YAAAAAAAAAAY! WOW wowowow! There's so many peepur, WOW! Thank you, arigato gozaimasu. Such a-such a BIG STAGE, makes me narvous, I'll do my best to speak in engalish. ha ha ha.
Uhh we are making a new kind of action adventure game. IT'S SPUUUKEE. BUT not the survival horror game that we are known for.
Peepel are vanishing in tokyo, you must find out why. You will encounter conspiracies and the O-CALT. You have to eh-you have ter explore the world, face challenges to uncovah tha teruth and save humanity.
In the game, you will meet spirits, some are DANGEROUS, some are peaceafur, and survive that each have their own stories.
You will need to ask yourself, it is normal or paranormal. I ask myself this question every time I GO TO THA OFFICE. JUST KIDDING! Just kiddin just kiddin.
We are very excited, let's take a look. MITTE NE! THANK YOUUU! BYE BYEEE!
YAAAAAAAAAAY! WOW wowowow! There's so many peepur, WOW! Thank you, arigato gozaimasu. Such a-such a BIG STAGE...
Other urls found in this thread:
She's ugly
Fuck off engineer.
Imagine hiroshima nagasaki acting like this lmao
This kills the white roastie.
No she cute
4/10 engrish needs more work
Loved seeing all the roasties seethe with jealousy when they saw a female capable of feeling genuine happiness for something that wasn't the like counter on her latest Instagram selfie.
Have sex, unironically
If you buy my game you get to suck my toes for 40 seconds.
Love seeing the seething roasties who cant even understand their own anger
>asian girl upsets you
>make salty memes about white guys
All japs are ugly under the cakeface
Asians dont know what happiness is lmao
>the stacey cope
>she STILL receives no emotional investment from the many men who have been inside of her
You will never be with a Japanese woman.
>she seethes on Yea Forums over the lack of commitment she gets even though shes let dozens of men tear her asshole apart
Take your blown out vagina somewhere else. Maybe Tyrone will commit to you depending in how well you can take a punch.
Women are jealous over literally anything my man
They aren't making fun of Asians, they are making fun of the idiots that glorify them, even the ones that are ugly as sinp
uuuuggg so kawaii
You will be sucked.
>the entire presentation is carefully crafted, directed and rehearsed to cater and appeal to the weeaboo, anime obsessed, japanese obsessed western audience.
she's not that cute and i love cute asian woman
And yet retards will believe that she's "genuinely happy" lmao.
kawaii onnanoko
You guys might as well be dead.
Reminder that white roasties never had a chance against the superior nippu gf
How many insectoid threads will OP make today?
Of course the yellow knight is sperging about white women and putting yellow roasties on a pedestal.
Reminder that the US, UK and Baltics have the highest divorce rates in the world
Imagine being this mad over something this insignificant a month later.
Reminder that tripfag are statistically more likely to kill themselves and they always have at least two mental illnesses and most Asian countries are managed by radical feminists such as S. Korea
You failed to mention that its not by much.
The standard marriage model is severely outdated
ugly as fuck
day of the rope wont spare you, filthy tranny
Why are white women so shit, bros?
I thought it was Hideo Kojima.
Why do Asian "girls" look like Asian men?
Their male counterparts are very weak and feminine so they have to assume the more butch role which turns them dikey.
>white roasties and jealous tumblr whales
>not swinging from the noose
good one
Yea Forumsirgins who say she is ugly should have to post a picture of their current gf so real anons here can judge if she indeed is uglier than ur gf
The opposite is true nowadays. Magacucks are the biggest sois
it's diabolical, really. the part that really gets me is that people still fall for this forced cutesy shit asian girls pull. it's really just another form of roastie manipulation designed specifically to attract men who are repulsed by more traditional roastie manipulation.
Because Asian men look like Asian girls.
That explains everything.
as/jp/ies who say asians are cute should have to post a picture of their face so real anons can see their recessed chin
>an actual human being with enthusiasm shows up on stage
>everyone falls in love
why do western devs hate vidya
It doesn't matter.
Fact is they both look the same. You can only tell it's a yellow roastie if they have makeup and surgeries.
>an actual human being
but the reason everyone loves her is because she acts like a kawaii uguu 2D girl and not like an actual human being
>an actual human being with enthusiasm
I didn't know stuttering, speaking in broken English and autistically waving your arms for five seconds is "enthusiasm" LOL
They've always been the biggest sois
>acts like a kawaii uguu 2D girl
She didn't do this at all. Stop speaking in memes.
I can feel the seethe through my monitor.
>She didn't do this at all.
are you socially retarded? no real person acts like how she acted without forcing it
How can you idiots still be talking about this.
Being a permavirgin must suck shit. It's like you're not even human.
No shit, it's a marketing conference.
Ever give a presentation in front of a large audience? Try doing it in a foreign language. And try not to come off as stiff while you are at it.
shes average looking but her cheerfullness ads a lot to it
t. perma virgin
asian girls hide themselves behind artificial cuteness just like trannies despite being uglier than niggers
Daily reminder she hates incels, aka all of Yea Forums.
