their resources, and their abilities. Turn based combat can utilize stats, status effects, single use items, upgrades, classes, weapon/armor sets for certain challenges, goals, purposes with room for play style customization and efficiency tuning. If it's a good game, it presents a good puzzle for the player to formulate a strategy and use what means the game gives you to win. It's playing a videogame in it's most true sense, everything involved is gameplay sex.
Action games are great to, but there more centered on perfecting trial and error dodge windows, watching enemy telegraphs, using combos effectively more instinct based which is definitely a fun way to do combat.
Turn based games are for ADD because you are constantly interrupted by a shitty battle. There are more interruptions while exploring in a JRPG than there are in open world games
Everything you say goes out the window in a game based on leveling up because then victory is moreso determines by how much you grind
>He doesn't understand the inherent strategy involved in learning how to account for RNG
Can you really call it an rpg?
He also gets banged by Brian. Robot Brian actually never has relations with a single woman off the opposite sex.
Most RPGS i've played can be broken easily thus making the combat pointless. Then all you are doing is wading through random encounters for hours on end.
I really enjoy RPGS scale but you play the games for the gameplay not the story
>It's a "tactical turn based game"
>no punishment for running past enemy units
>all units can move a large amount of tiles in one turn, rendering any formations other than box or wall worthless
I will now not buy your game
Who the fuck is forcing this Family Guy meme?
>it's a OP makes a bait thread and actual people with shit taste jump in and defend him episode
>Uneven timing
Uneven timing and, as you put it, fast paced combat would be an exercise in frustration. The whole point of parry windows would be so that you could get good at blocking attacks. If the timing is random, the blocks will generally be mostly random, and random generally doesn't go well with fine-tuned controls
Yes. Unironically.
In these games I always run away from random battles because they are so fucking boring and the worst part of the game. The boss fights can be cool. I try to see if I can beat them even if I’m a bit underleveld from skipping random battles. If grinding is required, I stop playing, because there is nothing worse than the grind
That's why any good rpg puts super turbo extra bosses in. Some things cant be out-ground. Modern games have gotten better about real time combat having more options, but outside of shit like DMC, most real time combat is just using brute force and maybe a dodge or block button. So it isn't that much different than trying to play an rpg with no style
Based retard
>random encounter
>chargin time
>select attacks for your char
>see them attacks
>see the ennemies attacks, can't dodge shit
>repeat until ennemies are dead
>reward screen
>walking again for 5 secondes
so fun
This is the post of someone who's never read a book of substance. A paragraph of a book can actually make you feel something. There's no fun to be had going through menus.
They're all boring shit because they're turn-based.
>I can’t argue against it so I’ll just say “based retard”
There is such thing as "attack of opportunities" in many turn based games, especially DnD ones.
I just don’t understand the appeal. When I’m having an adventure on a grand map, the last thing I want is to be interrupted by shitty, slow combat every five seconds. It’s not fun, it’s not complex, it doesn’t require skill or intelligence. It’s just tedious and repetitive
>A paragraph of a book can actually make you feel something
Man you sound just like my junior lit teacher.
My senior lit teacher had us read "Watchmen" and didn't give a fuck about pretentious shit like that
Not him he is right in terms of menus being less entertaining, especially when it's clunky.
We need to bump that average playtime to 120 hours somehow, please understand
Does this account for turn based strategy games and tactical RPGs as well ? s everyone here literally a Zoomer that is only played Pokemon and would never touch a game like chess?
I could, your shit post just wasn't worth it
>it's turn based
>there's also formation bonuses, character-unique movesets, dynamic enemy AI etc.
yes please
>i don't enjoy some genres of video games
you are like everyone else who plays games congrats
>formation bonuses
No, that's worst thing that can be in the game. It's absolutely ruins everything, force you to move in a certain way, it's killing any creative approach to battle.
you're thinking of the wrong kind of formations. I don't mean TRPG shit
This kind is bad too. I prefer free battle field like DOS2
different strokes then... I prefer fixed positions per battle because of the much faster pace.
Translation: you have no argument
Those are different. The issue here is adventure games that are constantly interrupted by shorty turn based combat every few seconds
>allows for more depth in tactics and strategy
>increases the importance of number crunching, like making you think about which attacks to use and when
>works better with controlled randomness in mind, like hit chances and critical hits, which in turns creates complexity in decisionmaking
it's not better but it allows for a different type of game to exist. i'd agree that shit like pokemon's combat is pretty crappy and barebones (because of old japanese boomer influences) but something like silent storm, xcom and any card game ever could never work in real-time.
>pretending turn-based is any less niche for millennials than it is for zoomers
Don't you have some cinematic """games""" to """play""" millennial SNOYboy?
FFVI is the best jrpg ever, and even then the combat sucks.