Fighter Pass


Your smash bros ultimate DLC, sirs.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>this thread will hit the bump limit
>it's going to be the exact same shit again
Lupin better not be lying.

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Not according to amiibo theory.
>All only have one amiibo representing their series.
Yep, Chosen Undead deconfirmed.

shut the fuck up rosterfag.

Wouldn't that just mean solair is confirmed?

What the fuck does that even mean?

Is that the girl from Nanalan?!

All of their amiibo are new, so no.
You're not getting a souls rep.

Why the fuck would that ever matter? EVER? Amiibos mean nothing. You patternfags are pathetic.

Oh, you better believe it.

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10 more days, fellow Porkybros. What are your hopes? Fears? Expectations?

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Why would that matter?

>they do something
>they don't do shit
>see above

Here's the potentials:
Arale Puyo Puyo
And a when they cry rep


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>implying it wont be based scout

Too perfect to be true

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Is everyone forgetting rathalos is in the game?
Monster hunter is definitely a dlc

Because Nintendo is obviously making a new lineup of amiibo to accompany the DLC.
Nintendo isn't planning on bringing a Souls character in Smash.
Solaire's amiibo sold pretty badly too.
Get over it.

>implying it won’t be the heavy, scout AND spy all at once ala pokemon trainer.

She's in bros

Attached: Morrigan_Aensland_(OVA).png (480x359, 139K)

>and spy
you cant just have one or 3 mercs, it'll have to be all 9

>Because Nintendo is obviously making a new lineup of amiibo to accompany the DLC.
>Nintendo isn't planning on bringing a Souls character in Smash.
>Solaire's amiibo sold pretty badly too.
Doesn’t matter.

Three makes sense. It’s one of each class type. Attack, defend and support.

Rip brain


>another Darkstalkers port rumored
>Banjo comes out in the fall, perfect time to announce a character like Morrigan around Halloween
>queen of crossovers

She makes a lot of sense, but only if a port is happening.

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>a gigantic fucking faggot

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Yes, that is an accurate description of the average Doom fan.

Nintendo actually wants to sell their new lineup of amiibo with the DLC.
This goes in tandem with Nintendo wanting stuff "new" to their franchise which may or may not include their lineup of amiibo.
Dark Souls already has one amiibo and was released withs its own game.
A Chosen Undead amiibo would also make Namco have to update their Dark Souls game on the Switch for compatibility. And let's be honest, there's nothing they COULD add to Dark Souls Switch with the amiibo.
He's not in.

>chosen undead
>picture of Oscar
Are fromdrones braindamaged or what?

Yeah, I'm thinking she's in

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Don't fucking give me hope, and since when was a port rumored?

Here's your FPS rep.

Attached: Master_Chief_in_Smash.jpg (3397x1870, 2.6M)

Pic related will come true when the Hero comes in a few days right after the Final Fest and along with Porky as the first DLC fighter to come right after the fighters pass in 2020.

Attached: Fightme.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

Get a better hobby.

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None of that shit has any evidence behind it, nor any reason to think any of it. You’re literally making shit up as you go.


We get it, you're good at Photoshop.

I didn't make the green cacodemon though.

He’s announced as DLC alongside the Earthbound Collection, don’t see this happening though
A spirit event that deconfirms him is my only fear.
Nothing, and that’s okay. I’m thinking if we get nothing then he’s being saved for later, whether it be a DLC fighter, DLC boss, a DLC mode, or some other thing.

Nintendo doesn't want to sell their amiibo.
Nintendo does not want new stuff added to their franchise.
Dark Souls doesn't have an amiibo.
Dark Souls will definitely be updated for the Chosen Undead amiibo even though all we got with Solaire is the in-game emote.
He's in.

hold on a minute shut the FUCK up with your same-fucking-posts tradition as usual
>maintenance scheduled for tonight
>the summer fan favorites video originally being titled july fan favorites
>other nintendo announcements like new joycon colors and luigi's mansion 3 release date
>a private video has been on the youtube channel for smash ultimate for a week now

Attached: ayy.png (670x992, 325K)

Give him to me Sakurai!

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When did LM3 get a release date?

None of them are that likely except maybe Crash but god i want them in so bad.

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nintendo are doing a bunch of announcements across the day, which is further evidence we might be seeing a Hero overview later.
release date for LM3 is Halloween if you're interested.

Neat. Thanks user.

How many times do I have to tell you people, it's KOS MOS and Doomguy

>Bamco still only has one rep, despite helping make the damn game, and KOS MOS is their go to gal for series cross overs.
>We know Bethesda and Nintendo have been in talks for a long time now, with Smash being heavily rumored. Doom is the last "Grandfather" of a genre to not be in Smash, Nintendo has been showing off the Switch Port of Eternal a lot, and it's also the 25th Anniversary of Doom.

>switch refresh
>new joy-con colors
>luigi's mansion 3 release date
>new nes online games
There's going to be more.

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I'll take some literal who waifu if it means getting Doomguy and being free from this rosterfaggotry


Rathalos in the base game is exactly why MH won’t be dlc

Jet Force Gemini
Evolution Worlds
Lost Kingdom

I hold out hope for the GC era RPG's that no one loved.


Nintendo is choosing the characters, not namco. It’s going to be chosen undead.

amiibo theory makes this unlikely.


As far as Capcom reps go, There's only a couple of guys with good chances, especially because Sakurai was given some control in the DLC stuff
Sakurai's not a big fan of straightforward guns: All the guns in the game are cartoony in one way or another, Joker's gun is specifically mentioned as a plastic model, and Bayonetta's guns shoot magic. Without elaborate gunplay, there's no point in Dante, especially because even with guns, his moveset would just be a watered down Bayonettas's
>Monster Hunter
Anyone that says Calico is retarded, Sakurai ALWAYS chooses the main character to represent a series (that's why Edelgard fags are stupid, too) and the hunter would indeed bring an interesting moveset, but if a MH rep would be in, it would have come much earlier, especially with Rathalos and MH4 music in the game, the window's passed for that
>RE character
Again there'd have to be a main so jo Wesker/Nemesis, but since, again, Sakurai's not a fan of guns, Leon/Chris/Jill are up shit creek without a paddle
Best moveset potential but series Is dead, so...
No one's paying Kaneshiro shit, next
>Star Gladiator, Cyberbots, Strider Hiryu, Ghouls and Goblins, Rival Schools, etc
Too dead to be worth marketing bucks or not iconic enough
The only ones with a decent chance left are thus: Phoenix Wright, another Megaman rep, Morrigan and Chun Li
The leading Mega rep is X, if they wanna Crom him from MM's final smash. (He'll never be an Echo due to body type) Roll has a small chance, too
Morrigan is the defacto Darkstalkers choice, series is dead but iconic, gameplay wise might be too similar to Ryu and Ken (no, her outfit isn't an issue, it'd just be somewhat rectified if really needed) but still a good/decent shot, especially if a DS collection is coming
Nick's series is still alive, great moveset potential and there's an AA in development so easy promo bucks
Chun Li needs no explanation

I love Reimu!

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>one monster hunter spirit when they could of easily added more
They are obviously saving the MH spirits for the MH dlc. Also,
>MH music was listed in its own “MH” section in the files and not the “other” section
A Palico or Hunter is literally in

objectively best/most sensible lineup here

covers the east/west popularity dynamic, gets in a female character, pair well together in a trailer (demon/demon slayer)

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I want this lad in smash.

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I wouldn't be surprised; Idolmaster's a literal billion dollar franchise. The only other thing from Bamco that's on par is Digimon.

That's far too kino for this world

It might just be licensing issues, some of that stuff is set in stone when the partnership/contract is made
Don't' expect a lot from Capcom, all their characters have a 50% chance at best
Capcom sucks at making/managing money, so Smash bucks are literally free cash rolling in
Capcom has been a bitch to Nintendo since a while back, so the Big N might just not be willing to renegotiate or budge in any deal backstage, Ken and MH stiff might have just been negotiated during the Wii U/3DS era before capcom went 'nah'

>covers the east/west popularity dynamic
There are more popular character from the east and west than both of those characters.


