This is Doomguy. Otherwise known as the Doom Slayer. Say something nice about him.
This is Doomguy. Otherwise known as the Doom Slayer. Say something nice about him
Thanks for eliminating the mortally challenges Doomguy
I'm sorry your recent games have been trash (and only shit taste normies who should get off my board disagree)
>Otherwise known as the Doom Slayer
NuDoom fuck off
doom 3 > doom 4 > doom 1 > doom 2
holy fucking BASED
Congratulations on having one of the best remakes ever! The new game looks great too (Apart from that shitty-looking asymmetrical multiplayer mode)
Um, actually DoomSlayer and Doomguy are two different people.
They're the same character
>le doom slayer
>rip and tear!! xD
>le brutal doom
>I love ZeniMax cock because it says id on it
I thought it was “morally” challenged.
Cute tummy.
>can't even have shit taste right
Should've done doom 2 > doom 1
Only in a, 'theyre the same character' kind of way. As in theyre the Doomguy of their respective games, but not literally the same dude. And im not going to have this discussion again with you shitters. I've already put you in your place before, because you got nothing but fanfic, and an item in an irrelevant game that also includes shit that would contradict your epic theory, but that you choose to ignore to keep your narrative going. End of fucking story.
Please, user, enlighten me on said contradictions. I'd love to see what you come up with.
Its easy. You niggers bring up the description of the rabbits head (or whatever the fuck it was) as proof that the Doomslayer is the og Doomguy because the item belongs to him. The problem is the Quake Champions is entirely irrelevant to Doom lore, the inclusion of the Doomslayer/guy is nothing but cross promotion, and yeah "Doomslayer/guy'', because the preator suit is just a skin. You can put different skins on the character, including a Doom 3 one, so if we went by your brilliant logic, that would put Doom 3 dudes is being the Doomslayer too territory, but you choose to ignore this.
But seriously, go fuck yourself. Whatever I, ''come up with'', will never even come close to the wild fanfic and epic theories that you brainlets cook up in those empty spaces of yours regarding the Doomslayer. This is the last (you) you'll get from me.
this guy is a retard (and only shit taste normies who should get off my board disagree)
What did I expect from an anime avatar. Everyone knows that Doomguy and Doom 3 Guy are different. They don’t even look a like, and they’re from completely different worlds. The only thing they have in common is that their dimensions were invaded by the same Hell.
Quake Champions is canon. All of the lore for all of the other characters lines up, so why would Doomguy be the only exception? Face it, they’re the same guy.
Been playing Doom 2 these last couple of days. It's pretty fun but what the FUCK were they thinking with hitscan chaingunners? Absolute anti-fun bullshit.
Rockets and point blank SSG trivialize them.
Sure, but it feels like the level design has a nasty habit of opening closets full of the fuckers from behind me. You'll hit a switch and all of a sudden your health is being shredded off in nanoseconds.
I'll give it that the game keeps you on your toes since I now instinctively do a 180 every time I hit a switch, but so far I think I mostly prefer the level design in Doom 1 - That's not to say 2 is bad. At the best times, the scale and complexity of the maps is fucking astounding and its really satisfying figuring out the way forward and finding hidden secrets. It just occasionally veers into bullshit terriotory when I have to hit a switch and it opens a timed door somewhere outside of my FOV which can really kill the pacing for me. A mixed bag, but mostly great.
Do you think you have any idea how bad they are? Try playing through Plutonia.
Friendly reminder Doomguy and Doom Slayer are the same fucking person.
I doubt he'd be revealed at QuakeCon. Maybe in a Nintendo Direct or at the Game Awards.
Redpill me on BD. I tried it the other day and thought it was fun. Why does Yea Forums have a hateboner for it?
I'm reading a fanfic where he's lovers with a cyborg that has a penis and vagina.
Because it’s gay, you fucking retard.
Would he scare the fucking shit out of Ridley?
Take a shower smashfag
i think DOOM is pretty cool, he kills demons and doesn't afraid of anything
Probably because ironsights and reloading. Project Brutality is slightly better in that regard and Guncaster does away with them entirely. Although, Guncaster is imbalanced on the standard wads, I'd recommend playing with a slaughterpack.
Nigger not even goku could kill doomguy
RIP AND TEAR! Also Doomguy did nothing wrong when punching that bitch nigga who told him to fire on unarmed civilians.
Explain the bunny on Eternal’s cover art
Does the ironsights improve aiming or is it just a cosmetic thing? I've been playing it without using it at all and haven't noticed anything different. Reloading I'm with you on though, thats a dumb idea for Doom. The mod does allow you to turn that off though, so its really not a problem if you want to play it more like vanilla.
fuck off contrarian
they are literally the same person
Are cheats codes canon ? I mean, Doom as been the first game to use consoles cheat (In my knowledge, feel free to correct me) If so, that means DoomGuy could basically become god.
cheat codes are cheat codes, they are not lore
Hoy, Hoy, I'm the Boy! Packin' 80 pounds of heavenly joy!
they are divine intervention
They don't improve accuracy to my knowledge. Some weapons behave differently, like the shotgun cycling quicker when zoomed in. I think they're just there to be tacticool.
>Doom eternal has more vertical map design as well as more mobility options like air dashes and hookshot
>All gameplay so far looks fantastic
>There has been no faggotry in the promotion so far, its just pure gameplay demos with no scripted bullshit
Based Doom saving the AAA industry.
>Praetor Suit Skin
It's the default. The Character in QC is specifically the Doom Slayer.
You're making the following argument: "If the new lore is canon, then all the skins are canon, and since 3's Doom Marine is a Skin, then the Doom Slayer is the Doom marine" This is a logical fallacy and you know it. Skins are almost never canon when it comes to multiplayer games, unless you want to tell me that TF2's Engineer is canonically fat or that The Overwatch team goes on all their missions in their swimwear.
Besides, Id has already confirmed that the Lore present is canon.
he can't even beat vegeta.
goku is shit.
>Surprise Nintendo Direct pops up during quakecon at the same time as the Doom Eternal Panel
You got me
>me if this happens
He's coming boys.
This is some Jonathan Joestar levels of body proportion.
I think doom's a pretty cool guy. eh kills demons and doesn't afraid of anything
I hope nuDoom will lead the charge of better games