>tfw had sex
That excludes me then, yay!
I have a bad fetish for older quirky women that whole presentation was a godsend
Imagine how much time OP had to spend watching her video presentation and then typing it while managing to spell the words exactly the way she makes them sound haha
>asian girls hide themselves behind artificial cuteness
You mean personality?
>jessica baldgri
>You mean personality?
tbf artificial cuteness is no more an actual personality than dressing all slutty and being a sassy social media addict.
it's really just a different flavour of women developing "personalities" to ensnare men
>all this incel hating a cute woman for no reason
UH women aren’t allowed to try to be cute esp if there pushing 40!we need more man face and strong women that need no man!
I thought it was seething roasties who hated her. Make up your mind.
Imagine the pure rage that went into making these lmao
There are plenty of hot Asians so long as you have a daughter you’re good to go. Seethe cope dilate etc
it's sad to see other men fall for the "pure virginal azn waifu who's just like my animes" trap. you guys pride yourselves on being able to see past roastie tricks and yet you turn into blubbering children the moment an azn qt takes a more indirect approach to manipulating you into slavish devotion.
I can feel the cope, seethe and delusional from you though my monitor, weebcel.
So including you?
Looking like a clown with surgeries and making autistic moves for two seconds makes you "cute" huh
Never forget:
>All Women Are Like That
>All 3D is PD
>Cuteness is a social manipulation tool
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women
age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%
- You can teach English in Japan if you have any degree. It doesn't have to be an English degree.
- The average salary for full-time English teachers in Japan is ~$86,000/year. The part-timers drag the overall average down.
- You don't need to speak Japanese to teach English in Japan. If you do speak it you'll be told not to speak it to students.
why are you so desperate to believe that Japanese women aren't just the same gold-digging, self-absorbed thots you get anywhere else?
you have to let go of this delusion. you have to accept reality for what it is. there's no such thing as a "good woman".
Even a relatively old and average looking Japanese woman makes the roasties explode in anger. That's how threatened they are. This is how little it takes to trigger them. The more of these threads I see the more I hate white women.
Many creatures only survive through lack of context.
Time to put white women into context.
ever notice how the anti asian women schizo and the pro asian women schizo always show up in the exact same threads at the exact same time?
i just thought that was interesting
>y-you're just a roastie
user, please, I'm trying to help you. White women, black women, asian women -- they're all narcissistic whores. They're all only in it for whatever they can dig out of men like me and you. I know that thinking that hope exists in Asian women is what keeps you from succumbing to despair, but you need to learn to be alone and to not trust women to change that. This is reality as Chad knows it. This is reality as the omega male knows it. It is only the beta male, unwilling to fully let go of the bluepill, who refuses to accept that fact. Even as you convince yourself of your enlightenment and espouse superficially redpilled beliefs, you're clinging desperately to a basic, fundamental lie driven into you by media and female manipulation -- that there exists a "good woman" who is somehow magically exempt from the shortcomings of her gender.
They're all like that, user. They all have the same basic instincts. If you go through life believing anything else, you're just inviting heartache and trouble.
My, my.
>projecting this hard
How fucking scared are you?
Could it be that you're, in actuality, the real schizo?
Noticed the same thing. The aggressive and repeated use of the same images gave it away. But why?
It's literally a raiding /pol/ discord meant to shitpost
>inb4 muh schizo
I'm in it
i'm already dead
based incel
let it go, user
once you swallow the weebpill, there's no saving you. you're doomed to spend the rest of your life babbling on about how asian girls are different and how they'll totally love you for who you are and be faithful to you unlike those other girl.
he's just another lost soul waiting to be ground into the dirt by the roastie menace
no u
Yellowcucks have no fucking clue how bad asian girls can be
all women can be shit and most women are shit.
But this idea that asian women arent shallow, superficial, flaky, fake and more concerned about status that anything else amuses the shit out of me.
You guys dont like real asian girls, you like your idea of what you think asian girls are.
Reality is very different
And im sure ill get called roasty by some super weeb who is afraid of his fantasy being shattered, or most likely someone just trying to troll
but seriously... go met some asian girls.. you will see for yourself
>It's literally a raiding /pol/ discord meant to shitpost
After this anyone who continues spending time on Yea Forums is a moron. Chatting with bots would be more entertaining at that point.
who hurt you
indeed, she looks like an asian feminist
He's right tho, all the decent women are already taken.
What's left are stuck up delusional princesses who wouldn't settle for less than chads or rich daddys
Stop worshipping thots
>all the decent women are already taken.
you guys just don't get it -- there are no decent women. it's all an act.
Like 99.9% of those insects. God I hate weebs
Weebs who believe that Japanese girls are different and that they'll be rolling in perfect virginal waifus once they go to Japan are the modern day equivalent of those poor eastern-european immigrants who travelled to America believing they would be millionaires.