Why don’t you play this franchise?

Why don’t you play this franchise?

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I avoid playing/watching anything related to LNs because i would eventually have to read them anyway, and i prefer reading real books, so fuck it and fuck you.

I heard these games suck ass. True or false?

>an anime whos entire idea was "lets take the world of .hack and mix it with berserk"

To many mixed opinions i'll pass. It's either total dog shit or Yea Forums hates it and it's good.

eh no

I got the Gun one for dirt cheap, its okay. Never played the others.

i do?

I only have experience with Fatal Bullet, so
It's alright. The plot is bare bones, but it's fun to hop in and play for an hour or so as a pretty stress free tps.

Attached: GUN.jpg (2560x1440, 878K)

>about a VR MMO
>not actually a VR MMO

Why did it receive an abysmal score on metacritic?

I played Fatal Bullet thinking it was based off GGO Alternative. Boy was I disappointed.

>no accel world game which is actually a cooking game about baking lasagnas and making potato salads

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Hollow Fragment had the best skill progression system. Too bad the others got rid of it.



Because I'm not a low-IQ individual who watches Isekai shit.

I don't wanna be kirito.

>Isekai shit.
>GG Alt

pick one

sword art online is uninspired moeshit for 15 year old lolcats.... it's a no from me

Play the ones with Hollow in their name and maybe Fatal Bullet if you like a basic decent looter shooter.
The flying fairy ones are an abortion.


Because I love .Hack more than this shit.

It's a cheap and less enjoyable .Hack to be honest.
Fatal Bullet is alright but it just made me wanna play Freedom Wars more. Really hope that game gets something new soon.

I liked the idea of playing as a fairy and flying around, but apparently that game is just absolutely shit.

ive been playing fatal bullet and its REALLY basic and dumb but i somehow managed to put like 20 hours into it so far. literally have skipped every scene because wow i do NOT care about these characters. i got the "normal" ending but still apparently have a lot to do if i want to unlock the true ending, including having to play kirito, which sucks. engineer for my character seems like a good move so far, but due to the way ai in this game works my pawn seems really only fit to tank and heal, which is a bit disappointing. could not tell you how the multiplayer is, but it looks like it's dead.
ive been playing this whole game high off my ass too

Dude coffee lmao

>kirito, which sucks
It doesnt last long, its only like 3 fights and if you skip cutscenes it'll be over in a heart beat.

This, however the last battle requires you to skip 7 fucking cutscenes. Which sucks if you get 1 shot by his grenades.

>instead of milking the setting for full potential and making an original story with original characters, they always force you to play as black swordsman and go through a rehash of the novels.
>the gun one is a third person shooter which is an immediate red flag

shit i guess that doesnt sound TOO terrible. if i hate it enough, i can probably just switch to easy right?
speaking of kirito, were they aware when they made him the worst party member to take by far? i would like to think this is intentional.

I'll give them a chance when I don't need to be a third wheel in Kiritos harem.

I'd rather not touch anything related to isekai trash.

Retards will shit all over SAO then turn right around and binge Konosuba. FUCK ALL OF YOU

>lets take the world of .hack and mix it with berserk
giving it waaaaay too much credit. It's more like "let's make a self insert fantasy." and not much else was thought out.

I liked fatal bullet good enough. Ignored the story and haated kirito and crew but it was fun enough for a gun looter. Dress up is great.

>Why don’t you play this franchise?

because I heard nothing positive about the source material outside of the generic ass fuck "the girls are cute".

I am not watching or playing tr/a/sh because the girls are cute.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.35_[2019.07.13_06.39.46].jpg (1280x720, 185K)

Symphono Gear is just as shit as SAO

fuck off back to Yea Forums

Hollow Re:Fragment is great technically but takes some use getting to. Hollow Realization is also good but a bit more streamlined. These 2 are the best but I say Realization wins

>real books

Alicization is pretty fun at least.

shame it's SAO so I am not touching it

I plat the original HF on Vita with its superior translation.
I'll get it again on PC when it's peanuts.

I think you'd like it alot. It has Kirito at his weakest point in the series and he's absolutely not a self insert in it.

>die in the game
>Still alive in real life

Doing Implements was one of the worse grinds I've ever had in vidya though.

>I think you'd like it a lot
I doubt it

> It has Kirito
and this is why. It still has the gary stu self insert.

>in the game
no, you die in the game's game thus you die in the game's real life.

I believe it got all possible content updates with Complete Edition release, and they switched to Alicization game.
>even though Alicization LN was full blown massacre, game will probably still be 12+
Even worse, it will probably be anime tie-in with only first arc covered.

SAO games tiers

>Worth a play, bretty good:
Fatal Bullet
Hollow Realization

>Meh not good not bad tier
Hollow Fragment

>Shit tier
Lost Song
Lost Song 2: Aka SAO x Accel Word

>I have literally no idea what I'm talking about but still will never touch source material to make my own opinion, someone's else opinion from troll threads on mongolian basketweave forum is more than enough for me

>trying this hard to defend s/a/o

I really shouldn't expect much from the board that got renamed after Infinite Stratos because they loved that shit so much

you would like Kara no Shoujo, I recommend it. Haven't gotten to the second one yet.

Kirito is an insufferable faggot

>tfw no Accel World fighting game

Not my fault you're so easily manipulatable even sao-level trolling is enough to deceive you. Everyone who is not brainded retarded knows real self-insert is Asuna.

Most frustrating part of fatalbullet is you cant switch the weapon you have equipped. Also theres a thing sometimes when you switch weapons it doesnt actually switch, it just puts them away.

>Kirito is an insufferable faggot

and it's hard to enjoy something when an insufferable faggot is the main character