Morrigan would be great, but I don’t think they could do it due to her tits.

It would work if Darkstalkers hasn't been dead for the past 6 years.

Don't think Nintendo has the balls to sell a Morrigan amiibo.

Capcom did give Street Fighter and Mega Man a shit load of music and spirits though

Nah, Ultimate was only truly in developing once Bayonetta and the final Wii U and 3DS patches were release, so Third Party companies have no idea of what was coming, and as far as we know, Square was the only one hard to negotiate with once the developing truly started. If anything, during Ultimate's developing Capcom was the company willing to give the most, once you combine all the content.

Then the DLC started to be negotiated early 2018 (according to Sakurai, he has no idea about DLC plans at that time), and the support over all of each company has little to do with the DLC, so far, the only one who has given more support for the Switch than just ports so far, is Square after all, which was also the one who worked with Ultimate the lest.

For DLC, Nintendo only cares to sell the DLC, and Ultimate in the process, shilling other games is secondary, sometimes works on their favor (DQXI) others it doesn't (P5 the Royal), or isn't even a factor (Banjo). Capcom may not be doing more for Switch that ports (Expensive ports that somehow still sell, so Nintendo may not even mind that much), but they are company easy to work with for this kind of things, and their characters would sell, there is no doubt about that, even the most niche among their popular picks are more recognizable in the west than Joker and Hero, while also being popular in Japan.

So yeah, in regards what truly matters for Nintendo, an easy but profitable deal, that would seal DLC, Capcom is one of the safest bets for Nintendo.

Would be neat.

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They will use a similar the render of Tatsunoko vs Capcom (The sting one), and hide the boobs the best they can with that pose.


champions doomguy is the shittest version of doomguy

Look, Capcom clearly doesn't give a fuck about Darkstalkers, and the series sells like shit. And I say this as a Darkstalkers fan.

Real talk, why the fuck is Banjo playable? He's an irrelevant character from a dead franchise

Actual iconic characters like Bomberman, who has over 70 games mind you is only an assist trophy, but this ugly bear who has only 5 games, 2 of which weren't even in Japan gets to be playable?

Unfucking acceptable, you can't seriously defend this

You take that back

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But people actually requested Banjo in the Smash Ballot
I mean, SOMEONE probably requested Morrigan, but c'mon

Sales have shit to do with smash retard, tons of characters got in when their games flopped

But they do like to sell Morrigan, she even has more official cameos than Megaman and Chu Lee. Look, it's not happening, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. She would be more of a VS game Rep than a Darkstalkers rep at this point anyway.

Can we all agree that, objectively and factually, he is IN and to suggest otherwise is delusion and willful ignorance?

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Isn't Morrigan herself, standalone, still fairly popular though?

>Joker's gun is specifically mentioned as a plastic model

True, but the series were already represented by Ryu and MM, it required less paperwork and more 'just throw it in'
MH would require a lot more to get properly represented (amiibo negotiations, talks with the series' composers, stages, which usually require direct input from the owner so their stuff is visually accurate and what can and can not be in said stages)
MH character negotiations would come after SF and MM negotiations, and if by that point Capcom and Nintendo had already had a falling out, or at least just didn't see eye to eye, it might have just complicated the process of Character/soundtrack/Spirit selection

>>Joker's gun is specifically mentioned as a plastic model

Nowhere in Smash, or the presentation trailer, same with Bayonetta's, I did check on the tips section. Ingame, the guns look, sound, function and are referred as guns.

At face value, any kid or parent look at the game, and sees a gun, and their is no way to prove otherwise on Ultimate, unless you buy the source game.

I just don't really think that Chosen Undead and Doomslayer fit Smash well. They'd be pretty cool though

I would agree, but going as far as considering her an "Eastern rep" is a bit of a strech when you have characters like Reimu, Amaterasu or Jibanyan who are far more popular there

he's covered wars you know
the series sheer amount of wacky combo weapons would lead to really interesting moves
optional skins for dr4 frank, chuck greene, nick ramos, old chuck greene, maybe some silly outfits

Frank and the Heavy are my only two genuine Never Evers. I really want them but I just don't see Sakurai putting either of them in.

Attached: franky.png (220x366, 78K)

But we are limiting the poll to just Capcom, and combining sales in Japan and the West, Morrigan still makes more sense than Ammy.

Ammy doesn't even gets Phoenix Wright numbers for that matter.

>Sales have shit to do with smash retard
I guess, except that seriously why would they push Morrigan over any of the IPs that they actually care about? That's just dumb
I mean, frankly I think that expecting Morrigan is like expecting Ammy. Yes, both COULD happen. But at some point, the writing is on the wall.

But the whole point of smash is to bring together clashing artstyles.

The problem is that during the finishing touches of Smash Ultimate planning and the start of development Capcom went full retard with Nintendo (USF2 being 40 bucks and missing launch, going full exclusive with Sony regarding MH in Asia killing even the chance a streamable version of the game on switch in Japan, not releasing MMLC on time, never porting Disney afternoon and UMVC3 and a lot of miscellaneous fuckups regarding Cart size and distribution) so Nintendo or one of its 2 presidents during that time period might not have a lot of consideration regarding Capcom
Capcom will not say no to any offer of their characters being in, it's free money
But the Big N might have smelled the bullcrap and decided to nurture other healthier 3rd party relationships with their DLC choices (which give money to all parties involved)

Question for Chieffags and Doomfags. What are you gonna do when neither of them get in? Because that's exactly what's gonna happen you know? We're already have a shooter rep and no one in Japan give a shit about either series.

>B-but Banjo
was wanted by Japan as well.

Attached: eb7.png (484x672, 147K)

He’s in.

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Who is the shooter rep?

I don't think that's the point at all, it's just to be a video game crossover


>Master Chief
>Any TF2 mercenary
Elder God:

The point is to bring vidya characters together no matter the artstyle.

Fuck yeah I'm still hoping for Chie in Smash
Yes I know it's Chief

Attached: 5ce.jpg (1024x1024, 451K)

But it's just to bring video game characters together, and Sakurai has said that characters clash with Smash's style before.

Just make the last two Pepe and Wojak already.


Even if that shit were still true to this day, Snake is already in the game. Doomguy has more in common with samus than with snake.

I would love this.

>Even if that shit were still true to this day, Snake is already in the game.
I mean he said that shit after Snake entered the game so yeah, I'm assuming he means "including Snake"

So doomguy is fine then.

Just a reminder, the following characters aren't going to be in the game ever:
Monster Hunter
Phoenix Wright
Llyod Irving
Sylux, Porky, Byleth
Undertale anything
RE rep that isn't Leon
Kos Mos
Morrigan, Mai, Nakoruru

Attached: 07f.png (1500x1332, 442K)

People said the same about Cloud and Banjo so just fuck off already

You are just as bad as Doomfags.

Holy cringe. Just give up seething waluigiredditor

Klonoa is one of the most requested character from Namco behind Lloyd and Heihachi.

>literally having to make up new rules because of how likely Souls is

Based, literally all of those characters are cringe

Not an argument

We'd get Crash before we get literally who furry boy

I don't expect Leon but if RE was to get a series rep, it'd most likely be him.


How exactly is it not an argument?
80% chance of bait

You have no argument either. Why should I waste my time with you when your argument is “not happening because I say so!”

There has to be a first party character. It's too unexpected to not be true.

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Here’s your RE rep bros

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Why Jill instead of Leon?

Not an argument. All the characters I've mentioned have one reason or another for not being in. Why should I waste my time explaining when you're too retarded to see the truth? You want me to go through all of them, you little shits?

