>Prices never raise due to hardware demands like PC >You know every game will run as advertised at the consoles supported FPS >No upgrading every 3 years or needing to second guess your hardware >Reasonably priced
I'm here for the inevitable dump of cute asian girls
Thomas Edwards
God she's so cute
Michael Hughes
Why is it that I can click on any board at any time and I always see these yellow fever threads?
David Richardson
this is your 63rd yellow fever thread today
Dominic Reed
>No upgrading every 3 years or needing to second guess your hardware
Xbox One X & PS4 Pro say hello
Anthony Green
>needing to upgrade every 3 years If you buy already outdated hardware, then yeah. My last rig lasted me 6 years and my current one will last me just as long.
Robert Gomez
Wyatt Cooper
I dont know that Yea Forums hates consoles. Maybe you do get the odd pcuk, but theyre brainlets, so who gives a shit?
Personally I hate the walled garden design of consoles and the subsequent manchild behavior of console gamers in that regard, where they celebrate companies having complete control over what they can do with their game (despite ironically claiming that physical is superior because companies can't define what they can and can't do with their game). And I say that as someone who owned all 4 console platforms this gen. I don't own consoles because I like them, I own them for exclusives (except Xbone, I got that for free since my uncle didn't want it, it's literally only useful for Netflix and Hulu).
Because you're a bitter seething roastie whose gotten used to being in a perpetual state of anger due to the over consumption of social media while simultaneously being told that any depiction of beauty is an affront to your bleak fucking existence.
Now go get mad at asian cuties getting more attention than you on twitter, and try to hide your bitterness with some pseudo feminist nonsense about muh sexism.
The second and third points aren’t true though. Games rarely hold a steady frame rate on consoles and hardware revisions are a thing. So really the only advantage is price and that is very, very debatable.
Chase King
Flat girls shouldn't even be called girls. They're subhuman.
Michael Bailey
>n-no, you are bitter and seething!! REEEEE stop making fun of my insect fever, i put yellow roasties on a pedestal because white women don't acknowledge my existence, i'll flood every board with yellow fever threads because i'm totally sane , u mad xD? seek help or hang yourself (the latter being the better option)
Jaxson Nelson
Imagine thinking women would browse this shithole, just to make sense of your schizo delusions. It went from "girls don't browse Yea Forums" to "you're a roastie if you don't agree with me". This is actual mental sickness.
>Imagine thinking women would browse this shithole Boards like /soc/ and /r9k/ are literally FULL of insecure attention-starved e-thots. Even that zoomer thot who was killed in that shithole Utica was on /r9k/.
Landon Hughes
Falling for female Japanese "cute act" trickery is almost worse than falling for Jewish trickery.
Gavin Perry
>You know every game will run as advertised at the consoles supported FPS
In a perfect world everything would be available for everything, but it's all about enticing you to play their console and intellectual rights over certain properties.
Jordan Hill
the incel with a recessed chin and yellow fever is telling someone to have sex
>doesn't run games at 144fps >doesn't even run at stable 60 for most games >can't customize the console to my liking >can't mod the games to my liking >less or no option menus for games >lower entry cost but higher cost per game makes it more cost intense for playing a lot of vidya >can't change peripheral devices to my liking >smaller selection of games available
All of that being said I do play on console, it's just that PC is my primary platform and I play on consoles for the few exclusives they have that interest me
Ayden Clark
This t b h They're all sluts, the difference being they're more repressed Your asian waifu is thinking about chad cock the same as any white girl
Angel Russell
I have to concede that kek. But to my defense, those boards are essentially their own websites since they're so different.
Gabriel James
Not really, /r9k/ is literally just Yea Forums2.0, unironically, and has been since it was brought back in 2014. Yes, there are women on Yea Forums, and most of them are fucking insane white chicks and zoomers.
Juan Rivera
who the h*ck invited /r9k/ and /pol/. everyone please ignore these r*tards. also my wife liyu is so cute, please stop posting our wedding photos
Lincoln Evans
4chins? Being yellow fever central? Imagine my shock dude.
Justin Martin
Playing games on console is like having your Mom hold your hands which are also handcuffed behind your back. The only people who prefer it are those who've never tried PC gaming or can't handle spending five minutes configuring their game before playing in order to have a 1000% better game experience.
Nicholas Allen
zoomer detected. 4channel has always had 100s, maybe 1000s of retards spamming aznqts