How can you buy any dragon quest game when this racist homophobic man is doing the music?

how can you buy any dragon quest game when this racist homophobic man is doing the music?


Attached: Kohichi_Sugiyama_2011-06-30[1].jpg (776x719, 254K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>He bought?

>implying anyone besides Japanese salarymen buy DQ


dump it

Less about homophobia and more that his music is just shit desu.

Attached: 1561578540058.png (410x816, 409K)

Source for the racist views? All I heard was that he's a Japanese war crime denier

>racist homophobic man
Based, ordered ten more DQ games

Because he's right. Nanking literally never happened, and trannies are subhuman.

dont japanese imperialists hate vidya ? why would he be involved with vidya at all ?

who? and based

Here's your crate of midi, sir, just how you love it.

why would an imperialist hate their own countries games

Why yes, I do love MIDI

because they think the Japanese people must spend 24 hours working.

well making games there is literally that.

That’s racist enough for white people.

He makes some of the best video game music ever and anyone who disagrees probably browses Yea Forums

So how many black/white/hispanic gay people has he killed?

well if everyone is working 24 hours then games wont sell because no one has downtime to play them you dumbass.

Because he's a godlike composer and he's a very nice person.
I actually attended his DQ11 symphonic suite concert because I was on vacation visiting and he even talked to a couple of people personally after. Guy is 90 years old and still lingers after the concerts to talk to fans. It really left a positive image in my mind.

Friendly reminder that anti-Sugiyama threads are made by seething Resetera trannies that are asshurt that their campaign to get Square Enix to fire him failed.

You genuinely have no idea what you're talking about, just stop

what you dont understand is that Japan only ever made Anime and Vidya because the cultural shift after WWII that broke down the imperial and class system allowed for it, if Japan wasnt occupied by the US then recreational activities like Vidya would still be banned. thats why younger Japanese like the US is because we literally saved them from a brutal form of wagecucking.

Why should " homophobia" or racism be something that stops someone from buying or enjoying products?

Are you white?

um wow....yikes...

i hate that word so fucking much.....

Source and also work on your sentences

You're literally sperging about imperialism(Is he even an imperialist?) and saying they dont make games when hes literally doing that sperg

no, what im saying is pre-war and post-war Japan are two very different societies with different values,look it up yourself.

Because like most adults I can separate someone's work from the person themselves. I don't have to like Michael Jackson to enjoy his music. I don't have to like Bill Cosby to find his monologues funny.

This why I always laugh at people here who refuse to play something due to it having a terrible fanbase.

>resetera buzzwords
Now I'm more interested in his games.

white people call anything racist if its something bad that a person does

>has a fucked up childhood and tries to make others enjoy it
>gets fucked over by his doctor and dies
>people make a documentary to shit on him when he cant defend himself

Very well thought out argument and so well articulated that it must be true. The use of elipsis is too much to argue against um wow yikes.

>oh no
>not racism

>I don't have to like Michael Jackson to enjoy his music.
Not that I disagree, but how can anyone not like Michael Jackson? He never did anything wrong. I hope you aren't letting make believe """documentaries""" cloud your opinion of him.

Based I didn't know he was, I'll get the other games too.

huh? maybe i should get into dragon quest after all

> racist homophobic man


Answer his question.

He is racist? Time to buy 5 copy of each game thanks tourist redditor now you can go back

People keep spouting that shit but there's never source

Thank you Chad for correctly assuming I'm a male, 50/50 shot but hey, but xhe/he/sheeple are truly husks of their former retarded selves. I would trust a box fan to produce original or intelligent thought before them.