Klonoa ranks higher than any other Namco character save for Lloyd and Heihachi on three of these 4 polls. One of which is an amalgamation of numerous polls around the time of the Smash Ballot.

>what are you gonna do
nothing, he's always been a pipedream of mine since brawl and its not like i really expect him. if he gets in im happy, but if not, oh well. still have eternal coming out which i hope will be fun

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Just as iconic and liked. Also revered due to REmake being so highly revered.

>says something with literally, genuinely zero argument or citations to back it up
>no YOU aren't an argument
Nigger your retarded

Because Jill is cool and Leon is shit.

You didn’t even allude to that. EVERY character in existence has a reason why they won’t be in.

>fan polls
Lol. Remember when none if the fanpolls had any bayonetta activity on them?


Attached: this.gif (143x345, 1.35M)

Not an argument

Imagine all the new R34

>Ryua Hayabusa still not in

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based as fuck

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Some day but not today

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Why. Even the girl with the eagle makes more sense

you're half-right, some of those will be in as mii costumes

Continuing a poll that I was running in earlier thread:
I'm going to put together a strawpoll of all candidates that Yea Forums wants to see get into the Final 2. Please respond to this post with your two picks to take the remaining two slots. ANYONE is eligible, imaginary rules don't apply here. Spirits and Assist Trophies are also valid

After I get as many suggestions as possible, I'll make a strawpoll with the top 16 candidates to vote in. After it gets enough votes, I'll make a new poll with the listing cut in half with only the top 8 remaining, then repeat until we have 4 and finally the two most popular picks.

We're very close, I think I see the Top 16 clearly outlined already but would like to see if I can get over 100 poll takers (currently at 80). To those who have taken this, you know who you are, no need to respond again. Current standings are:

Geno (Super Mario RPG) 15
Doom Slayer (Doom) 15
Chosen Undead (Dark Souls) 12
Crash (Crash Bandicoot) 10
Reimu (Touhou) 10
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) 9
Leon/Jill (Resident Evil) 8 (Given these are the ONLY two candidates so far from the same series and would likely have similar movesets, I've elected to combine these. Leon has more votes, 5 to Jill's 3)
Master Chief (Halo) 7
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga) 5
Terry Bogard (King of Fighters) 4
Heiachi Michima (Tekken) 4
Quote (Cave Story) 4
Shantae (Shantae) 3
Porky (Earthbound) 3
Amateratsu (Okami) 3
Lloyd Irving (Tales of X) 3
Paper Mario (Paper Mario) 2
Morrigan (Darkstalkers) 2
Nightmare/Siegfried (Soul Calibur) 2
Layton (Prof. Layton) 2
Agumon (Digimon) 2
Skull Kid (Legend of Zelda) 2
Klonoa (Kloana) 2
Bandana Dee (Kirby) 2
Shadow (Sonic the Hedgehog) 2
Isaac (Golden Sun) 2
Jibanyan (Youkai Watch)
Alex Eagleston (YIIK)
Monster Hunter (Monter Hunter)
Frisk (Undertale)
Rex (Xenoblade)
Crono (Chrono Trigger)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Waluigi (Mario)
Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim)
TF2 Rep (Team Fortress 2)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Geralt (Witcher)
Hollow knight (Hollow Knight)

Porky and Doomguy

Chosen Undead

Attached: rariatoo-mascotcrash.png (916x550, 156K)

Morrigan would need a lot of models to work.

Chosen Undead

The only right answer


Don’t have a second one.

Since you guys are dumb as shit,here are the reasons why the following "characters" aren't going to be in Smash:
>Monster Hunter
Already represented in game with Rathalos. Wouldn't be exciting or surprising if revealed. Capcom has better potential reps
More irrelevant than Banjo. Uninteresting literal who to every region. Capcom has better potential reps
>Phoenix Wright
No move set potential. Prove me wrong. He's not a blank slate like certain Smash characters. Don't pull shit out of your ass.
Literal who. Doesn't even have a official series logo. Generic anime girl. The new Steve
Design is too boring and generic. Would be neat, but started as a digital pet toy, barely even a video game
Wouldn't get in before Ryu Hayabusa. Boring design, uninteresting move set. Not worth dealing with CERO
>Llyod Irving
Boring anime character. Expecting three JRPG protags in the same Fighter's Pass. Fuck out of here.
>Sylux, Porky, Byleth
Not expecting anything 1st party in the current Fighter's Pass. Porky would be cool, I guess
>Undertale anything
Doesn't need an explanation. You're a retard if you expect Sans and brain dead if you expect Frisk/Chara
Spirit, also boring as sin
>RE rep that isn't Leon
Personal bias, I guess, but Leon has a lot more personality than the other RE reps. Also starred in a game recently. Probably won't got any of them since I doubt they'd get Paul Mercier back to voice Leon.
Not as popular as Minecraft. Boring character with a boring move set. Works better as a stage.
Was rooting for him initially but in hindsight, is pretty boring. Both VAs are dead. Let the character rot in PSASBR
More irrelevant than Banjo. Wouldn't get in before Crash
>Kos Mos
Fucking who? Seriously, who bitch this is?
>Morrigan, Mai, Nakoruru
Two are a CERO nightmare and the other is a literal who. You do the math

I also wouldn't want Crash if they're forced to use that butchered design and dance from the remake.

Travis and doomguy


This is fucking worthless because I can mass reply with one character pretending to be everyone else.

Go make an actual google poll or fuck off


Geno and Isaac.

Attached: starling.png (1000x597, 236K)

Amaterasu is way more relevant than Banjo. Her series is newer AND she just got a remaster. Stop being retarded.

Bandana Dee

Pretty much the same ,if he get in, i will blown my shit up and pretty much happy as ever. If he won't get in, i would be disappointed, but i'll understand it and its okay, doomguy still has some cool fanart crossover and there's Doom Eternal.

Attached: a99.png (680x1057, 1003K)

Based as hell.

See OP.

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You didn’t even adjust the character select slots

Bandanna waddle dee and agumon

Now he's replying to himself.

>reimu niggers already moving to a different character to use as a shield
Yeah go fuck yourself she's not getting in.

No, but you keep thinking that

I'm sorry, user. You're literal who dog character isn't getting a DLC spot over an RE rep, Dante, or even Phoenix Wright. Cry your eyes out, baby bitch.

Imagine having taste this shit.

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Chosen undead
TF2 rep

Gordon Freeman

>Phoenix Wright
Here are a couple moveset ideas that don’t just rip right off of UMvC3:

Where did I imply that? Acquire actual reading comprehension and stop projecting so hard.

Fuck you, i just like both. And i know that she isn't getting in so fuck off.

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That's a damn good list, wonder why people stop posting the doomguy+ morrigan duo a long time ago. I would be happy with this BUT Crash would be nice too, and is liked in both the east and west.

>Doesn't even have a official series logo
Just use one from one of the games. Probably Antinomy of Common Flowers or Wily Beast and Weakest Creature.

It's not as though Joker was listed under Persona as a whole, just P5.

Attached: th155-data-system-title-title_logo_2.png (1280x720, 423K)

Then why did you reply to post, you fucking retard? Banjo's been dead for 20 years and he's still more popular than your generic dog god.

Bandana Dee and DOOM guy

>Doesn't even have a official series logo

>The new Steve
I know you're baiting, but I want to hear your reasoning for her being "the new Steve"

Attached: titlescreen.png (960x720, 974K)

Kosmos and Morrigan... honestly I know they don't have a chance, but they have become my pipedream of never evers now.

Why does this "guy" sound like a tranny?

Chosen Undead & Doomguy are even worse than Stevefagging, cannot wait till you insufferable faggots get BTFO’d

Based and redpilled. All these characters should never touch smash.

rent free

Crash Bandicoot and Leon S. Kennedy

> Doomfag, Ryufags & Soulsfags making up fake rules because otherwise there’s no way their literal who characters have a chance of being in Smash

who do you want in user

I mean, Heiachi at least would have been THE pick if Capcom didn't added Ryu at the time.

You could still make him work, but there is a lot of things against him at the moment, even if Tekken 7 is doing surprisingly well for Fighting Game standards.

Oh please.

>Comparisons to Steve already
Bet you were one of those fags that used "erdrincel" or "fake fans want erdrick"

pack it up Isabellefags. She's never getting in

Attached: youstupidfuckingnigger.jpg (215x225, 17K)

Bandana Dee is the only one that I want. Second vote is Adeleine I guess


Meme trash

Notice how it's always the gritty M-rated series they always attach themselves to. These kids are guaranteed zoomies trying far too hard to be mature.

I never thought about that Leon thing. RE4 Leon is the most iconic rendition of the character but without Mercier, would it even be worth it? Maybe Jill would be a better choice.

Gordon Freeman

>constantly being posted in these threads and shitting on other characters despite being a bad pick herself and being a who
Stop pushing a character that is literally never going to be in

Kosmos is the PG friendly Morrigan of Namco, but she is used for JRPG crossovers while Morrigan is for Fighting games, so she is less know over all. Not to mention very few character are even close to Morrigan in number of Cameos anyway.

Kosmos gained a lot of popularity among Nintendo fans after her Cameo on Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but still, there are just 1.7 millions of us out there, and there are Namco characters with better numbers. We like to push her, but we know how unlikely it is.

Tekken is a 3d arena fighter, a Tekken character in a 2d platform fighter would have the most generic, boring moveset yet.

There's really nothing about the appearance of either that clashes with Smash given how wildly art styles vary. Even the animefags don't match up with one another. What's a guy in ornate armor with his head covered really clashing with? Cover any armored swordsman's head and it's a very similar look. What's a guy in green power armor to a girl in orange power armor?

I don't expect either to be added but it would be silly to say they wouldn't work just fine. It's just that CU would probably feel redundant with Hero, and if Ridley, K. Rool, and Banjo taught us anything it will be years before the news Doomguy support reaches Sakurai.

I read this in Orbulon’s voice

Jill and Chris are the main characters, the ones that get in crossovers. Not Leon

>constantly being posted in these threads
That's every popular characterfag

>shitting on other characters
Like what you're doing now?

>despite being a bad pick herself and being a who
>from an influential video game franchise
>iconic in Japan
>brings great music and unique moveset potential
Reimu is unironically a great pick

Attached: 0f0.png (1087x1295, 281K)

It's better than autistic incels attaching themselves to reimu or klonoa.

She’s consider Namco & Monolith’s mascot now according to Journalists

Chosen Undead and Doomslayer

Cope more, you just proved his point. Ryufags, Doomfags & Soulsfags are the worst by far

Leon has the most attachment to Nintendo though.

Off urself

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>that guy who confuses recency with relevancy
Okami is at the bottom of the Nintendo barrel, sorry.

who do you want in, user

Chosen Undead is perfectly fine, and while Doom is a meme bandwagon like Steve was, his fans are nowhere as irritating.

Sora and Bandana Dee

>Same Grammer patterns as anti dqfags
Can't get over the BTFO huh?

>X character good
>Y character BAD
Do you realize how pathetic you sound?

Anyone except Memeguy, Soulscuck & Hayabusa

You first, phoneposting scum

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god why the fuck has doomguy become such a big part of rosterfaggotry? I see nothing but falseflagging and shitflinging everywhere and it's awful

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Not really. Nintendo got all of the Jill games, while it didn't get 6 and REmake 2, basically half of Leon's main series games

> Has to make up fake rules & avatarfag to justify his literal who characters being in Smash
This is why everyone hates Smash


Jill Valentine

yeah but why
what characters would you rather have in that conflict with those three

SEETHING. So much for never ever.

Attached: banjo.png (510x546, 15K)

>Google Poll
Yeah goy I love sharing my private info with massive companies just so I can vote

Leon has at least 5 voice actors on the english dub alone (personally, I am just familiar with Paul Mercier in RE4 and Matthew Mercer on 6 and one of the CGI movies), as much as it sucks, Capcom doesn't really care that much for their voice actors on RE, changing most of them at every chance, and if Leon is added, Nintendo is most likely to just take anyone available.

Also, I still have a pipedream hope of Jill over Leon, but I can live with a Jill alt. Trow the Chris and Clare alts while you are at it.

Incels who think Influence matters & Boomers use influence to gatekeep the fact that other characters “can’t get in” due to their obsession with creating fake rules. Also Stevefags needed a new character to latch onto so they picked Doomguy & Chosen Undead. Nobody cared about them until they appeared in leaks


Dude, you realize that the reason why Ridley and K rool are both in the game are because of fans. We have the power to convince Nintendo to solicit for characters

>Chosen Undead
>appeared in leaks

I Just want a version of Zelda that isn’t terrible, ideally BOTW Zelda

Why are people so obsessed with literal who's for smash?

>still needs to argue about it
Proof that you know hes getting cut

Heiachi already have been on a couple of 2D fighters (Not great ones, but his moveset was not the problem), plus some combos from the JRPGs he has been on (no joking, the sprite work on Project x Zone almost made me buy it).

Making a Tekken character work is not different to any character from a 3D game, so the moveset is not really the problem and never have been. Still, I do think is highly unlikely at this point.

People happen to like certain characters. If you can't get over the fact that you've never heard them before, blame your zoomie ignorance.

Would love Dante but I feel his move set would too complex for Smash Bros. Also, they gave Rain Storm to Joker for some reason.

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>Nobody cared about them
DoomGuy became popular with Ultimate since his Reboot made him relevant again and Dark Souls became a popular ip this decade and is one of the Namco Rep for DLC. If people call them meme character, they have no idea what a meme character is (most of them are fourth parties, like Shrek, Goku etc...)

Sora and Crash

Because Boomers think that influence is relevant, when in reality all that matters is Nintendo’s personal biases since their executives are deciding the DLC themselves. Sakurai just gives the green light if they can be made into fighters. Doomfags & Hayabusa fags know this which is why they have to make up rules to justify their literal who characters somehow having more of a chance than anyone else

guy you're replying to, speak for yourself. hes been a pipedream of mine since brawl as i said here. it's just how retarded the overall group has become, being bloated with falseflaggers and shitposters

its not about trying to get the character in, there's no problem there, it's when the shitposter gatekeepers show up that makes it a problem and makes any of the fans look like garbage. look what happened to anyone who unironically wanted steve before the steveposters showed up. there were like 1 or 2 but they can't even mention him without 30 replies of SEETHEY STEVEY. i dont want doomguy to go down that route due to retards

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Isabelle isn't dlc retard.

Seething lol

Nobody plays Doom or Dark Souls for the characters, game popularity is irrelevant to character popularity. Doomguy, Hayabusa & Undead are literal who’s that nobody unironically likes. Games like Persona & Dragon Quest rely solely on characters to market their games. Nobody remembers or unironically likes Chosen Undead & Ryu isn’t even one of the most popular characters in DOA

I replied to your post because you said banjo is more relevant than amaterasu, which isn’t true.
Popularity does not equal relevancy.

KOS-MOS isn't Namco's gal for crossovers. She's Monolith Soft's. It just so happens that the VAST majority of Namco made crossovers were all made by them.

Like what?

Case in point, Doomfags, Ryufags & Soulsfags are the new Stevefags. It’s undeniable at this point

Did you forget it's summer here? The retards are out, expect everything to be mocked. Even the good things, or bad things. Stupid shit will get praised. It's just your good ol' summer.

Nah that would be banjo.

Capcom has three fucking characters already, why should they get another?

Go ahead and keep posting with your non-argumets and limited zoomer vocabulary. It only proves my point further.

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Unlike the literal Who’s that boomers want, Capcom’s characters are actually popular & well known

Worst case scenario they can go for the basic moveset from DMC1, but still, I am sure they could figure out some basics with his different styles, so moveset is not the problem at all, if anything is the biggest point on his favor.

Dante's real problem is the lack of support inside the Smash/Nintendo community, he has his fans of course, but they are fewer than even Phoenix Wright, and probably just close to Amateratsu, so the fan demand point that help characters like Banjo is not in his favor.

And in the numbers game, he is not even close to Resident Evil, which have a fairly popular cast among all fandoms (not just the Nintendo one), and a moveset to work with thanks to the VS games.

So yeah, he is that weird spot where he is highly popular, but not among the correct fanbase for Smash, and his numbers aren't as good as other franchises. So, for example he is neither the Hero (numbers over inner fan demand) nor the Banjo (fan demand over numbers) of the possible Capcom reps.

Still, a solid third pick on my opinion.

just let it be over

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Should Smash roster threads unironically be banned at this point or just restricted to one daily thread? Because the amount of spam that floods the page every day is insufferable.

>nobody plays dark souls for the characters
Did I seriously just fucking read that?

Who the fuck cares who owns the characters

Just like the erdrincels and real fans that wanted slime right?

Smash roster autism doesnt matter. Joker and hero prove that. Sakurai is never doing a ballot again.

I'm glad everyone wants Doomguy to be in. I thought it was just dozens of us

Attached: The Doom begins.png (841x1716, 1.07M)

Not him, but still, they add her on Soul Calibur for some reason, so she must have at least one big fan among the higher ups. They also like to sell merchandise of her.

Though again, I would honestly bet for Artorias (and no, I don't think he has any chance) before Kosmos, if I am honest with myself.

No they don’t, they play it for the difficulty & level design, creating their characters is just a bonus. Nobody plays it for the NPC characters which is why none of them are memorable, people don’t remember any of the characters in Dark Souls games aside from a few bosses

I'm surprised they haven't been banished to /vg/ at this point. Rosterfag threads have all he hallmarks of /vg/ cancer from the circlejerking, discordfagging and attentionwhoring. They probably drive a lot of traffic though, so maybe that's why they don't get pruned.

You have no idea what you’re fucking talking about holy shit.

Why do you 3 discord faggots always go back to crying about Erdrick?

All of these characters are literally in the game jackass

> Never ever
Absolute retard

it used to be just dozens until more recently

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Ok Mr. Sakurai

Reimu and Terry Bogard.

You proved my point with your autistic seething. Soulsfags are mentally ill, Yea Forums isn’t even 1 % of the internet’s population. This is a niche internet forum that nobody acknowledges unless /pol/ does something stupid again. If you unironically that threads on Yea Forums account for the entire gaming community you are a massive autistic retard

>he actually thinks Dark Souls will have a rep

Attached: laugh.gif (240x291, 568K)

It’s because Stevefags needed a new character to latch onto

When I mean fan demand, I mean what happen with Banjo. We all know that, objectively, there is no reason to put Banjo over Chief or Steve from a business perspective, but they did it, because the fan demand was that strong.

I still think that if Capcom gets any rep, it would be a Resident Evil one, it makes the more sense both in sells and popularity. But, I can't underestimate Phoenix's Wright chances to pull off a Banjo. But as I said, on this analogy, Dante is not even close to be the Hero of Capcom, nor their Banjo. He is just a fairly popular character that just makes decent numbers, but have never had much of a demand on Smash.

Shantae/Jill, DLC needs more cute girls

>your autistic seething
Stopped reading there. You have no argument.

Don’t even bother arguing, all they can respond with is made up rules, baseless statistics or buzzwords. Smashfags are worse than any other fanbase

that would be the worst possible timeline


Yeah, falseflaggers, shitposters, discordfags and niggers pushing some sort of new "characterwar/stevefaggotry" narrative
E3 2019 was a Pandora's Box for these threads

theyve tried that already

Attached: Steve will never get in.png (793x489, 177K)

> Bbbut doesn’t count because it’s not the narrative i’m austically trying to push to get a literal who character in a children’s party game
Kill yourself

They did it because the ballot was fucking flooded by smashboard fags. Which is why sakurai made it clear that its not happening again. Not because of natural demand. Wright has no such situation.

Like what? Shilling a retard pick like reddit guy from the shitty boomer game nobody cares about

keep going

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THIS will be your DLC, everything else in this thread is shit

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>if I brush off all arguments as “muh buzzwords” then they have no chance!
Fuck off. The series is popular. It has made vidya history. Sakurai even likes it. It’s likely to happen. Get over it.

What the fuck has soulsfags even posted that resembles fake rules anyways?

Banjo fans have always been rampent shitposters. They started the grinch shit

Easiest DLC ever

Attached: Cadence.jpg (213x237, 11K)

>It has made vidya history

Attached: confusednegro.png (300x256, 103K)

I wasn't talking about Banjo retard

Nigger please. Your “”””argument”””” didn’t even have anything to do with what we were talking about. You need to get a grip and accept that you lost already.

>person has doom nigger in their list
Instant invalidated smooth brain and discord fag pick

Do you live under a rock?

>Nobody plays Doom or Dark Souls for the characters
Well yeah of course, this is applicable for 85% of games, you play a game where you don't know the characters yet, genius, but when they play them, they became attached for the characters, a good video game lead to attachement. DoomGuy represent the FPS genre and has a hidden personality. Dark Souls has some good characters (Solaire...) and... Ryu ? You seriously think its a litteral who ? Its a Nintendo classic ! Ninja Gaiden is between Duo Duck Hunt, Rob and Simon, Megaman.
>Implying nobody likes Doomguy' Hayabusa and Undead
How do you know that ? How can you be sure of those affirmations ? Do you see many people praising Game and Watch ? ROB ? Duck Hunt ? Yet they are in the game.
>inb4 but they are Nintendo !
Barely changes anything, DoomGuy is a FPS/American rep, Undead is a possible Namco Rep and Hayabusa is Classic Nintendo rep, this a third party dlc.

I hope Chosen Undead is in and that he gets Slayer of Demon's, Bearer of the Curse, and Ashen One alts!

i’m doubtful she’ll get in but if she does leon would probably be an echo fighter

Tell me what Dark Souls left as legacy other than the "Dark Souls of" meme

Crash Bandicoot and Waddle Dee

What would those alts look like? All of those are just names.

he wouldn't get Demon's Souls stuff since that's owned by Sony but ideally he'd have the 'main' sets of each game in the trilogy

>missing the fire emblem character

I dunno, the not so official data from the ballot still puts Banjo behind most first party characters, after all. Nintendo messed up revealing Cloud so late in the Ballot that most people didn't thought of ask for much in regard third party (besides the morons voting for Goku).

And in the resent column for Famitsu, Sakurai describe Banjo's fan demand as "still strong in the west, even after we revealed Ridley and K Rool".

We still don't know much about the DLC selection besides it started middle 2018 at the earliest, but it doesn't seem the Ballot have much of a effect on that front. If anything, Phill's Spencer Tweet seem to be more of a factor.

>people are STILL patternfagging after getting BTFO'd so many times already

just stop looking for patterns in everything. Joker, Hero, and Banjo all have black on their outfits so all 5 must have black on their outfit. See how dumb that sounds?

It redefined difficulty in games by ending the streak of making games easier and easier, with it getting a fuck ton if recognition from it. It has also caused a boatload of discussion.

Attached: dark souls legacy.png (1689x137, 20K)

Most people in real life don’t even know what Dark Souls is, at least my parents can recognize shit like Banjo Kazooie
All of this is wrong, but of course what else would i expect from boomer faggots. Nobody cares about your literal who characters outside Yea Forums, when 4channel isn’t even a top 500 website in terms of popularity & traffic

You’re ignoring the most reverent theory of them all, literally can’t be disproven: the Shit Theory. All DLC characters thus far have the ability to take a shit. This means that no robofags can get in.

It was only the ballot, as sakurai confirmed. Which he will never do again. Some unpopular character isnt alrandomly being added over one of the biggest and most nintendo beloved franchises in the industry

Attached: Smash_leak.jpg (2000x1164, 985K)

Soulsfags, Ryufags & Doomfags are the only people in this thread obsessed with patternfagging & rulefagging

>Most people in real life don’t even know what Dark Souls is, at least my parents can recognize shit like Banjo Kazooie

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This fits perfectly with my theory that Sora is going to be in since he in fact CAN shit

Then stop fucking spamming it, retard

not that user but these four, though the bottom is unlikely since DeS is fully owned by Sony

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Why is Reimufagging always getting grossly overstated? She's not posted as much as other characters.

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There is literally evidence of the opposite in this very thread.

Jill is just as good, Remake is one of the favorites of the fans right besides 4 after all. But still, is very close in regard character.

For me is moveset, even without the VS games (of which, Jills moveset on MvC2 is my favorite over other RE characters), as much as I hate what RE5 did to her, it did give her enough of a meele potential, that combining it with the MvC2 (or, in short combining MvC2 Jill with
MvC3 Jill), she makes more sense on Smash moveset wise, even in the RE canon.

Still, I am sure they can combine her MvC2 moveset with Chris's moveset on 3, and give it to Leon no problem.

>There's really nothing about the appearance of either that clashes with Smash given how wildly art styles vary.
I just meant tonally based on the content of their games
Plus, are they even making more Dark Souls games?

So the only legacy is has it because it's harder than the average AAA game?


Gatornigger is a fat ugly irrelevant piece of shit that should be removed from the game and CAN be done because no one gives a fuck about him and the only retards that do are in adult day care and already have to deal with their mental illness that allows them to be sexually attracted to repulsive putrid morbidly obese aligators and wanting to play as them in video games.

Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.

Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.

>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt muh banjo
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator

Attached: ugly fucking retarded faggot.png (1500x1500, 1.64M)

Not as much as she USED to be posted about two weeks ago.

No, series is over, they are just rehashing the gameplay with different settings now.


Tiny is the most likely character for smash and here is why. he is a rock and he grows

Obviously the armor sets that they use for each game's promotional material.

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Geno and Porky



Chosen undead

Dark Souls as a series has ended but the "Souls-like" gameplay continues in From's other titles, Miyazaki doesn't like sequels and prefers standalone games that flourish on their own merits. Souls was a unique case due to Bamco wanting more DaS games and considering Elden Ring sounds like Dark Souls 4 it's clear that both them and From want to continue making games together

These just get more and more absurd every time

Well, as over as it's until Namco runs out of ideas to explode the formula themselves, and pay enough money to Frontsoftware to make a new one themselves. Even Miyazaki say it's not impossible for them to make more Souls games in the future, they just want to try other things (or at least settings) right now.

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Doomguy just doesn't make much sense to me. If XC2 is anything to go by, Doom 2016 was likely too late to be considered for Smash, and honestly why would they consider doing Doomguy without any sort of modern games to push? Plus it's not like Doom's sales even touched Skyrim, I honestly don't know why they wouldn't push more Morrowind considering how huge the series is.
As for Chosen Undead, my only issue there is that they have no Souls game son the horizon

Has it really “officially” ended though?

As opposed to other characterfags who obsessively latch onto Rosterfag generals 24/7?

not as absurd as rigging polls to play as shitty gator villains from a B-list nintendo franchise in super smash brother while you're not changing your diapers.

Why are smash threads so fake and soulless now?
>someone makes a doomguy/crash/whoever themed shitpost
>someone else rushed in and says "we at the shill-doomguy-for-smash foundation do not reflect this persons views and opinions" damage control PR
You peope are playing pretend fucking politics for a VIDEO GAME roster. Fucking hell when did it get like this?

Nintendo Switch owners are literally children, teenagers & casual normies. They don’t care about most of the games that Yea Forums likes

They're not making any more, so... yeah. That's how the word works

it's not 100% over unless Bamco decides the series isn't worth pursuing, IIRC Miyazaki even said he doesn't mind if another company tries making a new game as long as they put their best efforts into it

Bandana Dee amd agumon

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Rosterfags are clamoring for a new Stevefag boogeyman

Dark Souls plot can't really have an "end", and Miyazaki did say they are not close to continue to work on it someday, but they are fine leaving it as it's right now, and rather work in other things (at the very least other settings) on the near future.

Still, the IP belongs to Namco, so who knows. I doubt Namco would be dumb enough to try to make something out of it without Fromsoftware, but they may try to push them to come back if Code Vain doesn't work for them nearly as close as the want it to.

>my only issue there is that they have no Souls game son the horizon
Elden Ring, sorta. Bamco's even publishing it

the new boogeyman should be gatorfags and their negative 1000 IQ fantards

>I'm angry that people aren't discussing Smash in the way I like!
What a faggot you are

Doom Eternal is coming in November.

Persona 5 was released in September 2016, Doom "16 was released in May of the same year
Being "too late" doesn't apply to him
As for Bethesda wanting to push Elder Scrolls in Smash over Doom, who knows what could happen?

I can't believe I am saying this... but things were more simpler when we had a common enemy to hate.

Ever since his demise, it's has being a dog eats dog world among fanbases over here.

He’s right, Smash is a children’s Party game made for casuals & normalfags. Your literal who characters & constant rulefagging means nothing

Yeah, kinda, but I don't see how Chosen Undead would push Elden Ring. Unless they went out of their way to be like "Chosen Undead - From the DARK SOULS series, the creators of which are also making ELDEN RING, check it out!"
At least with Joker there is a P5 game arriving for Switch

>has only gotten more popular

Not a bad render for Shantae, but I am still not sold on the face.

This is the BIGGEST never ever. They're way more likely to put Steve in. Don't get me wrong, though, I would actually prefer Terrarian because Terraria unironically had a bigger impact on me than Minecraft.

Yeah, and the DLC was decided on literal years ago. That's why I brought up XC2, Sakurai said that Rex wasn't considered for Smash due to the development cycle
Persona 5 was also being developed for almost a decade, and Atlus is owned by Sega, which already had characters in Smash. I don't think this is the same at all, frankly. Even a little.

The final two are obviously not going to be whatever Yea Forums shills and I love seeing how they try to defend their shitty picks.



where is my Suda51 / 'games as modern art' rep?

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[spoiler[I LOVE GENO[/spoiler]

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>He’s right, Smash is a children’s Party game made for casuals & normalfags.
But user, he said specifically that the arguments are soulless now. Which means he actively participates in them. Did you even read the post, or were you just determined to act like a moron?

Don't lump Crash in with you fucking faggots.

Zoomercore taste. And why are we still bitching about Ashleyfags?

you tried

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Eternal Elder Cringe


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Not part of the Chosen Undead support group, but still, when Elden Ring an everything Fromsoftware related is being sold as "From the creators of Dark Souls", is more of a marketing towards Fromsoftware first and then their games.

Here is the mindset of an "casual" player seeing a Dark Souls character on Smash "Oh yeah, Dark Souls, people talk a lot about that, is there anything new? Oh, the team is working on something called Elden Ring..."

Again, I am not a believer, but that's the logic for Chosen Undead, even without a new game.

Doom "16 was also in development hell for 9 years (earliest known official mentions of the fourth Doom game started in 2007)

I really did

Attached: weep.jpg (448x408, 50K)

look he even has gold version he could easy be in smash

Attached: golden-tiny.jpg (700x700, 35K)

>Doom eternal
>TF2 is still popular and is post 2000
>Crash remakes
You can't hide fro me. I can sniff out zoomers a mile away.

never ever but holy fuck he'd be amazing

Attached: TF2_Heavy_by_JayAxer.jpg (750x950, 587K)

It was confirmed that DLC wasn't planned during January 2018 in his book.

Attached: lSYsucx.png (1345x1379, 1.24M)

We were know that DLC characters were already decided in November 2018. Doom Eternal was announced in July. Also, Bethesda and Nintendo could have discussed around that, since we know they already did. They could have decided to promote Doom Eternal and Smash Bros Ultimate, to put Doomguy in Smash at the same time of Doom Eternal release. Companies usually make a plan of what they are doing in the future.

why do you fucks even fight over this? what is there to even fight over? more than likely none of the picks you want are going to get in, and your petty "war" isn't going to do shit

Attached: 1556216052521.jpg (250x250, 25K)

>game series has recent releases therefor it is ZOOMER!

based retard

Leon and sora

>doesn't have any of the never ever trio in cringe
>instead focuses on dead ones like ashley
cringe post

Attached: Never Ever Triforce.png (1200x1042, 295K)

>t. ashleyfag

because gatorshit shouldn't have got in. that's it.

>nu big 3

Attached: big 3.png (1918x1080, 1.7M)

Nobody cared about Doom until the reboot, even back in 2005 all popularity contests on the internet had Metroid Prime, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark Halo & Half-Life as the most highly regarded FPS games

ashleyfags are dead, it's like poking fun at the xbox lads

Yeah but, like I just said in the last post, Sega was already working with Nintendo. And seriously, why would Nintendo actively want Doomguy before Doom '16? While Doom 3 sold pretty good, it was by no means a smash hit, and the critical reception was quite mixed. And it wasn't on Nintendo systems. Heck, Doom '16 only came out for Switch in '17

If they're recently released and hyped up by their eceleb foster-parents, then yes zoomers would likely be interested in it and the games would count as zoomercore.

>hurr based
Your zoomer vocab isn't helping your case.

this is the big 3 of faggotry
literally no other character fanbase is worse than them

Me too user, I’ve given up though

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If TF2 ever crossed over with a nintendo game, it should be in a Punchout remake, with heavy being a secret fighter like dk


that'd be cool, he already has a Punch-Out reference in the game so it makes sense

That's not what it says though
>Smash Ultimate's DLC wasn't a thing at the time around Famitsu column vol. 546 January 11th 2018, and it was planned without the developers will.
All this means is that Sakurai wasn't aware of the DLC plans at that point

hardly anyone talks about sora and the other two are memes on par with steve that no one actually cares about


crash and chosen undead

Hey, another Cadence fan! I like the way you think.

>hardly anyone talks about sora
What? People talk about Sora for Smash all the time.

Attached: qrt04lbothw21.jpg (3000x2800, 674K)

>characters I like.
>characters I don’t like.
Is this all Smash character discussion must come to? Brain dead NPC tier shit like this?

>music and moveset

No where near the level of Geno, Isaac and BD

Heiachi and Nightmare... I guess I am asking for Siegfried too.

Chosen Undead

I actually hate seeing these three because before I thought it was honest "I want them in", but I've seen each of these fanbases pick fights and shit up threads. Its to the point that anytime I see any of these character, I actually seethe. I was glad Steveposting quit too, that got old real fast.

I can't even remember the last time anyone asked for Ashley
When she got reveled as an AT everyone shut the fuck up about her

Disagreed, he seems to be far more requested than those guys nowadays

He means shitposting here on Yea Forums and other sites, even without being on his team, is hard to deny the popularity he has on the Smash community.

Doom is pretty silly, user.

Indies wouldn't be a thing if it weren't for the doujinshi industry. Reimu and Touhou in general has been the face of doujinshi for nearly 2 decades, so she would definitely be considered iconic.

You just noticed?

Attached: spyro.png (298x272, 117K)

>no Leon

I didn't see them calling Smash a shit series and Sakurai a hack because their special boy didn't get in

Haven't seen any threads or posts on Sora in months

Attached: zoom.png (727x645, 169K)

I'm not a big Undertale fan, but if I'm understanding this correctly then Touhou fans are gonna basically commit sudoku if Frisk gets in, right?

No, but this shit is so repetitive and low effort. What’s worse is there’s schizos bringing up shit like raid discords every other thread when people start supporting or going against a character.

Then you have to pay attention more, it happens all the time

As a 2hufag, Toby Fox is based and I wouldn't mind at all. Though deep down I know Touhou deserves it more since it has seniority.

Unlike other rosterfags in these threads, most Reimufags don't even expect her to make it in.

I could say the same thing about the other three

If Smash had a playable indie character, I'm expecting it to be from either Touhou or Undertale anyways.

I never denied they were talked about though, user

>A Discord pick
Nice try kid

>Literal who. Doesn't even have a official series logo. Generic anime girl. The new Steve
If it was any other character I would have supported you ironically but considering how retarded anti-Reimufags are I'm thinking you might be serious and it's scaring me

Agreed. If you were an actual Touhou fan, you'd know how much Undertale helped the Touhou fanbase grow in the West.

Attached: TobyTwitter.png (622x554, 62K)

Nigger there's 2 characters left of course people are gonna put 2 characters on their pic are you fucking retarded?
And shield against what lmfao, nobody's scared of discord trannies

The first two are believable, but the other three? Total bullshit, try again 0/1000000000000.


Attached: A3B658F8-E86D-4CA3-9FE7-466132F069B5.png (1914x327, 45K)

It's always defensively and it'd be infinitely more unique than "Hero but literally soulless".
>Chosen Undead
More a Souls meme that I don't think anyone thought through whatsoever. Much like Sans.

Acting like DKC, Metroid, and Mario RPG are irrelevant to zoomers makes you probably a zoomer.

>amiibo theory
>neither of them have amiibo
I'm thinking they're in.

Attached: geralt and reimu.jpg (1000x904, 207K)

user, he was talking about Reimu.

>I've seen each of these fanbases pick fights and shit up threads
literally every characterfag does this
christ have you seen how Capcom fans go at each other's throats over RE/AA/MH/etc?

It wouldn't make sense in terms of priority, but Frisk would have a good moveset so that'd be pretty good.
We DID get Cloud before Hero after all, but I'm still thinking it's unlikely considering how young Undertale is.

It's not like you can only be a fan of one game series. Still, Touhou rep in Smash makes much more sense to me, since it's a much more influential game series.

I wonder what happened with Sorafag/Plantposter, hopefully he killed himself after Hero got announced

Geno, Isaac, and Spear Koopa are extreme zoomercore

>tfw no Beatles Rock Band rep

Attached: 6roAMJG.png (1231x540, 51K)

>Would have a good moveset
Frisk literally has no animations besides walking and a hug.

>It wouldn't make sense in terms of priority
I mean, I don't think that Touhou would automatically get in over Undertale just because it's older. Bayonetta got in over Dante, after all. I think that Nintendo would just choose the franchises that would sell DLC best

That's the point
Reimu posting is nothing like Steveposting
Steveposters used a discord, were straight up against another character (Banjo) and purposely played on the fact that rosterfags didn't want their character via the grotesque renders and all
If anything anti-Reimu posting is the new Steveposting, since there's also a discord dedicated to that. Reimu seems to be in a pretty similar position Banjo was where you can't mention her without retards shitposting about how she's "ImPoSsIbLe bEcAuSe i sAy sO". Now, Banjo got in, will Reimu get in as well? Time will tell.

Bayonetta 2 is published directly by them, and thus they have partial ownership of her.

Crash Bandicoot
Artorias or any other Souls boss
Bloodborne Hunter
Ryu Hayabusa
Leon Kennedy
Master Chief
Joanna Dark
Dixie Kong
Team Fortress 2
Arthas Menethil
Frank West
Terry Bogard
Wonder Red
Earthworm Jim
Monster Hunter Monster
Goldeneye 007
Metal Sonic
Phoenix Wright

Lloyd Irving
Chosen Undead or Solaire
Shovel Knight
RE rep that isn't Leon
Just picking one TF2 merc
Bandanna Dee
Byleth or Edelgard
Hollow Knight
Monster Hunter Hunter

Attached: 1529467239532.png (478x456, 407K)

pic related

Bayonetta was a ballot choice, it's kind of a special case. Touhou still have way more legacy and history than Undertale, is a way bigger deal in the long run and is even partly responsible for Undertale's existence.
Popularity is volatile and was never the most determining factor.

Attached: 1548363581-dfa89e43c68b885ff914126fba3ac5e62.png (1340x228, 14K)


>characters i like
>characters i don't like
Thanks for moving this thread one post closer to bump limit retard

t. assblasted cringelords

At least I don't claim Geno, random indie picks and non-vidya trash are based but Reimu and Porky are cringe

I'm still curious how they're gonna handle Hero, maybe a three pack of "Player 2" ones

>Popularity is volatile and was never the most determining factor.
Seems like by far the most determining factor for most of the DLC. Banjo got in primarily because of popularity after all, and Sakurai directly said that the ballot was the reason K. Rool got in. And Undertale was much, MUCH stronger in the polls than Touhou, considering how fresh it was when the ballot released

People have posted evidence that discordfags are also pushing Reimu, don't think people will just forget that

I am conflicted about this since there are characters I like in Based and characters I like in Cringe, though more in Based. (6:2)

at least you admit you're an assblasted cringelord.

Touhou exists in it's own bubble entirely independant from everything and anyone else, especially Nintendo. And mother doesn't need another rep, it's fans should consider themselves incredibly lucky that nepotism got them the two they already have.

Horrid taste.

Porky isn’t in the game though. That’s literally the basis of all the Porky speculation.

I'm talking about popularity in general not in rosterfagging.
Banjo is literally the only DLC that will aim at rosterfags. They have this demographic taken now.

The screencaps were literally anti-Reimu posters falseflagging in a dedicated chatroom of their own discord server lmao

Here it is. Funny stuff:

Attached: laughs_in_mute.png (437x374, 288K)

Actually scratch that, it’s pretty based. Not sure why the chosen undead himself would be cringe. I agree that Artorias would be quite based.

Attached: 4424EE9F-6655-4949-BA8F-43CE0B717F44.jpg (4000x2333, 2.3M)

No one gives a shit about Nintendo history lmao, Touhou is way bigger than Cave Story and your other irrelevant indie games
And non-vidya trash is out of the question by default

You mean "evidence" that conveniently had the members list cropped out? You should stop looking at things at face value. It's extremely easy to fake Discord logs. To this day, the discord link STILL hasn't been posted despite the logs being leaked. Notice how every time a Steve discord chat is leaked, the discord link follows soon after. So unless a discord link drops, I'm thinking it's a blatant false flag.

Keep denying it Mark

>All posts are from "today" or "yesterday"
Are anti-Reimu faggots that lazy?

>Snake gets added in Brawl
>"It's not a Nintendo crossover anymore!"
>Rest of the additions promptly stomp on this retarded notion
>Cloud gets added in Sm4sh
>"It's not a Nintendo crossover anymore!"
>Rest of the additions promptly stomp on this retarded notion
>Joker gets added in Ultimate
>"It's not a Nintendo crossover anymore!"
>Rest of the additions promptly stomp on this retarded notion
How many once per game Vida-abroad additions will it take before you realize that Smash will always be a Nintendo crossover first and foremost?

You have to be legitimately retarded to see that Banjo and Kazooie got in over EVERYTHING else Microsoft has and still think Nintendo history and relations don't matter.

Post the discord link, Stevefag

This album was made months ago

Ah yes, name calling a fictional character.
Discordfags are so clever, I'm SO glad they're part of our community!

Attached: suicide-rates.png (460x420, 32K)

Attached: 1559771830248.png (700x480, 38K)

Banjo got in because they wanted rosterfags like you who want fucking Geno in the game to buy the pass.
It's already been confirmed by Sakurai and Reggie that Smash isn't specific to Nintendo. It's not "not a Nintendo crossover anymore", it never was.

And yet all the evidence points to the contrary.

Cope harder Meimushitter.

>It's fake, just believe me
Ok, since I'm not taking things at face value I'll just believe the logs and not you

How does it change what's written in the fucking screencaps you posted...?

So you're literally claiming to know the game better than Sakurai.
>Calling Reimu a meme pick when you want non-vidya characters in
user why are you doing this, anti-Reimu posters are already ridiculous enough. No need to falseflag as one.

Doomguy was reasonably popular here the moment anons realized he was technically feasible, even though he really is a pipe dream. With a lot of other popular choices dead and with Doom being a common denominator for a lot of people and more relevant, it's only natural he's caught on. With that comes bandwagoners and contrarians who like/hate anything because it's popular.

Attached: 1443512523326.png (901x900, 546K)

Keep seething tranny

It's not fake, the people posting were falseflag from the anti-Reimu server. They had a dedicated chatroom for it.

Funny, I don't see Reimu's name on the list

Attached: console top 10 breakdown.png (3752x2224, 580K)

Not that guy, but if it was posted months ago it'd still say "today" or "yesterday" because screenshots don't change the dates.
No seriously, what are you talking about?


Attached: 1555468967055.png (500x380, 126K)


Attached: 4A335B1E-BB1F-4A3F-9AFF-2D6C3324531D.jpg (573x573, 63K)

I don't know what it's worst, people who somehow took the Reimu meme seriously, or the people who are willing to argue with them.

Based pretendchad

Attached: pretending.png (568x1023, 161K)

Show me where Persona or FF7 is on those lists

Attached: Yourpropertyjustgotdamagedbysaxtonhale.png (414x540, 376K)

Those are the ones that take it too seriously. I just play the game for fun.

The Reimu shit is just dumb. At least Steve had, at some level, a chance.

Holy shit, I found irrefutable evidence that you're massive faggot. KYS, famalam.

Attached: discordfagging.png (449x165, 12K)

Attached: yore ugleh.png (1007x838, 502K)

This was literally faked in 2 days is what I'm saying

Maybe because Touhou games aren't on any of these consoles?
No seriously stop

it's now the second image

Holy shit you are mad


>bringing up a console list
>while talking about a PC series

What leak?

Attached: A1F5337E-4E49-4B17-B133-78B99A07FB4D.png (403x8175, 446K)

>Seethe over his fabricated screencaps it took him 2 days to make with his discord friends being debunked
>"Y-you're mad"

I whipped that up in less than 2 minutes, which is proof of how easy it is to fake these things. It's nice seeing that you have absolutely no refutation though.

>Admitting to using Discord

I nominate Estelle Bright from Trails in the Sky and Adeleine.

Attached: 1555283922390.png (2826x2000, 3.41M)

Where’d you get the Doomguy render from?

Attached: flowey.png (92x56, 794)

Yes, continue to hit me with your Zoomer language. It really helps your case.

Not him but Sabi (a leaker) showed a picture of a bird, (apparently a starling?) on their discord. This is notable because the source who sends these pictures to Sabi, has always been correct. They previously sent a picture of a blue crab on a beach to hint Link's Awakening HD before it was revealed and showed both a picture of a witch + puzzle game and a bear and a bird before Banjo was revealed in Smash. Doesn't guarantee Smash but people will speculate anyways.

looks like on of the Quake Champs skins

It's dangerous to go alone take this

Attached: you.png (281x206, 105K)

Why does literally everything have to be made into a pattern? People even used Plant and Joker releasing 78 days apart as a justification for why Hero would release 78 days after Joker, every single thing HAS to mean something

I'm no patternfag, but I do find it annoying when people really want certain characters even though they don't make a lick of sense. Like, yeah, nobody ever said "you can only get into Smash if you're on a Nintendo system", but frankly why would they ever choose someone like the Heavy over... anyone else on their actual consoles?
Patternfagging, in my opinion anyhow, isn't saying "this is how things WILL be". It's just taking the info available and extrapolating info based on that